Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik

Subject: Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Thu Jan 11 2001 - 21:14:00 EET

On Wed, 10 Jan 2001, Glenn Olson wrote:

> Seriously, the best system for that I've ever seen was to have a
> "character profile" as part of the registration requirement, with the
> profile going under some form of review.

Not all are willing or capable of making a character profile, myself 
included, before entering the world, seeing places and people. This
doesn't mean that I would feel the birth system being any better to
this, but certainly two problems need to be addressed,

 1) It would be great to have a guiding player for the newbie who would
    teach the basics of culture's way and guide them to do something.
 2) Have some system that only those with serious intent could register
    to play. Maybe having some kind of guest logining and then more
    complicated process to register a real character.

Tommi Leino <>
Principal Software Specialist, Taika Technologies Ltd.

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