Subject: Re: A small part of the huge problem
From: joshua 'hook' corning (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 13:51:47 EET
Sinister Serpent wrote: > Umm..there are some minor exceptions to this. > AFAIK, some African countries have decided to make their "pagan" > religions the "state church" or something and drive away christianity. > Also, individuals in many countries have either started a religion of > their own or decided to revive the old "pagan" religions which were > there before christianity was brought there. > How is this related to Majik, then? Again this is happening now in the modern world not in the dark ages or ancient times in majik. An understanding of the past religions and cultures have to be gleened first. Of course there would be no conserted effort to do this in majik without instant comunication and cheeply printed words.
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