Re: About stat system..

Subject: Re: About stat system..
From: Pekka Toppi (
Date: Wed Nov 24 1999 - 09:01:27 EET

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Taneli Niko Tikka wrote:

> I would like to see a system that ressembles more GURPS than ad&d, since
> gurps really is a way way better and realistic game system.
> In gurps there is only 4 stats : strenght, dexterity, IQ and health.
> things like appearance, willpower, intuition, charisma, leadership, etc..
> are advantages/disadvantages abilities and skills. 
> That kind of system works really really well and is in good balance. 

If we make the character creation a point-based system like gurps, I think
the gurps stat system would work as well. But if we are going to have
advantages/disadvantages, the use of "dice" in creation must be minimal. I
would personally like to see a gurps-like system, for it works well.
> The next possible solution would be like the system in storytelling games.
> they have: strenght, dexterity, stamina, charisma, manipulation,
> appearance, preception, intelligence and wits
> that is quite well balanced and a nice system also, but again there is
> thing like "appearance" that realy should be advantage/disadvatange
> instead of a stat.
Storytelling system would work as well, for it also has it's flaws/
merits-section in which we could include appearance and such. i have
played storytellings also and IMO it's working too.
> Then the model in Ars Magica, the art of magic. In that game they have :
> intelligence, perception, strenght, stamina, presence, communication,
> dexterity and quickness.
> a working system also.
> but what i really would like, is a system of AMBER the best RPG in the
> world. Amber has 4 stats also, and they are :
> Psyche - all that is mental, willpower, wits, intelligence, perception, 
>          manipulation, intuition etc.. The level of mental power and
>          reserves that creature has in use at the max.
> 	 mental strenght, force of will. Mental agility and skill,
>          precision.. 
> Strenght - all that is brute force, sturdiness, ability to resist damage,
>            toughness etc.. The level of physical power and reservers
>            that creature has in use at the max
> Endurance - all that is fitness, health, recovery rate, stamina, abilility
>             to heal, the power supply that runs that creature, 
>             the level of recovery and general power supply the creature
>             has in use in the end.
> warfare - all that is reflexes, quickness, agility, dexterity, 
>           cordination and balance etc.. Also part of the combat intuition 
>           and how well the creature participates tactics and strategy.
>           the creatures 'knack' for tactics and stragety and combat.
> 	  also military leadership and psychology of war.
> In amber the stat system is REALLY good and working one. Things like
> appearance are advantages, just as are things like wealth and so on.
> The stats all have very diverse range of things that they stand for, none
> of them stand for actuall skills - they only prepesent inherited talents
> and abilities that the creature is capable of learning, not the actual
> skill levels. Those stats describe born talents and the limits of what can
> be done and what can be learned. They describe level of potential.
> So.. lets kick those old majik stats to the hell house and start using
> those 4 stats, maybe with more proper names, if we want to. 

Never tried Amber but a combination between it and GURPS's/storytelling's
adv/dadv system could work

Pekka Toppi/ Mirithil

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