Subject: Re: Unidentified subject!
From: Lari Kuitunen (
Date: Wed Aug 18 1999 - 19:46:28 EEST
---------- > From: Tommi Leino <> > To: > Subject: Re: Unidentified subject! > Date: 18. elokuuta 1999 17:24 > > On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Lari Kuitunen wrote: > > > the point in this system is, that since for example "healers" can't learn > > chaos-symbol, > > healers won't be able to go around casting chaos bolts, and "mages" won't > > go around > > casting heal the world spells. there is no "character class", there idea is > > that mages have their symbols in "different language" than healers, so that > > I still hate this system. I don't want to have "mage" or "healer" symbols, > better to categorize them using source or type, and those types should be > a few but vast. This is relation with the question where the magic comes > from. The religious magic is also to be forgotten, you have already agreed > with my priest stuff. So you can't use religious powers without the > deity's permission, but magical healing of course should be possible > without using any religious magic. > the quotation marks in the places above mean, that there is no other word for the concept that others would understand properly, so you should read it in a way that you grasp the concepts of the things in "" marks, not the word literally :) there never was mage or healer symbols, hence the "" marks, they just are there so that everyone can understand the concept. - male
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