Re: Regions

Subject: Re: Regions
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (
Date: Wed Nov 17 1999 - 23:19:08 EET

Check out
Majik 3D project

> + = reserved
> ? = I have no idea
> - Arctic
>   - Isles of Mal Yei
>   + Mal Yargoth (Ice Elves - Mandor)
>     + Mal Aidel
>     + Mal Ishua
>   - Mal Gatayi
>   - Mal Tikh
>   + Mal Yirith (***Necrolytes - Malekith***)
>   - Myrrgor
>     + Mountains of the Malediction (trolls - Jormap)
>     - Lake of the Broken Mirror
>   - Skalvind
>     - Barren Isles
>     - Odemynn
>   - Erythia
>     - Glimmering lake
>     - Hills of the ice-cold wind
> - Minartan
>   + Sol'daran (Woodelves - Mandor)
>     + Western isles (Vorack - Beregar)
>     - Thal-Adim
>     - Thal-Emen
>     - Mountains of Solace
>     - Zimr
>     - Lake of Whispers
>     - Vale of Sadness
>     - Thal-Diran
>     - Lake of Thoughts (elves - Mandor)
>     - Chain of Edhelomin
>   - Terrenir
>     - The Great pass
>   - Meral
>     - Puce Mountains
>     + The Crater Lake (Glarroks - Glabrezu)
>   + Gwaelmar (Dwarves - Gwalmur - Yorkaturr)
>     - Chain of the Sledgehammer
>   + Thalamon (Belemar)
>     + Delgrain
>       + Gray Moors
>       + Gnawing Lake
>     + Talaas
>       + Tacit Forest
>     + Parcithia
>     + Tarac
>       + Woods of the Tempting Lustre
>     - Prairie of Dhyrin
>     - Lake Lokhmar
>     - Groaning Forest
>   + Dethzael (desc? - Yorkaturr)
>     + Skyghaim (desc - Yorkaturr or Eleril?)

I think it would be best if yorkaturr did this. But i might use some of the
stuff i made here in other places in majik3d.

>     - Mountains of Eclipse
>     - Swamp of Enmity
>   + Dardalon (Belemar)
>     ? Swamp of Pelnor
>     ? Touchwood Mountains (desc - Eleril?)

I have a castle id like to keep here i believe it was fine with Brethel. But
he has a better idea on the overall of this region. But its up to him if he
doesnt want to do this region.

> + Eastern Isles
>   + Lanuin (Dark Elf: Zrei'gu'aiuo - Mandor)
>   + Torell - (humans: Tore'e - hook)
>   + The Reef Isles (Elves - Mandor
>     + Beheran
>     + Filas
>     + Hamil
> - Central Waters
>   + Quiet Sea (Sea Elves - Mandor)
>   + Isles of Vram (humans: Dachoi - Aluna)
>   + Estrean (humans: Dachoi - Aluna)
>   - Nemen
>   - Vestian
> - Voran
>   - Marmundi
>     - Zumal
>   - Tulmarun
>     - Black Waste
>     - Eldacait
>     - Mantle Mountains
>   + Djasim (humans: Djasimites - hook)
>   + Nalor Thaan (humans: Hilosyph,Bronn,Fik'bronn - hook)
>     + Lake Khalildan
>     + Thjarr (goblins - hook)
>   - Gean (dragon(m) - Beregar)
> - Eldiron
>   + Ghalimcar
>     + Desert of Brahjian (humans - Brahjian - Beregar)
>     + Chain of Bared
>     + Chain of Harand
>     + Zamurdi
>   - Thasia
>     - Azure lakes
>     - Pristine Forest
>   - Lamarhen
>     - Mountains of Umulin
>     - Lake of Memories (Moon Elves - Mandor)
>   - Gwelthor (Catfolk - Beregar)
>     - Lake of Petrels
>   + Valiar (Hook?)
>     - Woods of repentance
>   + Areon (human - hook)
>     - Fields of the Deceased
>     - Lake Narak
>   + Nin'calaris (human tribe - Darshan)
>     + Mistmoors
>     + Danheir
>   - Tragothar (Orcs - ?)
>     - Waste of Burning Ash
>     - Gorr
>     - Cawing Mountains
>     - Pumice Mountains
>     - Growling Maw
>     - Cesspitdale
>   + Althainon ( human: Althainions - hook)
>     + Forest of Abborrence
> - Hidden Isles
>   - Crescent Isles
>   + Osthel (Osthelian Pixies - Beregar)
>   - Borak

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