Re: Unidentified subject!

Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Thu Aug 19 1999 - 16:12:32 EEST

>Each magical guild could know three to six (or so) 
>different magical symbols.

There are no guilds whatsoever and the entire point of this 
symbol system is that all magical subsystems have the same, 
shared, magical symbols. Generally speaking, most of the 
magical subsystems should be vast enough to encapsulate a 
clear majority of all the symbols as opposed to your narrow 
examples of \"fire mages\" or \"healers\".

>Techniques are the arts which control how the Form and 
>Power are manipulated.
>Forms are the arts which control what is manipulated by 
>the spell.
>Power arts define the spell in detail.

These are the same.
>Gestures are movements which the caster does to invoke a 
>magical art, Words are magical words which invoke magical
>art and Substances are symbolic representations of magical 

\"Substance\" == \"Material\" in our system, otherwise these are 
the same.

>* say \'Blah\'  [The Word of Fire]
>* wave your hand from right to left [Gesture of Creation]
>* holding a ruby in your fist [Substance of Bolt]

Another important point of our magic system is that all 
spells should be \"doable\" with all the available component 
types, meaning a person can use only words, only gestures, 
only materials or whatever combination they choose. This, of 
course, may be limited by the specifications of the magical 
subsystem in the sense that words might be prohibited etc. 
>Also, the order of the spell casting procedure is not 
>important, but the guilds have always taught their spells 
>in those forms, so every member of the guild does the spell
>in same manner.

I would like to restrict the spellcasting so that every
spell has to be cast in the scheme: technique-power-form.
Consider it as a lexical rule in the language of magic.
>* He grabs his Ruby [Substance of Bolt],
>* Waves his hand from right to left [Gesture of Creation]
>and * yells \'Blah\'! [The Word of Fire] and is quite happy
>to see that the spell succeeded.

If a spell is done in the incorrect order, I would prefer
that it would fizzle or cause a random effect of some sort.
Like we had in Majik4.

>What if someone belongs to both guilds? (Healers would not
>normally accept Fire Mages into their guild and vice versa, 
>but nothing prevents an enterprising mage / healer from 
>lying their way in to the other guild.

Again, I would like to point out that not all magical arts
are taught in \"guilds\". In my vision most magical arts are
shrouded in mystery and secrecy and are not promoted in the
form of some Organization for The Magically Handicapped 

/Atte \"Yorkaturr\" Koivula <>

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