Re: i just want to know

Subject: Re: i just want to know
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Wed Jan 12 2000 - 11:57:37 EET

On Tue, 11 Jan 2000, Leonardo Santagada wrote:

> why don't you use one of the 3d engines that already exists...someone sad
> to me that whe should never try to reinvent the wheel...

Yes, we have looked at Crystal Space and the others but they don't offer
the features we need. We need a low-level API using which we can do
whatever we want. In Crystal Space you can't really do your own landscape
elegantly, you just can wait while their landscape engine is ready and
then just add it to the world. Majik needs more than just a simple
landscape.  For us it is enough that we can draw hardware accelerated
triangles to the screen, we don't really need a system that allows us to
do Quake-like indoors scene as we can do it quite easily already just by
adding a few quads using a standard API.
Actually, we are already using one of Open Source "3D engine"'s, one that
is is called PLIB ( It practically
provides us the Scene Graph and ability to load textures and various 3D
object formats easily, but doesn't set limits.

We have tried to avoid reinventing the wheel as good as we can and we try
to keep it that way - I personally really hate that so many Open Source
people just begin their own project when there is a few similar projects
already under development, but what can we do.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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