Re: A Digital Artist's Query (fwd)

Subject: Re: A Digital Artist's Query (fwd)
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 22:42:37 EET

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2000 12:27:34 -0500
From: Isaiah Kraus <>
To: Tommi Leino <>
Subject: Re: A Digital Artist's Query


I've used 3DS, but don't have it on my machine right now, as I am currently
using lightwave.  I've made a pretty nice looking tree that employs
transparency maps and image maps, both of which I assume your engine can
handle (although VRML doesn't do trans maps).  To cut down on image map
size, I've re-used the same map on all but two of the branch poly-groups.
Currently the tree uses 6 jpgs that are altogether 256k in size.  3 of those
are image maps (color), and three are the accompanying transparency maps
(b/w).  The tree itself is a unfortunately hefty 81 polys in size, and
employs about 25 double sided polys, and a few 4 verticed polys. Can your
engine handle doublesided polys or will I have to create duplicate polys for
these 25?  Can your engine handle polys with 4 vertices (what about more)?
Does your engine support image files that have an alpha channel, so I can
halve the number of image maps needed? I am confidant I can reduce the
number of polys without signifigant model quality loss, but in order to do
so, I need to know these things. Also I need to know how flexible the
texturing system of your renderer is, as the one image/trans map combo must
be stretched and translated to fit on 4 different size and shape branch
poly-groups.  I think you will find the overall effect similar to metal gear
2 foliage. I have enclosed two jpgs, one a render to illustrate the
transparency, and one a working capture of opengl's performance in my scene
editor.  Please let me know what you think of the tree's appearence as well.


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