Re: Humanoid models

Subject: Re: Humanoid models
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 22:44:07 EET

Check out
Majik 3D project
----- Original Message -----
From: Jari P Saukkonen <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 12:28 PM
Subject: Re: Humanoid models

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Ulf Sjöström (Origon) wrote:

>Most likely we are going to implement a skeletal animation system, which
>basically means that instead of doing the usual way of creating huge piles
>of predefined keyframed animations, we just define bodyparts (I call them
>"bones") and joints between them, which are much more easier to animate.

>The actual bones will be roughly the ones you had in the simpler model of
>your boxmen-proposal. When we have the characteristics of each joint (how
>much and in what directions it can turn) it's possible to calculate the
>"lowest-energy" position at any time.

>For example, when we move the "foot" bone a bit upwards, other parts of
>the leg will move and the knee joint will correctly bend to reflect
>the new position.

>This gives us freedom to move any limb to whatever direction we want
>without disturbing ongoing "sequences", for example you can imagine a
>man fighting while riding a horse. If we come up with some nice control
>system we could allow players to move their body in whatever way they
>want to make gestures and such.

I like this idea.  complete control over ones body would be nice.
And there is a few human, elf models. That need brushed up.
Also even if we are to do dynamics there is no need for all the parts
divided up into different pieces. For example from shoulder to hand.  You
need upper arm. lower arm and hand. on hand thumb. There is no need for
wrist for if you loose your wrist a partial transparent texture can be used.

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