Re: Majik 3D predecessors

Subject: Re: Majik 3D predecessors
Date: Tue Aug 17 1999 - 08:42:45 EEST

I guess it does not come as a surprise that I am completely
against this idea as I am generally anti-OSS in the first
place. I didn\'t spend 6 months of my life coding Majik4 so 
that someone could ruin everything I was trying to achieve 
and everything I have already achieved and/or taking credit 
from my achievements. I suppose I COULD live with this as 
long as people keep track of the changes they have made and 
declare them publicly, AND acknowledge OUR original efforts 
as superior to their own as we are the original developers. 
I do not like to think Majik4 as disposable lines of code,
it contains far too much of my personal ideas, often 
supported by lengthy philosophical ponderings as opposed to 
such inferior things as \"convenience\" or \"playability\".

Ideally, they should adapt to the ideas of Majik4 by 
attempting to create a REAL RPG as opposed to a MUD and they 
should do it WITHOUT simplifying the code or changing the 
initial base, merely adding their own details into it AND 
consulting the original Majik4 developers more often than
needed, hence continuing where Majik4 left, but that is 
pretty much my absolute limit of tolerance. 

/Atte \"pissed-off Yorkaturr\" Koivula <>

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