Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal

Subject: Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Tue Nov 30 1999 - 10:34:28 EET

> The version me and Yorka worked out with Mirithil wasnt it? had atleast
> these points :
> 1. the cataclysm was a result from mortals destroying themselfs
> 2. the events HAVE TO include gods, specially new gods, since at the
>    moment they smell trouble and see destruction coming they start to
>    cover up their asses and they start to fight for their own
>    survivial. Since New gods created humanity and are dependent on
>    it, atleast to some degree.
> 3. If the new gods are involved, then are the elders aswell, that is
>    if we want a cataclysm to happen :) Because if the elders do nothing
>    then new gods simply wipe out the wizards trying to destroy things.
> 4. There was a massive unbalance between new gods, lesser gods, demigods
>    etc.. Even few of them died in the wars/chaos/what ever
> 5. The end result has to include some sort of amnesia effect to deal
>    with players not remembering a thing.

The points above are all coherent and approvable
> 1. horsemen have to be included, its a good idea.
> 2. there was more than 1 group of wizards, perhaps more than 2
> 3. (this is actually part of our idea aswell but):
>    the cataclysm should include demons, holy spirits, other monsters
>    etc.. As i said in some of my cataclysm post "all the evil creatures in
>    the world came out of hiding because gods decided to do nothing" :)

And these points are also approvable, even though it's unnecessary to
say so as these were in no stage against our original Cataclysm Decided!
/Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>

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