Re: ????!!?

Subject: Re: ????!!?
From: Sinister (
Date: Sun Jul 23 2000 - 02:12:19 EEST wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I just read the strangest thing here:
> Does this mean that Namhas has to brush his teeth now?

Yes. He also has to do my homework from now on, and maybe even I have
get into (some serious?) work.

Serpent, the god of perversities and undeath itself
These are the End Times. The Apocalypse. Göttendammerung.
Ragnarok. The Void. Endsong. King of Battles. Jutenborg.
The Great Conflagration. The Death of Stars. How many
names to tell of this warring end? To tell of this
violent time when Time itself is smashed asunder?

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