Your link has been added!

Subject: Your link has been added!
Date: Sat Nov 06 1999 - 02:21:30 EET

Majik Development Team
Thank you for visiting the Linux Directory website and for adding a link to our database. We've added the following link into our directory:

   Title        : Majik 3D Project, The
   URL          :
   Category     : Games
   Description  : Majik is a project to create an online role-playing environment set in a complete and ever-evolving medieval fantasy world with the help of modern 3D-technology.
   Contact Name : Majik Development Team
   Contact Email:

You can see your new listing at:

Our site is heavily promoted with thousands of banner ads a day on various sites, and we hope your link will bring you much traffic.

We need the all the help we can get to be even more popular, so we kindly ask you to put up a small button linked to us on your site. Simply cut and paste the code below into your document

<!-- Start cut and paste here -->
     <a href="" target="_top">
     <IMG SRC="" 
     WIDTH=88 HEIGHT=31 BORDER=0 ALT="Click here"></a>
<!-- Stop cut and paste here -->

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me again.


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