Re: ????!!?

Subject: Re: ????!!?
From: Isaiah Kraus (
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 15:29:00 EEST

Does this mean that perhaps we can get some specs on the 3D engine Majik
is using (SurUmbra I assume) and perhaps some advice/apps to help us poor
graphic guys visualize how what we are making will actually appear to
those playing the game?  Also does this change the format(s) of 3D and 2D
(image) files you guys can use?  Or the desired poly-count for stuff?
Plus a thousand other questions. . .


Sinister wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys,
> >
> > I just read the strangest thing here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Does this mean that Namhas has to brush his teeth now?
> Yes. He also has to do my homework from now on, and maybe even I have
> get into (some serious?) work.
> Serpent, the god of perversities and undeath itself
> --
> These are the End Times. The Apocalypse. Göttendammerung.
> Ragnarok. The Void. Endsong. King of Battles. Jutenborg.
> The Great Conflagration. The Death of Stars. How many
> names to tell of this warring end? To tell of this
> violent time when Time itself is smashed asunder?

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