Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik

Subject: Re: Suggest Birth System in Majik
From: Glenn Olson (
Date: Thu Jan 11 2001 - 08:46:02 EET

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001 15:46:10 +0200 (EET), you wrote:

>We might add something
>like this in the future to the game, if not a birth system but then some
>other system that registration to the game wouldn't be so simple. 

Seriously, the best system for that I've ever seen was to have a
"character profile" as part of the registration requirement, with the
profile going under some form of review.

The only problem is the review process.  If you're making a "massive
multiplayer" game, that process gets way wayyy too cumbersome.  Since
you say:

>not making a game where we want thousands of players that play for few
>hours, making mischief and then quit. 

I'm assuming you're not into the "massive" component as much.  

The other problem with the review is deciding who does it; not only in
finding enough people willing to do manual review, but in making sure
that their only biases are towards the quality and atmosphere of the

The birth idea is interesting, but it's got some implications I'm not
too fond of.

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