Subject: Races
From: Kim Kunnas (
Date: Wed Jul 07 1999 - 17:58:16 EEST
Ok. I have attached file (made by McDuff) which has locations and also suggestions for race locations (which are placed both by me and McDuff). Those which I placed are based on Mandor's post (elves) and "Kingdom of Thalamon" file which Belemar wrote. It probably lacks some races so if you have knowledge about those missin races or comments, mail to me or to this list. - Beregar ( Regions to Desc s = short f = full w = weather w Arctic - Western Mals (Ice Elves) s Mal Tikh (Voy - human tribe) - Barren Isles and Northern Minartan (Myrrgor, Skalvial, Erythin) - Mal Yirith (Ice folk) - Mountains of the Malediction (trolls) w Minartan - Sol'daran and islands to west (tree elves) <- there are no elves in those islands, there are Brates s Thalamon - Tacit Forest (bandit territory) - Lake Lokhmar - Groaning Forest - Dethzael - Mountains of Eclipse - Skyghaim - Swamp of Enmity - Dardalon - Swamp of Pelnor - Covewood (? Can't read name on map ?) Mountains - Where's this? s Meral & Gwaelmar (Humans and Elves + Dwarves) - Chain of the Sledgehammer - Puce Mountains - Chain of Eldhelomin - Eastern Minartan Isles - Lanuin - Torell - (Fisher people used to be in Beheran, now there:) - The Reef Isles - Beheran, Filas and Hamil - Central Waters - Sea of Tears - Quiet Sea (Sea Elves) - Isles of Vram - Nemen - Sea of Niral - Vestian - Voran s Black Waste - Tulmarun - Ur Alif (Djasim) - Estrean - Mantle Mountains - Nalor Thaan -Thjarr - Marinundi - Ominous Ocean and Sea of Tailwind - Gean - Eldiron s Ghalimcar - Desert of Brahjan (Brahjians - human tribe) - Chain of Bared - Chain of Harand - Zamurdi - Thasia & Lamarhen - Pristine Forest - Mountains of Umalin - Lamarhen Lakes - Azure Lakes - Lake of Memories s Gwelthor (catfolk) s Valiar - Nin'calaris & Danheir - Tragothar & Althainon (orcs) - Waste of Burning Ash - Gorr - Cawing Mountains - Pumice Mountains - Sea of Flames s Sea of Tranis s Crescent Isles s Osthel (Osthellian Pixies) - Grey Ocean - Outer Sea - Borak
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