Subject: Re: Between darkness and light...
From: McDuff (
Date: Sat Jul 03 1999 - 15:15:34 EEST
>true indeed, we do not need normally evolving systems, but it is not >forbidden to use common sense is it? >in addition, i never mentioned that there should not be cold winters, i >merely >stated that they would not, if common sense has anything to say here, be >very cold in all regions. how could a rainforest, for example, live through >6months of cold winter and snow? Actually, there is a way around this, although I do agree that the changes should not be only summer/winter and that there should be a multi-season year (there is no reason to stick to normal seasons, why not have 5 or 6, or make the sun's orbit erratic, or make a moon sometimes eclipse the sun, etc etc.) If I am right, and magic is a kind of naturally occurring force that permeates the atmosphere in Majik, then why do flora/fauna remain impervious to it? Why have trees that are exactly the same as in our world, and why have snow everywhere? There need not be spells that mortals must perform, just areas with a high natural magic content in the atmosphere which stop the snow from forming. Besides, in the deserts and so forth, there need not be snow at all. In rainforests, why can a magical field or this "fantasy gas" not create a permanent temperature, melting snow as it came down. >I for one am against this kind of system, not for only because of my >personal >opinion, but because of logic. >this system would seem, to me at least, contradict the very logic base on >which >we were at least supposed to be building majik on. Right. Well, in this case, why say that Majik world must have same situations as Earth. Why can we not think of entirely new systems. If a world existed where the sun rotated around the planet for a period of one year, what differences would occur. Would you have plants which stored heat? I think you probably would. Would there be normal season cycles for the flora, eg deciduous trees losing leaves. Would there be deciduous/coniferous trees, even, or whole new types which we don't know about in our world but we make up. It would seem that if we are going to be writing all this stuff from new, we might as well make it interesting. We can make it up. Base it on logic, but also remember that this has got to be fun to play and has got to add something new, and remember that if magic permeates the air then strange things can happen. Think of the magic having an effect on plants and things the same as would radiation in our world: talking trees, forests which walk around to avoid the coldest winters, or which shrink or turn upside down or something. Flowers could just go into hibernation, like they do now over winter, or they could glow like deep sea fish, or there could even be whole species of plants and animals which aren't affected by temperature. Remember, it doesn't have to work in our world, as long as we can make it work in Majik. If we have to re-write physics then we can re-write them - I don't see any problem with that! McDuff
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