
Subject: Regions
From: Beregar (
Date: Wed Nov 17 1999 - 21:32:42 EET

Blah, I still couldn't find all information about regions. I have to re-check
my files. I'm not sure if this has any anymore after Harum makes his
suggestion but we will see. Main reason why I made these changes is to
make regions.txt more coherent and to make TOC numbering easier.

General changes in the regions.txt:

Now listen people! Before you start whining and complaining about new
areas you better remember that those under main regions such as Thalamon
are subregions and therefor they are expected to appear in Thalamon desc
as a SUBTITLE. In case you happen to have subarea you better make work
with those who are descriping the main area and NOT make work without
them knowing. If no-one is making desc for main region and you have a
subarea (like Mountains of the Malediction) remember not to make veeery
long descs so they can later be added to main desc without too big quarrels.
This is reminder to those people who are descing subareas.

If you want those unclaimed subregions which belong to main region you
are descing you better tell to me (Beregar). I think you probably will after
these changes I made. :)

Removed all rivers from subregions and removed all seas except Quiet Sea
which is home to Ice Elves. If you see any rivers or seas (- Quiet Sea) in the regions.txt file, report to me.

Added Lakes and missing subareas. There are many lakes which seem to be
under many regions so they could be subtitle in many region descs regardles
of their current placement as a subarea. This is also true to mountains. If you
see that some subregion is missing or you feel that it's in a wrong place, report
to me.

Added Mal Aidel and Mal Ishua to subregions of Mal Yargoth. Mandor said
"Mal Yargoth and surrounding areas" so I assume he meant Mal Aidel and
Mal Ishua which now belong to Mal Yargoth.

Malekith is also making desc for Mal Yirith region not only for Necrolytes?

Mountains of the Malediction are subarea to Myrrgor so Jormap must make
a short sub desc which can be later attached to Myrrgor's desc. Whoever
decides to make desc for whole Myrrgor must include Jormap's desc in it.

Divided Sol'Daran to many subregions. If Mandor wants them all, he better
tell to me, though it is already too late what comes to western isles. :)

Added Crater Lake under Meral so if Glabrezu is making desc for it, it
must be subdesc unless we figure out something.

Again Skyghaim is subregion to Dethzael so if Yorkaturr is making Dethzael
and Eleril Skyghaim, you must co-operate to make concistent desc. Same
goes with Dardalon. If Yorkaturr makes them all, then there's no problem.

I would appreciate it if Belemar would give those reef isles, Beheran, Filas
and Hamil some "common" name. Currently I just put them all under the
name "The Reef Isles" so they won't each need a separated desc. Though,
If Mandor wants, they can be separated regions.

Taking Catfolk for myself since Yorka didn't say he wants them. I might
actually get something to do now when I don't have to worry about other
my races anymore. :)

Placed Danheir under Nin'Calaris and gave whole region to Darshan.

Placed sub area "Forest of Abborrence" to Hook with Althainon since I
remembered he has it as a subtitle in his region desc. :)

Made an artificial name "Hidden Isles" for Cresent Isles, Osthel and
Borak. Now when I think it again I probably put Osthel under Gwelthor
since they are so close to eachother and if I'm making those catolks,

Finally. I made a suggestion for a region TOC in case we need one. It
is probably temporar. Also if Belemar finds any incorrect names mail
them to me and plz make those changes with names, ok?

Check the regions.txt file and report me all missing areas, missing owner
ships and things like that. Just to let you know: no new regions can be
chosen until we get over this...and don't whine me being slow! :)

- Beregar Dar'Eldath (

1. Arctic
   1.1 Isles of Mal Yei
   1.2 Mal Yargoth 
   1.3 Mal Gatayi
   1.4 Mal Tikh
   1.5 Mal Yirith 
   1.6 Myrrgor
   1.7 Skalvind 
   1.8 Erythia

2. Minartan
   2.1 Sol'daran 
   2.2 Terrenir
   2.3 Meral
   2.4 Gwaelmar 
   2.5 Thalamon
   2.6 Dethzael 
   2.7 Dardalon

3. Eastern Isles
   3.1 Lanuin 
   3.2 Torell 
   3.3 The Reef Isles 

4. Central Waters
   4.1 Quiet Sea 
   4.2 Isles of Vram 
   4.3 Estrean 
   4.4 Nemen
   4.5 Vestian

5. Voran
   5.1 Marmundi
   5.2 Tulmarun
   5.3 Djasim 
   5.4 Nalor Thaan 
   5.5 Gean 

6. Eldiron
   6.1 Ghalimcar
   6.2 Thasia 
   6.3 Lamarhen
   6.4 Gwelthor 
   6.5 Valiar
   6.6 Areon 
   6.7 Nin'calaris 
   6.8 Tragothar 
   6.9 Althainon 

7. Hidden Isles
   7.1 Crescent Isles
   7.2 Osthel 
   7.3 Borak
+ = reserved
? = I have no idea

- Arctic
  - Isles of Mal Yei
  + Mal Yargoth (Ice Elves - Mandor)
    + Mal Aidel  
    + Mal Ishua
  - Mal Gatayi
  - Mal Tikh
  + Mal Yirith (***Necrolytes - Malekith***)
  - Myrrgor
    + Mountains of the Malediction (trolls - Jormap)
    - Lake of the Broken Mirror
  - Skalvind
    - Barren Isles
    - Odemynn
  - Erythia
    - Glimmering lake
    - Hills of the ice-cold wind

- Minartan
  + Sol'daran (Woodelves - Mandor)
    + Western isles (Vorack - Beregar) 
    - Thal-Adim
    - Thal-Emen    
    - Mountains of Solace    
    - Zimr
    - Lake of Whispers
    - Vale of Sadness
    - Thal-Diran
    - Lake of Thoughts (elves - Mandor)
    - Chain of Edhelomin  
  - Terrenir
    - The Great pass
  - Meral
    - Puce Mountains
    + The Crater Lake (Glarroks - Glabrezu)
  + Gwaelmar (Dwarves - Gwalmur - Yorkaturr)
    - Chain of the Sledgehammer
  + Thalamon (Belemar)
    + Delgrain 
      + Gray Moors
      + Gnawing Lake
    + Talaas
      + Tacit Forest
    + Parcithia
    + Tarac
      + Woods of the Tempting Lustre
    - Prairie of Dhyrin
    - Lake Lokhmar
    - Groaning Forest
  + Dethzael (desc? - Yorkaturr)
    + Skyghaim (desc - Yorkaturr or Eleril?)
    - Mountains of Eclipse
    - Swamp of Enmity
  + Dardalon (Belemar)
    ? Swamp of Pelnor
    ? Touchwood Mountains (desc - Eleril?)

+ Eastern Isles
  + Lanuin (Dark Elf: Zrei'gu'aiuo - Mandor)
  + Torell - (humans: Tore'e - hook)
  + The Reef Isles (Elves - Mandor
    + Beheran 
    + Filas 
    + Hamil 

- Central Waters
  + Quiet Sea (Sea Elves - Mandor)
  + Isles of Vram (humans: Dachoi - Aluna)
  + Estrean (humans: Dachoi - Aluna)
  - Nemen
  - Vestian

- Voran
  - Marmundi
    - Zumal
  - Tulmarun
    - Black Waste
    - Eldacait  
    - Mantle Mountains
  + Djasim (humans: Djasimites - hook)
  + Nalor Thaan (humans: Hilosyph,Bronn,Fik'bronn - hook)
    + Lake Khalildan
    + Thjarr (goblins - hook)
  - Gean (dragon(m) - Beregar)

- Eldiron
  + Ghalimcar
    + Desert of Brahjian (humans - Brahjian - Beregar)
    + Chain of Bared
    + Chain of Harand
    + Zamurdi
  - Thasia 
    - Azure lakes    
    - Pristine Forest
  - Lamarhen
    - Mountains of Umulin
    - Lake of Memories (Moon Elves - Mandor)
  - Gwelthor (Catfolk - Beregar)
    - Lake of Petrels
  + Valiar (Hook?)
    - Woods of repentance
  + Areon (human - hook)
    - Fields of the Deceased
    - Lake Narak
  + Nin'calaris (human tribe - Darshan)
    + Mistmoors
    + Danheir
  - Tragothar (Orcs - ?)
    - Waste of Burning Ash
    - Gorr
    - Cawing Mountains
    - Pumice Mountains
    - Growling Maw
    - Cesspitdale
  + Althainon ( human: Althainions - hook)
    + Forest of Abborrence

- Hidden Isles
  - Crescent Isles
  + Osthel (Osthelian Pixies - Beregar)
  - Borak

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