Re: Hi... new person on the list.

Subject: Re: Hi... new person on the list.
From: Jonathan Koehn (Eleril) (
Date: Tue Oct 12 1999 - 18:14:21 EEST


----- Original Message ----- 
From: joshua 'hook' corning <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 1999 7:16 PM

> use the majik map as a referance for locations
> Regions to Desc
> r = reserved
> - Arctic
>   r Western Mals (Ice Elves - Mandor)
>   - Zimr
>   - Mal Tikh
>   - Barren Isles and Northern Minartan
>   r Mal Yirith (Necrolytes - Malekith)
>   - Myrrgor, Skalvind & Erythia
>   r Mountains of the Malediction (trolls - Jormap)
> - Minartan
>   - Sol'daran
>   r Western isles (*hidden* - Beregar)
>   - Terrenir
>   r Meral & Gwaelmar (Dwarves - Gwalmur - Yorkaturr)
>     r Chain of the Sledgehammer
>     r Puce Mountains
>   - Chain of Eldhelomin
>   - Thalamon
>     - Tacit Forest
>     - Prairie of Dhyrin
>     - Lake Lokhmar
>     - Groaning Forest
>   - Dethzael 
>     r Skyghaim (Dwarf/Elf - Dezlaneans - Eleril)
>     - Mountains of Eclipse
>     - Swamp of Enmity
>   - Dardalon
>     - Swamp of Pelnor
>     - Covewood Mountains
>   - Eastern Minartan Isles
>     r Lanuin (Dark Elf - Zrei'gu'aiuo - Mandor)
>     r Torell - (human - Tore'e 0.6 - Akix)
>     - The Reef Isles
>     r Beheran, Filas and Hamil (High Elves - Mandor)
> - Central Waters
>   - Sea of Tears
>   - Quiet Sea (Sea Elves - Mandor)
>   r Isles of Vram (humans - Dachoi - Aluna)
>   r Estrean (humans - Dachoi - Aluna)
>   - Nemen
>   - Sea of Niral
>   - Vestian
> - Voran
>   - Black Waste
>   - Tulmarun
>   - Ur Alif (Djasim)
>   - Mantle Mountains
>   r Nalor Thaan (humans - Hilosyph,Bronn,Fik'bronn 0.1 - Akix)
>     r Thjarr
>   - Marmundi
>   - Ominous Ocean and Sea of Tailwind
>     r Gean (? - ? - Beregar)
> - Eldiron
>   r Ghalimcar
>     r Desert of Brahjian (humans - Brahjian - Beregar)
>     r Chain of Bared
>     r Chain of Harand
>     r Zamurdi
>   - Thasia & Lamarhen
>     - Pristine Forest
>     - Mountains of Umalin
>     - Lamarhen Lakes
>       - Azure Lakes
>       - Lake of Memories
>   - Gwelthor (Catfolk - ?)
>   - Valiar
>   - Areon
>   r Nin'calaris & Danheir (human tribe - Darshan)
>   - Tragothar (Orcs - ?)
>     - Waste of Burning Ash
>     - Gorr
>     - Cawing Mountains
>     - Pumice Mountains
>   r Althainon ( human - Althainions 0.9 - Akix)
>     r Forest of Abhorrence
>   - Sea of Flames
>   - Sea of Tranis
>     - Crescent Isles
>     r Osthel (Osthelian Pixies - Beregar)
>   - Grey Ocean
>   - Outer Sea
>     - Borak
Is this the up to date list on regions? 

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