Majik 3D predecessors

Subject: Majik 3D predecessors
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Mon Aug 16 1999 - 16:53:28 EEST

How about making Majik 3, Majik 4 and all other suitable source code
except of course Majik 3D's server Open Source and upload them to all
major software distributions, let the downloaders to do whatever they
wish with the software. This would give Majik some name and publicy
and make it possible for users to create Majik clones and thus make
the concept and name more widely known and make they see Majik 3D as
a real superior project. I would really love to see someone taking
Majik 4's source code, improve it and possibly make it even playable
and same for Majik 3. In Majik 4's case with some luck it would create
concept of "majiklike" (compare "roguelike") games. Consider the
advantages and disadvantages. What disadvantages there would be? The
code we have now is not any use for us anymore, but for someone it
would.., and do we really care if someone creates a rocking MUD using
Majik's old base code, I would be proud instead.

As an bonus advantage there would also be the fact the admins doing
"majiklike" stuff would eventually get bored with their projects and join
the Majik 3D project as a very skilled programmers and designers with
Majik ideas and concepts already in mind without needing us to teach
anything and with Majik's name and ideas more widely known it would
lessen the chance of people making similar projects with Majik 3D
(without even knowing it!) and instead they would join the project.
Only stupid people or commercial vendors would reinvent the wheel,
and do we really care? They wouldn't have a chance without aid of
Slashdot and actually, this action would give _us_ a chance to get /.'d 
with an article: "Majik 3D project releases all its predecessors source
code publically available." :)

So, what do you think?

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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