
Subject: Majik3d
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 21:23:42 EET

     I happened onto your project in search of a 3d role-
playing environment. I was amazed to see that there
was a project that has sprang from the MUD concept. 
     In short, I was wondering how I could assist with
this project. Although the hours that I will be able to
attend may fluctuate, I can easily put in the amount of
work mentioned in the FAQ. 
     I am a highschool senior with one semester's worth of
experience in C++ and HTML. I am currently taking another
semester of C++ and Java. I have been playing MUD for about
4.5 years and have served as administration on many MUDs of
the MUSH codebase. I have experience building on the more
combat oriented MUD codebases. I believe I am fairly artistic
although my creativity is greater than my actual skill.
    Ben Wendell
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