Subject: worldbook and a new designer
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Fri Oct 06 2000 - 11:48:28 EEST
New designer/coder added to the team, Yendor, Along with that, a new Worldbook editing system is now online. We're using ZWiki. See it from and edit and add some pages there! Finally we have a sufficient system for rapidly editing the worldbook. No longer the documents need to be approved or anything, you can and should just edit the documents as you wish or add documents just containing text like "There should be this and that". You don't even need to care about formatting or spell-checking if you're lazy, someone else may do it for you if they're bored. Then there is also a button to see recently changed documents, so you can easily see if anyone has modified a document, go to read it and be up to date. I'll mail all the designers their passwords to use the ZWiki. Everyone should begin to look if they can add anything to the book. Search through the mailing list archives from and old Worldbook pages from , and The nameserver for domain may be temporarily down, so please use address instead. -- Tommi Leino <> Principal Software Specialist, Taika Technologies Ltd.
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