
Subject: blah
From: Beregar (
Date: Thu Aug 19 1999 - 17:16:15 EEST

> Hmmm... I was under the impression that there were no actual guilds, since
> magic is supposed to be quite rare... The only sources of learning being
> the Sages, other player mages and experimentation & exploration. At least
> if magic is meant to be rare, there shouldn't be any guilds, unless some
> players wants to found one, of course... I'd imagine more powerful wizards
> more interested in preventing the creating of guilds so that their own,
> hard-earned power feels more powerful even if it isn't, since so few
> people can respond in kind...

No guilds unless mortals form then. We should make magic such that
other people can teach symbols to others so that it encourages people
to form groups which teach symbols and combinations to each others,
but we should also make symbols difficult to find and studying risky
so that people won't share knowledge of strongest combinations.

I still want see mortals to work together for otherwise powerful
mages will just start destroying cities because they don't have
anything else to do. If I was a mage I'd like people to admire and
fear my skills, form a council of mages who would argue with each
others and form strict rules to make it more difficult for anyone to
reach their power level and fear constant attack of other mages
because they would steal symbols etc etc..This all makes mages

Sages ARE NOT sources of learning. At least I don't give a damn
to a mortal who comes to whine spell knowledge from me. I can
give hints if he/she deserves them but I don't want hear constant
whines though they would probably end after torching a few

About that scrambling which Namhas mentioned. It would cause
studying to be lonely task and people couldn't share any magical
knowledge with each other and it would also prevent all magical
duels, need of councils etc because people just can't understand
symbols of other peoples. Besides then we should make symbols
easy to find or otherwise we wouldn't have any mages at all.

I'd like to see not all spells could be cast with all ways. Let's take
example my Jahid-Mahaire who create and enchant fabrics. Their
spells should always require some sort of symbolic drawing or
patterns so they are more like a combonent casters. I see gestures
and words unnecessary unless you consider weaving gesturing.

- Beregar (

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