SV: ????!!?

Subject: SV: ????!!?
From: Ulf Sjöströ (
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 18:43:28 EEST

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Isaiah Kraus <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2000 2:29 PM
Subject: Re: ????!!?

> Does this mean that perhaps we can get some specs on the 3D engine Majik
> is using (SurUmbra I assume) and perhaps some advice/apps to help us poor
> graphic guys visualize how what we are making will actually appear to
> those playing the game?  Also does this change the format(s) of 3D and 2D
> (image) files you guys can use?  Or the desired poly-count for stuff?
> Plus a thousand other questions. . .
> -Lux

Oh mighty gods, correct me if I am wrong.

This is what i know:
The new engine has its own format (needs a converter) and it can handle .tga and .jpg
I belive the poly count can be increased a bit, but polies that are not needed are forbidden :)

This is a test purpose model i made, viewed with the new engine:

more news is that the axis are arranged different

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