Majik3d's Weekly Update 0.3

Subject: Majik3d's Weekly Update 0.3
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Fri Dec 03 1999 - 16:12:15 EET

Yes I know this is late.

Majik3d Weekly Update for November 24-30, 1999

Date -   Tue Nov 30 06:01:24 PST 1999
Issue -  0.0.3


1. Cataclysm
2. Inventory System
3. Dazzt Makes the World Book
4. Majik convention

1. Cataclysm

Alot has been said on this subject and it has dominated the design mail
thread this past week. The most accepted of these proposals can be found

There are minority dissenting views on the subject though. If you are
interested check out the design-mail threads.

2. Inventory System

Yorkaturr has proposed an inventory system and links to the proposal can
be found here:

3. Dazzt Makes the World Book

Dazzt has made the layout for the world book. Links to examples of how
it will look can be found at these two spots

4. Majik Convention

There was a convention this weekend. Unfortunately no posts and no data
about what was discussed and decided upon at it has materialized. Next
week i hope to get the info posted to that weekly update.

Until next week..


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