Website updates

Subject: Website updates
From: Finwaite (
Date: Mon Jan 17 2000 - 23:12:36 EET

Attached are the proofread versions of various pages from the website.
I placed today's date (Mon 17 January 2000) as the last modified date at
the bottom of each. If you would prefer to see the date formatted
differently, please let me know.
I downloaded fresh copies of several pages, including:
These pages had been created or changed since I downloaded all pages on
9 January.
If I missed any, please let me know and I'll correct them.

I considered using Netscape Communicator's web page editing capabilities
to do this job; however, I was unsure if the tags it automatically adds
to any page would be acceptable to you, so I didn't do so. If using this
tool is acceptable, I would like to do this in the future. Please let me

Finally, it would be helpful to be informed when a page is changed, or
even better, to have the page sent to me for proofreading before it is
put on the site. For some reason, wget is unable to get the timestamps
from the html files on the majik3d site, which causes it to download ALL
html files, including those that are unchanged, each time I run it. This
makes it an unreliable tool for me to retrieve updates.

Thanks, Finwaite (Marc Brown)

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