(no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
From: Jiri Svoboda (jirik.svoboda@seznam.cz)
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 01:15:01 EET

Hi folks,

to me, Majik sounded like a great idea,
so I tried the Majik3D 0.4.0pre client, 
both the Linux and the Win32 one. 
The results were... terrifying.

Both clients crash with nofog=1, the Win32 client crashes
whenever it wants to (sometimes sooner, than I can start to play).

If I get to the point where I can see my player:
	Many strange error mesages are printed to the terminal.
	When I try to move:
		1. Error messages (My NumLock IS on !)
		2. The man does not walk, instead it stretches/
			shrinks, or whatever)
	When I switch to 1st person in Win32:
		I can only see blue sky and then it crashes.

Are you sure you shouldn't throw the code away and 'redo from start'?
Maybe it works on your PC  (although you admit the Win client
crashes on help/about), I haven't seen the source,
But this doesn't look like a clean code.
The later you repair bugs, the harder it will be.

If you're interested, mail to 

-- http://email.seznam.cz 
-- email zdarma na cely zivot

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