Subject: Re: huge problem
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 14:30:09 EET
Pekka Toppi wrote: > I do. I didn't mean the world would be static. I'm just saying that we > don't have to write every fucking detail up. The descs we have written can > be used as the background for the new descs just as Yorka said in his > examples. If you want to start writing up 1000 years of timeline, fine. > And where did that 1000 years come from anyway I don't want to write up 1000 year time line. That's the point its a waste of time. I choose a 1000 years because this is the approximate time it took Christians to convert all the pagans of europe to christianity. Presumably it would take that long to convince the Brajians and Dwarves etc. to give up their gods as well. > Sinister anwered this already. There is no point wondering what the people > WOULD do. I don't understand your attitude towards these things. In the > sake of the game we can decide that people actually did so. Or maybe they > don't even remember what they did in the last days before the cataclysm. > They will just find proof of the culture BEFORE the wizards and atheism. > AND us sages will TEACH and TELL them how the world will run and what is > the right way. Ofcourse the "right" way will depend on the sage you're > listening. Actually Sinister's answer was that unlike on our world the gods really do exist. Why would you give up believing in your gods if you knew they existed. The Althainions get healed by their god the Brajians definitely know their god exists and knows what would happen if they defied Aluna. That desert they live in is a monument to what happens to those who defy the gods. > Well. For some time you have been the only one who has problems with our > decisions, which has the majority of designers of them. Sinister has had > different opinions too, but still the majority? is supporting this > version. In the convension > and before that we decided these things and it is too bad you were'nt > there. Ofcourse we can add some things and make slight modifications but > as sure as hell atleast I don't want to start all over again. I am not advocating starting all over. All I want is to remove the need for the mortals to have to give up their religions and cultures and that the cause and effects of the cataclysm came suddenly and unexpectedly. Think of a compromise I am all ears for suggestions. Joshua 'hook' corning
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