Your link has been added!

Subject: Your link has been added!
Date: Sun Jun 25 2000 - 20:02:17 EEST

Thank you for visiting our site. We've added the following link into
our directory:

Title        : Majik 3D, the last incarnation of Majik MURPE
URL          :
Category     : Games/3D
Description  : Once upon a time there was a roleplayer. He had tried every existing manifestation of computerized roleplaying and found them all unsatisfying. Some of them were OK, apart from the linear plots and constant hack'n'slash, but he wanted something better. Something with player interaction; something that captures the thrill and excitement of pencil-and-paper roleplaying. He wanted a world of fantasy, of color and majesty, of heroic deeds and great magic.
Contact Name : To who it may concern
Contact Email:

You can see your new listing at:

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


Daniel Patty.

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