Subject: PLIB
From: Simon Britnell (
Date: Wed Jun 02 1999 - 06:28:44 EEST

I have a (possibly stupid) suggestion to ease your development
headaches: plib

It's available from

This allows you to build your game and let others worry about the
underlying toolkit issues.
It's LGPL, so if you want to add to the toolkit, no problem.
It's managed by somebody else.  More developers without the extra
developer headaches.
There are a variety of people building different format readers for it,
making more 3D modelling tools available to your modellers.
It's portable.
There's strong seperation of model from game interaction in the form of
access to model parts by names defined in modeller.
There's a small side project building an open source modeller for games
for it.


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