Re: A summary of things decided

Subject: Re: A summary of things decided
From: Kim Kunnas (
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 13:26:25 EET

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, joshua 'hook' corning wrote:

> You have said this before yet the descs you talk about keep changing. As
> i recall not everything you have written has not appeared on this
> appeared on this mail list ever. Like those mirrors. You keep adding
> things and changing things to what is decided and not decided at a whim.
> This will stop. You have written what you think has been decided so we
> will stick to debate on those descriptions. Then we will vote. If you
> have read the mail i sent to beregar you will note that one of the
> "candidates" for being the moderator of this debate is that we elect no
> moderator and keep your desc as it stands. But there will be a vote. 

That mirror idea came from Belemar not from Mandor. I think whole
(notice word whole!) history is too incomplete for us to make 
decision and thus we should discuss, fill holes and present our
own ideas IF they do not conflict with previous ideas. So far 
only things which are new and not discussed earlier are:

- Sinister freezez the world in his fate of the sun
- Aluna defrobs the world, mostly
- Sinister takes the great mirror
- Sinister brakes his great mirror, demons enter the world

and I think those suggestions are Belemar's (as I mentioned
earlier). Other events are based on mails which we already
agreed or at least no-one opposed them.                                                                                        

Hook, I didn't say I'm against all debates. I just stated I wish
they wouldn't be so long and filled with useless whining and/or 
insulting without any new suggestions or clarifications.  

- Beregar (

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