Re: Unidentified subject!

Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Sun Jan 23 2000 - 11:53:53 EET

On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Jiri Svoboda wrote:

> Are you sure you shouldn't throw the code away and 'redo from start'?
> Maybe it works on your PC  (although you admit the Win client
> crashes on help/about), I haven't seen the source,
> But this doesn't look like a clean code.
> The later you repair bugs, the harder it will be.

The current client is at the moment a bit under construction, yes, we know
that there is bugs, and we're fixing them, there's always bugs in any
code, whether it is clean code or not, until they get fixed, and as we are
not a commercial project or anything, we have no any need to give
"warranty" that the code works and _pre_ releases are meant only for
those, that want to see _something_ on their screen, at least for a second
or two. :) Besides, we have rewritten the current code from quite scratch
already once and if you look at the Majik's history, there isn't anything
else than just recoding! Don't say we would want to do a complete rewrite
once again - we just fix the bugs for the 0.4.0 release which is meant to
be solid base for future development, with a clean design and with no bugs
hanging around and every basic thing such as landscape, sky etc. working
perfectly, so that we can concentrate on doing something else. After 5
years of experience in this project and after 5 full rewrites of the code
and concept, we have a certain feeling that we know what we are doing.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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