Re: A Flying Room

Subject: Re: A Flying Room
From: Sinister Serpent (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 16:20:58 EET

Tommi Leino wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Taneli Niko Tikka wrote:
> > There is no "crash of the rooms" in real world-history of majik. This is
> > just something that happened in real life and codewise. There was no
> > flying rooms in the sky, at the best its only a metaphor used by mortals
> > to describe something they cant fully understand
> Oh, are you sure?
> --
> Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

I think there was a flying room, or maybe it was a flying castle or town
instead, but the point is that the legends say that there was this room
and this way it has always been. I think it was decided some two years
ago that this room really existed and it was decided to be a part of
Majik history. Correct me if I am wrong.

I give my "vote" for the flying room.
  |           ~ Sinister / Serpent of Nightside ~           |
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