Re: Unidentified subject!

Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
From: Juha Jantunen (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 14:08:59 EEST

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 23:30:37 +0300 (EEST) Tommi Leino
<> wrote:
>It was originally diverse enough as the true names were scrambled. One
>could find a fireball spell when another could find some heal spell and
>those spells would be powerful and it would be rarer for a mage to have
>more than a few spells. Thus it would create "frames" automatically,
>one could be good in a fireball and a heal spell, another only in heal
>spells, another full in offensive. Only limitation here is that they
>couldn't know the spell they're trying to find until they have enough
>knowledge of the magic (enough truenames) and then they would try to
>guess it and in the future actually collect specific truenames to get
>a specific spell. A nice system without needing any classes.

This system would seem better to me as well.

Juha Jantunen           | ========================== Talgor - Janus - Shifter
Keisarinmajantie 4 H 2  | ===== Minna baka. =============== Shadowrun - Magic
48230 Kotka             | ====================== Life - Universe - Everything
Finland                 | ======== Anime - Manga - Babylon 5 - Trek - Sandman           | Jean-Michel Jarre - Bob Marley - Christopher Franke
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