weekly update 9

Subject: weekly update 9
From: Joshua Corning (hook@majik3d.org)
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 04:28:41 EET

Majik3d Weekly Update for February 9 - 15, 2000

Date - Wed Feb 16 18:22:45 PST 2000
Issue - 9


0. Weekly Update Posted to Majik Users
1. NEW 0.4.0 Majik3d client is out!!
2. Jicra IRC Java client applet
3. Two New Screenshots
4. Brethel Sketched an Orc
5. Todo List From Beregar
6. Hook Starts the Azlok Chronicles

0. Weekly Update Posted to Majik Users

Well after posting eight of these updates to the design list Namhas
decided that the users need to be informed. This week's issue will be the
first to be posted to the majik-users@majik3d.org mail list. Please note
that many of the articles in the updates are directed at the designers so
they might be written in a strange a context.

1. NEW 0.4.0 Majik3d Client is Out!!

YES! YES! YES!! I am happy to say that the developers have finished the
new client. I would like to congratulate the hard work of Harum, Namhas,
Dazzt, and the 3D designers who put it all together. Good work guys. You
kick ass. So with no further interruptions the brand spanking new client
can be found here:


Be sure to read the README file in the above ftp and read the official
announcement here:


2. Jicra IRC Java Client Applet

Namhas has created a cool little java applet called Jicra. It allows
people to connect to the #majik chat room with only a web browser. To use
Jicra for majik chat just click on the chat link found here:


It is the last link on the right hand side of the page at the top, but be
sure that your browser has java and javascript enabled. Otherwise it won't

Jicra is open source and therefore free to download to use and modify as
you wish. The source and packages can be found here:


3. Two New Screenshots

Two new screen shots have been posted on the web site. They are taken with
the new 0.4.0 client so if your like me without a 3D card and live
vicariously through other peoples screenshots these are a must see. They
can be found here:


4. Brethel Sketched an Orc

Brethel, after a long pause, has sketched an orc. It looks awesome, and it
gives some much needed insight into the what the orcs of Majik are
like. The sketch can be found here:


Its the one titled "orc" under the race thumbnails.

5. Todo List From Beregar

Beregar has come up with the great idea of putting a todo list in his open
ftp directory. It can be found here:


This todo list is such a good idea that Hook (that's me) has done the same
thing in his ftp. I recommend that all designers adapt this practice so
there is an easy reference to see what each of us is doing. Hook's todo
list can be found here:


6. Hook Starts the Azlok Chronicles

Hook has started a work of fiction written in the voice of Azlok the
Daemon. The Chronicles are the spermatic sometimes daily journal of
Azlok's life and exploration of the world of majik. They are a good place
to get an idea of the workings of the majik world and are more
entertaining to read then the stark descs of the world book. There will be
new episodes of the Chronicles every so often in hook's open ftp directory
and he hopes to write at least three new entries a week. The Chronicles
can be found here:


Until next week,



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