Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal

Subject: Re: "small" problems with Sinister's proposal
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Mon Nov 29 1999 - 20:21:37 EET

Kaoru Shalamberidze wrote:
> The idea Sinister presented is almost 100% copy from Terry K. Amthor's
> books. Corrent me if im wrong but wasnt this Sinister's idea in a
> nutshell:

Hehe! This is pure coincidence since I have *never* even heard about
this author Amthor. Too bad if exactly the same idea was written by
him/her, since I got my idea today at work (except the disease thing,
which hit my mind yesterday). I rarely read any books (less than one per
year) so I do not get my ideas from some fantasy or sci-fi novels or
short stories.
So, it seems that we have to invent something really sick and
pseudo-artistic if we want it to be unique >;) All other ideas are
"hollywoodish crap". It is just like in music: nobody invents anything
new since "everything has been done before" and if someone happens to
create something "new", it is condemned to be total crap. I have seen
this happening so fucking many times that I can not even count. I really
hope that Mandor can come up with some clever, fresh and unique ideas
since so far he has been far more busy accusing other people's ideas
than making something of his own.
In the past, we all (who were present at the time) remember how Mandor
(using the name Ondoval back then) used to copy all his ideas and names
and even his (avatar's) appearance from somewhere else (mostly Shadow
World I guess), so I am not very happy with the fact that I get accused
by a copycat (not sure if this is the right term) that all of my ideas
are so "boring/cliché/stupid/Hollywood-like" etc. Just if Mandor was
trying to retaliate and bring the whole shit on me.

> Sinister's idea                 Terry Kevin Amthors book
> --------------------------------------------------------
> 1. There are good wizards               1. There are goods wizards
> 2. There are bad wizards                2. There ware bad wizards
> 3. They test their might                3. They test their might
> 4. Portal opens, good beings come       4. Portal opens, good beings come
> 5. Portal opens, bad beings come        5. Portal opens, bad beings come
> 6. Horseman of evil comes with them     6. Prince of unlife comes with'em
> 7. Destruction follows                  7. Destruction follows
> 8. Namhas stops everything              8. Eventually the goodies win
> Only point 8 varies in those 2 stories. This IS NOT an original idea in
> any sense. If Sinister has never been reading Terry K:s work, then it only
> ELEVATES my point that this really isnt an original idea.

Well, actually my wizards were not good, neutral rather and you forgot
at least two important points. First, these wizards were doing
experiments with true magic and thus preparing (not knowing it, of
course) the world for the oncoming disaster. They were trying to reach
immortality through magic and had no *good* intentions. Liches had much
more direct megalomanic plans: to gain as much power as possible, to
become totally immortal and aboslute leaders of the world and maybe even
challenge the gods. Of course, their experiments and plans crossed which
lead to classic situation; "there is no space enough for both of us" or
something like that. So, basically it was "neutral against evil"
situation rather than "good vs. evil" which is what you obviously
This "testing of might" is very logical, I think, and that is as much
cliché as life itself. They were intelligent wizards, after all, and why
would any intelligent being just rush to attack its enemies without
trying to observe enemy's strengths and weaknesses?
I understand and even admit that this portal idea is not anything
special, but so what? Does it make it a bad idea simply because someone
else did got that idea before me?
And there were destruction before Decay came, it just spread the disease
among people, not destroying anything else. Basically, this demon &
disease -idea could be replaced by a plague or any sort of pestilence of
natural origin, but since we have opportunity to add some magical events
and beings in the world, we do not need to explain everything the way
things happen in real world. And besides, what would it change? Even if
the disease was of non-magical origin, I would got accused by Mandor
that the idea was taken from the Middle-Age and the Black Death during
it. *smirk*
The reason Namhas got involved is that this demon seriously broke the
balance of the world since this demon is an arch-demon, a creation by a
greater god and thus in power equal to demigods or such. Other gods
would have interfered with the world, probably, if they were allowed to.
I do not KNOW the RULES of the gods etc. but I suppose gods are NOT
ALLOWED to do whatever they please just because they are gods. Or would
you imagine a situation when the game is open and Yorkaturr happens to
have a headache and he just decides to sink a continent just because he
feels like it? Yes, I do not think so either.
But you just keep blaming me for copying since it is best you can do.
Maybe Mandor 'God of accusations' would be better? You could still hold
your position as an evil god *morbid laugh*.

> I think the idea as a whole is unusable, but some things from it are
> usable. Like names. And i like the idea of the cataclysm involving the
> horsemen of evil.

These horsemen should have been involved MORE in the past of Majik since
they are very essential part of the evil that reigns in Majik, but since
nobody, besides me and Yorkaturr, seem to remember them, they are always
forgotten from the writings.
> If you want to create a story that is almost 1 to 1 copy from Terry K
> Amthors work, i dont think i could agree with you then.

Thanks for all the accusations.
Do you think the idea of the catalysm is very original then with all the
basic fantasy races and clichés? Maybe you should design something TRULY
unique so you would at least have something to boast with.

"Don't do as I do, do just as I say."
    /              Jerry Kurunen / Sinister               \
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