Re: where the kids have seen things that we ain't never seen

Subject: Re: where the kids have seen things that we ain't never seen
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Sat Jul 03 1999 - 16:16:45 EEST

McDuff wrote:
> Firstly, we've missed the M1 deadline, I think you are aware of that!!
> However, we have taken a chunk out of M2 with the textures, so that can be
> seen as a plus.  If we amalgamate the first 2, or maybe 3, milestones into
> one big target it might work out a bit better.  I dunno, Namhas comments?

I would like to have something ready once per month, otherwise the goal
is always just too far ahead and that decreases motivation. Also, I do agree
that the current milestone plan wasn't as good as it should have been, it
had many flaws on it. It was only a draft for designers to check out if it
is possible to do the tasks in that order. The region and the race descriptions
should have been of utmost importance, in short only of course, to give an
overview of the world. It is hard then to add things like languages and stuff
to the world without those described first.

"The Regions of Majik in short" is still the most important task we have in
this milestone and it should be done ASAP. Someone should take it over from
Belemar. It is a huge task indeed so we might want to do it all together.

> On date X+1, the coders, the "head designers" and some "scribes" get
> together at a certain time in IRC and discuss al the ideas.  If there have
> been no ideas we just put forward what we think.  

Ok. Let's decide the date, once per week on Wednesday, just before the
status report?

> Finally, if you are a god and you don't want to write a desc of your
> heaven/hell, give me permission to write an appropriate heaven for you.  If
> you just send me your god's name and approximate sphere of influence, then
> I'll think of something suitable and write it in my dulcet tones :)).

We might want to describe our gods before those.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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