Re: blah

Subject: Re: blah
From: Juha Jantunen (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 21:00:41 EEST

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 17:16:15 +0300 Beregar <> wrote:
>I still want see mortals to work together for otherwise powerful
>mages will just start destroying cities because they don't have
>anything else to do. If I was a mage I'd like people to admire and
>fear my skills, form a council of mages who would argue with each
>others and form strict rules to make it more difficult for anyone to
>reach their power level and fear constant attack of other mages
>because they would steal symbols etc etc..This all makes mages

I agree, but I still can't wait for the first mage who gets tired of all
the other mages and starts terrorizing everyone so we get a real,
traditional Bid Bad Wizard for some brave, noble and foolish adventurer to
topple. ;)

>Sages ARE NOT sources of learning. At least I don't give a damn
>to a mortal who comes to whine spell knowledge from me. I can
>give hints if he/she deserves them but I don't want hear constant
>whines though they would probably end after torching a few

Sorry, this was more or less what I meant to say, I didn't mean to imply
Sages would actually teach spells or symbols.

>I'd like to see not all spells could be cast with all ways. Let's take
>example my Jahid-Mahaire who create and enchant fabrics. Their
>spells should always require some sort of symbolic drawing or
>patterns so they are more like a combonent casters. I see gestures
>and words unnecessary unless you consider weaving gesturing.

Actually I meant to mention something like this earlier, but I forgot. -_-'
I was thinking that perhaps there should be an art, perhaps a skill more
than a spell, which would allow the making of magical items. They have to
come from SOMEWHERE, and since we are going to the full RPG enviroment, it
should be possible for players to learn it too (from those elven smiths,
no doubt, since they enchant their weapons)... Of course it would be very,
very difficult to get anyone to teach it, and would certainly take a long,
long, long time to master. I imagine one would have to offer him or
herself as an apprentice to some elven smith (for example) who may or may
not choose to teach him at all, and probably would only teach the very
best smiths how to make magical weapons, so the player would have to learn
the "ordinary"  craft before he can learn the more magical aspects of
it... Of course, this person is unlikely to lead a very adventurous life,
but if he learns his craft well he can of course start selling his magical
weapons and make a very tidy profit, and who knows what he'll do with all
that cash... Topple the king or something fun... ;)

Just a thought. ;)

Juha Jantunen           | ========================== Talgor - Janus - Shifter
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