Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik

Subject: Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik
From: Glenn Olson (
Date: Sat Jan 13 2001 - 11:36:07 EET

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 21:14:00 +0200 (EET), you wrote:

>On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Glenn Olson wrote:
>> Seriously, the best system for that I've ever seen was to have a
>> "character profile" as part of the registration requirement, with the
>> profile going under some form of review.
>Not all are willing or capable of making a character profile, myself 
>included, before entering the world, seeing places and people. 

True, however the idea behind it isn't really to hard-code any
characteristics or ideas;  quite often the specifics are ignored in
the actual character anyway.  Rather it just provides a form of
screening mechanism, adding enough work to the registration process to
discourage those who don't intend to stick around or who just want to
screw around.  

An alternate idea I saw somewhere was a short answer [not multiple
choice] questionaire.  This would accomplish the same thing without
requiring any knowledge of the world before coming in.

>doesn't mean that I would feel the birth system being any better to
>this, but certainly two problems need to be addressed,
> 1) It would be great to have a guiding player for the newbie who would
>    teach the basics of culture's way and guide them to do something.

Aye, that would be useful.  In playing UO, most newbies I've
encountered could go either way in terms of playing the game versus
being in the game (if that makes sense?) and what tends to push them
one way or the other is their first encounter with other players.

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