Re: radical departure

Subject: Re: radical departure
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 14:37:56 EET

On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Pekka Toppi wrote:

> Okay, so there is a problem, but IMO the solution is not starting with an
> empty world.

In my vision it would work if there have been a cataclysm, a great war or
something like that which destroyed _almost_ everything. Temples, truename
shrines (or whatever), ancient artifacts, magical lands such as the Osthel
and the general description of the regions are saved. For example, in the
Swamp of Enmity would still be all those undeads, soul-eater worms in the
Ghalimcar etc., and the region names are still there so you can say that
"I'll go to Dethzael". That was my point when I didn't want the regions
described in detail when I made the TODOs for the worldbook, instead I
wanted the pantheon, general descriptions of the world etc. ready. Not
really an empty world, just empty of all the PCs and their cities in the
beginning and only in the beginning.

I actually imagined that we would just continue to design our world and
press a book out of it. It could be then used for pen & paper RPGs etc.
While the regions have been described in detail in the book the world
would have got a shape. Then we would have just decided that we are going
to start in a different time. Make a cataclysm and begin in year 10000 or
something, then it would be possible to explore the ruins of Sol'daran or
even reconstruct it.

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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