Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik

Subject: Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik
From: Joshua Corning (
Date: Mon Jan 15 2001 - 04:43:22 EET

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, Tommi Leino wrote:

>  1) It would be great to have a guiding player for the newbie who would
>     teach the basics of culture's way and guide them to do something.
>  2) Have some system that only those with serious intent could register
>     to play. Maybe having some kind of guest logining and then more
>     complicated process to register a real character.

Both These idea's are exillent and have my full support. As to a birthing system
I have my critisissms perhaps the characters already exist in majik but as
pessents or just NPC's and a player just takes possetion of them?

Just an idea


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