Majik 3D MMORPG World Book
Original text file: Aether.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything unknown, multi-dimensional, control of the elements, dismantling of the elements or gaps between the elements.
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Original text file: Air.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything that has to do with air, gas, lightness, transparency or breathing.
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Original text file: AlchemicalApparati.txt
The equipment needed to do alchemy is varied by what region one is in. Since alchemy didn't "evolve" from one origin it was developed by many races in much varied ways. So the equipment that one would use would be dictated by where one is from.
This section will deal with the GENERAL and then later the SPECFIC designs for the equipment. The general is what is needed by all alchemists, and doesn’t specifically dictated the shape. It will be up to the 3d and 2d artists to design the specific exact equipment that an orc would have learned from his ancestry.
*((Bottles and Containers)) - Things to hold stuff
*((Reaction chambers)) - Containers designed for mixing reagents
*((Purification equipment)) - Equipment used in purification of raw materials
*((Raw material processing equipment)) - Equipment used specificly for proccessing and collecting raw materials.
*((Misc. glassware))
*((Misc. equipment))
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Original text file: AlchemicalFormulae.txt
The formulas for alchemy are as varied as the stars in the sky. Each region that developed alchemy will have specific formulas that are native to there language/region. There will also be formulas that are specific to just one ancient practicioner of alchemy and they could be found in a long lost tome written by the old alchemist. These lost formulae will be quite exotic and likely fairly useless, but fun non the less.
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Original text file: AlchemicalGameMechanics.txt
These are all theory forumlas...
* ((Alchemical Learning a skill from a teacher one-on-one)) - How one learns alchemical skills from a teacher. One teacher one student.
* ((Alchemical Success rate for teacher and student one-on-one)) - Formula for calculateing how successful a teacher and student is at doing an alchemical proccess.
* ((Alchemical Success rate for an individual)) - Forumula for how successful an individual is at doing an alchemical proccess alone.
Anything below is proven forumlas that will be used in the game. I don't forsee anything here for a long while.
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Original text file: AlchemicalHistory.txt
*Original discovery by:
*Cataclysm effects
*Who still practices/knows:
*((Midaucu)) of ((Tjirand))
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Original text file: AlchemicalProcesses.txt
These are a rough outline of the processes (skills) one needs to know to do nearly all achemical reactions. Some of these are more complex then others and need more practice to master, click on each one to find more detailed info and how one learns it, how much is required to master it, what uses it has, and what results can happen if you don't learn it very well.
#((Circulation)) – Closed system distillation, The liquid or substance is heated to the specified temperature at which point the desired chemical evaporates and is then condensed into a liquid in a separate flask.
#((Combustion)) – The burning of a substance in open air.
#((Crystallization)) – The formation of crystals out of a solution of the substance usually in water, either by their gradual formation from the liquid, or by evaporation of the liquid.
#((Digestion)) – The slow modification of a substance by means of a gentle heat. This is different from #((Cineration in that it doesn’t apply great amounts of heat and the substance isn’t necessarily turned into ashes. Digestion takes usually a long time, upwards of a whole day in some cases, maybe longer.
#((Fermentation)) – The rotting of a substance, usually of an organic nature, often accompanied by the release of gas bubbles.
#((Filtration)) – The process or removing the grosser parts of a substance by passing through a strainer, filter or cloth.
#((Grinding)) – The reduction of substances to a powder, usually through the use of a mortar and pestle.
#((Sublimation)) – This occurs when a solid is heated and gives off a vapor which condenses on the cool upper parts of the vessel as a solid, not going through a liquid phase.
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Original text file: AlchemicalReagents.txt
The reagents used in alchemy are derived from plant and earth components. Plants contain salts and other compounds that can be isolated through specific processes to obtain a pure substance with alchemical uses.
The use of plants differs from witchcraft in such that witchcraft uses a plant in its raw form to create through ritual and spell a magical potion or salve. Alchemy uses an aspect of the plant to isolate its true properties and purify them into a compound used to react with another compound to ultimately create some mixture or new compound that has the desired effect.
The lists of raw materials and reagents obtained from them will become quite extensive and vast. We will at first subdivide it up into plant and earth sources then later we might have to do more subdividing.
AlchemicalPlants of interest
AlchemicalEarth elements of interest
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Original text file: AlchemicalWritings.txt
Thus have I heard.
In the Book of Creation the tale is told of how Namhas molded the world out of Chaos, and brought forth Aluna and Sinister to continue the work. The laws of nature, and all matter from the rock beneath our feet to the ethers of higher dimensions; time itself, and birth and death to give it meaning; the living beings, and the beings who live not;
The powers that bind the world together were not meant for mortals to tamper with; but even gods can make errors. Unnoticed by divine eyes, ways remained: ways to touch the energy which is woven into all matter, to coax it and beckon it to do things that were out of mortal reach.
And mortals did eventually find it out. The art of Alchemy, the knowledge and study of the energy within matter, slowly spread in secrecy from scholar to scholar; but we all know that nothing can be kept secret from the Gods. The great mystery is: do they know? They must know. Why, therefore, have they not repaired their error and ended the practice of Alchemy?
''Midaucu of Tjirand, 3rd day of the fourth moon, 822 Chr.''
'''More to come'''
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Original text file: Alchemy.txt
Alchemy is the study and practical use of bound energy within the earth and its inhabitants. When the Gods long ago created the earth, they accidentally (or purposefully?) tied great energy into the elements of the earth, that with proper training and methods one can harness and concentrate it. This energy is the soul basis for alchemy.
Alchemy is classified as a pseudo-science and not a form of magic. There goals are similar but an alchemist doesn’t cast spells or create objects that can cast a spell. They create objects that have physical effects on whatever they are used, example: potions, explosives, everlasting fire (more specifically everlasting fuel for the fire), etc.
Alchemy wasn't developed in one location or by one group/sect of people. Almost all intellectually advanced races developed some form of alchemy. Because of this there is no one set rules or formulas or even equipment one uses to do alchemy. If one is an Orc and lives in the Orc controlled regions, they likely would of learned Orc alchemy first, and then maybe as they grew older and traveled the world they would train under other alchemists and learn there techniques as well. A war race like Orcs alchemy would likely focus on formulas that cause harm, example explosives, poisons, etc. But a peaceful race would likely focus on healing, extending life, etc.
An alchemist in theory could learn all the alchemist knowledge of all the world, But my intent is to make the alchemy system very in-depth and complex, and have a very wide array of formulas, ingredients, and equipment, that a player will be forced to specialize in one area of alchemy, example war applications, or healing applications.
*AlchemicalWritings - storys and other writings to be found by players.
*AlchemicalHistory - history of alchemy and its early founders, used for writings.
*AlchemicalReagents - lists of reagents and there source raw materials
*AlchemicalProcesses - the skills/proccesses one needs to know to do alchemy
*AlchemicalApparati - the equipment one needs to make/buy/aquire to do alchemy
*AlchemicalFormulae - the formulas
*AlchemicalGameMechanics - mathamatical formulas, gui, everything programing related goes here.
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Original text file: Althainions.txt
= by Joshua Corning =
'''Althainions - Human Desc'''
'1' Introduction
'2' Appearance
'3' History
'4' Culture
'4.1' Food & Trade
'4.2' Philosophy and Temperament
'4.3' Military
'4.4' Law and Order
'4.5' Woodsmen and Druids
'5' Religion
'6' Language
'7' Althainon
'8' Role-playing
== '1' Introduction ==
Althainions are foolhardy, reckless, talented and hardworking. They are constantly on the move either running to plant crops on the fertile plains of central Althainon in the Sedise (spring and summer) or running from the harsh weather and onslaught of orc hoards that comes in Antrok (fall and winter). They are similar in ancestry to the Areons of the north. They have dark straight hair, although red hair does show up especially among those living in the Forest of Abhorrence and across the river from Brearon, and black, brown or hazel eyes. Their skin is very dark, almost black in color and their features sharp with high cheeks, sharp noses, and defined jaw and chin.
Althainions are ruled by the changing seasons of Althainon. During the Sedise (Summer and Spring) they grow enormous quantities of crops on the rich soil of the plains from the banks of the Black Tear River to Castle Theamar. Then when the wind changes and black ash clouds set in they pack up and flee to winter on the shores of the Lamarhen lakes and within the well fortified city of Sadok. At which time they hold extravagant feasts and engage in a mortal game of cat and mouse with the invading orcs that pour into Althainon with the Black storms of Antrok.
== '2' Appearance ==
They are similar in ancestry to the Areons of the north. They have dark straight hair, although red hair does show up especially among those living in the Forest of Abhorrence and across the river from Brearon, and black, brown or hazel eyes. Their skin is very dark, almost black in color and their features sharp with high cheeks, sharp noses, and defined jaw and chin.
Althainions generally appear unkempt with grubby faces, tangled hair and dusty wreaked cloths. In the Antrok season (winter and fall) they do clean them selves up a bit, bathing mostly and lame attempts at keeping there cloths and hair tidy. Their tastes in clothing are utilitarian in look and fashion. Both men and women wear thick pants heavy shoes and plain long sleeve shirts or ponchos<--(there has to be a better name for this). At festivals, though, women have been known to wear dresses but these are usually reserved for the young and unwed. Their physique is gangly and awkward having lean well muscled arms and large strong calloused hands from plowing and harvesting. They are also always with bow and arrows. Items that never leave their sight.
== '3' History ==
The Althainon people arrived to there now home land some 400 years ago. They are closely related to the people of Areon and in fact slowly migrated from that land as they addapted to Althainon's harsh conditions. Most of how they live has remained unchanged since they migrated here exept for some refinements to the harsh enviornment they call home.
War have played an important part in shaping Althainion history. They have been at constant war with the orcs of Tragothar; the most recent large scale war occured about 100 years ago when a great leader unified the Orc tribes and set off to conqure all of western Eldiron. Through an ueasy aliance with Nin'calaris, Thasia and the peoples of Areon they where able to push back the Orcs. Many cultural prescidents where set from this war. The most striking were the incorperation of women apon the battle feild, the habitation of the Abhorance Forest by Althainions, heavier fortification of Sadok and the Floating Islands, and continued year long occupation of Castle Theamar along with a more binding political military agreements with the Areon people. In the past there has also been conflicts with the people of Nin'calaris. Mostly border disputes and scremishes with Nin'calaris malitia who travel into Althainon in pusute of Orc who yearly raid portions of Nin'calaris.
== '4' Culture ==
Althainion culture is shaped by the land they live upon. They are wild like the seasons that wreck the land and rebirth it again each year. They live to the fullest be it in work or play and have a tentative respect for nature and weather that is similar to how a seaman views the Ocean.
Common life of Althainions is a wild binge and purge of activities between hard work and leisure. In the Sedise season (spring and summer) they rush madly to the Althainon central plains to sow their crops. At this time they work hard often 18 to 20 hours a day. Then in late Sadise they harvest what is left pack up and leave often with enough food to last three years. They haul it on rafts, put it on mules and stack full the graneries atop the Floating Islands. Most spend the Antrok months in the walled city of Sadok but others winter on the coast, in the Lamarhen islands, in the Forest of Abhorrence and atop the Floating Islands. Then the feasts and festivals begin. Althainions are renouned for finding reasons to celebrate. They have parties, post-harvest fests, pre-planting fests, weddings, Orc raiding calebrations both befor and after, coming of age parties for young men and women even for funnerals. They drink eat and spend the large sums of wealth which they accumulate from trading their crops.
Althainions are plaged by war brought by the orc who invade Althainon year round. Though this is more prominent during the Antrok season, which the Althainions avoid by migrating, it remains a constant threat. A threat that has forged the Althainons into some of the best archers in all of Majik. It is said that any Althainion child of twelve can shoot the wings off a butterfly 300 meters away. They teach the leasons of war to their children at a young age and regard it as an unpleasent necesity for survival. These wars have faustered a deep hatred of orcs and few things please an Althainion more then to watch the death throes of an arrow filled orc.
=== '4.1' Food and Trade-Culture ===
The abundance of food produced during the Sedise (spring and summer) season make Althainions some of the most well fed humans in all of Majik. Huge stores of grain and fruit preserves are kept by them for the Antrok season. Enough to feed them even in years when Antrok season does not end. With the great aboundace of food they make a good sums of money through trade. Most trading in Althainon accures at Baor durring the Sedise season. Hundreds of ships, caravans, craftsmen and merchents converge there to buy Althainion grown crops and to sell goods to Athainions. The crops are usually sold for cheap because of the sheer quantity produced but goods sales are fair the Nin'calaris usually kept honest by the competition of tradesmen and craftsmen from Adremas and the Lamarhen lake Islands. Little trade accures in the city of Sadok. There is some exchange of luxuary good for festivals and the purchase of fish livestock and woolen goods but generaly not as as much for another city of its size. The city of Jaspin has fishing and trade to support itself. The Althainion Woodsmen from the Forest of Abhorrence produce bows and arrows, the bow strings made from the guts of orcs, plow and ax handles and other crafts which they sell at Baor along with fire wood.
=== '4.2' Philosophy and Temperment-Culture ===
Althainions are simple, strait froward, loyal and honest. They act how they feel and think. If they are angry they show it, if happy they dance. Deceit is none existant among them. A common saying among them is "No lying thief has ever lead a richer or happier life then any honest man I ever heard of." They have a deep respect for the land they toil upon and share that respect among thier brethren. Community among the Althainions is a neccesity to servival. They are genouruse to one another almost to a fault; riches and possessesions are seen as next to nothing when compared to the freindship and loyalty they bestow upon each other. It is not uncommon for a family to give up half their crop earning to neibors who fall apon hard times. As stated above Althainions show their emotions. This leads to the view that they are very hot tempered. It is not uncommon to see Althainions screeming at the top of their lungs at one another. Although disagreements are common they never end in blood shed only in red faces and some shoveing and are resolved with an even hand and quikly forgotten. Althainions are feircly loyal. An indescretion against one Althainion is against all Althainions. Sword play in a tavern against an Althainion often leads to a quick death to any outsider.
=== '4.3' Military-Culture ===
Formal Oginization of arms does not exist among the Althainions. Instead more of an organic cordination accures when the time is needed. Every Althainion knows basic statagy and war tactics along with exeptional archery skills all which is taught at an early age. It is said that a bow is placed in an Althainion childs' hands, both boys and girls, before they can walk. Althainions are the best human achers in all of Majik if not the best period. They are accurate at a full run while fireing at targets behind them. In Sedrok archers apon the city ramparts and along the outer towers have range targeted, with leg fired bows, as far as a kilometer out and kill orcs by the dozens each year before the orcs even see who is fireing apon them.
After four hundred years of waring with the orcs the Althainions have adapted a simlpe yet effecteive stratagy. They unload as much arrows apon an attacking group of orcs as they can then run. Althainion war tactics are based apon defence and soft retreating archers. Orcs have been known to attack Althainions a hundred stong bering down apon a group a fifth their size chasing the Althionions over kilometers of plain to only be picked off one by one before they even get within sword striking distace. The keystone to Althainion defence and survival are the Floating Islands. The inacesibility of the Islands Combined with althainions exeptional archery skills make them verual inpenitrble to the orcs. They are used as a safe base apon which the althainions waether the most feirce orc attacks. In fact most agricultuarl work is done in cync with the moving Islands so that working Althainions on the plains can flee to them at a moments notice never more then a few kilometers away. Althainions are rarely offencive in battle prefuring to flee only holding ground at Sadok, Theamar castle, and within the Floating Islands. They have never attacked into Tragothar land but do encurage adventures to do so in the hopes that some orcs will be killed before the adevturers inevitable demise.
=== '4.4' Law and Order-Culture ===
Althainions lack any written set of laws and regulations. Instead they rely upon "common sense and the law of the land" as they like to call it. Luckly little enforcement and litigation is needed. Althainions are to honest to be thives or huslters and most arguements over land ond property are settled between themselves. If an arguement is unsettleable a mutual freind will act as arbitrator who's desision is almost always adhered to. Capital offences such as murder and rape are treated quickly and brutily, death being the only sentace for such crimes. Exucution of such punishments are done by mob, archer firing squade as the preforable method.
Decisions and government are finalized by consencus or elected official. Leadership positions are filled when the time is needed scouting party and war band leaders are choosen on the spot with an inpromptue election and unquestioned. Government in the city of sadok is decided once a year by a general election but no decition is made by any single man or women without some input by fellow citezens. Althainions see themselves as freemen, and free women, and as such view servitude, usuary and slavery as abominations and are simply not allowed.
=== '4.5' Woodsmen and Druids-Culture ===
(im not sure i should use the term druid should i come up with something orinal in name?)
A small population of people live in the forest of Abhorrance and are refered to as Woodsmen. They are of Althainion blood and character. The Woodsmen are the extreem of Althainion belief and temperment being highly individualistic and shun civilization. They prefer the isolation of nature and the forests. Woodsmen live off of what the forest provides. They produce wood crafts and exeptional bows and arrows which they often sell at Baor during Sedise. Some even try their hand at farming on and off through the years. Family groups of 3 to 7 idividuals live in wood treehouse like structures that are nearly imposible to see being well camoflaged from orc maraders. Lone woodsmen living deeper in the forest are not uncommen.
Druids live deep in the forest and number from seventy five to a hundred they worship Grebifor the god/goddess of nature and practice the art of healing upon the population of Althainon. Their main residence within the forest is not known even among the woodsmen. Each year a group of five or ten travel to Baor where prospective children are asesed and worthy one are allowed to join the Druids. The ages of those chossen are between 10 and 12 and only 2 to three aare taken each year. Druids can be found fairly easily within the forests for they often travel among the trees and make their presence known to the woodsmen by frequently stopping at their homes and staying for small times at commen gathering places.
== '5' Religion ==
Althainions are generaly privite among strangers in their worship and do not hold grand cerimonies or have temples dedicated to their god Grebifor. Their beliefs and spiritual feels do run deep but they view religion as a personal affair and are humble in their worship. Prayers are usualy done silently but can be spoken aloud at meal times, with children at their bed time or befor the celebrations that acure at Antrok. Althainions also sing spirituals about and to their god while working in their feilds. They worship almost exclusivly Grebifor god or goddess of nature. Grebifor lacks any gender because to the Althainions nature has no gender. The druids of the Forest of Abhorrence are holders of religios knowladge for the Althainions and those seeking spiritual and religious guidence will travel to the forest for such knowledeg often spending up to a year there learning the ways of Grebifor. Althainions also pay homedge to Aerfik god of archery and defencive war though to a much lesser degree. Befor a battle or while making a bow they will sometimes say a silent prayer asking for his favor.
== '6' Language ==
Antrok means black and Sedise means green in Althainion. The Althainion language is nearly identical to the lanuage spoken in Areon exept for a few more dirogitory terms used by them to describe orcs.
== '7' ((Althainon)) ==
Althainon is a region located on the southern portion of Majik's second largest continent Eldiron. Life in Althainon is dictated by the extreme seasonal changes brought on by its vicinity to the volcanos of Tragothar. In the summer and spring months (The Sedise season) it is a lush green paradise with grassy plains flower covered hills and lush forests. In the winter and fall (the Antrok season.) all vegetation dies, or becomes dormant and the land turns into a desolate waste of ash ruled by marauding orcs. Western Althainon borders the smoldering wastes of Tragothar. To the north it borders Areon and the Lamarhen lakes. Several islands in the lakes are considered part of Althainon. To the west is the region of Nin'calaris. The south is bordered by the Sea of flames. In the south of Althainon is forest land with a small group of short mountains, the east is mostly ash year around. The central area are plains rolling hills and a nicely sized river that dumps into the azure lakes. Also in the central plain are the Floating Islands, 30 or so large gravity defying land masses that levitate 200 meters from the ground, circling the central plains region of Althainon in a clock like yearly migration. In the north near the coast are forests and marsh lowlands. The primary inhabitants of Althainon are the Althainion people who toil in the plains during the pleasant Sedise season (spring and summer) then flee east during the ash driven storms of Antrok (winter and fall).
== '8' Role-playing ==
'''NAMES''': In the words of Beregar "I demand names that has preferably have nothing to do with any real life languages. Structure of name must be suitable for their language (check words). If I, or preferably players of this race find some person using unsuitable names there will be punishment of some sort, like creation of new character. Should same person continue violating these rules and I'll see personally that he or she won't play Majik anymore."(Although I probably don't have that kind of power:) )
'''BATTLE''': In hand to hand Althainions use most types of arms; swords, axes, pikes, spears, etc. All Althainions use bows and train to be the highest proficancy in its implementaion as possible. On the whole they are defencive warrriors and are exelent in the art of statigic withdrawl. Often firing their bows then retrieting back past another battery of archers and setting up to fire again.
'''RELIGION''': They are deeply religious and are unbending in faith to Grebifor, but are private in their worship. They are often seen praying but such prayers are silent. They do not not like to speak of worship and religion with strangers.
'''MAGIC''': Magic at this point holds no peice of althainion life. Though they have no aversion to it. It is not inconcivable for an althainion to leave Althainon in search of magic. The Druids in the Forest of Abhorrence do practice magic but it is of a religious nature and primarily used for healing and defence.
'''PHILOSOPHY''': Althainions have little trouble saying what they think. They should be played brash if not a bit rude. They are quick to anger but not quick to start a fight. They are exeptionaly loyal and will fight with their lives to defend a friend. They are not eisilly allied with but when they do make freinds it is with the deepest love and loyalty. They also hate orcs and will have nothing to do with them. They usualy kill them on sight if it is within their power.
-- [ hook]
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Original text file: Amber.txt
Amber, which we now know is the aging resin of several different trees and shrubs, was of unknown origin to the ancients, who revered it as a great element in magic and used it often as a talisman.
Because it was found most frequently on the shores of streams, in old lake beds, or in the sea, it was often thought to be the product of a fish that was called, appropriately, the amberfish. Others believed it came from seafoam that had crystallized, or from resin put forth by certain trees.
Amber has many uses other than magical or relgious, it is easly carved and can make many useful objects including rings, jars, or beads. It is easly found in some places of Majik but really good clear high grade amber, the kind people want for there idols or talisman is exceptionaly rare in large chunks.
=== Physical Properties ===
*Lightwight fossilized resin.
*Very valuable in clean and clear form, the larger the more expensive.
*Density of 1.002 g/mL
*Floats on salt water, skinks in fresh water
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Original text file: Archantes.txt
He is usually known Archantes, an ancient word from, nowadays faded, elvish language, meaning The Writer. Also called The Messenger or Eronfaldel, the Eagle. Among humans he is often called The Friar.
Sages have indeed many forms. Archantes usually appears as a poor mendicant with his brown hooded robe, while he walks cross human lands. On the other hand he might be seen as a great eagle travelling in the sky.
Many of the sages are isolated and have great thirst for power, yet Archantes possesses only the desire to rule. He walks amongst mortals, certainly as nameless, and among sages he is the first to have mortal apprentices, and much he teaches and loves them. Even if so, he never speaks too much nor gives knowledge to unworthy. He afflicts his followers with the most arduous and long errands - for which one have to follow incessantly to the end.
Archantes also speaks to other sages more often than rest of them to each other. He sends written words, epistles, to others, and he is the one willing to create the council of sages.
He adores written word; it's beauty in all its forms, from telling trollish writing to strict and beautiful elvish literature. Archantes collects knowledge to books, to his library. Sage's knowledge is vast, and so is sage's library.
"To know is to rule."
To that relies his obsession to write.
"A broken arrow of a broken bow, signifying nothing."
Archantes, after seeing the cataclysm.
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Original text file: Aurechre.txt
The common swamp hawk of central Eldiron, with its gray-and-white
wings and appetite for large rodents, is a beautiful and well-known
bird, and is considered one of the best and most easily trained
hunting birds. However, in the mountains of northwestern Nin-Calaris,
a disproportional amount of swamp hawks are born as deformed siamese
twins: the Aurechre, or Ettin Hawk, is shunned like death itself.
Few dare take a closer look at this bird; but at least two accounts
are known of examinations of dead Aurechres. The second head is
reportedly very underdeveloped, with little feathering. It has no
brains or connection to the stomach, but the head may have been
capable of breathing and voice. The muscles are complete.
Nobody has been able to pinpoint if there is any real reason behind
the people's tremendous fear for these birds - aside from their
disconcerting appearance - but rumors abound. Some say that they
are fond of stealing and eating children, though this is considered
a fabricated tale parents use to keep their kids in control. Deaths
of children and mothers during childbirth are often attributed to
sightings of this bird. Mountaineers claim to have heard them scream
human words in the highest passes of the Calarian highlands. Whatever
the truth is, the fear is very real among the people.
Aside from the deformities, the Aurechre physically differs little
from the ordinary swamp hawk. A grown-up bird's wingspan varies
between 110 and 140 centimeters and the height around 60.
|| Environment || Particular to the Calarian mountains and the swamps to the west ||
|| Commonness || Extremely rare ||
|| Social habits || Unknown ||
|| Activity cycle || Unknown ||
|| Diet || Presumed carnivorous ||
|| Intelligence || Unknown ||
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Original text file: Authors.txt
*''.. insert your name here''
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Original text file: Banto.txt
''extracted from the desc of Brahjians''
Brahjians lived mostly on the meat and milk of the Banto which was a goat-like, durable, and hairless animal. The banto is a very special animal for it can store large amounts of water and survive on very little food. Bantos are omnivorous, they eat everything from small animals like spiders, worms, and scorpions; to leaves of palm trees and fruits. Bantos are immune to most poisons and besides moving oasises were another reason why most Brahjians lived a beduin life.
Bantos' meat is very tasty and it is usually stewed in a Buijid together with palm oil and edible plants.
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Original text file: BattleSystem.txt
Waiting for de-htmlization!
= In A Nutshell =
Combat begins when a creature indicates he wishes to attack another creature. After that, both characters attempt to score hits against each other according to their unique styles. The styles are based on two basic concepts: combat approaches and combat techniques.
= CombatApproaches =
A combat approach depicts a character's overall approach in a combat situation, in the context of the relationship between himself and his opponent(s). These include, but are not limited to:
*How much a character tries to avoid getting hit
*How much a character tries to reduce the damage if he does get hit
*How eagerly the character attacks
*How accurately the character attacks
*How much damage the character tries to inflict
*Whether the character attempts to kill his opponent or not, and if not, what he is trying to achieve
The combat approaches are named, and hence linked to our world, because that way they contribute to the role-playing aspect of the game in various ways, and possibly the players will have something more concrete to identify with in "Dwarven Berserker", "Light Sparring" or "Merciful Defender" as opposed to numeric descriptions, especially considering the subject is rather complicated and being such has quite a few variables. Generic combat approaches will be available for each character, but it may be that certain very specialized approaches can be learned on the way.
= CombatTechniques =
Combat techniques are one-time only techniques that deviate from regular combat, that a character can "trigger off". When applied, they have a very specific effect in both success and failure. Different techniques are available with different weapons and combat styles, and against different creatures, armor types and amounts of enemies. An example of this could be something like "Djasimite Whirlwind Blade" (the character starts to spin and attempts 3 quick hits in the head, and ends the technique with a bash in the opponents forehead as an attempt to stun). When successful, it would inflict tremendous damage and stun the opponent, and when failed you would be dazed yourself and possibly would hit yourself. Combat techniques can sometimes be chained together for that extra edge. This can't be done with all techniques, but a combatant's skill in combat may turn the tide on this. (OOH! That guy continued his "Orc Cuts The Tree" with "Kumairrag's Beehive Shaker").
= Formulas =
The battle system resolves the results of individual hits between Attacker and Defender. It is assumed in this system that Defender always prefers to dodge blows, though this can be changed a lot by the Combat Styles the Defender uses. It is also assumed that the defender always prefers to use a shield to block blows as opposed to his weapon. Also, the Defender can make a "partial dodge" or a "partial block" in the sense that despite failing a dodge check or a block check, the attacker gets a negative bonus to his hit chance from an attempted dodge.
- Resolve initial hit chance of Attacker
Hit chance is a variable that is defined by the following:
- Skillcheck result in used weapon + Weapon offense bonus (can be negative)
- Combat Style bonuses
- Attacker's posture:
- Sitting: -50
- Lying on the ground: -75
- Back against attacker: -25
- Attacker's condition:
\t- Confused: -25
- Stunned: -50
- Unconscious: No hit :P
- Possible other bonuses from magic etc
- Resolve hit type and random hit bonus by 1d100
- If the result is 1, a fumble follows
- If the result is 100, a critical hit follows
- Otherwise the hit is a normal hit
- Add previous random bonus to hit chance to get the final hit chance
- If the hit was critical, add additional 50
- Resolve dodge chance of Defender
Dodge chance is a variable that is defined by:
- Defender's condition:
- Confused: -25
- Stunned: -50
- Unconscious: No dodge :P (attacker hits in any case)
- Defender's posture:
- Sitting: -50
- Lying on the ground: -75
- Back against attacker: -25
- Skillcheck in Defender's dodge skill
- Defender's Combat Style
- Subtract dodge chance from hit chance and STORE THE RESULT (hit chance - dodge chance)
- If hit chance <= 0, the hit was a miss (hit resolving ends)
- If hit chance > 0, the result was a hit (move to block checks)
- Resolve Defender's weapon block chance
Weapon block chance is a variable defined by:
- Defender's condition:
- Confused: -25
- Stunned: -50
- Defender's posture:
- Sitting: -50
- Lying on the ground: -75
- Back against attacker: -25
- Skillcheck in Defender's weapon skill * Weapon block bonus / 100
- Defender's Combat Style
- Resolve Defender's shield block chance
Shield block chance is a variable defined by:
- Defender's condition:
- Confused: -25
- Stunned: -50
- Defender's posture:
- Sitting: -50
- Lying on the ground: -75
- Back against attacker: -25
- Skillcheck in Defender's shields skill
- Defender's Combat Style
- Add Defender's weapon block bonus to shield block bonus to get total defence bonus
- Subtract the Defender's total defence bonus from Attacker's modified hit chance
- If hit chance <= 0, the attack was blocked
- If hit chance > 0, the attack was a hit
- Resolve Attacker's hit damage
Damage is a variable (usually between 1 and 1000, with humans only capable of 200-300 at the very maximum) that is defined by the following scheme:
- Hit magnitude = Hit chance * (Attacker Str / 50.0 + 1.0)
- (Hit magnitude is a float, only consider the most significant decimal, meaning 1.02 equals 1.0)
- Damage (Integer) = (Weapon base damage (between 1 and 100) * Hit magnitude) / 100
- If the attack was blocked, add shield bonus to hit chance
- If hit chance > 0, the attack was blocked by the shield
- If hit chance <= 0, the attack was blocked by the weapon
- If the attack was blocked, resolve damage to blocking item
- If the attack was a hit, resolve Defender's hit location the attack hit
- Unknown how this is to be resolved
- Calculate actual damage to hitloc
- Damage is subtracted by Defender's armor bonus against attacker's damage type in the specific hitloc
- Calculate the percentage that the actual affecting damage to hitloc was out of the entire maximum hp of the hitloc
- Damage resolved hitloc:
- If the damage to a hitloc was a stab:
- Damage is between 0 and 50 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Damage is between 51 and 100 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 12
- Damage is between 101 and 150 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 8
- Damage is between 151 and 200 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 5
- Damage is over 200 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed value equal to max hp in hitloc to hitloc
- Cripple hitloc
- If the damage to a hitloc was a cut:
- Damage is between 0 and 50 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Damage is between 51 and 100 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 10
- Damage is between 101 and 150 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 5
- Damage is between 151 and 200 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 2
- Damage is over 200 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed value equal to max hp in hitloc to hitloc
- Sever hitloc
- If the damage to a hitloc was an impact:
- Damage is between 0 and 50 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Damage is between 51 and 100 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Damage is between 101 and 150 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 10
- Damage is between 151 and 200 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 5
- Damage is over 200 percent of maximum hitpoints in hitloc:
- Add a bleed to the hitloc that's hitloc maximum hp / 2
- Cripple hitloc
- Resolve special effects the hitloc might have
- If the hitloc runs out of hp:
\t- If the hitloc was a capital bodypart (eg. head) -> Defender unconscious
- If the hitloc was a supporting bodypart (eg. leg) -> Defender falls down
- If the hitloc was a hitloc that was using an item (eg. hand) -> Defender drops item
- If the damage to the hitloc is more than 200 percent of it's maximum hp
\t- If the hitloc was a capital bodypart (eg. head) -> Defender dead
- Willpower + Constitution check against unconsciousness
- (otherwise same effects as above)
= UI Considerations =
A character can click on the icon of a combat technique or a combat style, after which it goes in his "combat queue" on the screen. This way, different techniques and styles can be chained together, which leaves room for tactics.
(This part needs expanding)
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Original text file: Beecog.txt
The Beecog are mammoth sized basking fish found in the waters of the Quite Sea and the Sea of Tears. They grow to adulthood between the length of 20 to 50 meters long and have a mass between 100 and 300 tons. They are solitary in nature but once a year, during the winter months, migrate in large schools to the warm waters of The Sea of the Tailwind to breed. Their appearance resembles that of monstrous elongated rays but have oil filled, massive, bone encased, humps on their backs near the lower portion of their heads. They lack any eyes nostrils or other obvious sensing organs having only two sets of gills along their undersides and imence siphoning mouths to collect small shrimp and plankton. Beecog are prized by fishermen because of the unique qualities their bones, which can be "forged" into weapons and tools of rare strength and flexibility, and the large amount of oil contained in their brain-less skulls.
-- hook
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Original text file: Bloodroot.txt
A herbal plant that grows in grassy meadow lands usually near water. It's a twining annual vine that can grow upwards of 30m in a single season.
It has many magical and medical uses, and is usually cultivated by sages and magicians and can be bought
at about any shop. Its wide spread and found in most of the majik world.
This vine grows a thick tuberous root that has deep red inner flesh. These tubers are dried
and then ground into a a fine red powder which is used for magical potions and other uses.
|| '''Annual / Perennial / Bi-annual''': || Annual ||
|| '''Reproduction age (Perennial only)''': || N/A ||
|| '''Pollination method''': || Insect ||
|| '''Flowering season''': || Mid-summer ||
|| '''Seed dispersal method''': || Forcefull ejection from dried seed pods ||
|| '''Rate of growth''': || 30m in a single growing season, before mid-summer. ||
|| '''Maximum size''': || 50m or more in ideal conditions. ||
|| '''Eaten by''': || Nothing is known that eats it. ||
|| '''Eats?''': || N/A ||
|| '''Medical/Magical uses''': || Many, all undescribed. ||
|| '''Unique Properties''': || None. ||
|| '''Climate/Terrain''': || Shady plant grows in forests where it twines up trees and shrubs. ||
|| '''Frequency''': || Common ||
sketch of leaf
sketch of a bloodroot sead pod.
sketch of part of the vine.
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Original text file: Blueseal.txt
Blueseal is an extract from the bark of the young ((Ewlpo Tree)) that grows on the fields of ((Althainon)). The extract can be ingested by drinking it, often added to hot water or Ewlpo fruit juice, which bestows the drinker with invigorating energy allowing longer hours of labor, travel or forgoing sleep. It is a favorite among the ((Althainions)) who use the extract during the growing season for putting in long hours of labor and holding night watch against orc attacks. The extract is prepared by scraping off the bark of young ewlpo saplings. It is important to get the bark at a certain age when the bark of the sapling is its brightest blue before it matures and turns a dark black. The bark is then added to one part water and one part olive oil (although animal lard or any other fatty substances works) then slowly cook the mixture over a days period stirring it often. After cooking its is left to cool for another day until it fully separates. This is often done in large sealed vases that are kept submerged in the waters of a cool river or lake. After the cooling the mixture will separate into three layers water on the bottom oil on top and a thin blue film in the middle. the blue layer is separated. Sometimes being re-cooked cooled and seperated if large quantities are combined in order to make a more consecrated extract. The extract is then let out to dry over a weeks period until it turns into a powder which is the final product. The substance once prepared can be stored for extended periods of time so long as it is kept dry.
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Original text file: BookOfCreation.txt
The Book of Creation
Chapter 1: The Flame Ignites
The Beginning. Emptiness. Chaos. A lone figure watched all this in silence. The lightnings of chaos were striking around him
and the cries of pain of the young world echoed ceaselessly, but the figure just watched and the unborn world before his face
Still the figure remained immobile. Only the omniscient eyes were watching. And as they watched, from the heart of chaos
stood out the cloak of light and the black heart of darkness and silently as the wind, the figure called upon them and let his
powers control them. Chaos screamed in hatred when the darkness suffocated it and the light filled it with it's brilliancy and
for the first time there was balance. The figure smiled and was happy.
The moment of creation came. The lone figure summoned chaos, light and darkness and from them created a vision. A vision of
a world, a kingdom of balance. The figure let the vision become true and from his will darkness spread the cloak of night over
the world, light created daylight and chaos ripped this woven fabric and so dusk and dawn were born. So the circle of light had
been set. The figure smiled and was happy.
From the same vision the lone figure let his kingdom be true and the circle of earth was set in the center of the circle of light,
but the figure saw that the earth was not good and so he molded it. The figure let deep ravines cut through the face of the earth
and filled them with water which started to flow through the rivers which he slashed to the earth. He lifted the mountains from
the bossom of the earth and let their peaks rise high to praise the sky which curved as a blue ether over the circle of earth. The
figure let the trees rise from their mould and the grass to grow at their roots and he set the wind to blow between the leaves of
the trees. But the figure was not happy. He called upon light and he called upon darkness and then two spirits arrived. The other
one, in it's bright lustre stepped in before him and bowed down in respect. The other, in it's murky and wavering form slithered
like a snake before the figure, but remained still and a cold glow shone around it. The lone figure spoke and his voice was that
of a very wise man: - "Be greeted, my children. You, who arrived from the Gates of Eternity from my command. Look around
you, and you will see all that is promised, but which will never become true without you. The laws of nature are not
permament here and this level of the world shall be doomed. The emptiness will eat away life and cover all that exists and does
not exist in it's cloak. This unbalanced state will dominate in the endless night and the flame of future will die out - everything
will cease to exist... But from the edges of the world, the Gates of Eternity I summoned you, my children. I will call upon light
and darkness to fill the cups of balance. Too long has chaos ruled the existence and imprisoned time in it's shackles, but through
you the world shall gain freedom and it's final shape. The vision is about to be true and nothing may prevent that."
The lone figure stilled and turned to the shining white spirit. - "The spirit of light, Aluna, which means brilliant, a sacred
blessing is upon you and the keys of hope are in your hands. You must establish a corporeal form so that you can cast an anchor
in the heart of the night." And after saying this, the lone figure lifted up his hand and let his powers touch the spirit and
suddenly a bright light flashed in the emptiness and a woman was standing where the spirit had stood. The woman looked on
the lone figure in tranquility and the all-seeing eyes answered the look. - "Power you shall have and the gift of wisdom. May
your spirit be passionate and your mind be clear. Use your gifts well, Aluna, the spirit of light, my daughter, for the future of
the world is now in your hands." Aluna bowed deeply and her figure disappeared with a flash and again there was darkness.
The all-seeing eyes turned to the other figure, who was shapeless. The shadows swayed around it and the air was like black
mist, but the all-seeing eyes looked through this figure, straight in it's soul. - "Black is your soul, my son Sinister, which
means evil. It is black, like the night, but I can see the strength emanating from there, which flows in you, my son. That power
is very strong and I can see how it will affect. For all life, which already throbs in the young world shall sometimes be renewed
and reborn. Death - the keys of death are in your hands and I can see the power in you so that you can use them. Evil and fear.
May those be your weapons and your shelter, for they alone make you strong and only with them the world shall gain balance.
You too shall have a corporeal figure, so that you can rule your mighty powers." And after saing this the lone figure lifted his
other hand and let his powers touch the spirit and suddenly a black and inpenetrable darkness landed in the emptiness for a
while and at the spirits place there was a horrifying creature, a snake-like demon which stared with it's icy eyes at the lone
figure and the omniscient eyes answered the sight.- "May your might be great and your wisdom grow to be as great. May your
spirit be passionate and your mind be clear. Use your gifts well, Sinister, the spirit of darkness, my son, for the fate of the
world is now in your hands." Sinister answered with a hiss and his figure disappeared in the shadows and again there was
darkness. The lone figure smiled and was happy.
-- brethel
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Original text file: Brahjians.txt
Now after most of the information has disappeared in the cataclysm which foolish mortals caused in their lust for power. I and the other ancients, as the mortals used to call us in their legends, are completing our task which we had chosen to behold. After the elder gods gave their order not to interfere with mortal affairs it was quite obvious how things would end, "let they burn their fingers and they may even learn from it" they said but I believe that even they didn't foresee the amount of destruction mortals could cause to their precious creation. When the mortal madness aprroached its end, I and my brothers decided to start gathering our knowledge of mortals together in a form of writings and tomes which would help us to restore them their former knowledge and while much knowledge is lost, we will make our best to guide the mortals to prevent further magical disasters. As we agreed, most of us will choose one race to watch over and while a human tribe called Brahjians used to live close to my anciet domain of guardianship, I have agreed to write down my knowledge of them. Keep in mind, these writings are not meant for mortal eyes as they are in here for they reveal too much facts from their past as well as of our own role in the world. For those who need material for the mortals I suggest you read at least the introduction.
== Introduction ==
Brahjians are one of the toughest races in Majik for before cataclysm they used to live in an area which other races regarded uninhabitable - the Desert of Ghalimcar. Even the Sages don't know for sure whether the Brahjians have evolved from the same ancestors as northern humans but according to my research, they are unquestionably full-blooded humans. Most Brahjians have dark bluish hair, color almost that of a raven's feather and gleaming black eyes. Both sexes are about 180 cm tall and slender but strong. Before the cataclysm Brahjians used to wear robes and wrap a veil around their head so that only gleaming eyes were visible. Besides efficiently preventing outsiders from distinguish ing the sexes from each other, the veil also protected their face from sand and parching sun. Color of fabric and decoration was generally used to show an individuals status the society.
It was impossible to live in a burning desert without water and lack of water made Brahjians masters in the art of water finding. They were also adept in magic, especially in religious magic. Brahjian society was highly based on religion and magic and among their tribes could be found few of the most greatest mages in whole Majik. Magic was not only used in the finding and creation of water and food, but also in the creation of exotic magical goods. If something couldn't be made by normal means, magic was used. Since the cataclysm Brahjians have grown even stronger in their faith and thus their religious power has increased even more. While living in the desert Brahjians formed small tent societies which had from a few dozen to hundreds of inhabitants. These societies travelled from oasis to oasis searching for food and water. Only the largest societies had permanent magical cities called "Mahdi" which were constructed from marble or bronze using the power of the "Tsudath Mahaire", the lords of the earth as they were called among Brahjians. Leader of a tent society, the Sahid, were addressed as "Sahid Mahaire", which means lord of the tents and magical cities were ruled by "Mahadare", the council of magicians, who often were members of the same group that created the city.
== Ghalimcar ==
The area where Brahjians originate from is the area of Ghalimcar. Ghalimcar consists mostly of a wide desert expanse, known as the Desert of Ghalimcar, or the Desert of Brahjian, as it was called while the Brahjians still lived there. The rainforest region of Zamurdi was also considered to be part of Ghalimcar. This forest is a cursed remnant of the great rainforest that once covered the whole area, a dark place filled with twisted magic of the ancients and power of Hadarah, a place where evil trees and creatures dwell hunting for the flesh and blood of those unfortunate souls who dare to enter in the depths of dark jungles. The desert itself was created when Aluna, the goddess of Sun imprisoned two lesser gods in the forest and who then drained the life from the jungles. The desert used to be the most fertile part of Ghalimcar, an area where great rivers fed vast jungles full of abundant animal life, but nowadays the desert is an extremely dry and barren place, where moaning winds travel sadly over dunes of dry sand. It is also a dangerous pla
ce to live in or travel through, because Shanta, the sand goddess, as Brahjians call her is imprisoned there and her influence has destablized the weather, so that at any moment the winds could pick up and a violent sandstorm could erupt. Some strong enough to tear the flesh
off of the unwary.
Even before the cataclysm the desert was not completely dry however, for rivers which fed the jungles were merely buried, not removed and and now that the cataclysm is over, many of the buried underground rivers have surfaced giving me hope that life can still exist in the desert. However, in time before the cataclysm only a few of them existed and even those below the surface. After Aluna created the moving oasises, these rivers fed the plants the oasises contained with fresh water. Because of these rivers, a few creatures could live and even flourish in the desert a human tribe called the Brahjians among them and while they are now gone, carried away to safe havens by the gods, I still have plans to return them to their original place. Before the cataclysm the Desert had a few extraordinary features which did not appear in other places. The most well known were the travelling oasises which follow the underground rivers and while most of them were buried in the cataclysm that teared the desert open, a few of them still exist and now that a few of the rivers have surfaced again, they will probably expand quickly. Hadarah Shasta, storm of the unliving as Brajians called it was another unique feature in the desert. It appeared as a larger quiet sandstorm that travels around the desert seemingly randomly, however, those unfortunate souls who entered inside the sandstorm soon found the truth behind it. The storm consists of spinning mad spirits who collect souls for their master Hadarah. As most of you know, the desert is also a prison to two lesser gods that were imprisoned there since the ancient wars, as well as, home to myself, their guardian. Since cataclysm has kept us all busy and I forced to leave my domain, I haven't had time to fully explore all the changes that have occured in desert. However as our main focus is currently the creatures that existed in the world, I am forced to leave further research of the desert later.
== History ==
According the information that I have got from the snakemen of Zamurdi, excistance of the Brahjian tribes start from the end of ancient war Before the end of the war Ghalimcar used to be mostly lush rainforest, a home to a group of our kind. When the new gods created the mortal races, ancients who lived in the area brought a few of them there out of curiousity. Soon they noticed that humans, as they were called, were not adapt for jungle life so the ancient used their magic to alter them which, I believe, is reason for some physical traits of the Brahjian. The ancients held much interest towards the humans who now called themselves Jian which meant "those touched by the gods" but then an unfortunate event made the ancients retreat from this world. Aluna, the goddess of Sun and one of the elder gods, known of her chaotic and easily angered nature decided to get rid off of two new gods of lesser power who were pestering her. She casted them down in a ball of fire and imprisoned them in the heart of jungle. Parts of the jungle were burned and while the Jian were protected by the ancients, imprisoned spirits, in their attempts to escape, quickly drained the life from jungles turning them to a desert. I'm not sure why the ancients left, maybe they feared that new destruction might occur or maybe there were simply tired but left they did, taking most of their city within but leaving a part to Jian and the snakemen. However eventually the curse of those lesser gods reached the jungles and the ancient magic which earlier protected the rainforests from destruction was now twisted causing the jungles themselves, as well as all magical creatures within, to became monsterous creatures of semi-undead status, feeding from the blood of living creatures. Unfortunatelly this was true to the snakemen and the ancient city itself. The city which was once full of beauty and miracles became dark, twisted and evil place of it's former self and the snakemen who were once a noble race became creatures of dark killing most of the Jian who lived there in their bloody rituals. It seems that some of the Jian managed to escape from the dark jungles, those strong in the magical lore, and arrived to the desert where II had arrived only a few mortal years earlier. Aluna, still somewhat angry but regretting the destruction which she had caused, asked me to guard the place where those spirits were imprisoned and make sure they would never get enough power to escape. When the Jian arrived to the desert I informed Aluna about their condition and she appeared to them in a form flame and offered to help them if they would in exchange guard to the desert and keep other races from entering there. She forbid them from never going in the centre of desert and gave them other rules which later became the religious commandments of the Brahjian. When the Jian accepted her offer she raised a few oasises around the desert and warned that they would travel around the desert like the Jian themselves should. Many centuries I spent overseeing the Jian while still guarding the imprisoned gods. Eventually the nameless lesser gods drained almost the all life from the desert and when they understood it wouldn't be enough to release them from their prison. They used to their powers and entered minds of the Jian, appearing as gods and demanding worship. The Jian were already worshipping Aluna as a Goddess of Sun and while she remained their patron deity I became aware that they have also started to worship new gods called Shanta and Hadarah. Since I was told not to interefere with them I noticed too late that Shanta and Hadarah were no-one else but the imprisoned spirits I was guarding. After this Aluna started to interfere more with the Jian, who now had changed their name to Brahjian, answering their prayers more oftenly and thus trying to lessen the worshipping of Shanta and Hadarah. While Aluna always remained their patron deity untill the cataclysm, a many lesser god has gained part of their worship.
Brahjian had always had the cast system but when centuries passed it became even more obvious. About threethousands of years after their ar rival to desert Brahjians divided to two groups. Others were still wandering around the desert and following the order of Aluna but some of them had learned strong primal magic and now used those powers to create great magical cities called "Mahdi". I can only guess the origins of their magical knowledge but I have a strong feeling it had something to do with the imprisoned spirits and my own guardianship, or more likely, the end of it. I can only assume that those gods tried to get them powerful enough to release them from their prison but cataclysm occured before they managed to finish their plans.
== Appearance ==
When Brahjians started their worship of the Shanta and Hadarah and changes started to occur. I started spending more time watching over the Brahjian tribe, using a diguise of course. While my research and concern was mainly focused in their rapidly growing magical abilities, I also got more familiar with the people and their appearance. Living in the desert where food and water sources are scarce made Brahjians, in human standards, durable and untiring people. Lack of water and constant traveling shaped their bodies slender and strong, and parching sun gave them their olive colored skin. What I found interesting is the fact that unlike with most other mortal races where a male is taller than a female, all Brahjians were close to same height and weight. I believe that these as well as other physical oddities are caused by the changes which the ancients did to them when they were brought to jungles. An average Brahjian is about 180 cm tall and weighs only 60kg. Most have dark bluish and semi long hair, which is usually tied to make it easier to wear a veil. Eyes are piercing black, slightly narrow and gleaming. Sometimes Brahjians had blond haired descendants, but they were immediately killed when it could be noticed, to keep their race full-blooded as they believed.
Men are almost hairless except for the rare chin beard and/or oriental type moustache. This is because thick body hair would cause increased sweating, and would keep their body temperature higher. Women differ from men in general appearance only slightly - They have larger breasts and a slightly narrower face. Now after the cataclysm is over and the Gods gathered all mortals into a one place it will be interesting to know if it had any effects for them. Of course their current location may have its effects on them if they remain there a long enough. \t\t
== Clothing ==
Clothes and decoration were very important for a Brahjian because they determined his or her place in the society. However there were some clothes which all Brahjian used to wear for both religious purposes as well as because of practical reasons. Traditional feet long robes, Jalara, which were tied with a decorated girdle called Khajid were one of these. Jalara and Khajid together with Hunain, a veil, and Saya which are slippers formed basic clothing of a Brahjian. All Brahjian clothes were weaved of silk like material called Shurawari that was collected from a Dacca, a 10 cm larger spider like creature. Jalara which all Brahjians weared was no exception. These robes were completelly made from Shurawari and they were easy and light to wear and allowed quick moves and they were warm in the night and cool in the day. Some of the greatest robes were weaved by the Jahid-Mahaire who had developed an interesting way to control art which mortals call magic and imbued it to fabrics giving them great strength.
The girdle which was used to tie the robe was not only decorative, but was also one of the major symbols of an inviduals place in the society. The more decorated and valuable the material was, the more wealthy and the higher the status of that person. The girdle itself was madefrom Shurawari but it was decorated with metallic embroidery and usually had precious gems and jewels adorning it. The highest-ranking persons might even had a girdle that was completely made from some soft metal, like silver or gold. However, the most valuable are those which had very rare materials like pearls and amber seldom seen in the desert. It is noticeable however that Tsudath-Mahaire, a group of Brahjian mages which was specialized in matter and alchemy often used their powers to create different kinds of metals, however gemstones were usually beyond their power and thus valued most. Besides showing an individuals position Khajid had also practical and religious uses. Brahjians often tied pounches to girdles where they held their items. Also, the Khajid was one of those rare items which Brahjians considered valuable enough hold canteens of holy liquid, the water.
Almost as important in a religious meaning as the Khajid were Hunain. There were two ways to tie the veil, one was popular among wandering tribes and it left only the eyes visible. The other was popular among those Brahjians who lived in a Mahdi, in this case hunain was not actually tied but placed loosely on the head and then kept in place with either a circular or square headband. Hunain had also a religious meaning, wandering Brahjian tribes had a rule which prohibited them from showing their face to an outsider while in desert for Brahjians who were ordered not to let outsiders to desert considereded themselves rather as a hand of a god and thus their own identity didn't excist only the will of Aluna. Although not clear, I assume that those living in a Mahdi weared Hunain other way to show their independence as well as to show their acceptance to strangers.
The slippers, Saya, which Brahjians weared on their feet were mainly made of Shurawari. The slippers had three layers in the sole, the two outer layers were made of Shurawari, and they had a thick cotton layer between them. Saya was excellent for running over sand for it left only little tracks and was rough enough to make it easier walk over slippery sand. Besides Jalara, Hunain, Saya and Khajid, Brahjians used to wear earrings, rings, bangles, and pendants which were made usually from silver, steel gold and decorated with precious gems. I find it rather interesting to see what kind of clothes the Brahjian have started to use after cataclysm. It is for sure that they won't be having their traditional clothing and I'm curious to see how well they will adapt to their new clothing.
== Weapons & Armors ==
Brahjians rarely used any other weapons than the Baggarat and Ghazali. The Baggarat was about 60cm long and 0.8kg weighing, one-handed sabre which was completely created using magic of the Tsudath-Mahaire which made it very sharp and durable. The hilt was usually made from a bone of some larger desert mammal and like the blade it was undecorated. The Baggarat was long enough to be used as a slashing weapon and short enough to be used as a piercing weapon. My main interest towards these weapons was because of their magical nature, they were always created by the Tsudath-Mahaire and their blades varied in materials. Each Tsudath-Mahaire had their own alchemical recipe for the blade and thus their quality and effects varied greatly. Besides common effects like eversharpness I noticed a few special Baggarat which were imbued by the power of gods which Brahjian worshipped, they were mostly in hands of those Brahjian who were religious assassins or warrior monks. It is difficult to determine all effects but they ranged from draining powers to force blades and thus I have no doubt that origin of those powers are mostly either Hadarah or Shanta.
Ghazali, which means "fang of the desert snake", was about 40cm long and 0.4 kg weighing dagger. It had a double-curved, double-edged blade and as with the Baggarat, it was completelly made by using the powers of Tsudath-Mahaire which once again made it very sharp and durable. The blade was decorated with images of a desert snake, and hilt was shaped in the form of a snake which curls around the hand. The Ghazali was mainly used as a piercing weapon, but it could be also used as a slashing weapon, though not as efficiently. Ghazali often had a strong enchantment, which caused poison like effects and pain similar to the bite of a desert snake. Though every member of tribe has either one of these weapons, only sand warriors and Religious brotherhoods used both weapons. Brahjians did not use any missile weapons such as bows but they often place a couple of Chakrams above the headband which kept the Hunain in its place. Especially religious brotherhoods and sand warriors mastered the art of Chakram throwing. Brahjians did not wear armors, for it would have taken too much energy to move in them and even worse, armors make their wearers sweat. A person wearing an armor dies as quickly in the desert, as a person who does not protect himself from the sun with clothes. While Brahjians did not use any real armors, they usually weared a thick cotton or metal arm protectors under their clothes to offer protection against sword slashes or to block animal attacks.
As with the clothes I used past form with weapons and armors. I don't know what's the current situation, I'm quite sure that clothes are gone for good and the same is probably true with the Baggarat and Ghazali for Gods have became very cautious towards all things related to other than their own magic.
== Culture ==
Before the cataclysm Brahjians were honorable and proud people. They were suspicious towards strangers and mostly did not allow them to enter in the desert as they were ordered to guard the desert from strangers. However, residents of the Mahdi were an exception, they accepted strangers and though they still remained suspicious towards the strangers they were not not offensive. Brahjians had always been very religious people, even their ancestors the Jian praised rituals and ceremonies and while in the desert Brahjians adapted even stronger focus on religion and especially religious competitions, whose nature was such that they benefitted the society. Brahjians were disciplined people, they had very strict rules about how to behave and live. They disliked to express their emotions and considered those who did so weak. There were only a few exceptions like the holy war, and the act of worshiping. While Brahjian were honest to everyone they valued highly one's honor and often decide not to say the truth if they felt it was insulting. They didn't believe in marriage and usually lived alone, even if they had children for it was thought that one should only remain true to, as well as love their gods. Children were considered as castless which means that they were not full members of society. If they wanted to became a member they had to show that they would benefit the society. To become a full member they had to follow strictly both orders of the members of society and religious commandments. Children were generally taught abilities of some caste which accepted them before they could became a member of the society. When a child became a member of the society he or she was considered to be full brother or sister to all members of the society. However when Mahdi's were established Brahjians there started to fall under influence of some other races and while all Brahjians remained formal to the very end of cataclysm, those withing Mahdi's generally showed their feelings more freely than their wandering cousins.
The culture of the Brahjians was based on mutual trust and strict religious rules and habits. My own opinion is that rules were necessary for the weak mortals if they wished to live in the burning desert for without them whole tribes would quickly become extinct. This is still true should the Brahjians ever return to desert and while I have shared many arguments with others I have decided to teach necessity of those rules and codes not only for rahjians but to other mortal races as well. There were usually only one punishment for breaking the rules, death.
== Castes ==
The society of the Brahjians was divided into the three castes known as Tsuhad, Habaru, and Shantai. I found my own interest mainly concentrating on Tsuhad which was a magician caste. It's members were essential to the society in their own way, for they had ability to create magical weapons and fabrics which the Brahjians were known for. As I mentioned in the history I believe that origin of Brahjian magery is those two imprisoned gods but I have to admit I was surprised the amount of control these mortals achieved over the art. I believe this was due the changes which ancients made to the Jian tribe as well as their long stay in the city of ancients. The Tsuhad had two different types of members though the name of the caste (viittaa) that those powers behind the Brahjian magery meant only to create one group, the Tsudath Mahaire. While members of a religious caste concentrated on more ethereal things, members of the Tsudath Mahaire concentrated on matter and creation. They were alchemists, scholars and earth mages. Their task was to create weapons and tools for tribal usage. Tsudath were often stronger and more durable than other members of the society because they spent much time doing tasks which required physical strength. Most powerful of the Tsudath Mahaire were those who have mastered the art of creation and alchemy, and eventually created magical cities called "Mahdi".
However, a few hundreds of years after Tsudath-Mahaire another group of mages were formed. This new group called themselves as Jahid Mahaire, the lords of the patterns. They were creators too, but their knowledge was based on magical patterns and symbols which they weaved on fabrics creating many wondorous things. It seems as their knowledge of art was mostly focused on space and dimensions as well as creating images of things that did not truly exist. While their knowledge over the creation was more wider they lacked ability to make things true and thus they were not able to give substance to those images and therefor they weaved them on fabrics to give them substance. The Habaru was a religious caste. Their magical powers arose from rituals and worshiping of the Gods, and their wordly authority was based on rituals and strict religious rules. No doubt this caste could have been the most powerful because of its influence among the tribes. However the rules created by this caste had much influence from all other castes, and this made all castes, including the religious caste, no stronger than any other caste. This caste had three different members. Most common before the cataclysm were the Hadar-Dhare and the Hantai Dhare, brothers to death and life. Hadar-Dhare were religious assassins whose main task was to make sure that religious rules were strictly followed, and to terminate those who oppose them. Hadar-Dhare were those who first worshipped the Hadarah, the lesser god of unlife and the god who was responsible of changing Zamurdi to it's twisted state. Warriors of Hantai-Dhare were religious fanatics and battle clerics, whose task was to cast protective prayers in combat. They were closely related to the sand warriors and worshipped Shanta, the goddess of sand\tand ultimately responsible of the Ghalimcars current status. Besides these two groups there was also one known as the Shaldun Mahaire. Besides being seers and dreamers, they are also priestsof all the gods that Brahjians worshiped. Shaldun Mahaire were especially close to the Ghadar, the lesser god of dreams, a gatekeeper who guarded doors between the dimensions. Though all previous religious groups had their own patrons and while Ghadar almost possessed same power over the tribe as Aluna did, all of them still worshipped her as a patron deity of the tribe.
Shantai were the sand warriors. They were most common caste among the tribe and the least interesting. They were defenders of the tribe and the best warriors though because battles between the tribes were rare, their main task was to hunt for food, scout, and kill monsters that could threaten the tribe. These warriors did not wear any real armor, and seldom used other weapons other than the Baggarat, Ghazali and Chakrams for religious rules, if not forbid, at least discouraged them to use other weapons. They were especially skilled in parrying and defending with these weapons.
In addition to these castes were "castless" individuals. These were usually groups where children and those people who visited in Mahdi be long, as well as those who hadn't been chosen to any cast, though there are only a few of these.
== Sahid ==
Most Brahjians lived as beduins in small tent villages called Sahid which were easy to move and pitch. A tent, or "Santo" was one of the greatest magical achievements of Brahjian society. They were woven from Shurawari, and seemed smaller from the outside than they actually were, this was due the fact that Jahid Mahaire had used patterns which bend the fabric of space itself. Each caste had their own location for their santo. The most valuable places were those around the tent of the Sahid Mahaire, the leader of the tribe. The leader's tent was placed in the middle of village. Since the creation of two other religious groups Brahjians had three temple tents: one was at the west side of the leader's tent, and it is a place for general worshiping, worshipping of sun and the tribal rituals. The other two tents were at the northern and southern ends of the village. The northern one was meant for Warrior priests, and the southern for religious assassins. Members of those two groups had their own tents around their temple tents. Other priests had their tents at the western side of a main temple tent. The members of the magician's caste having their tents at the eastern side of the leader's tent. Generally Shantai warriors fill the remaining places near the middle areas. Tents of the castless were placed in a circle around the main area. The Sahid Mahaire was always a member of one of the three castes. He/she reigned until death and in theory had an ultimate judging power over all members of the villages. However, rules were even stricter for the Sahid Mahaire, and though he/she couldn't be toppled there was\tother ways to get rid of a leader that no longer benefited the society. If members of the castes found a leader unsuitable for the task, he/she was quickly excecuted by the Hadar-Dhare. However, to became a leader was considered to be a great honor, and while the leader was not allowed to seek riches, members of the society often gave gifts to those leaders who had lead the society well. Also, leaders of the tribes often shared the most valuable Bazda, a seremonial gift which the visitor gave to the host. When a leader died castes aranged a competition where members of all castes participated. The meaning of this contest was to determine which caste was most useful for the society. A person who was elected was from the winning caste. These contests often included fighting, but not among members of their own tribe or other tribes. A good example was a mission to kill some monster that was a threat for the tribe.
== Mahdi ==
Like with the magician caste among the other castes, I was more interested in Mahdi's than Sahid's. Mahdi's were the greatest achievement of the Brahjian magery. Only three Mahdi's ever existed in the whole world and though mortals lacked the finer control over magical forces and thus their creations were only shadows to our own creations, Mahdi's were certainly masterpieces tellingg the high level of understand in the art which mortals call magic. Mahdi's itself were magical fortresses created from white marble and many unknown substances by the power of Tsudath Mahaire. They inhabitated by members of the Tsuhad and Habaru castes, and were centres of a magical and religious learning. Leaders of the Mahdi broke normal rules for they were usually lead by a council which mostly consists of those magigians who created the city. Mahdi were centres of learning and they were open for all who were interested\tabout magic, or the buying and selling of magical items. Though only rare outsiders visited the Mahdi because of the Ghalimcar desert and beduin tribes forbidding entrance from the strangers.
However, those were able to visit the Mahdi's were some of the most powerful mages and clerics in Majik, and often benefited both themselves and the residents of a Mahdi. Despite rejection of former rules, often members of beduin tribes send their mages and priests to Mahdi to the learn magical arts and while residents of Mahdi were now living in a magical fortresses safe from the desert, it didn't mean that they no-longer could survive in desert, or did not have any rules at all. Actually, they had more rules than beduin tribes and those rules were also more strict.
== Food & Trade ==
Brahjians lived mostly on the meat and milk of the ((Banto)) which was a goat-like, durable, and hairless animal. The banto is a very special animal for it can store large amounts of water and survive on very little food. Bantos are omnivorous, they eat everything from small animals like spiders, worms, and scorpions; to leaves of palm trees and fruits. Bantos are immune to most poisons and besides moving oasises were another reason why most Brahjians lived a beduin life.
Bantos' meat is very tasty and it is usually stewed in a Buijid together with palm oil and edible plants. A buijid resembles a kettle, and it has a dome shaped cover which collects moisture. Besides the meat of a banto, brahjians ate larvaes, spiders, scorpions and nearly all animals that they could find from the sand and oasises. Only members of Mahdi could hope to have exotic foods. Brahjians valued one substance over all else because it was so rare in their dry world, water. Brahjians drank mostly water and juice which could be squeezed from fruits. They didn't have any alcoholic drinks, for alcohol affected them very strongly should they ever had any. Water was so important that Brahjians used it to determine the value of their money. A Dharya which was quadrangular shaped, 20 fuad (about 20 grams) weighting piece of silver was used as a money. A dharya corresponds to a Dhal (a little over deciliter) of water, or a piece of steel that weights 10 fuad. A Dharya had hole in the middle and they were usually tied together with a chain and worn as necklaces. I still have a few Dharya's remaining but I suspect that most of them were lost within the cataclysm. While trade opportunities in desert seemed to be very bad, Brahjians trade with each other as well as with other races of Eldiron. Twice a year Brahjians formed large caravans and travelled to the trade centre near the western part of the desert. Brahjians sold mostly their magical goods such as magical tapestries and carpets, scrolls, and items; rare poisons and herbs; exotic foods and fruits; oil, crystal sand, scarba and shurawari. They bought water, metals, amber, exotic foods and fruits, precious gems, jewelry, scrolls, books and magical items. One thing was special with the Brahjians, they didn't need to fear for their caravans for two reasons. First, fighting in the trading place was highly forbidden, for no-one wanted to take risk that Brahjians might got insulted and leave (or slaughter their offenders). The second reason was that all Brahjians, even small children, had ritualistic, daily weapons trainings so they were very capable of defending themselves.
== Religion ==
Since furtive effects of the imprisoned gods, Brahjians had started to worship more than a one god but still one remained above all others, Aluna, the Goddess of the Sun, which Brahjians call "Jahare Aheira" the Watching Eye of the Sky or "Adare" which means the bright one. Importance of Shanta and Hadarah became obvious when the Hadar Dhare and Hantai Dhare started their ferocious worshipping of these two gods. Hantai Dhare adopted the worshipping of a merciless and chaotic god to whom they gave name Shanta, the mistress of the sand. It seems that Shanta was in high esteem among sand warriors too though her favor was as chaotic as her nature, many times she answered to prayers of her worshippers but as many times she left them alone, allowing the desert took them and draining their souls to increase her own power. Hadar Dhare fell under influence of the another god. Hadarah, the undeaath, as Brahjians called the god, was a lesser god whose domain overlapped the one of Yorkaturr but unlike Yorkaturr who is the death itself, Hadarah was a power that drained the souls of living creatures, twisted them and made them to his servants. He was the power that twisted the jungles of Zamurdi and his creation is also Hadarah Shasta, the storm of unliving.
Soon after Jahid Mahaire learned to control fabric of space, the Brahjians dreamers were contacted by Ghadar, also called "Marad Shudare",\tthe Dream Serpent and an ancient guardian of dimensions. Unlime most new gods Ghadar is not interested in power, he is a ethereal creature who interferes with mortals only through dreams. He warned the Brahjian from dangers of the other dimensions and offered his guidance for the mortals. Soon the Brahjians started to worship him as a god of dreams and afterlife for he promised to take souls of those Brahjians who remained true to their task, their own guardianship, into his ethereal world. Why he did this, is beyond my knowledge but maybe he felt familiarity to them for they also, like him, were granted a guardianship. Brahjians had many sacred rituals to please their gods. These rituals were either performed privately by sacrificing food, water, and other precious things or they could be important religious ceremonies performed by members of the Habaru. Usually the whole tribe participated in these ceremonies for avoiding the ceremonies without proper reason was considered to be punishable. Most important rituals were often related to sun like the the Tarad Aheira, hymn to the sun, which Brahjians performed every morning and the Tarad Adher, evening hymn, which was performed each evening. Purpose of these rituals were to thank Aluna from her protection for Brahjians believed that if they wouldn't show their gratidute sun would fall down and burn them, like their legends told that had happened. Here I have to remind you that memory of the mortals is rather short. Original meaning of these rituals were to thank Aluna from her gift of life which the Jian were given when they left the twisted jungles of Zamurdi but in a few thousand years mortals had already forgot the facts and the ancients. They just had myth of wondorous land which, as they believed, was taken away from them by the gods because of their crimes against them and thus rituals which were earlier used to show graditude were now performed from fear of new "punishment". Brahjians had also many prayers for many other situations like Tara which was a prayer for water. Many castes had their own prayers which were directed to their patron deities: There was prayers for Shanta, a hymn of the the dead and a hymnf of the life which were performed by Hadar-Dhare and Hantai-Dhare, as well as many prayers for the dream serpent. In addition to these ceremonies there were many other personal rituals which were performed by need like the Suhadare which was a birth ceremony and Hadare which was the ceremony of death. One common ritual which was often performed but didn't have any certain time or place for it, was a sword dance, where Brahjians honed their fighting skills. Huge amount of rituals were probably due the fact that Brahjians lived in a harsh world and needed the support of strict religious rules. They also had two very demanding gods which constantly strived for more power and required much from their worshippers and though Brahjians never openly adopted human sacrifices, religious assassinations performed in the name of Hadarah became more frequent after years passed.
As most new gods promised, many times falsely, their worshippers afterlife it wasn't a surprise that Brahjians believed in a heaven and a hell. Heaven for Brahjians was a place where the dream serpent rules, a place where everything that normally has substance and directions or distance, has no meaning at all. It's a peaceful place where the spirits of dead people build dream worlds and observe their living relatives. Brahjians believed that while dreaming, people enter into the world of the dream serpent, and if their mind is trained they can speak with their dead ancestors. This is mostly true though the world which mortal minds sometimes are able to touch while sleeping is not the world of Ghadar but the realm of lesser spirits, those whose task has been a long time ago forgotten and now roam freely this ethereal place. The world which Brahjian seers touched and where the dead spirits of the Brahjians were gathered is part of the spirit world but unlike other areas it is a safe haven for seers and spirits to gather. Brahjians had only one hell the world where they live in. However, all Brahjians made their best to live a long life in their cruel world, for only those were the people who had deserved a place in the dream serpents world. Others were consumed by Hadarah or remained in the desert as a twisted, spinning mad spirits who covered themselves into a sand and burning winds hunting living being for their master.
== Roleplaying (and OOC notes) ==
A quick list of roleplaying tips,
'''Names''': I demand names that preferably have nothing to do with any real life languages. The structure of the name must be suitable for their language as I assume they still speak their own language. If I, or preferably players of this race find some person using an unsuitable name, there will be punishment of some sort, like the creation of a new character. Should the same person continue violating these rules I will personally see that he or she won't play Majik anymore
'''Battle''': Brahjians are honorable but still strict people. Even now when they are away from the desert they should follow most of the codes\tthat they followed before the cataclysm. They won't kill anyone who surrenders in normal combat, but there are often some religious rules which require him or her to kill an opponent (such as religious assasinations, holy wars etc) I assume most of this exceptions won't occurbefore I get players back to their original enviroment. It's highly encouraged for Brahjians not to use any other weapon than either the Baggarat or Ghazali, should they have them. I feel that we should give only rare players those weapons for their nature is magical and therefor players might end up favoring Brahjian as a race. Before they return back to desert they should mostly focus on unarmed combat but since most players probably want to use normal weapons, I suggest we give heavy penalties for them when they use them, to encourage unarmed combat. They should avoid using armors or shields except arm protectors but I allow these to them untill they return back to desert. Brahjians should get bonuses to defensive combat with baggarat and ghazali (if they have them) as well as to defensive unarmed combat.
'''Religion''': Religion, together with magic, used to be the lifeblood of their society. I have mentioned a few rituals in this file but I have\tnot given any direct rules how to perform them, I expect people eventually to figure out their own rituals and to perform them. Every Brahjian should know that they used to be very religious people and that rituals are highly encouraged. I will also teach them a few facts about their past and thus try to get players to adapt thinking of an Brahjian. I suggest that these rituals would give Brahjians actually\tsome benefits like minor spells or otherwise I see no reason why a player would start to perform them. I hope that eventually the Brahjian\twill again find their gods and more priests appear.
'''Magic''': Magic, together with religion, used to be the lifeblood of the society. Since we are a high magic world where magic is powerful and rare and now that there are many reasons for it. Brahjian mages should not exist in the beginning of game, I have planned that at least one Mahdi has survived the cataclysm and players who find it and manage to enter there, will again learn Brahjian magery.
'''Philosophy''': Gnerally players should follow these guidelines:
# a Brahjian should be are honorable and proud.
# A Brahjian should act suspiciously and a bit coldly towards other races, but not offensively.
# a Brahjian should learn to praise rituals and ceremonies and act in a way that is suitable for a religious fanatic.
# a Brahjian should avoid showing feelings except when he/he is performing a ritual or praying.
# A Brahjian should not lie, If the player feels that possible reply might be insulting, he/she should avoid ftom giving an answer.
'''Notes''': This file is one of those which I call "writings of the ancients". The basic idea behind these writings is to "preserve" information of races, areas and events before the cataclysm, in game terms, to give designers and developers an idea of what kind of races we have and what do we expet from them. I will write more of these mainly focusing on those details which are valid when the game opens such as current state of the desert of Ghalimcar and other areas; creatures, plants and animals that exist in those areas as well as the resourcers of the areas. When I have finished those previously mentioned tasks I will focus on myths and legends as well as to magical buildings and cities. I will continue using the writing style where I appear as an ancient observer doing research for that way I can later easier place copies and parts of the files in some hidden libraries. You should all notice that this file was actually written in time after the cataclysm but\tbefore the Brahjians have returned the desert, if they will ever return back to the desert.
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Original text file: Calendar.txt
days in a year - 288
'1'. Siratadon
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'2'. Lanatadon
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'3'. Harukdon
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'4'. Vilg
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'5'. Agitok
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'6'. Hejii
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'7'. Gwedd
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'8'. Akixadon
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'9'. Caek
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'10'. Adrush
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'11'. Kedirac
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
'12'. Mireadien
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
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Original text file: Cataclysm.txt
Cataclysm was, and everything was destroyed by then by the Gods or by natural
disaster or something. This should be described here. After the Cataclysm, the game
should begin, ie. the game should begin from scratch, when there is only burned
trees and ruins around on which the players can then build their world.
We had a chat about the cataclysm and now its decided, there will be no
whining after this :)
The events before the cataclysm went about as follows:
- first there was a few individual great wizards and other powerful beings
who in their envy shun the gods and envied their power. Perhaps partly
because of god Mandor they got really power-hungry
- Next they formed an alliance, to perfect their power and perhaps
became gods themselfs.
- They had great influence among the people and they changed the way
people thought about gods. People became ignorant and more supportive
towards their powerful and present cabal.
- First effects hit the weaker new gods at this time.
- The power of the cabal grew considerably when they started to attract
a huge volume of followers for their ideals, which were atheism and
satanism + others. Worshipping "old gods" was no longer needed
and this powerful cabal of wizards was very popular
- More effects backfired on gods
- Next the cabal and their followers started to go offensive.
They killed few gods, demigods and ancients
- Their religions and ideology spread all over the world, mostly
enforced but it did.
- The gods realized that this would lead to destruction
- The good gods like dazzt and others tried to help humanity and
save them for their fate. But the evil ones like Yorkaturr, sinister
and perhaps the worst Mandor (feeding the cabals hunger for power)
resisted the good gods, and made their attempts to save humanity
pretty futile.
- The ranks of new gods started to fall apart, most of their worshippers
and support now gone and everything going to hell. They tried to
save themselfs and do something about it. But again the strong elder
evil ones came about and kicked their asses. For a short time
there was "a war in heavens"
- As the world escalated towards chaos and destruction the gods fought
over its fate. Finally the greater god Namhas came forth and
decided that the world must go if the people are behaving like
- Conclave of gods decided to do nothing, just sit and watch as
mortals destroy themselfs.
- Chaos and disorder spread and finally the attempts of the cabal
lead to devastating destruction. the cataclysm.
- Lord Sinister laughed at that day.
Now the world is in ruins, all because of powerhungry great wizards and
their followers. Lots of new gods are very weak and many of them even
dead. Old cities, old nations, people, tribes.. lost. Destroyed by their
own stupidity. The world had first suffered many years under the madness
of the cabal and under the chaos that came from the mini-war of the gods,
and because many new gods left their duties in order to save themsefls.
People who live after the cataclysm have either suffered greatly themself
or are the descedants of those you lived in the troubled times.
But now its time for a fresh beginning and a new start, perhaps this time
the people will learn to behave.
Thou you can be sure about Mandor trying to feed their hunger for power
the best he can - again :) ...
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Original text file: ChreinArchitecture.txt
Just one quick rendered sketch here atm. It depicts a typical light fortress outpost. They are relatively cheap to erect, and are often built overlooking less crucial border areas, or as centerpieces of colony compounds in more sparsely inhabited regions.
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Original text file: Chreith.txt
== The Chreith ==
''(Disclaimer: this description will be subject to a very thorough
rewrite sooner or later)''
The Chreith are a humanoid race which populates the southeastern land of Nin-Calaris. A fairly old race, it roughly subdivides in three. In the southeastern Danheir peninsula, their oldest place of residence, the race is purest, most full-blooded and distinct - the True-Chreith. In the north, the most 'outward' region of the land, the folk has intermingled with other peoples of the continent. Lastly, in the mid-west and southwest the so-called 'Non Chreith', who are few.
The average True-Chrei (chrei being the singular form) male is smaller than a RL human male but relatively stockier, averaging 160 to 168 centimeters and 65-80kg. The skin is a strong brown-tinted olive green, the complexion bearing faint vertical stripes of gray that strengthen with age, and the hair light gray with a slight pink to beige undertone. The eyes are grayish-green.
The northern Chreith are more variable in stature, often taller than the above; the complexion is most often sandy brown, and in the overall appearance the distinctive true-chreith properties are
fainter and diluted.
Of the genealogical history of the southwestern Non Chreith little is known. Historical annals relate that the present-day inhabitants of Althainon settled there four hundred years ago; from this fact historians have speculated that the strangely mixed blood of the Non Chreith could possibly have its source in mingling with another race that inhabited Althainon before them. No traces of such hypotethical culture have however been discovered, at least by Nin-Calaris researchers. The Non Chreith are the only ones of the race to exhibit distinct magical tendencies (see section on magic below); their hair is red and their complexion akin to that of the true-chreith but paler.
But whatever a Chrei looks like, don't jump to conclusions. You can never know what goes on inside his head by just looking: the Chreith are not one step behind the Orcs in the strength of their spite and the darkness of their souls. While the old maxim "Give an Orc a brain and he'll thank you in Chrein" is admittedly rather insightful, the only material connection between the two
races is their inner malice, and aside from it they could not be much farther apart.
The Chreith are a fairly civilized and organized people. They value surreptitious and discreet courses of action to achieve their goals. They are haughty and contemptuous towards other
races, hot-headed and vindictive, but their outward guise of gelid, infinite patience never fails.
=== Notes on culture and politics ===
Nin-Calaris is nominally ruled by a king who holds but symbolic reins over the land. The true power is in the hands of the government which consists of representatives of the lords of
the six provinces of Nin-Calaris and an office of ministries which is separate and independent of the counties. The Chreith are rather fond of politics and organization.
Of the population of Nin-Calaris the bulk (78%) is northern-chrein - the 'common folk' (at least from True-chrein point of view). The remaining 22% are True-Chreith, who hold most of the influential administrative positions. They are in majority only in the native Danheir and the much-disputed Brearon province. Of Non Chreith there are but two or three hundred; during the history of the nation they have been both respected and discriminated, even witch-hunted, but most often just quietly shunned, depending on where the current cultural wind has been blowing from. Nowadays they are held in great esteem, especially the ruling class to whom having a nonchrein acquaintance is something of a status symbol. (see section on Magic)
After the feudal chain of hierarchy that separates the common folk from the lords, the only division of people into social classes is based on ancestry and blood: the pure True-Chreith are always above the common, despite their lesser number. These two hierarchies overlap most of the time, for 'lord' equals 'True-Chrei' except for the north and northwest where the common Chreith have more power. Social division via occupation is so vague as to not exist in the chrein society
with the exception of the soldier profession which is valued high.
=== Religion and cosmology ===
''Design unfinished here.''
- Strongly dualistic
- Two paths: path of spirit and path of earth; Life is where
they cross. Hence the symbolic monogram:
'\\ /'
| X |
`/ \\'
- According to the belief reincarnation occurs when (if) a
spirit conjuncts with a new Earth-path
- Two Gods, non-anthropomorphic, one is seen to guide the
Spirit paths, one those of Earth
- Deeply philosophical in nature - no crusade mentality or
=== Of Magic ===
Magic holds a major and strange role in chrein culture. The many legends and stories of folklore relate great deeds done and great wars won by the Chreith sorcerer warlords. Klamirka, the daemon-souled sword of the fourth warlord of Danheir, is still wielded by the kings of the Crescent Palace, but only to remind all of olden days of glory. For times have changed, and magic is waning from the souls of the Chreith. If a True-Chrei child is now caught of lighting his sister's hair
on fire with a blink of his eye, it is a wonder indeed and his parents can well be proud, for people skilled in magic are growing fewer and weaker day by day. The northern-Chreith have lost the light of magic centuries ago; Only faintly it flickers in the True-Chreith, casting images of madness and obsession in the minds of great lords who, staring at frescoes hung on the walls of their palaces that depict the deeds of the ancient sorcerer warlords, spend great fortunes on treatments by frauds and quack doctors who cash in by claiming to be able to reconjure magical power inside their souls.
The Non Chreith are above all this, and are thus at an advantage whatever they do. They rarely stir at events domestic or foreign; though they could probably well take over the entire nation if they so chose, they remain at a distance from the affairs of others. Their behavior has inspired many a conspiracy theorist to suspect, amongst other things, that they have infiltrated the entire government and are the real leaders of the nation.
=== Roleplaying rant ===
''(using the format of Beregar's Brahjian text)''
'''Combat''': While proficient in swordsmanship, Chreith generally avoid direct conflict and bloodshed unless they specifically intend to kill. And when they intend to engange in combat, the strategy is pre-planned and they are seldom alone against the enemy.
The chrein weapon of choice is a short broad sword of domestic origin. Armours are generally light, for Chreith are not the strongest of people and especially True-Chreith doth lack endurance for fighting in full metal armour. A common suit of armour includes a leather breastplate or hauberk and greaves, and a singular, tough leather helm called "ruffian's crown" which offers excellent protection from sword hits but is useless against eg. polearms and bludgeons. Shields are seldom used; sometimes small and very broad-bladed parrying daggers are used.
As said somewhere above, the profession of the soldier is honored high. There is no one 'royal army' which would take care of defense and war; each province wages its own military forces, and in addition private mercenary armies are upkept by several lords. The honor of the soldier is in the extreme strenuousness of the work: only the strongest of men can meet the requirements of constant, unrelenting physical training and stress. The weaponry varies with the army; most common are light halberds and longswords. With the former, a short sword backup is common. The soldier's armour consists of banded field mail, covering the torso, neck and the front of the legs. The color of the crest of the helmet is unique for each provincial army; non-provincials are forbidden to wear crests.
'''Religion''': As stated above, religion is philosophical in nature and holds no great significance in the society.
'''Magic''': Very few Chreith can boast magical senses; even fewer learn to control and manipulate them, for those skills are forgotten to all but Non Chreith. A Chrei who discovers such senses in himself is eager to seek and find a nonchrein sage under whose guidance he may be able to learn to utilize his abilities. Not many have found such a master, and those who have do not tell what they have learned.
The chance to wind up in one of the three whachamacallits in
character creation:
common Chrei - 80%
True-Chrei - 20%
Non Chrei - <1%
The chance for the character to be magically-inclined:
common Chrei - <1%
True-Chrei - 7%
Non Chrei - 100%
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Original text file: Churches.txt
= In A Nutshell =
A church is a formal organization of people joined together in a collective effort to fulfill the agenda of a chosen god or gods in the mortal world.
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Original text file: Circulation.txt
Circlulation is avery advanced alchemical skill that requires specalized equipment, called a system.
It consistss of a flask or container that is placed over a heat source the only opening has a tube or some of some sort going through a cooler substance usualy water and then connected to another flask on the end where the condensed vapors are collected.
There are two types of "systems":
# Open system, where at some point (usualy the collection end) is open to the air.
# Closed system, where the entire system is sealed from the outside air.
The correct use and function of this equipment will require a fair amount of skill and to get any predictable result will require fine tempature control.
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Original text file: Corondum.txt
An aluminum crystalline compound that forms clear bright blue crystals. Highly prized for gem purposes, and quite rare. Sometimes crystals are found washed ashore on _______ beach across from Loribak island. There source is the rocks that make up the coast of Loribak. They are fairly common but rare enough to fetch a decent price.
*As gem stones for jewelry and trading.
*Comes in three qualities.
**'''Poor quality''' is usually found as bluish opaque rocks along the Loribak shore, or washed ashore on Nemen as bluish-white round rocks. These fetch little price and are hardly ever collected for money, maybe a hobbyist rock collector might want them.
**'''Average quality''' are considered gems but they have a high number of inclusions in the crystalline structure that are visible to the naked eye. They are the most common grade of this gem and what you're most likely to find along the coast of Nemen as round spheres.
**'''Exceptional''' quality are the highest grade these gems can be found in, they have no inclusions visible to the naked eye and little or none with magnification. They are most prized for jewelry manufacturing and fetch the highest price.
Physical Properties
*Clear bright blue crystals.
*The crystal if found in natural form is a Octahedron and is the more valuable form of the crystal.
*Not extremely hard material, the ones found along the coast are sand worn into clear blue spheres.
*Usual size is 1-2cm diameter.
*Maximum size that should be found is 4-5cm diameter.
*Density is 8.23 g/mL
Magical Properties
*None described.
|| WEIGHT: || based on density of 8.23 g/mL ||
|| QUALITY: || comes in three qualities poor, average, exceptional. ||
|| AVAILABILITY: || quite rare, only found in one area of the world. ||
|| MATERIALS: || A compound that forms clear light blue crystals. ||
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Original text file: CreatureTemplate.txt
= General information about creature designing: =
When you are designing a new creature, try to think its general purpose and position in the world: Is your creature going to be an animal or a mythical beast? Will the creature be intelligent or possess only animal intelligence? Remember that even if the creature is only animal, it still has some sort of organization. Even an animal that lives alone still prefers certain habitats, procreates and likes or dislikes certain other creatures; all this belongs to Organization section.
It is completelly acceptable to descripe animals from real life. It is also acceptable to design creatures from legends and fantasy as the ae are already dragons, unicorns, undead and the like. Remember, when you create an existing fantasy or mythical race or a creature, let your imagination soar. You don't need to follow any specific legend or anything, but neither should you make stupid alterations simply because you feel you have to make the race or the creature somehow "unique": no stupid additions like a medusa with three hands but otherwise identical to the myth.
Designing a unique creature instead of a creature race (specie) is entirely different, obviously such creature does not have any organization and you probably shouldn't use this template for such purpose. If there is even one creature more of the type, however, the template becomes valid.
= About intelligence race creation: =
This template is NOT suitable for creating pre-cataclysm (intelligent) races as they need a lot details and history. Most post cataclysm races are in a barbaric state and don't know a thing about their ancestry. Even if they have towns, those towns are without any history unless it is somehow tied to their past. There are a few pre-cataclysmic races that survived and still remember something from their past but even their cities are usually in ruins. For example the ((Felmur)) are an intelligent race, but being a young race their pre-cataclysm background is so short defining them as a post-cataclysm race, and thus suitable for the template.
It is actually quite easy to make a difference between a pre- and post-cataclysm race: If the race had before cataclysm cities and/or large regions under its influence, it is a pre-cataclysm race. If the race has no significant history and only a few (or no) cities before cataclysm, it is a post cataclysm race. Even a post cataclysm race can have towns as they are added gradually in the game. One important thing: instead of adding the region and town information to this template, you should choose some region, descripe it, add a few cities in there and then mention in the REGION description that creatures like this live in there. Why? Because post-cataclysm races shouldn't have any pre-cataclysmic cultural identity. For example Brahjians do not know that they are Brahjians, until they find some references from history or some sage tells them so. There can be some olive skinned people with Brahjian hereditary in the starting location but they certainly wouldn't possess any skills or knowledge that a pre-cataclysmic Brahjian had. There might be exceptions though.
Since there will be only one race in the beginning of the game, remember to plan your race a bit in advantage: for example the ((Felmur)) are currently NPC race but will later be a PC race. Though they suffered in cataclysm too and lost a lot knowledge, they can still use primal magic though not as well as before. No player will be able to play the race, however, until someone has finished the "Felmur quest".
Remember that this template is not a material (or natural resource) template and as such, you shouldn't be too detailed with material uses of the animal's skin for example. I encourage people mentioning the material use (if any) and adding a link to it.
Finally, you should include all statistic information required by the coders so they get things working. For example Hook's animal and plant distribution model requires Altitude, Latitude and Rainfall ranges.
(see ((Felmur)) example)
*Uses to others (mention PRE-cataclysmic uses or just generic use: animal was hunted by blaablaa for fur/animal's fur is thick and can be easily fashioned to clothes)
*When and where first appearance
*Who or what created and why
*Generic information
*Organization form
*Mating, reproduction, and offspring rearing patterns
*Religion, etc
||'''Organization:'''||Communal/Flock/Herd/Tribal etc||
||'''Activity cycle:'''||Day/Night (also seasonal)||
||'''World View:'''||Aggressive predator/Pacifistic opportunist etc||
||'''Avg. Lifespan:'''||Self explanatory||
||'''Frequency:'''||Common/Semi-Common/Rare/Very Rare/Unique (Will be later replaced with numerical value)||
||'''Climate/Terrain:'''||Self explanatory||
||'''Altitude range:'''||Limits currently unknown||
||'''Latitude range:'''||Limits currently unknown||
||'''Rainfall range:'''||Limits currently unknown||
||'''Stats (Species value (comparison value)):'''||Str: (), Con: (), Agi: (), Dex: (), Qck: (), Int: (), Per: (), Mem: (), Wil: (), Emp: ()||
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Original text file: Cryshal.txt
= Cryshal the Crystal Dragon =
Cryshal is one of the oldest living beings in the world of majik. It is
rumoured that he once existed as a mortal being when the Gods of Majik tried
to decide what kind of world they would like to create. Eventually Gods
were satisfied and created universe of the true Majik. While Cryshal had
served the Gods well in his previous form they decided that he was one of
those rare who were worthy enough to appear as a sages in their new world.
Cryshal however did not consider himself as a good sage for he was old and
tired and he admit that he had done enough work to help create this new majik.
Though he didn't want to be a sage he promised to take a form in this
world and share parts of his wisdom to those few who could find him and only
if he was awake which would be very rare. Because he wouldn't be much a
wake and his mortal form was therefor in constant peril being killed, Gods
decided they would grant him form that would shield him from almost any power
that could cause harm to him - form of the crystal dragon.
Cryshal himself decided to make things even more difficult. Eventhough his
new form could protect himself from almost any physical damage it wouldn't
propably protect him from those puny mortals and their infinite questions.
Cryshal felt that it would be shame to kill mortals that seek only knowledge
and new experiences only if they did bother him - While younger Cryshal
himself used to be explorer who constantly traveled from one world to another
searching new experiences and knowledge. There was also another reason
for Gods of Majik were very strict about mortal killing, if there wasn't a
ny heavy reason to kill them they should be left alive.
Cryshal decided to solve his problem by flying far in the middle of the desert
of Ghalimcar where's so hot and dry that only rare mortals would dare
to try there. It is said that there, in the middle of the Ghalimcar, Chryshal
sleeps dragon sleep occasionally waking and bathing his shining scales
in the burning desert sun.
= Appearance =
Cryshal is an ancient dragon being. Though he is very old and powerful he's
quite small compared to other ancient dragons, or celestial dragons as they
are called among mortals, only 200 meters including tail. Unlike most dragons,
Cryshal doesn't completely remind a lizard - he has dragon head but
his body is more slender than most normal dragons and his wings are more
like a bird wings, though they, as his whole body, are covered with strong
shining scales.
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Original text file: Cymar.txt
The most common predatory bird of Nemen...
With a wingspan of over 2.5 meters, this massive bird is the bane of those who dwell among the high slopes of the mountains that dot the world. Living especially in southern regions, there have been sightings, however, as far north as the ice cap. It’s large (20 cm), bright red, curved beak and black/yellow claws up to 10 cm in length, the Cymar is almost an unstoppable predator. Of course, the rest of its body is in proportion to the wings, beak, and claws, and the bird stands a towering (for a bird, that is) 1.5 meters when fully grown. Not only is the Cymar a dangerous beast, it is the subject of many tales of superstition and omens. It is spoken among the dwellers of the southern island of Nemen that it possesses the power of mind control, and is rumored to have at times persuaded hapless youths to its roosts, where the bird then devours the ill-fated young one in a gruesome manner, and then carrying the bones in its beak and dropping them in the village from whence the child came. However, the accuracy of this tale has never been proven, and is thus regarded by the most learned as, "peasant rubbish". Yet, there have been reports of the Cymar, in times when other prey was scarce, carrying off a child who strayed too far from home, and once or twice even the grandparents of such youngsters. One of the most striking accounts is from an excerpt from a book on the evils of poverty by the famous author (at least among the circles where such work is appreciated), Mo’ablan, a native of the northern lands:
''"…It was a time of great suffering for those stricken by that horrible disease, the disease of poverty. While the merchants and nobles feasted, the peasant who, with his toil, put the bread on the landlord’s table and the bedraggled beggar in the gutters of a side alley found not a bite to eat anywhere, and, even those who took to armed robbery or thievery soon felt the pangs of hunger, for there was nothing left to steal. Thus it came to pass that the poorest of the poor, the farmers who feebly attempted to farm their wheat on the barren slopes of Mt. Gordhalen, were forced to butcher their last meager ass, the one with the ribs sticking out as if to puncture the breast, the one that even the roaming bands of disgruntled serfs from the nearby countryside had overlooked. One family in particular felt the anguish of these times. Their father having perished but two winters before, the half-orphaned family of five children and their mother looked so thin that instead of eyes they seemed to have bottomless wells, and as substitute for arms, brittle twigs that looked ready to snap in an instant. The final straw came for the family when the mother sent two of the younger children out to gather gleanings from the recently harvested farms of their neighbor, a rather affluent farmer. Instead of taking the longer, safer route, or, at least so the village storytellers relate, as their mother had commanded, the two children took a shortcut along a high cliff. On the way there all had been fine, but, upon returning, with baskets with the bottoms barely covered with the scanty wheat stalks that had not been carried off by other hungry peasants or by a famished bird, they decided to return on that higher, although shorter, mountain path. Faces flushed with fear that their mother would learn of their disobedience, which might break her heart at a time when it was already under such tension, they scampered along, careful of not spilling any of the precious grain."''
''"Without any forewarning, they spied, only ten meters away from them, blocking the path, sat a giant bird with white and gray plumage and huge feathers. Even from this distance, they could see the sunlight reflecting off the huge beak and the needle-like nails on the tensed claws. Stepping back nervously, the children tried to make a hasty retreat, but in a flash the bird was upon them. Tearing both to shreds in an instance, the bird seemed to relish the agony it was causing, and the gleam of its eyes seemed to brighten as it saw the blood splatter on the boulders. When it had finished its meal, it quieted, and, after a brief rest, it gathered the bloody and mangled remains of what had once been two lively and eager children, and, flying high as to almost puncture the clouds with its still blood-stained beak, the bird dropped the bones and bits of flesh over the house and tiny plot of land owned by that aforementioned family. That evening, when the mother went outside to see what mischief her two beloved young children had gotten into this time, she saw the scattered body parts of those same youngsters, and her tense heart did break, another victim of not only the deadly Cymar, but also a victim of poverty…"''
Generally described as fearsome in appearance, the male Cymar has beige to light gray colored plumage, and females are the same color but have brown markings, rather sporadically, over both wings. Both sexes have two beady, gleaming eyes which are said to be the cause of the mind control, or at least hypnosis, that the birds are rumored to perpetrate. In addition, it has several tapering feathers (black for females, red for males) on the top of its head which, besides adding to its already hideous look, do not seem to serve any purpose.
It should be noted of the effect the Cymar has on the food chain of Nemen. Because it is so large, the bird needs quite a large territory to find an adequate amount of prey, and thus is not especially common on the island. However, because it is there that it is most concentrated, the Cymar has managed to suppress all other larger predatory birds there. Thus, although it is rather rare for the average player to see such a bird if s/he is not in the mountainous regions of the island, it is the only larger predatory bird, and thus is automatically the most common.
Usually Cymar males live solitarily in their roosts high among cliffs, usually near the top of mountains, from where they can watch over their entire territory. Females are more social, and considerably less dangerous to players, as they are only about 2/3 of the size of a male. They sometimes live in groups of two or three and communally raise their young. The Cymars mate once every two years, and a female lays up to four eggs, of which most hatch. The eggs, although usually the task of stealing them from the nest is fatal or near fatal, they are said to restore health and give extra strength for a short while to those who eat them.
|| Organization:|| Males: solitary Females: offspring rearing family groups ||
|| Activity cycle:|| Day ||
|| Diet:|| Carnivore ||
|| World View:|| Aggressive predator ||
|| Avg. Lifespan:|| Up to 50 years ||
|| Frequency:||Semi-Common ||
|| Climate/Terrain:|| Mountains ||
|| Altitude range:|| 200m ASL-3000m ASL ||
|| Latitude range:|| Everywhere, more common in warmer areas ||
|| Stats (Species value (comparison value)):|| Str: (), Con: (), Agi: (), Dex: (), Qck: (), Int: (), Per: (), Mem: (), Wil: (), Emp: () -|To be defined later|- ||
-- sweatshop
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Original text file: Dachoi.txt
= DACHOI - humans =
1. Introduction
2. Appearance
3. History
4. Culture
4.1 Villages
4.2 The Waj-cloth
4.3 Poisons
4.4 Magic
4.5 Parties
4.6 Outsiders
4.7 Family
4.8 Tattoos
4.9 The Traveling
5. Religion
6. Language
7. Vram Archopelago and Estrean Jungle
8. Role-playing
1. '''Introduction'''
The Dachoi are humans who have adapted to life in the jungle. They are considered to be savages by most civilized people, but they think themselves as the children of the Mother Earth. They are recognized among the civilized people as the source of waj-cloth, a very soft, thin material which is resistant to tears and comes in many colour variaties. They are also known for their ability to use poisons for defense.
2. '''Appearance'''
First imagine Tarzan, now imagine an amazon beside him, colour them green, add some tattoos, wear them scantily in colourful silk-like clothes, add a blow pipe and one or two large machete like knives and voila, you see typical members of the Dachoi. Their hair is generally of darker green shade than their skin, and their eyes vary from light green to deep green in colour,
but occasionally you see blondes, red heads, blue eyes, brown eyes, hell, any colour is possible, because they do get children from their parties with the outsiders as well.
3. '''History'''
The Dachoi have lived in the Jungle as long as they can remember. They have lived in harmony with the jungle for ages. They grow their food up in the trees and generally try to avoid harming all living things. If someone threatens them, they do defend themselves. Their most well known defense is poison. Their usual method to deliver the poison into their enemies by use of blowpipes, but they also use poisoned bladed weapons. A few centuries ago, the Dachoi invented their most valued invention to date: the waj-cloth. The production method is secret known only to the waj-masters, whose houses are protected by hordes of spiders which are kept as pets. Coincidentally the spiders also provide the most deadly poison of the Dachoi.
4. '''Culture'''
4.1. '''Villages'''
Dachoi villages are built high up in the trees. Their buildings do not harm the tree any more than necessary. The Dachoi also use magic to protect the trees and shape them into more suitable forms. The villages are built high to provide protection from the many fierce animals of the Jungle. The other reason is, that they want to have their homes close to their crops, which they grow at all levels of the jungle. Dachoi villages are usually surrounded by several kinds of thorn bushes in a protective barricade. The barricade is usually closed, but it can be quickly closed with plant magics. Some of the bushes have poisonous effects.
4.2. '''The Waj-cloth'''
Waj-cloth is what makes the Dachoi known among outsiders. It is a cloth fabric which is very soft to touch, light weight and thin and very resistant to damage. It can even be used as an armour against slash and stab weapons, but does not protect at all against crushing attacks. This is the main reason why warriors don't rely waj-cloth as an armour. Also, the fabric is very expensive. It is manufactured in secret ways and only the waj-masters know how to make it. Waj-masters live in pairs of one woman and one man. When they take apprentices, they take one boy and one girl at the same time. Waj-masters are the strongest practitioners of Dachoi magic. Their homes are protected by hordes of spiders.
4.3. '''Poisons'''
The Dachoi know and use several poisons. Their primary poison is product of waj-spiders, but they also know several plant poisons and few snake poisons as well. They only allow use of poisons against enemies of the Jungle and the Dachoi. Not all the poisons are deadly, but they also have paralyzing poisons, sleep poisons and hallusinogenic poisons. The last variety is sometimes used in the Parties of the Dachoi. (See below)
4.4. '''Magic'''
The Dachoi are strong in two forms of magic. Men are traditionally learned in Plant magics and women are learned in Animal magics. Plant magics allow them to build their homes and communicate with the Jungle, the Mother of Dachoi. Animal magics allow them to communicate with the
inhabitants of the Jungle and protect the Dachoi from more savage children of the Jungle. Neither magic is considered better or stronger among the Dachoi. Both are needed for survival in the wild Jungle.
4.5. '''Parties'''
The Dachoi love to party. For even a smallest of reasons, they throw a party. These parties are lots of fun and include many kinds of fun things. Most include dancing, singing and playing music. Drinking herbal drinks (of which some have intoxicating or even hallusinogenic effects) is also considered good things to have in a party. Drunken stupor however is not consider a good thing and is done only in controlled situations. One must be alert in the Jungle to stay alive.
4.6. '''Outsiders'''
Outsiders are not generally allowed into Dachoi villages, but the Dachoi do trade with them on selected locations at the rim of the Jungle. Sometimes they let the selected few into their villages, but they must have shown their trustworthiness somehow. Those who arrive
without the consent of the Dachoi, die after a big party to please their souls. Those outsiders who are allowed into Dachoi villages are adopted to the village and are given a tattoo of their own. The tattoo usually has got only the X-part of the tattoo (see below, Family). These outsiders
are from that day on considered true Dachoi.
4.7. '''Family'''
The Dachoi have loose family structure. When a child reaches adulthood, he is given his first tattoo. The tattoo is in four parts. One part describes the mother's bloodline and the other describes the father's bloodline. Both bloodlines are described to the third generation. To mate with someone with even single part of the 14 part tattoo same as yours is considered a taboo. The tattoo is quite large and it is generally made to the person's belly.
Family tattoo: Family Tattoo Structure
X: Own ID
1: Mother
2: Father
3: Mother's mother 7-3 4-9
4: Mother's father / \\ / \\
5: Father's mother 8 1 10
6: Father's father |
7: 3's mother 15-X-16
8: 3's father |
9: 4's mother 14 2 12
10: 4's father \\ / \\ /
11: 5's mother 13-6 5-11
12: 5's father
13: 6's mother
14: 6's father
15: Father's original home village
16: Mother's original home village
4.8. '''Tattoos'''
The Dachoi who perform respected deeds are often tattooed to honor their deed. They do not tattoo themselves for fun. One other kind of tattoos are Travel tattoos (see below)
4.9. '''The Traveling'''
New adults have a quest called Travel before them. The new adult must take a journey within three months of acceptance as adults. He must visit at least three other villages before he is allowed to return home - some never do. Instead they stay to live in some other village. They
cannot remain in any of the villages for longer period than three months before they have the tattoos of three or more villages in their skin. Travel tattoos are marked to the left arm.
4.10. '''Goblins'''
Vram islands have one other intelligent species: the goblins. The Dachoi and the goblins have one big thing in common and that may have been a big help in establishing friendly relationship with each other. This factor is their skin colour: green. Goblins and the Dachoi do not actually live side by side day to day, but when they meet in the jungle, the meeting usually does not end in viole nce. Instead they trade gifts. In terms of money, the Dachoi usually loses in the gift exchange, but in general the Dachoi don't care. They don't have much need for material things and peace with the Goblins is good. There is enough food for both species. Sometimes the smarter Goblins are even invited to Dachoi parties.
5. '''Religion'''
The Dachoi primarily worship two deities. The god of nature and the god of joy and parties. They throw a lot of parties in their honor. (Names of those? Shinarael is one?)
6. '''Language'''
The Dachoi speak. Their language sounds melodic and uses a lot of vowels.
7. '''Vram Archopelago and Estrean Jungle'''
8. '''Role-playing'''
Best opportunity to play a Dachoi is to play a young adult who is Traveling. Of course, some Dachoi may like Traveling so much, that they never end it. Dachois are generally peace and fun loving people and only the rare few ever venture outside the Vram archipelago and Estreem island. Those who do still try to enjoy their lives to the fullest but rarely find the peace which is found from Home.
When Dachoi is forced into battle, he usually fights from far away. He sneaks in the jungle and uses his blow pipe to send poisoned arrows into the enemy. First arrows are usually sleep arrows. If the Dachoi manage to put all the attackers into sleep, they carry them to the rim of the jungle and leave them there. If it fails or the enemy comes again, the Dachoi use
deadly poisons.
If Dachoi is forced into melee combat, they attack quickly with their machete like knives, hit into unarmored parts and disappear into jungle and leave the poison to do it's work. Their melee combat skills are very martial arts like (Weapon kata)
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Original text file: DarkElves.txt
= Zrei Gu'aiuo - Dark elves =
= Introduction =
The dark elves, Zrei Gu'aiuor, are cruel, ruthless and warlike. They tend to be arrogance and selfish. It is said that there is not a tiny piece of honour in their minds, except for their own people.
Almost a half of them live on island Lanuin, located east from Minartan continent, in the Gray Ocean. Others live being spread all over the Minartan and some even further.
Zrei Gu'aiuor live in cities under the sky, but most preferably they act and live during the nights. That is because their senses are, as a result of their magical features, considerably better compared to other races, some even better than the Moon elves. For their partly magical form they posses many abilities. Nevertheless the daylight does not trouble them they do sleep during the bright period to achieve advantages from the darkness of nights. They barely make a sound when walking trough a thick scrub. They walk actually on the snow without trouble, hardly get wet when raining or get diseases human race suffers.
= Appearance =
The way of Zrei Gu'aiuor live on the dark period of day reflects to their appearance and habits. They don't feel comfortable in bright light and thus they are quite pale. Elves living in Minartan may use normal human day rhythm and one may even found them tanned sometimes. As a whole their appearance is deformed, especially when liken to Moon elves, almost human. Zrei Gu'aiuor still clearly have some noble features from Moon Elves even if those have wearied away during times. Their hair is usually black or dark brown and they never bind it nor Zrei Gu'aiuor use a helmet.
While living in human communities in Minartan, Zrei Gu'aiuor dress like normal middle class. They don't want to be noticed. Especially on island Lanuin they can be found wearing traditional Dark elvish ensemble. It consists of magical robe, haloemar, a Dark glance, which is in practice invisible to human eye in twilight. Only Zrei Gu'aiuo sees its enchanted shine, and for Zrei Gu'aiuor it even throws light in pitch darkness. Other clothing follows the hierarchy of hall system. It is complicated but consists of simple elements. Clothing is not decorative but having distinct and rough shapes at least for elvish touch.
The clergy is a clear exception from this rule. They use white apparels decorated with inconceivable golden laces. Humans would say them to be exaggerated. The clothing of Zrei Gu'aiuoth warrior is for practical reasons fully haloemar, just like the high council of four. A blade weapon of some kind is always a part of an ensemble of major Dark elf. Warriors carry katana-like sword Cor atal, clergy has similar but shorter, common people carry ordinary sword, Dathafar, which resembles human shortsword. Also dark elven lords carry Cor atalar with magnificent decorations, often two of them. Another is actual weapon, another a ceremonial and too expensive for battles.
The high council posses four swords of night, Thas dasarath, which have existed since coming of the elven race. They have been forged from metal that will never be found anymore, Diset amun al, the steel of heavens. The blade glows in deep dark purple light like there would be a flame bound to it.
= History =
The history books of elves begin with famous words.
"Were created two kin elven folk, below, another over. Created they were in deepest night. Equal from another, as fair were their visage. Born of others was to be, in the light of full moon, others at the darkest hour of night. So was it to befall that the elves of nightlight loved and adored greatly the silvery moon, the elves of shadows learned to know only the darkness. So learned the elves of nightlight the art of life and thus shall their wisdom be mighty. There shall be none who will find a power that unsettles the elves of nightlight. It is cast that safe shall the city of nightlight stand. The way of elves in shadows is black for agony. Four shall lead them; to endless battle shall they be led. So was it to befall that no war, no suffering will carry grief to their spirits."
The last sentence "Four shall lead them, to endless battle shall they be led. So was it to befall that no war, no suffering will carry grief to their spirits" is also a part of Zrei Gu'aiuoth oath of warrior and it is repeated before a Dark elf goes to battle.
= Culture =
== Cities and Arcitecture ==
The largest Dark elven cities are build to mountainsides or to forests, but for lack of great masses of labour and the elven attitude against hard manual work, the cities are not underground like some of them would like. They however are not spacious like the moon elven ones. Some cities stand at the north side of mountains, but because the daylight does not directly give dark elves trouble, most cities are build to open territory as usual.
The cities are almost totally built from deep dark blue stone, halnefalh, and they are said to be most beautiful over the earth. Great statues and fountains and arched bridges connecting the upper floors of buildings with their complicated gemstone decorations merge seamlessly to Zrei Gu'aiuoth beautifully build cityscape. Typical dark elven city looks almost like two storied. In the second floor, which consists of the tops of flat roofed buildings, the middle parts of higher ones and the bridges joining them, there is most of the shops and stores of the elven cities.
City walls surround all cities. However because the dark elven cities do not need defence against armies in practice, they are too tenuous and decorative to keep enemy outside, and they are build above all for emphasizing the elvish fortress-like style. The walls are so low that arrows can be shot over them from upper floors of buildings. Houses are high and have shapes of fortress also. Usually they have balcony or rooftop and a parapet build to it. The corners of the buildings have small tower-like rooms. Doors are high and narrow, shaped from steel; most windows of the buildings are small. The construction material is the halnefahl and sometimes, ordinary grey rock. Even the roofs are made of stone.
Buildings outside cities are mainly from grey rock and much more simple that the city ones. There can also be found roofs made of straw or shingle.
== Food and Trade ==
The food of Zrei Gu'aiuo consists of fish, which is caught from fishy seas around the island, and of grain grown in the southern parts of Lanuin. Dark elves trade with Minartan humans their beautiful art like statues and other smaller items. Weapons however they do not sell. That's because of an old Zrei Gu'aiuo wisdom: "The one who gives a weapon away shall be by that blade slain."
From humans on the Minartan continent they buy metals and raw gems, also spices and other comestibles that can't be produced on the island.
From humans they buy metals and raw gems, also spices and other comestibles that can't be produced on the island.
== Philosophy and Temperament ==
Dark elves consider discipline and punishment indispensable for ensuring the knowledge and learning. They raise their children with castigation and teach them not to cry or show real emotions. If the children don't please their parents they can be carried to mountains for certain death. It is heard that sometimes one of these ahaethal, thrown from life, manages back home, and may be accepted if noticed to have learned during the travel.
Majority of dark elves doesn't enjoy pain, but they respect it. If Zrei Gu'aiuo wants for example to incumbency in his community, he have to pass through a series of tortures, Rel'masnal, the test of votary, which is said to be art of torturing. Same masters take care of torments of prisoners. In common their habits look disgusting, cruel and self-destructible to humans. Zrei Gu'aiuo can however tolerate more than a human, and they have been raised to it.
The manners of dark elves are externally very punctilious especially with high council and church, but with common people the rules are not so strict.
Dark elves are good actors, they please humans with fake emotions and then at the right moment stab they in the back, but if someone serves their intentions well enough they might let them be unharmed. They love to plan and plot against their enemies to get what they want. And they love to win. To corrupt others is also one of their favourites. They meld softly into Minartan communities, being nice to everyone but behind their back they play only for themselves.
== Military ==
The high council of four has no army in command but its power is unquestionable, and it can take every dark elf capable of holding a sword under its command. There is no need for army actually, because elves do not have real threat in this world. Only in special cases a great masses of war hordes can be summoned and ordered to serve the council.
Warriors in dark elf community have the katana-like sword Cor atal, light almost silent chainmail Core'es and the Haloemar robe.
When Zrei Gu'aiuo men fight only with swords, the women use bows. Dark elves use longbows that don't require as much strength as human ones, but are still as powerful. Dark elves do not have mounted troops in military service nor they have many warships. There is only few dark elves capable of naval battles and only under two dozens of warships patrol near Streaa in Lanuin.
== Law and Order ==
The dark elven community is constant and has very strict hierarchy. It is based on system of halls. It is like a feudal community, but family relations don't mean as much for Zrei Gu'aiuo as for humans. Ancestry and families are not means for status but more like a responsibility for community. There aren't many dark elves after all.
They who have power in elvish community take care, with hired warriors, that they can also keep it. Every now and then happens that due the disagreement between different lords somebody from lower hall, alurh'es, manages to reach next stage of power. Usually this happens in hall of warriors.
The hierarchy is based only and purely to hall system and works as follows:
Alurh'es sarchem - the hall of common, farmers and workers
Alurh'es teiandes ohar - the hall of traders
Alurh'es thalereas - the hall of warriors
These three belong to lowest class, har ekath.
Alurh'es fathelutes - the rulers of common, consist of lords of the provinces
Alurh'es solidrath - the rulers of wealth, consist of lords in cities
Alurh'es a'othenma - the rulers of warriors, consist of lords as military commanders
These three belong to next har ekath.
The last har ekath consists those who serve the church. The hierarchy of this class is much more complicated and it is not, like other information about the church regime, allowed to be revealed to outsiders.
On the top of this system is Alurh'es Leothen farha'mal, the council of four lords, which rules all. It has supreme power over common people, trader, warrior and priest. The council of four has existed since coming of the elven race, and when one member leaves the life upon earth the three remaining choose a new from among the elven lords.
The different stages of hierarchy are clearly separated from each other, but the lower stages are respected as others. They are not tyrannized even if they don't have any power. The most limited group is the common folk because dark elves use slaves, cheap labour and magically forced humans in farm works. The lords of the provinces have usually hired workers and other common people, while the lords in cities have right to impose taxes from their cities or in parts of them. The clergy collects it wealth from lords and after that the council takes what it needs.
Zrei Gu'aiuor hardly ever kill another among their people. And if this happens the council of four itself takes care of the case. Only in sacrificial ceremonies an elf can pass away legally by another elf. Every lord has his own private guards that take care of his and his family's safety. This guard usually means hired elves given an upkeep and training. That's why young dark elves often seek a job from guards.
== Religion ==
Dark elves generally worship dark and evil gods, which claim for blood like Mandor, Sinister, Yorkaturr and Harum. The church arranges mostly sacrificial ceremonies, where animals and humans are tortured and killed. Only at the night of passing half-moon the knives can cut elven flesh.
The white clothing of dark elven clergy attracts attention in otherwise dark cityscape. The essential meaning of white colour is to emphasize the blood in ceremonies and it can be seen in white cloth very well. The clothing however is washed right after the ceremony, before the blood gets dry. Dark elves have a saying: "The blood will never finally dry on Zrei Gu'aiuoth cloth" Honouring this, the priests carry their decorative shiny white robes everywhere. In Minartan or other human populated places they don't walk around. Perhaps there is no such thing, or they just don't reveal themselves. Humans say the first; elves know the latter is true.
The night of passing half-moon is one of the most important dark elven events. When the moon is passing and the time is coming for half-moon great sacrificial ceremonies are held, in which is included torturing and ritual slashing. The night of passing half-moon arises from the anticipation of darkness. Darkness and black colour is symbol for everything. In dark elvish language the word meaning black, halatah, means also everything together. The night represents the coming of the darkness, as it is in story of creation, when the time of moon is passing. Half-moon symbolizes a change of power.
== Language ==
The language of dark elves is euphonious but is has more consonants and sharp voices than the moon elves. Words are frequently ambiguous and the grammar is complicated, so learning the language is very hard. It is still so schematic that it can be learned by normal methods. Compared to moon elves this is easy, because it is said that their language cannot learn without guidance from gods.
Dark elven songs and poetics follow exceptional rythm and touch. Lyrics are divided into two different fates. First there is a longer one, usually declaimed by an single singer, then there is another, shorter one, intoned by chorus. They differ greatly in rime and story and are still pronounced by turns. However the ending verse combines these two by both rythm and strory and ends the strophe.
== Song of Lanuin ==
Great ravages there has been;
All is lost.
no light upon can be seen;
All was vain.
still stands land, hear only rain.
Those who hunted for power;
See trees fall.
do not stand in times of rover;
Hear mountains die.
wisdom that fail, betrayer who cry.
Few was left behind for sorrow;
Breath poison in the air.
they feel lost on land so hollow;
Feel seas vanish.
lands which by will of men perish.
O Lanuin, you shall stand here;
Touch dark sky.
no living, no dying by near;
Seed the forest.
where will land find its rest.
== Magic ==
The dark elves possess many powers being however revealed later.
= The Tore'e humans =
Among all the humans the dark elves dislike Tore'e people most. Their history however, gives them a strange aspect: Honour. The present rulers of dark elves respect the Tore'e people's victory and escape, and have left the Tore Island untouched since the battle. Elves will not easily forgive the destruction and mayhem caused by the humans and time will show what is going to come to pass after few times have elapsed.
No trade or other communication has been committed between Lanuin and Tore islands. The elves have no desire to near the Tore for humans have greater expertise of sea battle and ships of better quality.
= Lanuin =
Lanuin is a beautiful forest island located in east side of continent of Minartan. Most part of Lanuin is flat terrain, which is covered with dense coniferous forest that has some of the most largest and oldest trees in Majik; only southern parts have grassy plains and northeastern part any significant mountains. It is realm of Zrei Gu'aiuor, almost a half of dark elves live there.
Lanuin has several elven cities. One of them is called Streea located in the northernmost part of coniferous forest near the north coast. With in the city is the Great Libray of Gol.
Because of heavy winds and reefs it's almost impossible to land in other parts of Lanuin except in the elven city Streea. The weather on island is grim. Winter is long and cold and summer short, rainy and cloudy. The way dark elves live in darkness fits well to island where sun barely ever shines. Elves manage to farm only in southern parts of the island, where sun can season the grain.
Zrei Gu'aiuoth community have to fight hard for surviving. There live many beasts and predators raised by strange powers on the island. It is said that even demons live in Lanuin. This is why dark elves have grown to masters in skill of killing.
= Role-playing =
It is rather difficult to play a dark elf. One has to succeed to create fake friendships and have to be able to break them. A dark elf does not respect other than a dark elf and is still thinking only his own good. A warrior makes an exception here. A way of warrior is an eligible way of living. There is no greater honour than serve the commander and be skilled in hean akar, the battle.
There is only one goal in combat - killing. When a dark elf takes his sword someone will die. After every battle each hit causing a death should be dedicated to god.
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Original text file: DesignApproach.txt
The general design approach, when trying to create things that relate to the gaming system or the world, is to start high and go lower and lower progressively. What this means in practice is that whenever a new design task is undertaken, the most realistic and believable approach that can be fathomed should be considered first, preferably specifically avoiding fantasy clichés. If this system is somehow found too difficult to implement or understand, one should try to drop the stuff that makes it so, layer by layer, until a compromise can be reached. Neither convenience nor simplicity should be the first aspects considered when designing.
Also, remember that there is no reason why you couldn't use materials, plants and creatures from the real world or from myths and legends. While it is encouraged to create unique designs, sometimes it is simply more convenient to create something from the existing world. For example there is no sense creating a feline beast which is otherwise identical to a tiger but has a third eye and call it hyrgrag, or design a creature similar to medusa from greek legends and change its hair from snakes to worms and add a third arm. This applies to all design: you are allowed to use your common sense!
All design done to worldbook should reveal all aspects of the designed subject. Worldbook is for designer and developer eyes only. So, when you design something explain things clearly: you shouldn't add any obscure facts such as "this creature was said to be..." without explaining the facts "...but in truth it was...". Feel free to fill your designs with legends, poems and the like as all this information can be used in the game itself in form of books, legends and the like. This is especially true with historical designs.
If you have any questions about any of this, contact me.
-- Beregar
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Original text file: Diamond.txt
Crystalline form of pure carbon. Is a clear white crystal that is extremely strong. Can only be cut with other diamonds. Very rare to find, sometimes found in the head waters of the Kadmoin R.
Physical Properties
*White very hard crystal
*Can only be cut with other diamonds.
*Usually found with impurities in it, diamonds without impurities are highly prized.
Magical Properties
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Original text file: Dinaluc.txt
Dinaluc, the moor-gold, is a widespread shrublike tree. Typically
its lush, nimble branches spread on the ground, forming dense
vinelike patches, dotted by thicker branches rising upright up to
six feet high; but the dinaluc rarely if ever grows a proper vertical
trunk. Its leaves are tiny but pack densely around the branches;
during the summer the leaves are deep dark green, but in response
to coldness they turn a pale shade of rust. The landscape can look
startlingly beautiful during colder seasons.
The dinaluc thrives in a temperate-cool climate, on flatlands as well
as mountainsides. It can survive in fairly thin soil. Due at least
partially to its toughness, it is very longevious; though its growth
is slow especially in more austere conditions, it can grow hundreds
of meters of branches during its long lifespan.
Surprisingly enough, the dinaluc grows fruit. The fruit are light
grayish brown, about half the size of a golf ball and practically
unnoticeable unless you know they're there. There isn't much to eat
in them, for their seeds are very large. They taste bland, but
migrating birds are rather fond of them.
Author: Darshan
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Original text file: DjasimiteArchitecture.txt
Djasimite Architecture
The style of Djasmite building structure has been influential to much of the lands of eastern Eldiron with the Areons and the Althainions and the lands of Voren with the Hilosyph. Though to a lesser degree with the later. The principles of the style is firmly rooted in simple circular shapes and the incorporation of the arch and in more complex buildings the dome.
"Engineering does not require science. Science helps a lot but the Djasmites built perfectly good brick walls long before I discovered why cement works."
Xocnala the White, Hilosyph Wizard and popular Architect in Thome between 2232 and 2488 of the Hilosyph calander
[ Sketch 1]
[ Sketch 2]
[ Sketch 3]
[ Sketch 4]
[ Sketch 5]
[ Sketch 6]
[ Sketch 7]
[ Sketch 8]
[ Sketch 9]
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Original text file: Dodalo.txt
== Dodalo ==
A reptile of about 0.5 meters and a high, arching back (when compared to the average lizard), this creature is almost mammal like in appearance, excepting the fact that it has beige-gray colored scales and lays eggs. With its long, powerful tail it has the ability to inflict great injury, especially on animals smaller than itself. However, the Dodalo is also equipped with a set of powerful teeth, which can crush bone and armor alike.
This reptile has a curved face with a protruding snout about as wide as long. On its head, it has, like most reptiles, two ear holes, one on either side, and large eyes which can look in almost all directions. Although usually these creatures have no particular markings, there have been reports of Dodalos with brown to black, irregular striping.
The Dodalo lives on grass- or wastelands at medium elevation. The reptile is normally solitary, but during mating season (late autumn) they gather in large groups (50+) in crevasses and caves to mate. The female incubates the eggs inside her body and they are born (hatched) in the following spring. The mother does not care for her young more than a few hours after birth.
|| '''Organization:''' || Soiltary ||
|| '''Activity cycle:''' || Day ||
|| '''Diet:''' || Carnivore ||
|| '''World View:''' || Aggressive predator ||
|| '''Avg. Lifespan:''' || 15 years ||
|| '''Frequency:''' || Semi-Common ||
|| '''Climate/Terrain:''' || Plains ||
|| '''Altitude range:''' || Limits currently unknown ||
|| '''Latitude range:''' || Limits currently unknown ||
|| '''Rainfall range:''' || Limits currently unknown ||
|| '''Stats (Species value (comparison value)):''' || Str: (), Con: (), Agi: (), Dex: (), Qck: (), Int: (), Per: (), Mem: (), Wil: (), Emp: () ||
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Original text file: Dwarves.txt
another [ Dwarf] by kaput.
= The Gwalmur =
== Introduction ==
The Gwalmur are a peculiar race of warlike, yet quiet and isolated
creatures. They are known as keen workers, ferocious warriors, skillful
architects and brilliant engineers. They are by far the most technologically
advanced race in all of Majik but they are not at all eager to present their
findings to others. They are selfish, yes, but not at all cruel or malicious.
They only do what is natural for them, which is to build, organize, create -
and destroy.
== Appearance ==
The Gwalmur are approximately 4' - 5' tall (120cm-150cm), the average
individual being 4'7". Both male and female individuals measure the same
height. Their weight varies around 110 - 180lbs (50-80kg), the females being
heavier than the males due to differences between lifestyles. The males have a
long, thick beard which starts to grow from birth. The beard is never cut,
shortened or shaped in any way, but it may be tied into ornamental knots or
jewelry, such as small bells and bands, may be tied to it. This happens
especially when these creatures indulge themselves in celebrities - which are
brutal drinking and eating feasts without exception. They have long, gnarled
arms, short and thick legs and a well-built torso. Their fingers are puffy and
short, yet are capable of great dexterity and accuracy.
== Habitat ==
The Gwalmurs live in artificially built large underground caverns and caves
exclusively in the mountain region known as the Chain of the Sledgehammer,
located south of the kingdom of Thalamon. This region and its surroundings is
generally known as Gwaelmar. The greatest Gwalmur city, Bral'Gaur (Rock Home),
is directly connected to every other Gwalmur city with a network of
underground tunnels. Bral'Gaur is the only Gwalmur city which is directly
accessible from the surface.
Contrary to popular belief, the Gwalmur are not particularly fond of
minimalistic, narrow mining tunnels but prefer large, high and roomy
dome-shaped caves which are built in the crude yet pragmatic way the Gwalmur
are so fond of. They use several mechanical innovations to assist them in
everyday tasks, such as steam-powered mining machinery, elevators, carriages
Most occupations of the Gwalmur men are settled around the military and
building things, both large and small. The Gwalmur women handle the maintenance
of the Gwalmur men by feeding them, which is the only role considered fit for
a woman.
== Culture ==
The Gwalmur culture ties itself around the sentence: "KROBWU, BUCRAL E
RAUGMARO!", translated "KING, HONOR AND AXE!". They respect their authorities
greatly, do their duties diligently and are constantly preparing for the War.
== The King ==
There are two classes in a Gwalmur society: the People and the King. The
King is the supreme commander of the Gwalmur military, the owner of every
piece of land in all of Gwaelmar and generally controls anything and
everything. The King is elected once in a generation by members of the King's
High Council which includes representatives from the Bal'Krobwu, the military
and the mechanical workers. A new king is elected when the King has died.
== The Honor ==
All Gwalmurs are workers. It is considered honorable to work for the good of
the Gwalmur society, the motivation of this notion being their bloated
nationalism. Despite this, the Gwalmur are not authoritative at all, they are
proud. Allegiance is only acceptable to the King and to impersonal things, it
is unheard-of for a Gwalmur to consider himself inferior to another individual.
This may seem unorganized to outsiders, but the Gwalmur are capable of a level
of solidarity far exceeding that of the humans'.
== The Axe ==
The Gwalmur are constantly preparing for the War, which is an impersonal and
vague, yet frightening, threat. It states in Gwalmur lore that one day a great
enemy shall attack the Gwalmur, destroying them underfoot. As the Gwalmur are
conservative people that do not question their traditions, they naturally
do everything they can to prevent this, which is why they are taught to handle
the double-axe (raugmaro), the crossbow (rocegbau) and several warmachines and
miscellaneous war equipment from the moment they are able to stand, which
makes them extremely fierce and skilled warriors compared to most humanoid
races in all of Majik. The Gwalmur hone their combat skills constantly. They
dress in armor (gletmacne) as this increases their ability to function in one
during a combat situation, and also builds their muscles and improves their
constitution. Lighter clothing is generally frowned upon, and is only worn by
the King, the women and the Bal'Krobwu who always dress in their light brown
The Gwalmur specialize in a certain field of combat when they reach adulthood.
The possible specializations are:
* ((Khenda)) (machinery)
* ((Raugmarun)) (axes)
* ((Rocunmun)) (crossbows)
The Bal'Krobwu (translated "Earth Kings", the earth elementalists) usually act
as the highest military commanders and they also participate in combat fully.
== Religion ==
The Gwalmur are not very spiritual people, but they do worship two Gods,
the God of the Mountain (Kmarag) and the God of the Outworld (Kmemroga).
Simply put, the God of the Mountain represents everything collectively
beneficial to the Gwalmur while the God of the Outworld represents death and
destruction. In fact, the Gwalmur word "kmarag" means "life", while the word
"kmemroga" means "death".
It is believed that both of these Gods have two forms in which they can appear,
a peaceful and a warlike form. Kmarag appears either as a tall elven creature
dressed in white flowing robes and wielding a staff with a crystal on it, or a
fierce large warrior dressed in a black, spiked battlesuit and wielding a
mighty war-axe. Kmemroga can appear as either a tall skeletal creature dressed
in a black robe and wielding a jet-black scythe, or a huge serpent creature
with a humanoid upper body and a head with two barbed horns.
Even though the Gwalmur believe in the existance of deities, they do not hold
religious ceremonies or celebrities. The Bal'Krobwu act as their spiritual
leaders and are generally more than able to satisfy the Gwalmurs' thirst for
mysticism with their performances of elemental magic and colorful tales of
ancient lore.
== Language ==
=== GRAMMAR ===
'''Sentence structure''':
Predicate -> Object -> Adjective -> Subject -> Adjective
The predicate is always notified first in the sentence, and it is
never inflected. After the predicate follows the object, then the possible
adjective and the subject and a possible adjective. The main clause
is always expressed first. Subordinate clauses are separated with the
"and" word ("e"), and their sentence structure is the same as in the
main clause.
The available tenses are the future, the present, and the past.
The present is expressed without adding or removing anything from
the basic hub of the clause. In the case of the past, the word "ut"
is set after the predicate. In the case of the future, the word "ab"
is used in the same place.
The present:
- Crelbun is eating a fungus.
- Cnogroda kle Crelbun.
The past ("ut"):
- Crelbun was eating a fungus.
- Cnogroda ut kle Crelbun.
The future ("ab"):
- Crelbun is going to eat a fungus.
- Cnogroda ab kle Crelbun.
NO |
nuro |
gmer |
gnur |
ubo |
wor |
nura |
gmer |
gnur |
uba |
war |
nura |
gmer |
gnur |
erel |
uba |
war |
nure |
gmer |
gnur |
wer |
nurn |
nan |
ubn |
won |
nurm |
nur |
- The man who Crelbun met yesterday prefers axes to crossbows.
- Hegbohu ut dacnel Crelbun rlar e dakrolmah gar raugmaro leb'cob gar rocegmau gnur.
'''General laws of words''':
* Only words that define the tense of a sentence can
end with a hard consonant, the exception is 'r'
* Words cannot begin with two 'r's
* Words cannot end with 'um' or 'an'
* There can be at most two same consonants consecutively
* Two consecutive hard consonants cannot occur, as en exception
'r' can follow another hard consonant
* A hard consonant cannot succeed a soft consonant, 'r' however can
* A soft consonant can be succeeded with a symbol called the "skip sign",
after which hard consonants can be added
* A word that begins with a vowel cannot be immediately succeeded
by a hard consonant
* Two of the same consecutive vowels cannot occur
* Two different consecutive vowels can only occur if they are
preceded by a hard consonant
'''Personal pronouns''':
Me | Am |
You | Ama |
He/She/It | Amu |
We | Um |
You | Uma |
They | Umu |
Each personal pronoun is preceded with a 'k' if the person(s) referred
to is/are respected, and 'he/she/it' and 'they' are followed with 'n'
are absent.
For example:
* The King is old and he has a long beard.
* Bocrul krobwu e bon rbunha kamun ic.
'k' in itself is a valid and popular way to show respect. It is
synonymous to 'lord', 'highly respected', 'noble' etc.
* Possessive: "de"
* Adessive: "ic"
* Partitive: "ah"
* Illative: "ac"
- Crelbun is eating the king's fungus.
- Cnogroda krobwu de kle Crelbun.
- Crelbun has a fungus.
- Kle Crelbun ic.
- Crelbun is being commanded.
- Cloco erel Crelbun ah.
- Crelbun puts a fungus in a pot.
- Bamrugel ammohbem ac kle Crelbun.
Combinations are not at all more complicated:
- Crelbun puts his fungus in a pot.
- Bamrugel ammohbem ac kle Crelbun de.
A plural is expressed with the word "gar", that is placed
directly before a word in case the amount of the expressed entities
is unknown. In other case, the scheme "
word" is used.
For example:
- The wise and old kings are eating wormy fungi.
- Cnogroda nocno gar kle gbugra e bocrul gar krobwu.
Notice the "gar" in front of "kle". If it would be missing, the
sentence would mean:
- The wise and old kings are eating a wormy fungus.
Numbers are based on the gwalmur 4 fingers:
0 Ruc
1 Ruc ad gun
2 Ruc ad gub
3 Ruc ad gum
4 Gun ruc
5 Gun ruc ad gun
6 Gun ruc ad gub
7 Gun ruc ad gum
8 Gub ruc
9 Gub ruc ad gun
10 Gub ruc ad gub
11 Gub ruc ad gum
12 Gum ruc
13 Gum ruc ad gun
14 Gum ruc ad gub
15 Gum ruc ad gum
16 Hac ruc
17 Hac ruc ad gun
18 Hac ruc ad gub
19 Hac ruc ad gum
20 Ruc ruc
21 Ruc ruc ad gun
22 Ruc ruc ad gub
23 Ruc ruc ad gum
24 Ruc gun ruc
25 Ruc gun ruc ad gun
26 Ruc gun ruc ad gub
27 Ruc gun ruc ad gum
28 Ruc gub ruc
29 Ruc gub ruc ad gun
30 Ruc gub ruc ad gub
31 Ruc gub ruc ad gum
32 Ruc gum ruc
33 Ruc gum ruc ad gun
34 Ruc gum ruc ad gub
35 Ruc gum ruc ad gum
36 Ruc hac ruc
37 Ruc hac ruc ad gun
38 Ruc hac ruc ad gub
39 Ruc hac ruc ad gum
40 Haruc
In short:
Ale - A (80000)
Elun - E (40000)
Obom - O (8000)
Uhub - U (4000)
Kor\t- K (800)
Turem - T (400)
Gereb - G (80)
Haruc - H (40)
Hac - C (4)
Gum - M (3)
Gub - B (2)
Gun - N (1)
Ruc - R (0)
Ad - -
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Original text file: Earth.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything that has to do with earth, the soil, hardness, and the inanimate.
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Original text file: Elitsch.txt
Swift and small; these two words would describe the success of the Elitsch fish throughout lakes and streams and near the shore in the sea. Colored beige as the sand, they can easily camouflage when threatened by predators. Like most fish, their size is relative to the size of their surroundings, and the continue growing all their lives. Thus, the sizes vary greatly, but the average is about 10 cm, weighing about 200 g (a specimen once caught in the ocean was recorded as 63 cm long, at the weight of 5.9 kg). With a dorsal fin that stretches almost the entire length of the back and two rather large pectoral fins and a fan-like pelvic, or tail fin, this small fish can easily propel itself through the water.
Mostly, the Elitsch feeds on algae and plants found in the water, although they also gobble up any insect that might fall into their lake or river.
An Elitsch rarely strays too far from its place of birth, often staying all its life in the same lake or same bend of the river. They spawn their eggs on plants or under rocks, from which young are born within three weeks. However, as they can live in both salt and freshwater, they have spread to every corner of the world.
'''Elitsch in summary:'''
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Rivers, lakes, streams, oceans (near the shore)
ORGANIZATION: loosely organized by association (coexist with other elitsches in the same area)
DIET: algae, insects, other underwater plants
WORLD VIEW: lowly prey: reproduces fast so genes survive
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Original text file: Elves.txt
= Elthae'sar - The Elves =
= Introduction =
In this world there is two elven races. Humans call them dark elves and moon elves. They have very much in common but their relation to world, philosophy of life and ideology differ greatly. Both elven kinds are immortal, noble, skilled and have partly magical essential nature. They are among the most oldest peoples in this world and possess knowledge humans only dream. Elves can be faster and more accurate and more agile than humans but learn only as fast, sometimes even slower. Because their long lifetime they still usually know and master more skills. They however have not as much strenght as average humans and they do not like hard manual work. For all that elves have more tolerance than other races and they cannot be killed easily, not by humans, monsters or diseases.
Moon elves have lived since their coming and only few has left this world. The dark elves however have lost many of their kind in battles and other unnatural incidents. When elthae'sar should stand forever immortal will their race diminish when one of them dies, even if there is a new to be born. This is why zrei'gu'aiuo barely bear likeness to mai'oi'aiue who still appear in their old beautiful form. And because if this the moon elves are nobler and more masterly than their lesser kindred.
= Appearance =
Generally elves are thinner and taller than humans. Their height and weight also waries less than humans. Usually elves have long straight hair and they never have a beard. To humans elves usually look attractive or noble and their languages sound beautiful. Elves have a different kind of body metabolism than humans, for elves it is nearly impossible to gain extra weight, their bodies simply ignore all extra food-fat they might eat.
= Languages =
Both elven tribes have their own names and languages presented here. All names in elvish languages don't translate very well. The words usually have more meaning than can be fit into translation.
Dark elves call themselves zrei'gu'aiuo which means nobles of darkness. Moon elves call themselves mai'oi'aiue meaning lords of nightlight. Zrei'gu'aiuor speak language named zadicc and mai'oi'aiue speak language called tinaehl.
In their language zrei'gu'aiuor call lords of nightlight simply anzeh tal, moon elves. In the language of tinaehl spoken by mai'oi'aiue, the zrei'gu'aiuor are called ea'on ahieal, elves of shadows.
The difference between zrei'gu'aiuoth and mai'oi'aiuel language can be seen here.
Zrei'gu'aiuo says Nar gals alm'enaien ragae lia'artad.
Mai'oi'aiue says Aolitho falah almelathu thuana sath'enas.
= Elven knowledge =
Elven arcitecture is the most finest upon earth. They are masters in stone and gem cutting, they are able to build high towers and long bridges and beautiful cities. Zrei'gu'aiuor use slaves to build their houses and towers, but they still use their own hand as well to see their cities in all glory. Slaves usually do all the most laborious work and zrei'gu'aiuor use their sculpture skill. Mai'oi'aiue do not use slavery nor they hardly ever build a thing. Their city has served them unchangeable for centuries.
Elves can make swords and longbows of good quality, and they make precious jewelry. They also have the most comprehensive libraries in this world. Every elf can read and write and these skills are taught at home when young elves grow. They do not have academies of any kind. Elves tend to learn by themselves and because of their desire for knowledge they often study, mostly in libraries, for their entire life. In zrei'gu'aiuoth communities only skills of battle are tought by a military commander and skills of sorcery by a archmages serving the church.
= Elven timeline =
*Year 1042, Creation - year 1 in Moon elven calendar. Moon elves appear in their high realm which is only an area of wilderness. Dark elves wander in Sol'daran forests.
*Year 1100-1500, For over 400 years the Dark elves live scattered and without leader in small tribes.
*Year 1507, This is the year of forming of the High Counsil of four. This is year 1 for the Dark elven calendar.
*Year 1821, Building of high realm begins. The Tower of Stars is build. First houses are build instead of living under the sky.
*Year 2200, The Moon elves and Dark Elves trade goods and both realms grow in glory. The building of the Temple of Nighlight begins.
*Year 2239, The Temple of Nightlight is finished.
*Year 2941, Separation. Lren'Zahcc, one of the Four, dislikes the moon elves and his will is to rape and tear down the High realm. He can't see the power behind the City of nightlight and travels there without telling other Dark elves. His intent is to take it under his command with a horde of few hundred Dark elven warriors.
*Year 2942, The First War of realms. Both kinds bring a charge against each other and a war breaks out.
*Year 2944, The war has been raging for two years and Dark elves have fallen before the Moon elven army. Half of the Dark elven cities has been turned into ashes and the Dark elves are willing to surrender. The Moon elves continue their attack for a month and after that start to negotiate. Moon elves demand all treasures and other valuable knowledge of the Dark elves. And they get what they want.
*Year 2945, First war of the realms is over and Dark elven realm has been raped and robbed. Much wisdom is lost and many cities lie in ruins, thousands of Dark elven warriors has deceased.
*Year 2950, The Moon elven realm grows in glory and wisdom. Many great buildings are raised, art and wisdom is gained.
*Year 2950-3450, The Dark elves rebuild their realm and for over five hundred years they gather power and knowledge for retaliation.
*Year 3406, The High realm falls to disorder for a attempted coup. The regular leaders manage to stay in power, but for over 50 years the High realm undergoes chaos and feud. No Moon elf is killed but tortured and driven away from the High realm.
*Year 3462, The Second war of the Realms. The Dark elves attack the High realm. Moon elves are unprepared and for the first time the High realm turns to battlefield. The Moon elves are divided but Lean'ueoth the Commander unites the High kin and organises an attack. Battle tears apart both armies but in the end the Moon elven army drives the attacker back. Both realms have lost thousands of warriors and for the uncertain conditions the Moon elves are not willing to lengthen the battle.
*Year 4800, The Third war of the Realms. The Dark elves are planning an attack against the High realm but the Moon elves find it out and attack first. The third war of the Realms is a repeat of the first war of the Realms. The Dark elves fear the Moon elven armies and fall before them. Once again the Dark elven realm is ruined.
*Year 4806-5600, Rebuilding the Dark elven realm. The Dark elves begin to believe that war against High realm is of no use. They start to build defence, castles and towers.
*Year 5682, The three watchtowers of Sol'daran are build. They guard the Moon elven gate for almost 2500 years. Actually they are more castles of Sol'daran but are called towers for they one high tower. These three are the greatest strongholds ever build in Sol'daran.
*Year 5810, The long isolation of the elves end. Dark elves begin to communicate with human tribes, trade with them and share knowledge.
*Year 7000-8000, Time of befriendment. For the first time in 4000 years the Moon elves and the Dark elves trade and speak to each other. Both realms grow in glory once again.
*Year 7992, New Moon elven leader, Aemlaion, desides that Dark elven realm must be destroyed for they are threat for the High realm.
*Year 8140, The Slaying begins. The watchtowers fall. All Dark elven cities are robbed, burned and destroyed. Some treasures are carried to safe before the Moon elven army reaches the city, some of them are taken with when migration begins, some were lost and never found.
*Year 8165, First sights of Plague. The Dark elven realm lies in ruins. All this leads towards Dark elven migration to begin. First scouts are sent to explore the lands in east, but yet with no actual intent to leave.
*Year 8168, The rare plague consumes Dark elves for years. For only this time the Dark elves fear for their people. Later generations started to call it the Battle against unarmed enemy. From these times lives a saying: "The most perilous enemy is the one with no sword revealed."
*Year 8170, The Counsil of Four agrees to start the migration for new and safer land, away from the High realm and away from the ruins and plague. Those who are loyal to Counsil leave. From this point the Counsil has an unquestionable power in Dark elven community among them.
*Year 8172, One thrid of Dark Elves leave Sol'daran in search of new land. One third stay. One third have died in previous years. Those who stay are slowly wandering to human lands. They merge with humans and live among them. Some build small towns in Sol'daran but they never reach the glory of the Dark elves in times before the Slaying. True knowledge and treasures are carried to east by those who left.
*Year 8179, Dark Elves hire human tribes in Delgrain to cross the wilds of the Minartan continent. This marks the beginning of the slow generational decent into slavery that the Delgrain human tribe will undergo.
*Year 8201, The Dark Elves reach the shores of lake Lokhmar build a settlement there and send out scouts to search in the east for a more permanent home.
*Year 8217, The Dark Elves proclaim that the Delgrain humans must speak in the dark elven tongue. Those that do not are thretened to be cast out. Almost all humans follow the commands of the elves for they have become dependent upon the elves and fear the wild lands.
*Year 8240, Scouts have been returning for the last 20 years and only in 8240 a land is found that is suitable to the elves; the island of Lanuin. The Delgrain have become further dependent to the elves. Still not slaves but are no longer paid money for work done for the elves and are in fact taxed heavily on the foods and goods that more independent members of the tribe produced.
*Year 8248, Elves begin to migrate. First they only send out work crews soldiers and Delgrain humans to clear wilds and do preliminary foundation work for there new city.
*Year 8263, Due to the Dark Elves meticulous nature the foundation is only at this time nearing completion. First true settlers began to migrate to Lanuin. The human workers on the island have degraded to full slaves. Humans still at lake Lokhmar settlement are not quite to the point of being slaves.
*Year 8276, Last of the Dark Elves migrate to Lanuin. Remaining humans are told to come as slaves or stay on Minartan. Many go but most stay.
*Year 8278, Dark Elves send soldiers back to lake Lokhmar to kill remaining humans. Only young are taken to Lanuin to become slaves the rest are hunted down and slain.
*Year 8702-8712, The human slaves of the dark elves in Lanuin rise up in a slave rebellion. The war lasts for 10 years and decimates the populations of both the humans and the dark elves. The capital city of the elves is sacked and mostly destroyed. In the end the humans prevail and gain there freedom and are allowed the Torell islands as their own. They are hence forth called the Tore'e people. The year 8712 is year 1 for the Tore'e calendar.
*Year 8720, The Dark elves in Lanuin start getting new slaves from Minartan but Torell is left unspoiled. The Dark elves agree not to bring as much humans as they did five hundred years ago.
*Year 9025, Present time. It is the year 314 in the Tore'e calender. For the Hilosyph calander the year is 2826. In the Djasimite calander which is also used by the Areons and Althainions it is the year 989 of the third age. For the Moon elves it is the year of 7983 and for Dark elves the year of 7518.
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Original text file: ElvinContainers.txt
The elves have mastered the craft of glass blowing and shaping. So most of there containers and bottles are made from glass. Since elves strive for perfection and beauty they spend great amounts of time on there bottles, because after all, time they have.
There designs are very classical and bottles intended to hold liquids have a long extended neck and are topped with a glass stopper with usually some fancy sculpture design on top. The jars for dry materials are wide necked and usually have a wooden stopper on the top.
Everything the elves create is just unimaginable in its detail and beauty.
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Original text file: Emerald.txt
A green rock that grows in a hexagonal cylinder shape, it is commonly found in quartz beds of the Beheran Mountains. It is very rare and thus highly prized, the Berheran people consider it a royal gemstone and cover there tribal leaders with them. They have been known to reach great sizes, but smaller ones 3-4cm long and 1cm wide are most common.
Stories have been told of a fabled giant emerald sphere that was magically enchanted long ago by dark sorcerers aligned with the God ______. This orb is known as the Seer Orb, and it is said that it can show the user visions of the past of any subject they choose. This of course is just a legend and the existence of such an emerald isn't likely, possibly some book could be found in the Beheran region that would give more of this story.
== USES ==
*gemstones can be cut and inserted into jewerly or decerations to armor/weapons.
*Sold or used to trade.
|| WEIGHT: || D = 4.02 g/mL ||
|| QUALITY: || Usualy only gemstone quality is of value. ||
|| AVAILABILITY: || Slightly rare. ||
|| PROPERTIES: || clear green crystal. ||
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Original text file: Eru.txt
Perhaps one of the oddest creatures in Majik, this small reptile is more like a beach ball with a head than anything else. It is about that size -- about 30 cm in diameter at the abdomen, almost a perfect sphere. Scaly and brown, are the words most often used to describe it, and this is true, as its entire is body is covered with brown scales. From the round abdomen come four rather long, flexible legs (30 cm), which are extremely strong with a sticky foot at the end of each leg, with which they can climb vertical surfaces if they are rough enough (wood for instance). However, it is notoriously slow. The small (5 cm) head is also round shaped and has two large eyes, which are adept for looking in many directions at once. Like most reptiles, they have no ears but have holes, which allow some basic hearing. Extruding from their face are two rounded-off horns which are used for digging in the ground, and a very weak defense. One note is that they have no genders, but instead are both male and female at the same time. Another Eru fertilizes the eggs outside the body.
With this rather unshapely body and slow movement, the Eru might long have been extinct, save for one thing: the fact that all Erus lay large eggs which, if harvested early (before fertilization) they can be eaten and taste ?like poached chicken eggs and crab cakes? and are extremely nutritious. For this reason, they are bred by farmers everywhere, and can be quite profitable as the eggs are often in high demand.
The Eru, with its sluggish speed, is rather sedentary, and may move very little for days on end. When it does move, it is only to eat or lay an egg, and the most common food is grain and seeds.
Erus were once much smaller and quicker before they were captured and domesticated, and, although rare, can still be at times seen in the wild, scampering up trees. The eggs of these wild Erus are difficult to find, yet are considered far superior to those of the domesticated kind.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Forests wild, farms domesticated
FREQUENCY: rare in the wild, common on farms
WORLD VIEW: the prey
COMPETITORS/ PREDATORS: not much competition domesticated, in the wild any berry or seed eating animal
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Original text file: Essence.txt
A spell form symbol that depicts actuality, pureness of power symbols (for example Fire Essence is pure fire), the form and nature of physical things etc.
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Original text file: Estlo.txt
The potato like tubers that grow on the lower branches of the ((Estlin Tree)). Very nutritious, but in a hard shell that prevents opening without special tools. More to follow.
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Original text file: Etta.txt
*Description - Etta are small half meter tall humanoid creatures. They Live primarily along roads. They are believed to be related to goblins but have adapted. In appearance they are brown grey colored hairless and bulky for their diminutive size.
*when first appearance?
*who or what created and why?
*generic information (specie)
*likes/dislikes (specie)
*organization form - organization of the Etta of 12-40 individuals consisting of males once they reach adolescence groups and try to hold other males.
*religion etc
||Environment ||roads||
||Social Orginization||territorial||
||Activity cycle||nocturnal||
||World View||scavenger||
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Original text file: Eye.txt
A spell form symbol that depicts everything that reveals itself as sensing, observing, seeing, finding or locating.
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Original text file: Felion.txt
=== Introduction ===
The Felion evolved in an extremely isolated area and they were not aware that there were other races on the planet. So they have lived in isolation till fairly recently when they were discovered. This has led to a number of things including having no name for their race using only us when referring to themselves. They were named Felion because the captain of the vessel noted they were very feline but sadly he was a notoriously bad speller writing down Felion instead of Feline. So the name stuck. The Felion are very tall and limber ranging from 2 meters to 3.5 meters. They are very catlike in face and body fur but they walk upright and they have more control over their tails than the normal domestic cat being able to attach a type of blade to the end and use it as a weapon. Their bodies are limber like a swimmer s. With a good running and climbing ability. The major characteristic that set them apart from other races are their 15 centimeter exceedingly sharp retractable claws that come out of their knuckles. In addition they have unretractable claws on their hands and feet. The leader of the Felion is decided every 6 years in contests. They must be fast runners, strong fighters, good hunters, with a large amount of willpower, smart and good at tactics. Good looks are another important attribute to be a leader. All these things are determined in the contests. The leader lives in a large mansion on the only natural grassland on the island.
=== Felure ===
The land of Felure is the homeland of the Felion. This name is also the outsiders name because the Felion called it the world. So the explorers conned the name from the Felion language. Fe meaning cat and lure meaning land. So you ended up with Catland or Land of Cats. The Felion were not discovered until recently because they lived on a very large island surrounded by a string of mountains so they went around the island in a ring. Most of the people assumed that it was an extremely large ancient volcano with many small volcanoes in it. The fact that the smoke that the Felion made when cooking and heating helped to strengthen this theory. Even most of the Felion did not go outside this ring of mountains until they were discovered. All though some Felion did find a few hidden passes to get out relative few even wanted too because there was enough adventure and excitement to satisfy most. Nearly the exact center of the Island is a large grassland. This is the largest and only natural grassland on the island. At the very center of this grassland are The Purrsent s (Leader s) Mansion and the governmental building. Those are nearly the only buildings on it the only others are the wealthy Felion s houses on the very edges. Most of the time the grassland is used like a public park where people wanting to get out of the forest come to play and picnic. The other time it is used as the grounds for a carnival/fair type of thing 5 times a year. And every six years it is used for the contests for the new leader. Outside the grassland is a very large dense forest that makes up most of the island. The forest is cedar and redwood trees mostly bunched very close to each other. Most of the Felion live in the forest where they have cleared the trees. So there are many patches of grass where the Felion live. Some Felion live up in the trees and all Felion are excellent climbers being able to leap from tree to tree. There is also one Felion village inside a mountain. The staple diet of the Felion is largely torg and deer. The torg and deer are very plentiful primarily because the torg and deer have a secret breeding place that they think that there are only one or two Felion that know where it is. This breeding spot is supposed to be a large lush grassland where the deer and torg go to mate and raise their young. Also torg breed whenever they please so the spot is nearly always filled with torg mothers raising their children. The younger torg and deer almost never leave the area so catching or killing one is relatively rare. Torg are large and very similar to deer. They are just as tall but with a wider bulk than deer also torg do not have horns they have sharp curving outward tusks that the Felion used to make into weapons and tools.
=== History ===
The history of the Felion is largely unknown all though we do know that they are not in anyway related to the other cat race. The most accepted theory of how the island was formed is that it was a humongous underwater volcano. after erupting constantly it forced it s why up from the ocean. It continued to grow for millions of years. Some people believe that the Felion are not evolved from cat but from monkeys due to their excellent ability to climbing and their ability to use their tails. Others disagree saying they have to many characteristics of cats not to have evolved from them. All of the people agree that Felions most likely lived in trees when they first started settling down. The ancient Felion were hunter-gatherers that were not nomadic. The reason they didn t have to be nomadic is because their primary diet was deer and torg. These animals were all over the forest. Nearly never was there a problem of catching one. The primitive Felions began farming more as a change of diet then necessity growing more fruit trees then grain. They also grew a fruit tree that s fruits they made into bread. The primitive Felions left the natural large grassland alone and did not settle there because torg rarely went there. After more Felion began to grow their food rather than catch it more wars started between the tribes. There was relatively few wars before because it did not matter where you and your tribe stayed because the torg were equally plentiful everywhere, but when they started planting trees it became obvious that the places you planted mattered very much. So they began to fight over who got to live where. Fighting became very important to the Felion with their value still held in high regard. This is when most of the Felion s weapons developed. The weapon of choice was the bow. The Felion became very adept with the bow(Give Felion bonus for use of bow). The bow was good for their terrain because the Felion would climb trees and ambush their enemies.
=== Casts, Armor and Weaponry ===
The Felion divide themselves into casts, the mining cast, the governmental cast, the farming cast, and the warrior cast. All the casts have a large building that they use as a type of guild hall. When a Felion reaches puberty he is given a choice to what cast he wants to enter. Once he enters a cast a contract is written and this contract is binding. If he wants to change what cast he is in, he can only transfer to the governmental cast or be cast out of all casts, as a rogue, a Jilihiss. Although that is not as damning as it sounds he is only not allowed to be part of the casts. The Jilihiss have their own group and building. It is not a disgrace to become Jilihiss because Jilihiss only mean they are not satisfied with what is available. Jilihiss are usually the only people who leave the island besides the warrior cast and sometime the governmental cast. The mining cast concerns itself with the creation of weapons and tools. They also control the economy of the island and they will mint more currency when given the order to by the governmental cast. The mining cast members strive to become a master at a particular task. Some try and become master smelters and refiners, some with prospecting, other with shaping, some with mining the ore, and even other who try and discover new and better methods for prospecting, mining, and smelting. The governmental cast is a unique cast because you can join it if you want to leave your cast. The governmental cast concerns itself with politics, the high council, and the general well being of the island. Every House (Basically the Felions equivalent of extended family) has a patriarch who is always of the governmental cast. The governmental cast train and send tax collectors to the Felion villages and settlements. They all strive to join the high council or become the Purrsent of the island. They also concern themselves with settling disputes and punishing criminals. Also as ambassadors to other lands. The farming cast does not only farm, they are in charge of the well being of every Felion individual. The cast grows food, hunts torg and deer, trains their members to become doctors, and takes care of the old, the homeless, and orphans. The warrior cast is the most physically challenging cast of them all. This cast does not only contain warriors but also is the cast that trains and utilizes spies. All Felion are trained as warriors with them all taking turns to serve as reserves in case of military conflict. Three months of the year, every able Felion past puberty must train. So approximately a quarter of the population is always being trained in warfare every 3 months. So all Felion are kept in a state of physical well-being and they will be able to serve in the military if the time comes for war. At the very time of the warrior cast is the supreme warlord, if the council deems fit, they will declare him supreme leader in times of crisis. Underneath the supreme warlord are the 12 lesser warlords, these Felion concern themselves with foreign military affairs and training Generals in tactical matters. Under these lesser warlords are the generals, there are five different ranks of generals with the First Claw General being first and the Second Claw General, the Third Claw general, then Fourth Claw General, and last of all being the field general. Underneath the generals are their aids. Field Generals usually lead the attacks during battle while the other generals make tactical decisions. Pack Leaders are one of the most important part of the troops; every Pack Leader leads a squad of 20 Warriors. These pack leaders are usually the best fighters and they are given tactical training as well. The grunts of the Felion military structure are the warriors, the warriors separate themselves into three groups, the archers,(These Warriors specialize in the bow) The swordsmen,(These warriors use all manners of hand weapons, from axes to daggers) and the elite of the troops are the horsemen, horses are exceedingly valuable to the Felion because it was not until recently were horses brought to the island, so horsemen are trained extremely well and a good horsemen will give his life to save his horse The Felion never developed a use for the crossbow, even after they were discovered because they could get the same amount of power from firing one of their longbows; also the bows had a much higher rate of fire than crossbows. During the conflicts the Felion designed a blade called a sker g that attached to their tails. This blade is 15 to 35 centimeters long. And these days pictures are carved into the blade on one side and on the other they carve the symbol of their house. (Their extended family) The Felion use many metals to make their armor and weapons, because the mountains surrounding their island is full of common metals and precious metals just waiting to be mined, but miners other than Felion are not allowed to mine and are firmly refused from even entering the mountains. The Purrsent, Supreme Warlord, Council Members, and Lesser Warlords are given a special suit of armor made of a metal found only on Felure called puratinium. Puratinium is a metal that when it is mined is the color of a dull gray rock; it takes a skilled miner to identify it even when it is only found in one mine and no other. Before smelting it is amazingly pliable, it can almost be shaped with hands, but after it is smelted a secrete way and polished, it becomes amazingly strong and shines with what seems to be a purple light. Even the ore itself is highly prized because we do not know where else it is found besides Felure. The mine that it comes from is kept under constant guard and only the most skilled miners are allowed in. Puratinium is so rare that it takes years to collect enough ore to make a full suit of armor.
=== Government ===
The Purrsent is elected every six years in contests. After the Purrsent is elected he is almost a dictator, any proclamations he makes can only overruled by the Council. That is why Purrsents must have the good of the Felion before their own personnel gain. (This has led to some corrupt Purrsents but a lot less than you would believe) The Purrsent can be kicked out of control if the 7 out of 12 members of the Council desire it; also proclamations can be overruled if more than four Council members do not want it in place. Council members are elected for life and can only be removed if eleven of them wish it. The Council members are the voice of the people, when people choose their cast they choose which of the twelve council members they want to represent them. So if they want policy changes they ask their Council member to change it.
=== Felion ===
Felion are similar to cats in many ways. Their behavior and the fact that they are bipedal are one of the few things different. They are tall creatures with heights from 2 to 3.5 meters tall. They have very good agility and grace. They have fur colors ranging from white and orange, to black and brown. Some are spotted, some are stripped, some are solid color, some are not, some have long fur, some have short. Felion range from many colors and textures. The eyes of Felion are very catlike but with colors such as purple, black, green, blue, and red. Their muscles are more that of a swimmer than body builder. Their keen eyesight and ability to see in near extreme dark make them formidable opponents. The tails of Felion are not the same either; some are short and some long. They have claws on their fingers and toes, also claws that come out of their knuckles. The names that Felion use rely heavily on rolled RRRs? and the letters pur, Torfang, Rowerrster, Arropurn, Purrash
=== Houses ===
All Felion are born into houses. The houses are basically your extended family, there are twenty-five major ones but the top four are, Roaran Death Roar This house is largest one on the island and almost everyone is related to a Roaran. Stereotypically Roaran are considered entirely average. As numerous as there are Roaran is a saying of the Felion to mean absolutely average, or an uncountable number. But in reality Roaran are the predominate house in military, the Supreme Warlord, and all but two of the Lesser Warlords are Roaran. Roaran tend to concentrate on the military and have a well-deserved reputation of being too curious. Tepuring Slash Tongue Tepuring are the diplomats of the island, most Tepuring enter the Governmental Cast and rarely do they enter the Military Cast. Tepurings are known for being an aloof and proud house. More than half the Purrsents on the island have been Tepuring. A Felion saying, you are no Tepuring, is a saying meaning you are a bad liar. The Tepuring will kiss the feet of the Roaran first, it is like saying that it is impossible, because Tepuring are always competing with Roaran for power, and that the Tepuring are one of the most arrogant of the houses it is like saying, in a pigs eye. The Tepuring that enter the military usually become spies, and even the Roaran agree that Tepuring are the best spies, one of the Lesser Warlords is a Tepuring. Rireye Night Eye (Night vision) The Rireye are a relatively small house compared to the others, but they are one of the most important. The Rireye are known for being very fair, yet shrewd traders. The Rireye were the only Felion ever to live inside the mountains. (This village still exists today) There habitat gave them keener eyesight then other Felion because of living in the near darkness. They also became excellent traders because they could not grow much food in the caves they would have to trade for it, with their awesome metal works. They supplied most of the weapons during the conflicts. Nowadays Rireye concern themselves with economy of the island and mining and refining of metals. They seem to have an instinctive ability to be able to make a bargain and they are excellent miners and metalworkers. Curpuringa Majestic Lion The first Felion to unite the island was a Curpuringa named Curpuringa House of Curpuringa; he created his own house prior to taking over the island, naming his house after himself. He ruled the island with an iron fist and succeeded in unifying most of the houses with him. He was brilliant military leader and always made sure that not all the houses joined him because he knew that Felion like nothing better than to have a common enemy they can unify against. So Curpuringa chose a few large houses to be his enemies the heads of the unlucky houses thought they would be rewarded for serving him by allowing their houses to be scapegoats. The houses were slaughtered and the Heads of the houses found themselves fighting for their life, in the end those house were destroyed and Curpuringa had succeed in causing all the houses to work together, never again would they think about fighting between themselves. As Curpuringa was nearing his death, he knew of his ambitious son s dreams to become supreme ruler of the island. So he created the Purrsent and governmental system, after he died. The son was elected Purrsent even though the whole reason the system was created was to stop the son from gaining power. The son began to rule as his father did, with fear and tyranny. The council forced him out of his position and another Purrsent was elected. Most Curpuringa are majestic, longhaired Felion. Surprisingly most Curpuringa are Jilihiss, because they frequently aren t happy about how thing are run. They are the liberals of the island, always pushing for reforms, and new systems. Curpuringa are known for being very beautiful in the eyes of other Felion and they are the most sought after mates. You are born into your house, and the only way to leave it are, if you are female you may marry a male from another house, or if you are a Felion under puberty and an orphan you could be adopted into another house, also you could start your own house but for it to become official you must have ten other Felion willing to give up their house and join yours, also one of them must be of the governmental cast. I will allow players to come up with the twenty-five other major houses, if they are willing to give me some type of background information and a suitable name. After I have the twenty five, maybe there will be some way to allow them to selects their house during the character creation part. Another thing is that there are more than twenty-five houses, there are a bunch of smaller ones, and I am willing to let players make their own houses as long as the names are suitable.
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Original text file: Felmur.txt
=== FELMUR ===
=== Overview ===
:The Felmur are a race of tiny, winged humanoids and a source of a many fairy tale. These tiny creatures are closely related to Tilan race and this shows in their appearance: A Felmur has body like that of a tiny human with broad shoulders (for their size) and slim waists. The wings are relatively short and feathery. Wing feathers attach directly to arms and shoulder blade, folding and opening as the Felmur moves his or her hands. An average Felmur is about 30-40 cm tall and weighs only 8-12 kg with no significant differences in height and weight between sexes.
:Many stories descripe Felmur elf-like with hairless bodies and narrow faces, even Felmur men, but in reality most Felmur remind more humans with strong angular faces and sharp, defined features. It is not rare for a Felmur man to have a beard or body hair, but it generally comes in shades of gold and rust-red as does hair of both sexes. Darker colors are rare.
:When a Felmur sets on air, his or her body and wings generate an soft aura of multi-hued light that flows over his or her body and wings in multi-colored patterns. When moving on the ground, however, the Felmur's skin and wings adapt to surrounding colors and shapes in a few minutes allowing the Felmur to turn virtually invisible while he or she remains still. Felmur's glow especially bright in areas filled with magical energy. They can also sense strong magical sources within one mile and even determine if an item is enchanted by merely touching it.
:Felmur's are omnivorous though most of their food concists of berries, herbs and baked food such as bread made of various wild growing grains, they do not cultivate land themselves, neither do they herd animals. They occassionally get meat by hunting dangerous predators which threaten their existence and are especially fond of fish which they catch with nets. Their favorite drink is sweet and strong Melmur which is brewed from various fruits and fungi. When consumed in small amounts and mixed with water or juice, it gives endurance and lightens moods, but when consumed in large amounts and undiluted it is highly intoxciating giving a feeling of pleasant feeling of numbness, and if too much is consumed, it may destroy mind completelly sending it into a beautiful, yet imaginary, dream world - The trick is to know how much to drink. The Felmur have preserved the art of Melmur brewing even through the cataclysm and jealously guard this secret.
:The Felmur are not very aggressive or war-like people but defend themselves and their friends if need for such behavior arises. They have no interest in conquering others, neither do they respect any claims for borders and ownerships, unless the location is inhabitated by some other creature. Because of their rather unusual life style and seemingly carefree attitude, they seem quite harmless. The Carefree attitude often hides great interest to surrounding world, often sated through use of primal magic and divinations. The Felmur are opportunists, gathering information and offering it to others, for a price. The price is often in pretty objects, gems or in from of some service: they don't have much use for money.
=== Origins ===
:The Felmur first appeared only a few hundred years before cataclysm, making them one of the youngest races in the world. They were quickly, and falsely, connected to imaginary, small creatures of fairy-tales; while such creatures had undoubtly existed before and spun the stories, the Felmur obviously were not source of them.
:Their creation leads back to the Tilan, the Ancient Maelvor and signs of approaching unrest which would cause the cataclysm. Though powerful in terms of magic, Maelvor is only one creature and could do ever so much to gather information. Approaching signs of cataclysm started to unnerve him and he needed scouts and information gatherers. As alteration and changing of shape was were his major skills, he secrectly affected to a few members of Tilan race, transforming their offspring to creature's he would call the Felmur. That these small creature's could give birth to an offspring, was only a bonus.
:The Tilan understandably didn't like his work much at all and were horrified as they thought some demonic power had affected their children. They didn't cast the Felmur away, however, and soon Maelvor himself appeared in a form of Tilan skylord - a form that he had used before among the Tilan, and gave a hasty explanation how some god had interfered with their children, and that the children would have great future. He never told truth to Tilan, but closely oversaw growth of the new Felmur shaping their minds after his own purposes.
:Later Maelvor brought these small creatures to live on the ground instead of cloud castles of Tilan, where they were drawn into areas of magical energy. He also taught primal magic and art of divination to these creature's so they could share information with each other and, more importantly, with him. Thus the Felmur helped Maelvor in two ways: They found places of power previously unknown to him and also gathered information about upcoming events that lead to the cataclysm. The Felmur were one of the few creature's that Maelvor really cared and it, along their great survival skills, saved them from total destruction in cataclysm.
=== Organization ===
:Mostly because of their ancestry and partially because Maelvor's influence, the Felmur are a race with close bonds to each other and their friends. They do not have direct hierarchy as all Felmur's are considered equal but they respect those with more demanding positions. The Felmur, however, believe in exchange: There is a price for everything though the price is not measured in gold or any arbitary value given to some object.
:To understand Felmur requires one to understand their society. Felmur's are always individuals, there are no families. Felmur's living in a same group work need by basis: If the group lacks a hunter, one of them becomes hunter until new Felmur is born and taught the job. The Felmur are very versatile and each of them are taught multiple tasks from birth. The trading between individuals applies to their common life too though the price to be paid for goods and services is often marginal: A Felmur may share his or her food with other Felmur in exchange for gossib or some pretty stone. They are especially fond of pretty items, gems and information.
:Professions in Felmur society are rarely stable as they can be as easily exchanged as any other property. Many Felmur's are part time hunters, part time fishers and part time information gatherers. This allows those with spare time and will, to help others. It also allows those with spare food or items to exchange them with others. Refusing to exchange something is not considered unpolite unless it is obvious that the other is in great need of some everyday commodition. As Felmur consume food very little, they have a lot spare time for other tasks and hobbies - the favorites being infromation exchange and exploration.
:Felmur's hold no special grudge against any other race. They are as likely to offer their help for humans as they are to orcs. They are cautious creature's however and can hold long grudges against those who have treated them badly. This usually doesn't lead to any direct revenge but the Felmur may choose to aid enemies of those who have mistreated them. They are ready to sell their information with anyone thus they may help both sides of the conflict unless the other side is clever enough to negotiate for secrecy.
:Felmur's know that gods exist but for them, they are like any other beings, just more powerful and thus contracts with them must be dealt with a greater caution. Every Felmur is taught a bit primal magic, it comes almost naturally to them though their knowledge in it has decreased since the cataclysm. A single Felmur, or even two or three Felmur's together can do very little with this knowledge but as a group they can use it for great effects.
:They are especially fond of dancing and singing which is one reason why they use primal magic so keenly. They have often great feasts where they dance and chant protective wards, divinations and contact other Felmur. They also show their respect to their creator through these rituals as well as those forces who watch protectively over their race.
:The Felmur usually grow attached to some place which they are likely to defend against harm. These places usually appeals to their sense of beauty, the area may have a beautiful forest glade, a pond with crystal clear watter or a enigmatic rock formations. Many of these areas also possess sources of magical energy, they are nodes. Felmur do not construct houses, they weave them through use of primal magic. A secret for this is only known to Felmur and creation of a house requires combined effort of at least dozen Felmur.
:Felmur's get most materials from natural sources such as trees, plants and animals. They often have skilled bone smiths and wood crafters that create beautiful and durable goods. They are rather fond of bright colors and some wear loose, light clothing made of dyed silk. Many don't wear any clothing because it intereferes with their skin's chameleon ability, and sometimes with flying ability. Their primal weave is especially good for enhancing growth of plants, strength of natural structures and such.
=== SUMMARY ===
'''Climate/Terrain:''' Any
'''Frequency:''' Rare
'''Organization:''' Communal
'''Activity cycle:''' Any
'''Diet:''' Omnivore
'''Iintelligence:''' High
'''World view:''' Peaceful opportunists
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Original text file: Fire.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything that has to do with fire, the fiery, the chaotic, the unpredictable, or the destructive.
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Original text file: Flesh.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything that has to do with the flesh-bound, the healing, the damaging, the carnal and animate.
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Original text file: FlyingRoom.txt
The Flying Room was a room in the beginning of Majik in which all the players were.
The Room was flying over the Majik's landscape. The room has shops, boards etc.
in it. It was a test room, in reality. When the landscape was ready enough, the players
could jump from it to walk on the landscape etc. But we have decided to make a story
of this, based on this real thing which was once in Majik 3 times. We could say that
The Flying Room crashed on the landscape on a hill and it really happened in Majik 3
times and around that hill formed a "Hilltop Village" which was Majik 3' s first area.
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Original text file: Focus.txt
Extracted from the ((Necrolyte)) race description.
Their bones, however, are not fragile because their marrow is replaced with "focus": precious and rare minerals (gold, platinum, orichalcum...), which bind Necrolyte's spirit with his physical shell.
Someone should expand this into more detail and link it to the necrolyte page.
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Original text file: Fonaeta.txt
Nemen's Most Common Grazer
With grace and swiftness, this long legged-mammal bounds over plain and prairie. With its four long (80 cm), slender, hoofed legs, the gazelle-like Fonaeta can easily outrun most predators of the grasslands of eastern Nemen (most commonly) and all over the world. Standing at the shoulder only about 125 cm, it is a bit shorter than its distant woodland cousin, the Mefoura. Usually, this deer is a brown/yellow color with irregular brown markings, which are more common in infancy, and eventaually all but disapprear (only 4 or 5 left). These colorings help it to better blend in with its grassy surroundings, however, more rarely, an albino Fonaeta is born, which is almost unicorn-like in that ithas slightly magical capabilities (odds~1:50,000). It has two cup-like ears which allow it excellent hearing and is rearely caught unaware, unless the intruder happens to be a stealthy predator. It has brown eyes and a short, tapering tail with long fur. A rather long neck allows for easy grazing, and it has three sharp horns on its head, which can be extremely dangerous. These horns are twisted (like a cloth in the process of being wrung), with brown and white colors interwoven (or, perhaps, marbled) between one another. The horns curve slightly downward, thus allowing the deer to inflict much damage to it's enemy's body. However, the Fonaeta has a strong sense of self-preservation, and for this reason it?s first instinct is to flee. As they live in herds, the stampeding of such can be heard for miles, and are sometimes thought of as an omen of misfortune.
The Fonaeta is purely herbivorous and usually feeds on the ever-existent Hazra grass, but will eat almost any plant. It is killed for its meat and its hide, the latter which is thick and as thus can be used a light, thick body armor. The meat is very nutritious and has some health-restoring properties to some common diseases.
As what pertains to mating: females choose the male for mating, and competition among males to be selected is fierce. With their sharp horns, they may kill or severely injur each other when fighting. for this reason, the ratio of female to male is about (respectively) 3:1 in a herd.
The young grow quite quickly, and within four years they are fully mature adults. They grow at a rate of about 15 cm (in height) a year, and usually grow up to 30 cm their first year of life.
|| '''SUMMARY:''' ||
|| CLIMATE/TERRAIN: || Grassy Plains ||
|| FREQUENCY: || Common ||
|| ORGANIZATION: || Herd (from 10-200 fonaeta) ||
|| ACTIVITY CYCLE: || Diurnal (Day) ||
|| DIET: || 100% Herbavore ||
|| INTELLIGENCE: || Instinct-Based ||
|| WORLD VIEW: || Prey with some fighting-back abilites ||
|| AVG. LIFESPAN: || Up to 15 years; mature at 4 years ||
--- sweatshop
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Original text file: FoodSystem.txt
= In A Nutshell =
I will be using the term "character" as it is unlikely that this system will be applied to all living creatures.
Eating affects the characters' endurance levels so that being properly fed resists the endurance drain from physical exertion as well as speeds up the recovery process. Food is burned at a pace dependant on the food item, and the released energy is applied to whichever of the aforementioned processes is the more timely, after which it is discarded. Should some food energy be left over, the character will feel bloated, which in turn decreases the effects of endurance resistance. If there is a food energy underflow, the character will feel hungry, and the endurance recovery process is slowed down in direct proportion to the amount of hunger, and the endurance resistance is decreased.
= ((FoodItems)) =
Each food item has the following properties:
*Nutrition value. The bigger, the more the food releases food energy.
*Digestion value. The bigger, the more quick the food releases nutrients when it reaches the stomach.
*Freshness value. The bigger, the more fresh. Decreases to this variable will happen periodically and can yield many random situations, such as giving the food the property "diseased" randomly. Decreased freshness decreases nutrition value, and if fresness reaches 0, the food is considered as "decomposed".
*Disease. What kind of disease and the volume of the disease. The larger the volume of disease, the more likely it is for those who eat the food to become infected. Diseases are separate items and they have their own properties.
*Poison. What kind of poison and the amount of the poison. Poisons are separate items and they have their own properties.
= Technical Aspects =
Every character has a repository for consumed food which is basicly a list of consumed food items, each of which is handled and updated separately by periodic calls to the character. When this call takes place, the food item's nutrition value is decreased in proportion to its digestion value. If the nutrition value reaches 0, the food is considered "consumed" and is removed from the list of food items.
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Original text file: GameTime.txt
= Ratio =
The ratio between IRL time (In Real Life) and in-game time is 3:1, which means that a day cycle takes 8 hours IRL time from start to finish. This might seem long, but it means that the day cycle actually matters, which is a good thing.
= Flora =
Trees grow approximately the time they would take to grow IRL /20, which means that an apple tree that matures in 10 years IRL would take exactly 2 months in-game time to mature.
The growth ratio for crops and everything else that the players grow only for the specific purpose of harvesting is /10, which means that new crops are ripe for the harvesting in about a week IRL time.
The growth ratio for in-betweens is /15.
= Fauna =
Animals grow at the normal pace of 3:1.
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Original text file: Gamela.txt
Knobby kneed and squat, this wild dwarf horse is one of the most easily frightened of creatures. Despite its rather peculiar look, the Gamela is in fact quite nimble, and can outrun many of the predators. It stands only 50 cm tall and at most 1 m long. Besides its large knees, the Gamela is almost an exact replica of the horse. Although, they range in color from white to black, the most common color is a bronze-brown. Feeding purely on grass, herds of Gamela have been known to jump over fences of farms and chew the pastureland down to barren earth. For this reason, farmers usually regard them as pests. Gamelas live in large herds, which are organized in an almost egalitarian society; there is no leader, but they simply each do what the others do or what they want to do themselves, which can, depending on the situation, cause either beneficial effects, or a complete mess. For example, if one Gamela finds a patch of green, juicy grass, the others will notice and come too, but, on the other hand, if they are attacked either by people or by predators, the Gamela will run off wildly, and not gain anything by it, as most likely other predators are lurking near by.
The Gamela has not been domesticated because of its shy nature, and thus it is hard to capture alive.
|| CLIMATE/TERRAIN: || Plains ||
|| FREQUENCY: || Common ||
|| ORGANIZATION: || Herd ||
|| ACTIVITY CYCLE: || Dirunal ||
|| DIET: || Grass ||
|| INTELLIGENCE: || Medium ||
|| WORLD VIEW: || Prey ||
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Original text file: Glarroks.txt
Perhaps Glarrok is the strangest being on Majik, having a story
that is so amazing that one could expect from such a race. These
bioengineers are a helpful but at the same time, a very perfectionistic
people, changing information between races and developing their own
according to the new information.
''The Build''
The Glarrok is an amorphous creature, about 3 feet wide amoeba-
like entity. It is a construct made of sentient living cells, and these
cells, are no smarter than a bacteria, but very goal-seeking. And when
every cell of the creature has the set goal, their intellect rises a
grand step forward, being an organized, one being. Every Glarrok is
also a living miniature model of the whole Glarrok-civilization.
Because the Glarroks are amorphous beings, they can morph
themselves so, that the determination of its abilities is not easy.
Glarrok has all five active senses, and the outer cells have the
mission to transmit the effect of touching and feeling into the nerve
center of the being. Some cells can perform as a nasal sensors, some
as the hearing system etc. The creature can, at will, seal off any one
or every sense, by giving orders to the cells working on the task to
perform new ones.
''The Society''
In the world, Glarrok is a being, that has lost the difference
between "manufacturer" and "machine". Being an amorphous race, many are
genetically programmed to stay in a certain form, suited always to work
in one way or another for the godly being, the prime. So, Glarrok can
be looked at like it would be a machine, even by which term it would
call even itself. Glarrok does not recognize the difference between the
individual and the people. They believe that there is only ONE Glarrok,
being a part of a larger entity, which they are one part of. The other
races are as very much a mystery to the Glarroks as the Glarroks are
to the other races. Glarroks are very interested in individualism
seen in the other races. They set humans and such to the same level
as Glarroks, but not like them, people die fast and still act like
the Glarroks, forming communities, which are operated by exact,
lawful hierarchy. So, humans and the other races share some very
unknown place between the Glarroks' "godly entity" and the one single
piece, Glarrok, separated from this supreme being.
''When you look into one Glarrok, you'll see them all''
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Original text file: Goblins.txt
:::1. Appearance
:::Although roughly humanoid the bodies of different goblin species range greatly in size and shape. Different species of goblins can be between 65 cm and 185 cm tall but among individuals of a given species height variations are rarely more then a 30 cm even among different sexes. They are usually hairless but males of some species have been known to grow brightly colored mains along the spine of their backs and necks. Goblins generally have ugly bat like faces with slits for nostrils sharp teeth and large pointed ears. Their bodies are thin with long wiry limbs. Thin membranes connected from torso to the arms are found among some of the species which endows them with the ability to glide. One rare species found on the Isles of Vram does have the ability of full flight but only for short distances. The legs of goblins are more canine then human with the elongated feet and knees that bend in the opposite direction. When walking they often use their long arms for balance and for extra speed when running. They do have five fingered hands and can use them quite dexterously to fashion tools and clime trees. In fact many of the tree climbing species such as the Akreb goblins can use their feet to grip, clime and even for using tools or weapons.
:::2. History
:::Goblins once lived all over the world of Majik for untold millennia but since the invasion of other sentient humanoids such as humans Orcs, and elves the goblins have been hunted, killed and many species made extinct. Often misunderstood and thought of as evil the goblin species are treated as the spawn of Yorkaturr. They now reside in remote corners of the world and only in rare instances are allowed by humans and their ilk to eke out an existence. They have no written language and their verbal skills are rudimentary at best and never studied by other races so no recorded history exists.
:::3. Philosophies
:::Goblins lack much of the brain power needed for any true philosophy. They are barely at the edge of what humans or other sentient beings would call consciousness.
:::4. Society/Ecology
:::Summing up all the different behaviors, social interactions, and ecological niches of the many different goblin species can only be accomplished through generalities. The different species of goblins are each complex animals that exibit complex behaviors and as such should not be stereotyped into one particular pattern of behavior. The fallowing is an incomlete summation of some general behaviors that goblins tend to exihibit. Goblins live in groups much like wolves which live in packs, humans which live in tribes and apes which live in troops. These groups are called mobs. A mob of goblins consist primarily of related individuals. The numbers contained with in a mob can range from a sparce 4 up to 100 depending upon the species and the available food within the particular mob's range
:::5. quick role playing tips
:::6. Different species of goblin
:::6.1 Akreb Goblin
:::Nearly extinct the Akreb goblins primarily live on the small island of Gryweer just off the coast of ((Torell)) but small numbers do inhabit the western coast of Torell. Historically they ranged throughout Torell and the islands of Nepland and Gryweer but since the advent of the Tore'e humans incurtion on the islands populations of the Akreb have dwindeled. In appearance they are a meter to 125 cm tall, have thin wiry bodies, tar black hairless skin, sharp teeth, and monstrous bat like faces with large pointed ears. Males and female show no difference in size but male grow yellow fur mains along the spine of their back. The Akreb are exceptional tree climbers and can drop down upon their pray with blinding speed. They are omnivores and the meat they eat is primarily the young and eggs of the Tewik dragons though on rare occasions they have been known to kill a large Tewik adult.
:::6.2 Ugat Goblins
:::Located in the forests of NalorThaan the Ugat have leaf green skin with brown spots that camofloge them, thin wiry roughly humanoid bodies with long arms. They have ugly bat like faces with slits for nostrals sharp teath and large pointed ears. Along their arms and sides of their torso they have thin membrains that allow them to glide from tree to tree. Living in large groups from 20 -40 individuals the Ugat are highly teritorial and agresive toword humans. They will attack any individuals wondering into the forests or along the roads. Travel is made dangerouse by the Ugat and must be conducted in groups of at least 10 or more otherwise they are supseptible to their attacks. Ugat are semi-intelligant and are simple tool makers. They fasion sharp sticks and spiked clubs which they use for attacks often gripping them with their feet and gliding silently down from the trees in a concerted attack swarming trespassers. Although aggresive they are not conivors but servive off of fruits that grows high in the trees. In the dry season they can eat leaves bark and nuts to survive but prefer not to.
:::6.3 Iatoz Goblins
:::The most prominent inhabitince of ((Thjarr)) are the Iatoz Goblins. The Iatoz are unlike their nothern cousins of Nalor Thaan the Ugat in that they lack any gliding membrains attatched to their arms and torsoes. They are also larger, being between 110 and 130 cm tall, are less agresive, have brownish spotted skin, and live in large burrowed colonies beneath the earth. Iatoz are primarily nacturnal and omnivorius that come out from their colonies at night in numbers between 5 to 20 individuals to hunt small rodents and eat leaves and roots from the sparce foliage found here. They will attack humans if they feel threatend or if humans come to close to their colonies where young are often kept.
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Original text file: Golems.txt
Cement Golem
Cement Golems are immense humanoid juggernauts that stand 10 to 12 feet tall. They are bulky in build with thick arms and legs and stubby four fingered hands. Their heads are large and plain having no nose, a thin mouth slit, inlaid white glowing eyes with no brows or lashes and only holes for ears. Their necks are short and thick. Their bodies are made of concrete and as such have rough rock like surfaces for skin.
Golems were first constructed by the ((Hilosyph)) about three thousand years ago. At first they were made as guardians by Hilosyph wizards to protect their towers from trespassers, but as the methods for constructing them became perfected the golems were also employed in city defenses against northern invaders raiding Hilosyph lands. For a short time they were employed as siege troops against the cities of the Djasimites. This tactic worked well against the Djasimites illusionary magic which had no effect on the golems. Normally golems are unsuited for offensive warfare because they constantly need instructions for an ever-changing battle situation. The most visible use the golems are employed at now is as general guardians placed within inhabited areas of Nalor Thane as well as in the sewers of ((Thome)) where they maintain the sewers, cleaning the water ways of rubbish and rogues.
Cement golems are magically constructed automatons and lack any place within the natural world. They have no conscience or intelligence of any kind and as such lack internal motivations. Actions and responses are all predetermined by instructions given to it by its controller. Cement golems can be instructed to do simple to complex tasks depending upon the power of the command structure employed by its controller.
Control of a golem is done verbally with such commands as "Kill anyone who tries to enter the door to the room you are now in". Control of a golem is gained by a speaking a word or phrase specific to the golem. After control is gained the controller can change the word or phrase as he desires as well as give it immediate instructions or event driven instructions to be carried out later under certain conditions.
Cement golems have no social interactions to speak of. They just do what they are instructed to do. They are however magically made and powered because of this it is possible for a golem to act seemingly independently when a controller gives it non-specific or contradictory instructions. The most common responses to faulty instructions is to attack its controller. Other less common responses is for the golem to stomp off in a random direction destroying and killing anything in its path, or to sit down and remove parts of its own body until it destroys itself. In any case responses to faulty instructions are always immediate.
There is a special group of cement golems that do display a type of independent motivation and these are the golems of Bajan Urt. They inhabit the ruins of Bajan Urt, on the northern boundary of Nalor Thaan, and roam the deserted streets like mad hulks extinguishing all life they come across in their random wandering. These golems were once the protectors and maintenance workers of the city, much like the golems of Thome that upkeep its sewers and wells. It is said that the souls of those who died in Bajan Urt were blocked from their eternal rest by ((Harum)). These lost souls sought refuge within the golems only to become trapped and go mad with torment inside the golems' unchanging concrete shells.
-- hook
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Original text file: Granite.txt
A volcanic rock formed by lava flows thousands of years ago. It is mined from many places in the world, and is one of the most common rocks in majik, aside form limestone. It is used for making monuments, tombstones, and buildings among other things. Its heavy and hard to transport and large slabs of it are expensive.
Physical properties
*Heavy comes in several colors the most common being black and pink.
*Density of 5.3 g/mL
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Original text file: Gwelthorians.txt
##Food & Trade
== Introduction ==
:I have chosen to write down history and description of a race called Gwelthorians so that they, and their achievements will not be lost now when the cataclysm is over. My knowledge of Gwelthorians is vast for their race was originally created by my own people, the ancients of Osthel. Unlike humans, elves and other similar races which were created by the new gods on purpose, Gwelthorians were never meant to exist as physical beings, more less as a source of power. They were originally born from ashes of a failed expiriment when we tried to create artificial and soul-less forces that could help us to build our magnificient city. I will not go in details but since our expiriments with artificial life forms did not go well, we decided to imbue these mindless forces with spirits originating from nether realms, but alas, these lesser spirits couldn't retain control over non-corporal forces and thus, we abandoned them. However, these spirits were not willing to return to their nether prisons, to be fetched and hunted for power by the new gods, and thus, these spirits begged us to give them a form for they themselves lacked power to have any physical manifestation. We could have sent them back to their realms but instead of that, we agreed to give them a physical manifestation if they in exchange would help us to build our city and guard it when we were away in our errands. While these being are not the same that now inhabitat Gwelthor, they are their ancestors and similar to them.
:How dencendants of these bibedal felinid beings became known as Gwelthorians is an interesting story indeed. As I mentioned earlier, ancestors of Gwelthorians were never meant to exist as an independet race, actually they were never meant to exist at all and thus, when they were given their form, they were given form as individual beings, like us. While mortal often tell, and truthfully so, stories of our kind living together in great cities, they often imagine us as an independet race which is not true, for each ancient is their own race, there are similar ancient and they all originate from similar spirits but they are not of same race as mortal understand the meaning of word race. Same way ancestors of Gwelthorians were given form as individual beings, while their appearance is similar to eachother, they are not of same race.
:When we created physical shell for these beings we used the same basic formula as new gods later used when they created mortal races. It is obvious that mortals were only meant for power source and were not that important for their creators which shows in their appearance; their physical shell is made weak and easy to break on purpose and now after the cataclysm, it is obvious that they lack all reasoning and meddle\twith affairs that are beyond their meager understanding. While the basic formula only would later be sufficient for new gods and their creations there was no way we could have accepted its limitations and thus, we forged it together with that of felinid creatures, of those that we had created when the world was young and when, besides us, only animals walked on its surface. Now we had a new formula which allowed us to create beings with, not only more powerful physical manifestation than any mortal would have, but also with shape with pleases ones eye, they were also evidently immortal.
:It was pure accident that these beings could actually reproduct, but considering that both mortals and animals were meant to have offspring, it was not very surprising. Unlike their parents, these new creatures were mortal beings, they had limited life span of only few hundreds of years. Because of this we saw no reason to limit their reproduction which was a mistake, at first there were only a little of these mortal creatures but as the time passed they appeared more and more in numbers. Since Osthel began to grow too small for increasing catfolk population we eventually transported these mortal creatures to continent of Eldiron which was still free from other mortal beings. The Gwelthorians, as these creatures now called themselves, had learned limited control over powers behind reality from both us and their ancestors\tand now focused these powers to develop forces and animated servants which helped them to build great cities and monuments in the area they called Gwelthor.
:When new gods created the real mortals those which were sent in the Eldiron soon became aware of an ancient empire of the cat people. While Gwelthorians were mortal beings their empire was countless of years older than that of these new mortals. Since these new mortals were created by the new gods and the war of gods was still going on, we adviced Gwelthorians to avoid these weak beings so gods would not turn their attention towards them and draw them to part of their plans for power. Following our advice Gwelthorians never allowed any of these new mortals inside the borders of their empire. However it was not a long time before stories of great wealth Gwelthorians possessed emerged among mortals and thus it was not a surprise that when the war of the gods ended and those foolish new mortals started to flourish, they declared a war to Gwelthorians. However, they had no idea of how much power the Gwelthorians actually possessed and attack of mortals were soon stopped by unseen forces and animated statues, bones and corpses. After this lesson mortals retreated to lick their wounds. While Gwelthorians were not harmed in the battle and while the war of gods was now over, thye eventually opened their borders to visitors.
:Before the cataclysm relations between Gwelthorians and other mortals had grown better even to point, where it was not uncommon to see visitors of other races in their great cities. However, most other mortals still shunned them and their ability to animate inanimate objects like statues and bones and control unseen forces which both were mixed to necromancy which Gwelthorians also practiced. Since Gwelthorians were not creations of gods, they don't worship them and while Gwelthorians did not want their souls to be claimed by some new god, with a litle from us and their ancestors, they developed ways to bind dead souls of their brethern in non-living objects such as physical remnants of their kind which they then used as labor.
:When signs predicting the cataclysm started to appear in the world, tensions between Gwelthorians and other mortal creatures started to get worse again. Gwelthorian art of necromancy and animation was based on same control over the forces behind universe as that of the ancients, gods and in lesser extend mortal mages, and while they did not worship any gods, they knew that gods existed and because of this both cabal and their opposing forces saw them as possible threat. Since we didn't trust mortals, who were after all creations of power hungry new gods we forbid Gwelthorians to teach their knowledge of art to other mortals, as well as ordered them not to show too much information from past to other mortals. Both things were reason to suspicion of the others and when cataclysm was approaching, Gwelthorians closed their borders once again.
:It seems that their power and control over the art surpassed all that we imagined for when the cataclysm approached its climax they all gathered to their main city and weaved an extremely strong protective force around it, so strong that it would ward of a lesser god. Currently the city is still surrounded by the forcefield and while most of their monuments have suffered great damage from cataclysm and three of the four cities are in ruins, I have reason to believe their main city and people withing have survived. I have a feeling that they are currently trapped in their city, unable to remove what they have made, though no-one can say for sure untill someone finds a way to dispel the forcefield.
== Gwelthor ==
\tGwelthor? Describe!
== History ==
\tHistory of Gwelthorians here.
== Appearance ==
:Gwelthorians are a race of bibedal felinids. They have a powerful humanoid frame, in many ways similar to that of lesser mortals, but stronger and more durable than that of any younger mortals, except maybe trolls. While Gwelthorians are regarded as an independent race by other mortal beings and while they share similar appearance, they are more a group of beings, races inside a race. Since their immortal ancestors are all\tindividual beings but can reproduct with any other being similar to themselves, there was eventually wide mixture of different kind of new appearances; While others would have striped and orange fur, there were many of who had completelly black or white fur. When Gwelthorians were transported to Eldiron, they quickly adapted habit to have offspring with only those who were similar to themselves and thus there soon were four distinguished groups, or sub-races which existed at least to date of cataclysm, and probably still exist under the forcefield.
:Strongest, largest and most powerful of them originate from those spirits who are guardians of our city in Osthel. They usually have orange or white, striped fur but those of mixed breed may have completelly black ones. Their size is close to that of their ansestors, an average
1st type (tiger-like)
*orange or white, striped fur
*average height: 255 cm, weight 160kg, tail 120cm
*body muscular, sturdiest, claws, canines
*most unpredictable, aggressive etc, best str
2nd type (leopard-like)
*yellowish or light gray, spotted fur
*average height: 215 cm, weight 120kg, tail 110cm
*body muscular, slender, claws, canines, longest fingers
*stealthy, observant, best dex
3rd type (lion-like)
*yellowish or black fur, mane
*average height 240cm, weight 140kg, tail 110 cm, tuft
*body: muscular, sturdy, claws, canines
*noble, commanding, best wil
\t4th type (mixed breed)
*combination of any fur types markings
*average height: 225-245cm, weight: 130-150kg, tail 110-120cm
*body: muscular, any, claws, canines
== Culture ==
Culture of the Gwelthorians,
*lead by emperor and royal houses
*2/3rds are males, little childs
*pyramids, obelisks, runestones, monuments to honor dead and bind their spirits
== Food & Trade ==
\tGwelthorians food and trade culture, describe it here!
== Religion ==
\tReligion of Gwelthorians,
*not any real
*monuments to honor dead
*necromancy, undead
== Roleplaying ==
A quick list of roleplaying tips for this race, describe it here!
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Original text file: Gxest.txt
=== Adraen ===
When the god Yorkaturr arose from his sleep, awakened by his father Sinister, he created servants for himself, leaders to what was to become his Unholy Church. A high council of beings to lead his countless minions. One of these beings was Adraen.
From the very beginning, as Adraen saw the members of the Unholy Council rivaling for power amongst themselves and pathetically toadying to their master, he saw himself to be more dignified than that, and simply observed the situation silently and took advantage in the quarrels of the others. Because of his elegance in taking advantage of his associates, Yorkaturr was pleased with him and made him a type of a leader to his church, unofficially though, but the others were very much aware of this. Years passed, aeons passed as the church of Yorkaturr provided its servants pleasures twisted by pain, cruelty and sadism. Races were created, races were destroyed, humans and elves and other races were created. At some point during these times Adraen became burdened by his responsibilities, he grew tired of being the constant target of the whispered conspiracies of the other Council members, and being a hound of his master, running his errands. He felt it was time for something different, and he renounced any affiliation with Yorkaturr, abandoned the Council and withdrawed to a lone tower in a deep forest. If only it had been so easy... He knew he could never renounce his creator, an elder god whom he had served for longer than he could remember. But nevertheless Yorkaturr let him go. Perhaps he saw it fitting to his plans. Yes he let Adraen leave, but he certainly didn't set him free.
The time he spent in the church of Yorkaturr, he had existed in various physical forms, mostly disfigured beasts of some kind. Now that he had left that time behind him, he felt he needed a new form. These were the times of the creation of the race of humans, so in a lack of a better choise, he chose the physical appearance of a human, an esthetically pleasing dark haired human male. This is the form which he became fond of, and has kept it ever since, though it has over time had slight alterations, to a more mature look, finally evolving to a confusing mixture of young and old.
Adraen's hunger for independency and becoming a master himself, made him take apprentices for himself, mainly from the ranks of humans. He did not actively seek apprentices, and he only kept one of them at any time, he took those seeking wisdom of magic and the dark powers as his servants, and educated them in dark wisdoms of life as well as magic. The product of this was usually a wise and cunning sorcerer, seeking pleasure in defiling and controlling others. The art of magic that Adraen masters, is that of Sorcery. At the time of his service to Yorkaturr, he used Religious magic channeled from the powers of this ominous god to drive his causes, but now wanting nothing affiliated with Yorkaturr, he practises and teaches Sorcery. He does not distribute his knowledge of magic carelessly, far from it: his students have to pay a dear price for the wisdoms they gain, often by cruel means of satisfying their master.
Once again, time passed, years went by as Adraen lived in solitude, having single apprentices after another, observing the human nature and gathering knowledge. Over the years most of his apprentices had been men, but there had been some women too. Adraen, even though an immortal being, was still created as a male, a fact, which he had almost forgotten during his countless years. A fact that became so wonderfully obvious on one fateful moonlit night, as She walked by his tower. Celeniel was her name, a slender pale skinned human girl, with raven black hair flowing gently on her back. So graceful was this young woman, that indeed Adraen fell in deep love with her, as unlikely as it was. Time with his apprentices had usually flown by like the wind, as the human life is so short, but this time it seemed like every day was a sweet eternity with her. He taught her everything she wanted to know, and it seemed like everything was perfect. But nothing ever is. These were the times of the coming destruction, a cataclysm. Celeniel and Adraen sensed it, but they couldn't foresee what was to happen next.
Rumours had been circulating in the city where Celeniel lived, that she was a witch, and as the times were as they were, common people didn't take lightly to these accusations in this city. Human nature acted as it has always done, a lynch mob was formed and they sought to kill this witch. Celeniel ran as he could to seek refuge in Adraen's tower and his powers, but it just so happened that at this time Adraen was travelling around the world, trying to prevent the coming cataclysm, and Celeniel found an empty tower when she arrived there. The lynch mob followed her there, and tired of running, Celeniel decided to use her powers of sorcery to fight them. A bloody fight it was, some half of the mob were slain by her, but fate took it's course and she was impaled by the stakes of common farmers.
Adraen, when he arrived back to his tower to fetch Celeniel to join him in a safe place for the cataclysm, found her stripped body staked in front of his tower. Adraen shouted, he screamed out at pain with a voice of a wraith. Coincidently, this was the exact moment the tragical events of the cataclysm started. Flame was poured from the skies, races were wiped out, the destruction was enormous. Adraen wielded his powers and with a single gesture, he wiped out the entire city which had been responsible for Celeniels brutal death. He did not take comfort in his revenge, because he knew that ultimately, the fate of Celeniel was the doings of Yorkaturr, demonstrating to him that he had not let him free, that Adraen was still his servant.
As the destruction passed, Adraen got a grip on his emotions once more.He rebuilt the tower he had torn down in anger, and settled there in solitude. He mourned for her, but he was not going to let this tragedy affect him like Yorkaturr wanted it to. He continued his works, now bitter to the race of men, but still willing to continue taking apprentices, as he had formed a habit of it.
Now frightful of what claims fate is yet to have on him, he lives in his tower, and attends the meetings of the other sages. In these meetings he merely observes, rather than actually joins in on the conversation, waiting for opportunities in the quarrels of the others, as he has done since the very beginning.
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Original text file: Heliodor.txt
A clear yellow crystal that grows in nobby collums upwards of 10cm long and 2 cm thick. Commonly found at arround 4-5 cm tall by 1 cm thick. It has been reported that mages use this to store large amounts of energy that they can call on to cast powerful spells. It is found deap within the mountain Gordhalen on the island of Nemen. Its quite rare for this crystal to be found and only the most wise sages know where to find them.
== Uses ==
* Gemstone, jewerly, storeing magical energy.
|| WEIGHT: || D = 3.2g/mL ||
|| QUALITY: || Usualy only found in gemstone quality. ||
|| AVAILABILITY: || Very rare ||
|| PROPERTIES: || Clear hard yellow crystal. ||
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Original text file: Herbs.txt
(why was this a seperate page)
Herbs are specific parts of a plant or even an entire plant. When designing an herb keep in mind that you shouldn't define the whole plant species here but just what its herbal parts are. For example, the plant Juna Weed can have 3 herbal parts, the flowers are called Khaha, the ground powder of the roots is Uma Powder, and the sap of the plant is Lana Spirt. The 3 herbs would be defined in this section, while the plant its self up in Flora section.
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Original text file: Hilosyph.txt
'''by Joshua Corning'''
= Hilosyph - Human Desc =
1. '''Introduction'''
:The Hilosyph are the unquestionable rulers of Nalor Thaan which they control with an iron fist. They have only one punishment for those who defy them: death. They are the surviving descendants of the once rulers Of the Hilosyph empire that in its peak controlled all of Voran, Djasim, and most of western Eldiron. One thousand years ago though that Empire was shattered by a fire storm brought down in the heart of the empire in Tulmarun by the god Harum. The land was burnt to ash the ground melted to black glass. The destruction of their precious capital spelt the end of the Hilosyph empire with only Nalor Thaan remaining.
:In size the Hilosyph are giants among other peoples and males commonly mature to the height of 6'4. Their skin is very pale and they shave their body hair and leave but a braided tail of red hair atop their heads if at all.
:The Hilosyph have been slave masters for more then two Millennia. Their miniacal precise breeding and tactics of control over their Bronn slaves has twisted them more from humanity then it has their slaves. Like all humans they see them selves as above other human races but take this perception to extremes. In the Hilosyph's hive mind mentality all other races are obstacles or servants to their needs and desires. They lack any empathy towards non-Hilosyph human or otherwise. Equally matched with their apathy of other humans, is their solidarity to one another. Among fellow Hilosyph they are very kind empathetic and charitable. As a whole Hilosyph society functions with little internal problems. Quarrels among individuals are dealt with through words and an occasional fist fight sword play with the intent to kill a fellow Hilosyph being nonexistent. Hilosyph cooperate in an almost ant like fashion and second only to the Gwalmur dwarves in unity.
:Government among the Hilosyph is representative in nature. A congress of thirteen individual are elected every 21 years but officials often serve more then one term. From the congress a leader called the Ijlav is selected by general election who serves for seven year terms and again can serve for more then one term. Both men and women can vote so long as they are Hilosyph but women cannot hold office in the congress or as Ijlav.
:A few Hilosyph are born immortal. The origins be it magical or biological of this oddity is unknown but began about 3000 years ago and their god Matorajidon is suspected of bestowing this gift upon them. At age 30 it is usually determined if an individual is immortal because the signs of age usually are apparent at this age. The occurrence of immortality among the population approximates one in ten. Many of the hilosyph are well over 100 years old. Immortal Hilosyph can die by any normal physical means they just do not age and have a strong immunity to disease.
2. '''Appearance'''
:Hilosyph are very pale, almost translucent, in complexion. They have blue to green eyes and what little hair they do not shave is red. Physical builds among the Hilosyph is generally very tall and with limbs and torso thick with muscle. Average height among them is 6 foot 4 for males and 6 foot for females. They are well fed and have unnaturally straight teeth and skin without blemishes or scars using magic to perfect their looks. Both Male and female Hilosyphs shave off all their body and facial hair sometimes even their eyebrows. Many do have hair on their heads though but only on the top back portion which they grow long and braid into tails.
3. '''History'''
:5000 years ago the Hilosyph were nomad hunter gatherers wandering Tulmarun in search of food and shelter from the unforgiving wilderness. A small tribe of them settled down around the flood plains of lake Tuljik located in the center of Tulmarun. The land was furtile and the predators few.
:Over the next thousand years a peaceful civilization emerged. Other Hilosyph tribes joined their brethren and cities began to grow around the banks of the lake and along the great Maslaj river which flowed south east and emptied into the Pyrsmute Gulf. Other nearby races and cultures began to emerge as civilizations. Mountain people in the south called the Bronite mined the Paraj mountains, when that range connected with the Mantle mountains, traded metals and gems for food cloths and pottery with the Hilosyph. Late in this period The dark skinned people of Djasim began to trade as well and brought mathematics and the alphabet to the Hilosyph. Northern more primitive tribes brought exotic goods from Zumal and the jungles of Marmundi.
:At this time the Hilosyph had little resemblance to modern Hilosyph both in culture and appearance. They worshiped many gods some imported from the surrounding cultures with Matorajidon their present day god being absent from their Polytheism. They also were an open culture with unwalled cities (cities is a loose term most of the Hilosyph and neihboring settlements rarely broke a population of five hundred.) and open trade policies. Slavery although practiced in some city states was for the use in paying back debts and not considered a life time or generational institution which it is today in Nalor Thaan. In looks the Hilosyph of yesterday were caucasian in complexion but not in the extreme white of now. Intermingling with the other races was uncommon but accepted, sexual preference at the time being the only border between the races having no custom or law preventing its practice.
:After the end of this period roughly 4000 years ago began a thousand year golden age of enlightenment. Iron was soon discovered and surpassed bronze in its use to construct tools and weapons. Concrete first developed by the Djasimite civilization was improved by the Hilosyph who incorporated volcanic rock into its mix so that it would set quicker and underwater. The use of magic beyond that bestowed as gifts from gods became more pronounced. Mathematics philosophy and the use of paper for scribing where further developed. Two highly developed civilizations emerged from this time; the Djasimites located on the Djasim island and on the eastern coast of Tulmarun and the Hilosyph that centered along the shores of the Maslaj river and lake Tuljik in central Tulmarun. The later part of this time was marked with war. Several of the northern more primitive tribes located in Zumal and Marmundi began to raid some of the smaller cities of the Hilosyph and Djasim civilizations. The Hilosyph began to start settlement on the other side of the Paraj mountains into the goblin lands of Nalor Thaan which caused friction with the Bronite tribes that lived along the slopes and foothills of the Paraj mountains. Cities became walled and the different cultures began to collide in minor conflicts.
4. '''Culture'''
:4.1 '''Law & order'''
:4.2 '''Food, Trade, and Mining'''
:4.3 '''Slavery & The Plantations'''
:4.4 '''Immortality'''
:4.5 '''Knowledge'''
:4.6 '''Sentinel Knights'''
:4.7 '''City Life'''
:4.8 '''Orc relations'''
:4.9 '''Goblin relations'''
:4.10 '''Magic'''
5. '''Religion'''
6. '''Language'''
7. '''Nalor Thaan'''
:Nalor Thaan is a kingdom located on the southern end of the continent Voran. To the north of it are the black wastes of Tulmarun and to the south are the badlands of Thjarr. The western coast is lapped by the waves of the Ominous ocean. In these waters, just off the coast, are several islands that are considered by the inhabitence property of Nalor Thaan. To the east and south east are the waters of the Pyrsmute gulf and the sea of tailwind respectively. In the waters just south east of Nalor Thaan in the sea of the tailwind are four islands also considered part of Nalor Thaan. The Main land is divided by the high range of the Paraj Mountains which at their highest altitudes stay snow covered year round. In the center of Nalor Thaan just on the western side of the paraj mountains is Lake Khalildan which feeds the great Manicore river and the Anorj river flow to the Ominous ocean.
:Most of the kingdom is covered in subtropical forests. The forest trees are old growth deciduous, are generally undisturbed by the human inhabitence and support a large array of wildlife. To the north and south along the Tulmarun and Thjarr borders are grassy plains. There are two seasons in Nalor Thaan wet and dry which are called the Tanadak (wet) and Amukta (dry) seasons. Late in the Amukta (dry) season many of the tree's leaves turn colors and are shed but in early Tanadak (wet season) they quickly flower, bud and regrow leaves.
:Nalor Thaan was once a province of the great Hilosyph empire centered in Tulmarun before it was decimated by Harum one thousand years ago. The empire encompassed all of Voran and most of western Eldiron. Nalor Thaan is all that remains of that empire and is ruled by its surviving descendants the Hilosyph. The Hilosyph are humans some of whom do not age and they control all of Nalor Thaan through slavery and force. They however are not the only inhabitince of Nalor Thaan; The Bronn, who are slaves of the Hilosyph, make up the bulk of the population and the Fik'bronn who are allowed their freedom and live in the cities as traders and craftsmen. Thome the largest city and capital of Nalor Thaan is a sprawling metropolis and is one of the most populous cities in all of Majik. It is a treacherous city plagued with thieves and assassins where the Hilosyph let anarchy reign while they rule protected in their walled towers. It is located on the western shores of The Pyrsmute gulf. Traveling for foreigners on the roads and trails of Nalor Thaan is illegal and dangerous for they are patrolled by the Hilosyph Sentinel Knights and plagued with marauding Ugat goblins.
8. '''Role-Playing'''
9. '''Glossery'''
'''Bronite''' - Mountain Race and civilization once centered in the central Paraj mountains severel centreries before these mountains were leveled by Harum. The race was conqured by the Hilosyph and enslaved. Most of the Bronn geneology originates from Bronite ancestory.
'''Bronn''' - Race of human slaves contolled by Hilosyph and reside in Nalor Thaan
'''Fik'bronn''' - Specificaly they are the free human race who live in and around the cities of Nalor Thaan and are not of Hilosyph ansestory. Fik'bronn is also a general term used by the Hilosyph to describe all humans and demi-humans not of Bronn or Hilosyph decent.
'''Harum''' - God of war, son of Sinister and one of the 7 Greater gods. He destroyed Tulmarun most of Djasim, and half of Estrean with a storm of fire when the Hilosyph empire came close to wiping out the Orcs of Tragothar.
'''Ijlav''' - Elected ruler of Nalor Thaan and the Hilosyph. Term lasts 7 years.
'''Lake Tuljik''' - Lake once located in central Tulmarun before Harum destroyed it with a fire storm. Its shores were the heart lands of Hilosyph civilization.
'''Maslaj river''' - River once located in Tulmarun that flowed from lake Tuljik into the northern part of the Pyrsmute Gulf. Was destroyed by Harum when he domolished Tulmarun with a fire storm.
'''Thome''' - Huge city located in eatern Nalor Thaan that serves as the capital.
-- [ hook]
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Original text file: Hollionite.txt
A very common clear crystal, that emits a faint glowing blue light at night. Hardly enough to see your way arround in the dark, but intresting none the less. The light is emited because of the unique chemical property of the crystal, it is able to store the energy of the sun and release it slowy in the form of the blue light. They are fairly common arround the peak of mt. durmien and are most easyly found at night when they glow a faint blue.
They are usualy sold as a gem stone for jewelry.
It has been rumored that these stones could be magically enchanted to enhance the amount of light they produce, thus providing a magical light for night travelers. One would have to do some research to find the spell necessary to do this.
Physical Properties
*A clear white crystal of usual lengths of 3-4 cm. The largest ever being found was 6 cm.
*there density is 4.58 g/mL makeing them fairly light for a crystal.
*the crystaline structure is like this:
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Original text file: HowDoIEdit.txt
This is based on WikkiTikkiTavi, go see the [ documentation] for more info!
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Original text file: HumanContainers.txt
To the human race glass blowing is a fairly new invention and expensive. Some alchemists have learned the art and sell glassware to there fellow alchemists. The most common type of material for human bottles is clay. The humans have had great amounts of time creating metals and metal alloys and some of there equipment and vessels are metal, but due to the weight of most metals they are prohibitive for carrying on your travels.
Use of stone and crystals by humans is very limited and almost non existent for bottles and containers. Glass is cheaper and can be made far quicker then a crystal bottle.
The shapes of human containers is similar to the orc’s, they approach it from a practical standpoint, and usually do not spend much time with decorative touches. But there shapes are more exact and replicated. They’re bottles are much more refined then the orcs.
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Original text file: ItemCreation.txt
= Creating items =
All stuff is divided into three gategories: RawMaterials, ((supplies)) and ((items)).
Here is some examples of production [ routes] of supplies:
Every blueprint is a mental instruction map that shows what you have to do while building an item. Instructions are in operations that need to be performed while making the item. Items are blocks. Also all smaller parts for item are blocks, and by making these blocks, by shaping them and by joining them together you build the item.
*Add materials to Project(tm) (Bring supplies to construction scene)
*Handle block (forge axeblade, sew a sail, build door)
*Attach two blocks together (create one new block ie. attach axeblade to axehaft)
*Decorate block (add decorative materials like diamonds or silver)
The attach operation includes several sub operations depending on the materials. If attaching two differen materials, use the average value of both skills.
|| Material || Skill || Tool(s) ||
|| ||
|| Metal || Metalwork || Hammer, rivets ||
|| Wood || Carpentry || Hammer, nails ||
|| Stone || Masonry || ??? ||
|| Jewel || * || * ||
|| Glass || * || * ||
|| Leather || Leatherwork || ??? ||
|| Cloth || Sewing || Needle, sewing cotton ||
The handle operation includes several sub operations
|| Operation || Skill || Tool(s) ||
|| ||
|| Forge metal || Smithing || Hammer, anvil, forge ||
|| Shape metal || Metalwork || Tongs, hammer ||
|| Carve wood || Carpentry || Knife ||
|| Cut wood || Carpentry || Saw ||
|| Sharpen metal || Metalwork || Grindstone ||
|| Sew || Sewing || Needle||
|| Grind gemstones || Grinding || Grindstone ||
An example of item creation
Example blueprint below: First you carry 50 units of wood. They can be
removed from construction area without limits. However after the next operation,
HANDLE, supplies are made to fit to project and therefore removing them will cause
a loss of 30% if used into something else.
First you cut and surface the wood to form the ships frame, then the mast. After this
some metal parts for the mast (don't ask), shape them, add to mast and finally create
sails and put whole thing together.
When you add supplies or items to construction project and it is processed it is
anchored to project to be a packet. After attach operation two packets become one.
For example: add sail to mast and you have a mast with sail. (but not a sail with a
Blueprint: Sailboat
Quality: (0-1000) 600
ADD(plank,50) ....................... // Material for ship frame
HANDLE(plank,50,cut) ......... // Cut the plank to right lenght
HANDLE(plank,50,carv) ....... // Wood to right form
ATTACH(plank,50) ............... // Attach to themselves (form the ship)
ADD(plank,10) ...................... // material for mast
HANDLE(plank,10,cut) ........ // cut the wood for mast
HANDLE(plank,10,carv) ....... // Wood to right form
ATTACH(plank,10) .............. // Attach to themselves (form the mast)
ADD(iron,5) .......................... // metal for mast
HANDLE(iron,5,forge) ......... // make metal to be suitable parts
ATTACH(iron,5,plank,10) ... // Attach metal parts to mast
ADD(cloth,40) ....................... // material for sail
HANDLE(cloth,40,sew) ....... // sew sails
ADD(rope,8) ......................... // ropes
ATTACH(rope,8,cloth,40) ...... // attach ropes to sail
ATTACH(cloth,40,plank,10) .. // attach sail to mast
ATTACH(plank,10,plank,50) . // attach mast to frame
Assume that the worker here has a carpenting skill of 40 and a smithing skill of 50
and a sewing skill of 20.
When HANDLING, the operation can be repeated SKILL/10 times. The quality of
operation (QOO) depends on the amount of repeats. When exceeding the SKILL/10, the builders
skill gives no significant improve to QOO (and therefore to item's quality).
In OTHER OPERATIONS, the QOO depends only on the quality of the BP. (600 in this
example, making QOO 60)
SKILL here means the carpenting, stonecutting, sewing, smithing etc
The final quality of item depends on average value of all QOOs.
In the example above there was 6 HANDLE operations, 6 ATTACH operations. 4 out of
6 HANDLE operations was for plank and therefore 4 for carpenting skill, one for
sewing skill and one for smithing skill. 6 ATTACH goes for BP value.
(4*40 + 1*20 + 1*50 + 6*600/10) / 12 = 49,16 => making the final quality 49.
So an item requiring more processing (HANDLE) instead of just ATTACH, needs more skill to
make it to be good quality than item with few processing operations. So if there is
only a few processing parts in construction you are able to do items of good quality
without actual skill, all you need is good instructions. But most items have at least
some processing operations.
The above quality is not enough for making items. There's other factors than the skill.
QOT and QOM vary between 0 and 100. (Actually depending of the maker of those)
Tools and material affect the quality.
In one operation only the average QOT affects the QOO! So if one has a poor hammer and poor anvil, it makes
the quality drop to (40+50)/100 (=0,9) not (40+50)/100 * (40+50)/100 (=0,81). But reversed: You don't gain
(50+90)/100 * (50+90)/100 (=1,96) when using two tools of excellent quality.
Indicating the average value here with AQOT
Performing operation that gives a bonus, so that tool quality 50 does not halve the quality.
AQOT = (AQOT+((100-AQOT)*(AQOT)/100))/100
And same with materials.
QOM = (QOM+((100-QOM)*(QOM)/100))/100
Expanding the formula with materials, tools and amount of supplies used:
NOP = Number of operations
S = Skill
AOS = Amount of supplies
(NOP* S* AQOT * QOM * AOS) + (NOP * S * AQOT * QOM * AOS) + ... (NOP(attach) * S * AQOT * AOS)
One thing to remember: The ATTACH operations need no QOM and ATTACH operatio's AOS is equal to other operations summed, so BP affects the quality with 50%
Final quality is calculated with weighed average.
[Formula isn't here because of my laziness]
But you can test the formula [ here]. The program has been written to the blueprint shown above. I'll write an universal BP tester later.
And as you can see, excellent wood provides ships of good quality, despite of poor other materials, if the builder knows what he is doing.
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Original text file: ItemTemplate.txt
This is a common dry stick found anywhere where there is a tree nearby. It has about 30 cm long stalk which divides into three smaller branches. It is made of oak and looks like you could snap it easily. It feels very much like any ordinary branch would feel like.
= USES =
Because of its shape and properties, a stick has many uses. You can use a stick to stir soup, whack nasty critters with it (though preferably nothing big that could cause serious damage if the stick breaks...) or light it up and use it as a torch.
|| WEIGHT: || 200g ||
|| QUALITY: || Poor ||
|| AVAILABILITY: || Very Common ||
|| ATTACK TYPE: || Bludgeoning ||
|| PARRYING FACTOR: || Poor ||
|| MATERIAL(S): || Oak (wood) ||
|| PROPERTIES: || Highly Flammable ||
Someone suggested to add DIFFICULTY TO CREATE but I suppose it is more related to materials, not items itself. Though one could argue that it is easier to create a sword than a platemail (and he or she would be right in that).
I suppose QUALITY is dependant on creator too, but I still included it in here, what do you think?
As PRICE is dynamic, it shouldn't be included in here.
WEIGHT is example weight with given material but it actually really depends on material.
MATERIAL(S) are most common materials from which the items is made of, just to give the idea for others.
PROPERTIES do not refer to any magical properties or anything like that, it is again dependant on material type and use of item and as such, is only a given example. Another example might be poorly made sword that causes wound inflammation more easily due rough edges.
All these are more or less useful and that's why i want you to comment them
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Original text file: Key.txt
A spell form symbol that depicts everything that has to do with the opening of things, the revealing of things, new creations and ideas and the dismantling of resisting powers.
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Original text file: KingdomsDiary.txt
=== Translate to English ===
The Kingdom of Thalamon / Dardalon (kesken)
Like other realms, Thalamon, too, is limited by the tools it has
available, and the habitat of its people is one of the most important factors
that influence its resources.
Physical Resources
a) Obvious raw materials:
The central parts of the realm of Thalamon is mostly very fertile
and in these regions the cultivation of different vegetable- and grain
varieties is succesfull. The good soil has made wider utilization of
livestock possible and, so, for example a large herd of sheep and cows
is grazing on the Graymoors and the Pelnor area. Thalamon itself
uses about half the milk- and beef cattle and the other half goes to
other kingdoms and border provinces.
The gold required to upkeep the kingdom's economy is mined from the
Evermountains, for example in Lianor and Galdar from the mountainrange of
Edhelom. One of the most important silvermines was located in the town of
Gossamer in the duchy of Delgrain, but it ended up in the hands of
bandits and the name changed to Ravencrown. The grand king Gwynedd is
furious about losing the mining town and has schemed plans of reclaming
Gossamer for a long time. The lack of extra funds has, however, slowed down
every large-scale movement on the kingdom's area.
Rautaa, kuparia ja tinaa saadaan myös kohtuullisesti Ikivuorilta
ja Edhelominista mutta keisarikunta käy kauppaa Gwaelmarin
kääpiöiden ja Dardalonin kuningaskunnan kanssa. Kääpiöiltä
thalamonilaiset saavat loput tarvitsemansa malmit sekä muutamaa hieman
arvokkaampaa kivilajia, kuten marmoria, vastineeksi lähinnä
ruokahyödykkeistä. Dardalonin kuningaskunnan kanssa Thalamonilla on
sopimus, jonka mukaan thalamonilaiset saavat louhia Taulavuorilla kunhan
vain antavat 25% kaikesta hankitusta malmista Dardalonille.
Dardalonilaiset taasen saavat kaataa mainiota tukkipuuta Taracin
alueella saman sopimuksen mukaisesti. Taulavuorilta saadaan myös
vähän platinaa ja todella harvinaista tornikristallia, joka on
erittäin kestävää ja helposti työstettävää.
Rakennuskiveä thalamonilaiset louhivat pääasiassa Ikivuorten
reunamilta Lianorin lähettyvillä ja kuljettavat sitä Perdarin joen
kautta Valthorniin. Thalamonin pääkaupungista kiveä viedään
myös Lokhmarin järvelle, Nedriniin ja Amberbrookiin.
Puuta valtakunnan alueella on runsaasti ja suurimmat määrät
sitä tuodaan Talaasin havumetsistä sekä Parcithian
herttuakunnasta. Ikävä kyllä jokin kirous tuntuu asettuneen
Parcithian kauniisiin lehtimetsiin ja puun kaataminen on hidastunut.
Puunhakkaajat kertovat lumoavasta valosta joka houkuttelee heitä
jättämään taakseen kaiken ja astumaan syvemmälle metsän
kätköihin. Itse Suurkuningas Gwynedd on joutunut puuttumaan asiaan ja
ratsastanut aika ajoin puhumaan puunhakkaajien johtajille. Hän on
myös julistanut antavansa avokätisen palkkion sille, joka saa
Parcithian metsiä vaivaavan vitsauksen loppumaan.
Kalastusta harjoitetaan Thalamonin keskiosissa vähän verrattuna
vaikkapa luoteessa sijaitsevan Odorin kaupungin kalavesiin Feurin
lahdella. Odor onkin valtakunnan tärkein kalantuottaja, sillä sen
lisäksi vain Sääskijärven ja Lokhmarin järven kalastajat
tuovat verkoillaan voittoa. Pukkijärvellä kalaa pyytävät vain
muutamat pienet kalastajayhteisöt omaan käyttöön.
b) Kätketyt raaka-aineet:
Thalamonin vuoristoissa siis on arvokkaita malmiesiintymiä, mutta
niitä ei voida hyödyntää aivan täysin joko hankalien kulkuyhteyksien tai
ryöstelevien bandiittien takia. Harvinaisista luonnonvaroista tornikristallin
lisäksi voidaan mainita muutamia:
Naren - punertava metalli, joka säilyttää terävän
leikkauspinnan pitkään ja onkin tämän ominaisuutensa takia
suosittu materiaali esim. thalamonilaisten kohorttien (470 sotilasta ja
30 ratsumiestä) keihäissä ja hilpareissa.
Sinitammi - erikoinen puulajike jota kasvaa Thalamonin alueella vain
Silvercreekin länsipuolella. Puu on ainutlaatuisen värinsä vuoksi
suosittu (ainakin aatelisnaisten keskuudessa, rahvaalla tuskin on
ylimääräistä rahaa) materiaali koristeluun ja huonekaluihin.
Scarba - tummanpunainen neste jota syntyy vuorten uumenissa vedestä,
mineraaleista ja kaasuista joita tiettyinä aikoina nousee ylös maan
alta. Aine itsessäänkin on räjähdysaltis ja syövyttävä
sillä joissakin tapauksissa vuorten alle on syntynyt suunnattomia
luolamuodostelmia nesteen etsittyä itselleen tie syvemmälle.
Viidakoista saatavan Gubas-hedelmän mehun kanssa sekoitettuna Scarba
palaa pitkään ja ei sammu vedellä. Tämän ominaisuutensa takia
Scarba on suosittu väline Thalamonin rikollisten ja sabotoijien
keskuudessa. Scarbaa käyttävät myös eteläisten viidakoitten
heimot sekä aavikoitten Brahjian-kansa erinäisissä rituaaleissaan.
Valkotuli - valkoinen kivilaji jossa sanotaan olevan lumottuja
ominaisuuksia. Valkotulta saadaan Moukarivuorilta läheltä
Gwaelmarin, kääpiöiden valtakunnan rajaa ja maagikot ympäri
Thalamonia himoitsevat sitä. Velhojen mukaan valkotuli vahvistaa
heidän loitsujaan ja kivestä asetetut sinetit ovat pysyviä.
Mikäli valkotulessa ei mitään lumousta olisikaan, ainakin se on
hyvin kaunis.
Osa muista valtakunnista löytyvistä erikoisuuksista:
Sithar - kullanhohtoinen, erittäin arvokas metalli, jonka
ominaisuuksiin kuuluvat lumottu suojaava vaikutus tulta, jäätä,
vettä ym. luonnonvoimaa/elementtiä vastaan, sekä luonnollinen
kovuus. Sitharia tavataan vain kahdessa paikassa valtakunnissa: Lohdun
vuorilla Sol'daranissa ja Nin'calariksessa etelässä. Haltiat
väittävät että sitharilla olisi vielä muitakin erikoisia
voimia, mutta niitä ei ole todistettu.
Murhekivi - yönmusta ja kiiltävä kivilaji, jonka kaikkia
ominaisuuksia ei ole tarkkaan selvitetty, mutta kerrotaan että pahat
velhot ja noidat kaivertavat murhekiveen riimujaan jotta muinaisista
manauksista tulisi yhä mahtavampia. Murhekiveä ei tavata paljoa
kenenkään käsistä sillä sitä löytyy vain Pimentovuorilta
ja Kirouksen vuoristosta pohjoisen valtakunnista. Vain harvat
uhkarohkeat ovat uskaltautuneet noihin paikkoihin ja vielä harvemmat
ovat palanneet mukanaan murhekiveä. Silloinkin he ovat saattaneet olla
järkensä menettäneitä tai aivan kuoleman kielissä.
Rautalehmus - vahva ja kauniin ruskea puulaji, jota esim. Beheranin
kalastajakansa, Gwelthorin kissaihmiset ja Sol'daranin haltiat
käyttävät runsaasti taloissaan, niiden koristelussa,
työkaluissa, jne. Myös laivoja rakennetaan rautalehmuksesta ja ne
ovat kunnostautuneet merisodissa kautta historian. Rautalehmusta kasvaa
kaikkialla, enemmissä määrin kuitenkin edellä mainittujen
valtakuntien alueella. Muut valtiot käyvät innokkaasti kauppaa
rautalehmuksesta ja on tapauksia jossa ihmisen ahneus puusta on
aiheuttanut sodan.
Ramgir - harmaa, laavan sulattama tuntemattomien mineraalien
metalliseos, jota etenkin Tragotharin örkit lyövät kolikoiksi ja
takovat panssareiksi. Jotkut ovat tutkineet Ramgiria ja eivät ole
löytäneet merkkejä erikoisista ominaisuuksista, mutta örkkien
keskuudessa kiertää uskomus lumouksesta joka tuottaa onnea
Ramgiria omistavalle. Kuten todettu, Ramgiria ei löydy muutamaa
eteläisten merien saaria lukuunottamatta kuin Tragotharista.
Öljy - musta ja tahmea palava neste. Öljyä saadaan hyvin
harvoilta paikoilta Ghalimcarin ja Tulmarunin aavikkoseutujen
ympäristöstä. Kuten vesi, myös öljy nousee tietyissä
paikoissa lähteenä pintaan ja sekä Brahjian että viidakon kansat
käyttävät öljyä monin tavoin: rasvaamiseen (esim. aseet),
valaisemiseen, ruoanlaittoon yms.
Neidonkataja - hyvin notkea hopeanharmaa puulaji, jota jousimiehet
pitävät lähes parhaana jousikaaren materiaalina. Neidonkatajaa
kasvaa erityisesti Sol'daranin lehdoissa ja Valiarin Katumuksen
Hazra - vihreä heinäkasvi, jonka erikoisena ominaisuutena on
tavaton sitkeys. Tavallisen kansan parissa hazrasta onkin tullut
suosittu korien ym. punostöiden materiaali ja joissain kylissä hazra
on korvannut oljet talojen katolla. Hazra kasvaa villinä vain
muutamilla alueilla Eldironissa, mutta se on tuotu laivoilla lähes
Mentres - läpikuultava kristalli, jota arvostetaan erityisesti
optisten ominaisuuksiensa vuoksi. Yleensä vain rikkailla
merenkulkijoilla on varaa käyttää Mentresiä kaukoputkissaan,
sillä Mentres on harvinainen mineraali ja huhut maagisuudesta nostavat
vain hintaa. Mentresiä esiintyy pieninä määrinä Edhelominin
vuoriston pohjoisilla seuduilla, Hohkakivivuorilla, sekä Baredin
kivikoissa Gwelthorissa.
Kääpiönmarjakuusi - kitukasvuinen havupuu, jonka oksilla kasvaa
kirkuvanpunaisia ja karvaita marjoja. Rahvaan keskuudessa marjoja
käytetään lihassärkyyn, kuumeeseen ja mahakipuihin, joihin
marjat tuovat helpotusta. Itse puuta ja erityisesti sen oksia
käytetään parantavissa hauteissa. Kääpiönmarjakuusi on
hävinnyt useilta seuduilta kansan liiallisen marjankeräysinnon
takia. Jäljellä olevat metsiköt sijaitsevat Gwaelmarin
itäreunalla, Danheirin niemellä ja Skalvindin Skyghaimissa. Muualla
kääpiönmarjakuusta esiintyy vain noin kolme puuta
neliökilometriä kohti.
Myös jalokiviä louhitaan Thalamonin vuoristoissa ja esimerkiksi
kaunista purppurakyyneltä sekä sinistä jääsydäntä riittää muihinkin valtakuntiin
vietäväksi ja valtiovierailujen aikana Thalamonin ylhäisöllä on tapana antaa
vieraille jalokiviä hyvän tahdon eleenä. Ylivoimaisesti eniten jalokiviä
kuitenkin kuluu esim. Silvercreekin lukuisien temppelien ja pyhättöjen
Kaikesta huolimatta Thalamonin valtakunnassa on alueita joissa
raaka-aineet ovat niin hankalasti saatavilla ettei Suurkuningas aio
käyttää niitä hyväksi ellei joku keksi halpaa ja käytännöllistä tapaa (kuten
urheat seikkailijat, joita aika ajoin ilmaantuu auttamaan - heikoin tuloksin).
1) Äänetön metsä
Talaasin provinssin pohjoispuolella sijaitseva suuri metsäalue on
täynnä loistavalaatuista tukkipuuta mutta alueella saalistaa lukuisia
petoeläinlaumoja, joten puun kaataminen Äänettömässä metsässä olisi hyvin
riskialtista. Lisäksi hieman pohjoisempana asuu arvaamatonta "jääkansaa", kuten
thalamonilaiset heitä kutsuvat.
2) Parcithian metsät
Kuten aiemmin tuli mainittua Parcithian metsiä vaivaa kirous:
Puunhakkaajia katoaa metsän siimekseen omituisen loisteen houkuttelemana ja yhä
vähemmän puuta kulkee metsistä sahoille.
3) Pohjoisten vuoristojen malmiesiintymät
Vuoret Talaasin provinssista koilliseen ja luoteeseen ovat huhujen
mukaan erittäin malmirikkaita mutta koillisilla vuorilla liikuskelee peikkoja
(ja jokin suurempi pahuus, eräät väittävät) ja luoteessa asuu jääkansaa.
4) Terennirin seutujen luonnonvarat
Vaikka Terenniristä kuljetetaankin malmeja, mineraaleja ja haltioilta
saatavaa kauppatavaraa, niin uhkana ovat bandiitit, jotka pitävät leiriä sekä
Edhelominin että Ikivuorten kätköissä. Erityisen vaaralliseksi on tullut
liikkuminen Suursolassa, jossa tavallisetkaan matkaajat harvoin selviävät
rosvoilta. Kauppakaravaanien onneksi Suursolan suulle perustetusta Kurimuksen
linnakkeesta lähetetään aika ajoin joukkoja sekä suojelemaan kauppiaita että
myös puhdistamaan Suursolaa mahdollisista väijytyksistä.
c) Lähiseutujen resurssit:
Thalamonin kuningaskunnan reuna-alueet ovat tietyiltä osin huonoja
alati tarpeellisten kauppayhteyksien luomiseen. Esimerkiksi etelässä, Minartanin
mantereen ja Eldironin välinen Niralin meri olisi ihanteellinen kulkureitti
thalamonilaisille kauppalaivoille Lamarheniin, Thasiaan ja parhaimmassa
tapauksessa myös lounaaseen, Voranin valtakuntiin. Paha este laivaliikenteen
aloittamiselle ovat Pelnorin suot (rakentaminen mahdotonta) ja ympäröivä
viidakko jotka ovat täynnä uhkaavia olentoja. Muutamia nopeita aluksia on
ajan mittaan onnistunut laskemaan alas Seudorin jokea ilman vaaraa,
mutta pysyvän reitin perustaminen olisi itsemurha.
Dardalonin kuningaskunta, jonka hallitsija Gothfal Karhunkynsi on
suoraa sukua Thalamonia muinoin hallinneelle Suurkuningas Aveniukselle, on
muutaman viimeisimmän vuosikymmenen aikana alkanut olla yhä myönteisempi
kaupankäyntiin thalamonilaisten kanssa. Taulavuorten kaivokset ja osa Dardalonin
alankoa toimivat eräänlaisina täydentäjinä kuningaskunnan taloudessa.
Suurkuningas Gwynedd on pohtinut myös muutamia muitakin alueita jotka
voisivat toimia kaikenlaisen kaupan keskuksena (Suurkuningas käyttää myös
vakoojia etäisimmissä kaupungeissa ja kylissä sillä muista maista saapuvat
kauppiaat ovat osoittautuneet yllättävän tarkoiksi tietolähteiksi poliittisissa
kysymyksissä), kuten Terennirin "siirtomaa" jonne thalamonilaiset hiljattain
perustivatkin Ethardin kylän käydäkseen kauppaa salaperäisen Sol'daranin
valtakunnan kanssa. Tämä liike osoittautui hyväksi ja Suurkuningas
tiedustelijoineen onkin löytänyt jo muutamia muita huomionarvoisia kohteita sekä
valtakunnan laajentamisen että myös ylimääräisten tulojen suhteen. Zimr,
niemimaa Feurin lahdella oli heti ylikuninkaan mieleen. Niemeltä olisi
ihanteelliset mahdollisuudet Berainin jäämeren kalaparviin ja se toisi
huomattavia lisätuloja kuningaskunnan kirstuun. Toiseksi Suurkuningas huomioi
Dhyrinin ruohoaavikon ja sen villihevoslaumat, jotka olisivat miellyttävä
vahvistus thalamonilaisten kohorttien ratsusotilaille. Ylikuninkaan tiellä ovat
jälleen peikot joita liikkuu runsaasti Kirouksen vuorten alueilla. Thalamon
perusti Dhyrinin aavikon reunaan Miekkaportin linnoituksen puolustamaan ja
suojelemaan valtakuntaa mahdollisen hyökkäyksen varalta. On vielä eräs paikka
josta Suurkuningas oli kiinnostunut, mutta jätti ajatuksen kun sieltä elävänä
palanneet tiedustelijat kertoivat kauhuissaan Dethzaelista, maasta missä varjot
lepäävät. He olivat kuulleet valitusta ja kirkumista, joka oli porautunut
miesparkojen mieleen niin että hädin tuskin kaikki olivat pysyneet järjissään.
On ymmärrettävää että Dethzaelista ei enää puhuta Ylikuninkaan seurassa.
Thalamon tarvitsisi huomattavasti enemmän varoja saadakseen
lähiseutujen resursseja ja raaka-aineita käyttöönsä. Aina silloin tällöin
Suurkuningas palkkaa rohkeita seikkailijoita etsimään uusia reittejä rikkauksien
luo, tutkimaan outoja valtakuntia ja puhdistamaan kuningaskuntaa vaaroista ja
kirouksista (esim. Parcithian metsä), mutta kaikki tämäkään ei vielä riitä,
kehittyminen on ollut hidasta. Thalamonin kuningaskunta elää siis kahden
vaiheilla: hitaan, mutta varman tuhoutumisen tai uuteen
kukoistukseen nousemisen.
Toimeentulon menetelmät
Kuten todettu, suurin toimeentulon menetelmä Thalamonissa on
sekatalous. Valtakunnan keskiosissa harjoitetaan vuoroviljelyä, joka tuottaa
paljon elintarvikkeita (kuten viljaa ja vihanneksia, joiden hinnat ovat
kuitenkin alkaneet nousta).
Osa suurista pelloista käytetään karjan laitumena ja ylijäämäsato myydään
tai varastoidaan säästöön pahan päivän varalle. Karjan laidunalueita yritetään
valvoa ja estää ylilaiduntaminen, jolloin eroosio voisi vaikuttaa kohtalokkaasti
maaperään. Laumat tarvitsevat siis paljon laitumia, koska niitä pitää siirtää
seudulta toiselle (Harmaanummet -> Kaunanummet -> Talaasin ruohokentät sekä
etelässä Pelnor -> Ristinummet -> Meripihkajoen latvukset). Eri puolilla toimiva
pienimuotoinen, mutta elinkeinona kasvava kalastus täydentää thalamonilaisten
Arvot ja sukulaisuussuhteet
Fyysinen ympäristö ja ravinnonhankinta vaikuttavat osaltaan siihen, mitkä
yhteiskunnan arvoista muodostuvat normeiksi, säännöiksi joiden mukaan
yhteiskunta toimii. Kulttuuriin syntyneet ihmiset kantavat sen normeja syvällä
sisällään. Yksi tärkeimmistä normijärjestelmistä liittyy sukulaisuuteen,
yhteiskunnan perhekäsitykseen. Auktoriteetti, omistus, lastenkasvatus ja
perimysjärjestys kuuluvat olennaisena osana tähän järjestelmään.
Thalamonilaisten keskuudessa bilateraaliset arvot ovat vallalla. Suku voi
määräytyä joko isän tai äidin puolelta ja myös perimysjärjestelmä ja omistamisen
periaatteet ovat joustavia. Näin teoriassa, mutta Thalamonin eri kolkista löytyy
esimerkkejä patri- ja matrilineaarisista valtasuvuista:
Parcithia - Thalamonin ydinalueella on jopa syntynyt hieman ongelmia eri
arvoja edustavien ryhmittymien välillä. Toisella puolella ovat puhdasoppinen
rahvas ja toisella puolella itse kuningassuku. Kaikki on saanut alkunsa siitä,
kun muutamat ihmiset alkoivat nurista kuninkaallisen suvun yksipuolista
vallanjakoa. Miehiä hallitsijoina toisensa jälkeen mutta ei yhtään naista.
Ymmärrettävästi tämä on tulehduttanut eri yhteiskuntaluokkien välejä
Talaas - Talaasin provinssissa, joka käsittää lähinnä vain hajallaan
sijaitsevia mökkejä Äänettömän metsän rajoilla ja Silvercreekin kaupungin
papistoineen ei ole ilmennyt juuri ollenkaan ongelmia. Juuri tällä alueella
bilateraalisuus on saanut vahvimman jalansijan paikallisväestön keskuudessa.
Delgrain - Delgrainin hallintoaluetta johtaa herttuatar Kira Marethanin
suvusta. Hän on nimittänyt sekä Galdariin, Odoriin että Gnarliin naisvaltaiset
neuvostot, joka on aiheuttanut vakavia sisäisiä kiistoja Delgrainin alueella.
Mm. Ämyrin linnakkeen komentaja, ritarikenraali Cedrig Pedrijar on osoittanut
avoimesti inhonsa paikallista naishallitsijatarta kohtaan ja kieltäytynyt
antamasta miehiä herttuattaren käyttöön. Näitä sotilaita herttuatar tarvitsisi
taisteluun Gossamerin vallanneita rosvoja vastaan, mutta rahan ja miesten puute
estää hyökkäyksen toteuttamisen. Ainoastaan kourallinen sabotöörejä käy aika
ajoin pitämässä rosvot kiireisinä.
Tarac - Pelnorissa, joka on tärkein Dardalonin kanssa tehtävän kaupan keskus, on
noussut valta-asemaan muutamia patrilineaarisia kauppiassukuja. Ongelmat ovat
silti vähäisiä ja koska Dardalon on patrilineaarinen valtakunta eivät Thalamonin
tärkeimmät kauppayhteydetkään ole vaarassa.
Ensimmaisten ihmisten joukossa eli viisas mies nimelta Kadan. Han
naki, ymmarsi ja selitti monia asioita kulkiessaan heimonsa kera Minartanin
keskisilla seuduilla. Kun Kadan tajusi kuinka hedelmallista maa oli, hän ehdotti
tuolloin muutaman tuhannen ihmisen seurueelleen asettumista nykyisen Silvercreekin
tienoille (tama oli pitkaan heimojen kokoontumispaikka, mutta varsinaisen
kuningaskunnan paakaupungiksi tuli myohemmin Valthorn). Taerron Mernikinpoika,
Kadanin jalkelainen 19. polvessa hallitsi jo kymmenia tuhansia ihmisia ja oli
ensimmainen todellinen kuningas joka oli kansansa tuomari, neuvonantaja ja
hengellinen johtaja (Puhdasta dualismia. Maailma voi olla hyvan ja pahan
taistelukentta, valon ja pimeyden erottaminen jne. Kansalla oli seka eraanlaisia
yon riitteja etta myos valon jumalain messuja. Vasta myöhemmin kun he oppivat
tuntemaan Sinisterin kunnolla, asioihin tuli tiettya kriittisyytta =).
Taerronin pojanpojanpojan poika Niemul otti kayttoon ensimmaisen kerran
laanitysjarjestelman ja jakoi maataan pojillensa. Talloin kayttoon tuli myos
nimi Thalamon. Niemulin pojan Joinin valtakaudella valtakuntaa laajennettiin
edelleen. Syntyivat muun muassa Nedrin ja Lianor. Kauppa ja
kaivostoiminta alkoi nostaa paataan.
Ihmisia oli aikojen kuluessa levinnyt laajalle alueille ja he loysivatkin
kaapioita Gwaelmarista, joiden kanssa he alkoivat kayda kauppaa erilaisista
metalleista ja ruoasta. Kuningas Taldus (Joinin pojanpoika) perusti Odorin,
ja Galdarin. Han lahetti myos poikansa Avenius Tulipeitsen sotilaineen
Suuren Solan halki etsimaan uusia maita. Siella sijaitsi Terennir, jota
Thalamonilaiset kutsuivat nimella Denelan, Toivon maa.
Ensimmaisen kerran ihmiset tapasivat haltioita joen rantamilla paikassa
jonne kohosi myos Ethardin kauppala. Haltiat olivat kohteliaita vieraita
kohtaan, kuten ihmisetkin mutta Avenius himoitsi salaa outoa metallia josta
taottuja esineita haltiat kantoivat mukanaan, kuten myos Sol'daranin metsan
puuta laivoihinsa. Eraana yona Avenius johdatti joukkonsa metsaan, sytytti puita
palamaan, surmasi haltioiden ruhtinaan ja alkoi ryostaa yllatettyja haltioita.
Ruhtinaansa kuoltua haltiat olivat vimmassaan pelottavia ja kuolleen ruhtinaan
veli surmasi Aveniuksen ja naulitsi hanet keskelle Sol'daranin metsaa, suuren
tammen runkoon merkiksi etta mitaan ei ole unohdettu. Ihmiset pakenivat ja
Ethard hyljattiin. Thalamonin kuningas Taldus, jo vanha mies toivoi haltioilta
anteeksiantoa poikansa tekojen vuoksi ja kaski toisen poikansa Avenar
Tuulenpojan vieda lahjoja metsan vaelle lepyttaakseen heidat ja avatakseen
kaupan heidan valilleen uudelleen. Avenarilla oli kuitenkin muita suunnitelmia
ja han matkasi suuren ihmisjoukon kanssa koilliseen Thalamonista ja perusti
Dardalonin itsenäisen kuningaskunnan.
Kun kuningas Taldus kuoli, odottivat Thalamonin kansa etta Avenar palaisi
Dardalonista mutta tama kiristi vain valtakuntansa vartiointia ja sulkeutui
linnaansa. Thalamonissa elettiin pitkaan sekavissa olosuhteista kunnes eras
aatelinen, Ereon Metsastaja nousi valtaistuimelle. Han oli taitava diplomaatikko
ja vallanvaihto Kadanin suvulta Ereonin suvulle tapahtui ilman pahempia
vastavaitteita. Hanen onnistui elvyttamaan haltioiden ja ihmisten kauppa ainakin
siedettavaan kuntoon, samoin han sai Dardalonin kuninkaan Avenarin pojan Adeinin
luottamuksen ja he alkoivat kayda kauppaa Touchwood Mountaisilla. Ereonin poika
Eresil perusti Miekkaportin ja Amyrin linnakkeet suojelemaan valtakuntaa
erinaisilta uhkilta. (kesken)
Dardalon, Minartanin mantereen koillisreunalla sijaitseva valtakunta.
Patrilineaarinen yhteiskunta, jonka johdossa hallitsee kulloisenkin valtasuvun
nuorin poika (arvonimeltään merkantiiliruhtinas). Tämä laki on lähinnä
muodollinen, sillä toistaiseksi sama suku on hallinnut Dardalonia sen
perustamisesta lähtien. Merkantiiliruhtinasta seuraavat Sotaherttuan,
Pappisherttuan ja Suurvoudin arvot. Heitä seuraavat Kauppiasmestari,
Kauppakapteeni ja Ylineuvonantaja. Merkantiiliruhtinaan ohella nämä kuusi
muodostavat ns. Valtahuoneen, joka johtaa merkantilistista Dardalonia.
Vientikaupallaan vaurauteen kohonnut, lähes täysin rauhassa elävä valtakunta.
Touchwood Mountains
Castle Eldahar
Daildur Keep
Gothfal Karhunkynsi (nyk. hallitsija)
Muinaiset ajat
"Muut kutsuvat minua nimellä Nemair. Se olkoon nimeni."
"Joku kutsuu nimeäni jälleen. Minä vastaan."
Minartan - 510 e.e.Sk (ennen ensimmäistä Suurkuningasta)
Olen Klerron, jälleen yksi naamio jumalallisessa näytelmässä. Kuljen ihmisten
joukossa ja kuulun heidän heimoonsa. Shastar, "Kaihoisa laulu". Niin he kutsuvat
itseään. Klerron on yksi heistä, joten he eivät piittaa Klerronista. On kuitenkin
eräs heidän joukossaan, Kadan, tuskin kymmentäkään kesää nähnyt nuorukainen. Hän
on nopea oppimaan ja olen ammentanut hänelle tietoa, vain vähän kerrallaan, mutta
jo nyt hän tietää enemmän kuin muut Viisaat ennen häntä. Mutta entä Klerron? Hän
on on vanha, hänen on pian mentävä. Klerron on suorittanut tehtävänsä, mutta minä
jään ja seuraan Kadania. Siemen on kylvetty.
Minartan - 496 e.e.Sk
Vuodet ovat vierineet nopeaan. Kadan on nyt päällikkö ja ylpeä isä. Hänen poikansa
Khornar on tulisilmäinen kuten hän itsekin. Khornarista tulee hyvä johtaja kun
Kadan on poissa. Kylvämäni siemen versoi vahvan taimen.
Minartan - 491 e.e.Sk
Viimeinkin "Kaihoisan laulun" vaellus on päättynyt. He kutsuvat tätä paikkaa
Hopeapuroksi, kauniin auringosta kimaltelevan joen mukaan. Nemish, Kadanin toinen
poika syntyi vain muutama päivä sitten. Khornar pitää hänestä ja keräsi veljelleen
mahtavan määrän kiiltäviä kiviä joen rannoilta. Näen epäselviä kohtaloita ja en voi
muuta kuin odottaa ja seurata tapahtumien kehittymistä.
Hopeapuro - 483 e.e.Sk
Tänään Kadanille syntyi jo kolmas lapsi, tytär Aetha. Khornar on voimistunut ja
harjoittelee heimon taitavimpien metsästäjien kanssa keihään ja jousen käyttöä.
Nemish viettää aikaansa joen rantamilla ja ihailee kauniita yrttejä yhdessä Shastarin
druidin, Tlevinin kanssa. Hopeapurosta on kasvanut jo kylä ja Kadanista sen viisas
johtaja. Pian on muutosten aika...
Hopeapuro - 476 e.e.Sk
Peikot ovat tulleet. Hopeapuro heräsi uuteen aamuun vain kohdatakseen noiden julmien
olentojen kourat ja nuijat. Niitä tuli kymmenittäin pohjoisesta ja Kadan johdatti
miehet taisteluun suojellakseen kansaansa. Kylän soturit torjuivat peikkojen
hyökkäyksen ja hetken näytti siltä että Hopeapuro löisi ne helposti. Päällikkö Kadan
puski peikkoja takaisin pohjoiseen joukkonsa kärjessä mutta hänen jalkansa lipesi
mutaisessa maassa ja hän kaatui. Yksi peikoista iski nopeasti eivätkä Hopeapuron
soturit ehtineet pelastaa johtajaansa. Khornar karjui mielipuolisesti ja ryntäsi
peikkojen kimppuun epätoivoisella vimmalla. Suru ja viha saivat lopulta voiton. Peikot
teurastettiin. Hopeapuro selvisi.
Khornar on nyt päällikkö. Hän on urhea. Vaikka nuorukainen on isänsä menetyksestä
järkyttynyt hän kätkee sen hyvin hillityn ulkokuoren taakse. Khornarilla on kuitenkin
aihetta myös iloon, hänen vaimonsa synnytti hänelle terveen pojan, Hilronin. Päällikön
veli Nemish on nyt täysi-ikäinen ja druidi Tlevin otti hänet oppilaakseen. Se kunnia
suodaan vain harvoille. Kadanin veri virtaa sakeana veljeksissä.
Hopeapuro - 473 e.e.Sk
Typerys! Khornar yritti ratsastaa Kuunsäteellä, yhdellä kylän valioratsuista. Päällikkö
teki tämän salassa sillä hän halusi yllättää vaimonsa opettelemalla hevosen käsittelyä.
Khornar olisi halunnut viedä hänet katsomaan Valthornin rakennustöitä ja uutta taloaan,
jonne heidän oli tarkoitus muuttaa piakkoin. Aavistin heti jonkin olevan vinossa kun
Kuunsäde palasi kylään ilman ratsastajaa. En voinut kuitenkaan itse puuttua tapahtumien
kulkuun vaan odotin rauhassa. Khornarin ruumis löydettiin päivää myöhemmin. Kuunsäde
lopetettiin. Sääli, se oli hieno ratsu eikä päällikön kuolema ollut sen syy, mutta
Shastarilla on omat uskomuksensa.
Nemish joutui päättämään opintonsa Tlevinin seurassa ja astumaan päällikön virkaan,
vaikka hän on sangen nuori. Nemish on johtaja kunnes Hilron on täysi-ikäinen.
Valthorn - 472 e.e.Sk
Nemish, hänen siskonsa Aetha ja Hilron, Khornarin perillinen muuttivat Valthorniin,
lähemmäs Lokhmarin järviä. Kylä on houkutellut paljon asukkaita eri heimoista ja se
kasvaa kaiken aikaa. Myös Nemish on nyt isä, hänen tyttärellään Erdalla on säkenöivän
siniset silmät ja kyläläiset pitävät sitä jumalten suosion merkkinä.
Valthorn - 468 e.e.Sk
Uhkarohkeus oli koitua päällikön kuolemaksi. Nemish oli vain kahden nuoren metsästäjän
kanssa karhujahdissa ja he osuivat hullun naaraskarhun tielle aivan sattumalta. Karhu
hyökkäsi suoraan päällikön kimppuun ja vain vaivoin hän sai kätensä päänsä suojaksi.
Ennen kuin toinen metsästäjistä, Kagmaer, ehti ajaa karhun tiehensä, oli Nemish
menettänyt kaksi sormeaan. Onneksi satuin olemaan paikalla, muuten ihmiset olisivat
taas saaneet surra yhden päällikön ennenaikaista kuolemaa.
Päällikkö naitti sisarensa Aethan metsästäjä Kagmaerille palkkioksi henkensä
pelastamisesta. Valthorn järjesti suuret juhlat juhlistamaan nuoriparin häitä.
Valthorn - 465 e.e.Sk
Päätin Beregarin vastusteluista huolimatta näyttäytyä jälleen. Päällikölle ja hänen
perheelleen tulin olemaan Khalas, tähtitieteilijä ja tarinankertoja. Kun tapasin
Nemishin, esitin hänelle laskelmani taivaankappaleitten liikkeestä ja vuoden kierrosta.
Kerroin jakaneeni vuoden kuuteen osaan ja antaneeni jokaiselle osalle nimen, joka
kuvaisi kutakin vuoden kierron vaihetta parhaiten. Nemish oli aluksi hieman epäileväinen,
mutta kun sanoin päällikön saavan kaiken kunnian vuoden kierron selventämisessä hän
suostui oitis uuden tiedon käyttämiseen. Shastarille vuoden alku on "Kristallivirtojen
kuu" jolloin juhlitaan luonnon uudelleen syntymistä ja suoritetaan hedelmällisyysriittejä.
Sitä seuraa "Viipyvän tulen kuu" jolloin Shastar juhlii ja valmistautuu "Kultalehvien
kuuta" varten. Silloin on elonkorjuun aika ja lämpimälle auringolle jätetään hyvästit.
"Sateenlaulun kuussa" Shastar uhraa jumalille saadakseen jälleen seuraavana vuonna
hyvän sadon. "Hiljaisten varjojen kuu" on hiljentymisen aikaa. Heimon jäsenet keräävät
voimia kestää lumimyrskyjä, peikkoja, susia ja muita talven vaaroja. "Jääkyynelten
kuussa" metsä on jälleen täynnä elämää ja metsästäjät pysyvät kaiken aikaa liikkeellä.
Valthorn - 4. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 461 e.e.Sk
Hilron on nyt täysi-ikäinen. Hänet kruunattiin juhlallisin menoin ja hän sai ensimmäisenä
miehenä kuninkaan arvonimen. Nemish nimitettiin suurdruidiksi. Kadanin viimeinen poika on
kunnioitettu Shastarin keskuudessa ja hänen tyttärestään Erdasta on kasvamassa sydämet
valloittava neitonen.
Aetha ja metsästäjä Kagmaer saivat ensimmäisen lapsensa. Brunek, heidän poikansa oli
kookas joten Aethan synnytys oli vaikea. He kumpikin kuitenkin selvisivät ja nyt asiat
näyttävät olevan hyvin. Jokin vaivaa silti minua...
Valthorn - 30. päivänä Hiljaisten varjojen kuuta, 456 e.e.Sk
Olin oikeassa! Kagmaer oli riivattu. Hän kuristi vaimonsa Aethan ja Erdan, Nemishin
tyttären kun nämä olivat yhteisellä aterialla. Vain metsästäjä Braynin onnekas väliintulo
esti Kagmaeria surmaamasta poikaansa Brunekia. Kagmaer teloitettiin tänään Valthornin
Suurella aukiolla ja hänen poikansa päätyi Nemishin kotiin. Suurdruidi jätti virkansa ja
omistautui täysin sisarenpojalleen. Kaupunkilaiset ennustavat pahoja aikoja koko kansalle.
Valthorn - 2. päivänä Jääkyynelten kuuta, 444 e.e.Sk
Hilron on onnistunut taitavasti pitämään rauhan nuoressa valtakunnassa. Viimeiset
kymmenen vuotta Valthornia on rakennettu entistä loistokkaammaksi ja ihmisiä asuu
täällä jo useita tuhansia. Voi olla että Khalas on osaltaan vaikuttanut kuninkaan
Peikot ovat jälleen liikkeellä. Ne ovat nuolleet haavansa ja palanneet uuden
kuningattarensa kanssa. Tällä kertaa kuningas ja hänen kansansa eivät kuitenkaan olleet
niin valmistautumattomia kuin viimeksi kun pohjoisen peikkoja Hopeapurossa nähtiin.
Hilron ja Nemish johtivat satapäistä joukkoaan kiivaissa taisteluissa kaupungin
pohjoispuolella. Hilron selvisi kuin ihmeen kautta vammoitta, mutta Nemish haavoittui
vakavasti rintaansa. Hän parantui vain yrttitietämyksensä avulla, jonka veroista ei
tulevien druidien keskuudessa koskaan ollut eikä tule olemaan. Brunek, mielipuolen
Kagmaerin poika kunnostautui jousen käytössä ja sai surmattua useita peikkoja. Hänet
nimitettiin metsästäjäksi heti kun peikot oli kukistettu. Kertaakaan aikaisemmin ei
nuorta miestä oltu päästetty metsästäjien kokeneeseen joukkoon, mutta Brunek oli asemansa
ansainnut. Hän sai myös kaupungin druidin tyttären vaimokseen, mitä pidettiin suoranaisena
Valthorn - 7. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 442 e.e.Sk
Hilron on murheen murtama. Hänen ensimmäinen lapsensa, Maral, kuoli vain muutaman
päivän vanhana kuumetautiin, joka riehuu kaupungissa. Lapsi haudattiin edesmenneitten
kuninkaitten rinnalle Muistojen puutarhaan.
Brunek sai myös lapsen, joka selvisi taudista. Darissa on vilkas tyttö ja isosetänsä
Nemishin jakamattoman huomion ja hellyyden kohde.
Valthorn - 8. päivänä Sateenlaulun kuuta, 440 e.e.Sk
Nemish ei ole palannut matkaltaan Lokhmarin järven pohjoispuolelta. Hän oli etsimässä
Afendannia, erittäin harvinaista yrttiä joka parantaa jopa ruton. Kuningas Hilron pelkää
pahinta, mutta on silti lähettänyt etsintäpartioita aika ajoin etsimään kadonnutta
Darissa, Brunekin tytär, on saanut veljen. Gothdan on ollut sisarensa ainoa ilonaihe sen
jälkeen kun hänen isosetänsä Nemish katosi pohjoiseen.
Valthorn - 25. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 434 e.e.Sk
Hilron oli jo menettää toivonsa perillisten suhteen, mutta nyt hänen kasvoiltaan paistaa
äärimmäinen riemu. Eilen päivänvalon näkivät kuninkaan kaksospojat, Sedek ja Semenjar.
Etsintäpartioita Nemishin löytämiseksi ei enää liiku.
Valthorn - 20. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 433 e.e.Sk
Valthorn sai tänään prinsessan, Ithian, ja kuningas piti mahtavat juhlat linnassaan
tyttärensä kunniaksi.
Valthorn - 5. päivänä Kultalehvien kuuta, 427 e.e.Sk
Kansa iloitsee Neoria, jo kolmatta prinssiä ja samalla kuningas Hilronin neljättä lasta.
Metsästäjä Brunek, hallitsijan serkku, johti viikko sitten useita metsästäjiä
pohjoisemmaksi kuin koskaan ennen Shastarin historiassa. Hänen seurueensa kohtasivat
vähälukuisen joukon peikkoja metsässä lähellä pohjoista tundraa, mutta tämä yksin ei
kiinnittänyt Brunekin huomiota. Itse kuningatar Ulna, viimeisimmän peikkojen hyökkäyksen
johtaja kulki palvelijoineen kohti etelää! Taistelu ei kestänyt kuin silmänräpäyksen -
Brunek surmasi Ulnan säälimättä ja toi tämän pään muistona kaupunkiin. Kun peikot oli
lyöty, olivat metsästäjät jo aikeissa palata takaisin Valthorniin sillä he pelkäsivät
peikkojen kostavan kuningattarensa kuoleman, kun yhtäkkiä läheisestä luolasta kuului
käheä huudahdus. Brunek ei voinut uskoa silmiään kun hän löysi enonsa Nemishin elossa
ja terveenä luolan perältä. Peikot olivat ilmeisesti ajatelleet yrittää hieroa kauppoja
hänellä, sillä ne tiesivät mitä hän merkitsi Hilrorin kansalle. Brunek ja Nemish palasivat
kunniasaatossa Valthorniin. Monet tarinankertojat vitsailevat yhä sillä kuinka "vilja
jäi pelloille" kun kansa juhli yhtämittaa monta päivää. Nemish sai myös kunniadruidin
arvonimen. Tuo aika jäi ihmisten mieliin yhtenä riemukkaimmista.
Valthorn - 7. päivänä Kultalehvien kuuta, 427 e.e.Sk
Kuninkaan ilo vaihtui viime päivien ilosta suureen suruun kun hän sai kuulla tämänpäiväiset
uutiset. Hänen kaksospoikansa Sedek ja Semenjar kaapattiin keskellä kirkasta päivää kaiken
juhlinnan lomassa. Kuningas Hilron sai tietoonsa prinssien katoamisen vasta illan
hiljaisina tunteina. Itse sain selville, että kaappaajat olivat paikallista roskaväkeä,
raiskaajia ja varkaita, jotka majailevat autioissa metsämökeissä ja luolissa. Kuningas
lähetti miehiä etsimään veljeksiä vaikka on jo yö. Hilron ei tule löytämään heitä.
Brunekin tytär Darissa meni naimisiin Tosarin, isoäitinsä tädin suvun nuorimman pojan
kanssa. He ovat onnellisia, suotakoon se heille.
Valthorn - 16. päivänä Sateenlaulun kuuta, 427 e.e.Sk
Tämä vuosi on ollut täynnä riemua ja äärimmäistä surua. Gothdan, Brunekin pojan ruumis
löydettiin tänään metsästä verinen kirves vieressään. Hänen epäiltiin lyöneen vahingossa
jalkaansa tavallisella puunhakumatkalla, mutta merkkejä siitä että Gothdan olisi aikonut
kaataa puita ei löytynyt. Minä tiedän tarkemmin. Gothdan oli ylimielinen ja vaarallinen
koko suvun kannalta. Hänen ei olisi pitänyt uhmata isäänsä. Näin on paras.
Valthorn - 20. päivänä Hiljaisten varjojen kuuta, 424 e.e.Sk
Nemish on kuollut. Hän oli viimeinen Kadanin lapsista, viisas ja urhea mies. Kuningas Hilron
puhui tänään kansalle Suurella aukiolla. Hän sanoi, että jos kukaan mies tai nainen elisi
yhtä kunniakkaan elämän kuin Nemish, saisi olla kiitollinen jumalille. Hilron suoritti uhrin
setänsä muistolle ja kielsi kaikkia työnteosta kolmen päivän ajaksi. Se aika pyhitettiin
esi-isille ja edesmenneelle Nemishille.
Lohtua ainakin Darissalle ja hänen miehelleen toi heidän vastasyntynyt tyttärensä, Isha,
joka pian kiedotaan kohtalon vaaleaan viittaan.
Valthorn - 3. päivänä Jääkyynelten kuuta, 416 e.e.Sk
Kuningas Hilron vaipui ikiuneen kodissaan eilen. Hänen kuolemansa toi mieleeni sanat, jotka
kuningas itse lausui: "..jos mies tai nainen elää yhtä kunniakkaan elämän kuin Nemish, saa
olla kiitollinen jumalille." Olen varma että Hilron on kiitollinen, sillä hän oli ensimmäinen
Kadanin suvun kuninkaista, joka sai kuolla rauhassa, ilman väkivaltaa tai onnettomuutta.
Rauha hänen sielulleen. Kuninkaan mukana kuoli myös muisto Khalasista, salaperäisestä
tähtien tietäjästä joka toi mukanaan viisautta ja tietoa. Pidin Khalasista, tuskin tulen
koskaan saamaan yhtä miellyttävää ihmisruumista.
Neor on nyt hallitsija. Juuri täysi-ikäisyyden saavuttanut prinssi, yksi kolmesta. Sedek ja
Semenjar ovat pian kadonneet kansan puheista. Neor ei muista veljiään, hän oli vain neljän
kun heidät kaapattiin. Ehkä niin on paras, hän voi johtaa sydän puhtaana.
Prinsessa Ithia ja kuningas Kathas, Thyrakin heimon hallitsija saivat toisensa. Heidän
liittonsa on samalla heimojen liitto. Kadanin suvun valta kasvaa.
Pelnor - 5. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 414 e.e.Sk
Kuningas Neor ja prinsessa Ithia saapuivat saattueineen Pelnoriin, Thyrakin heimon
kokoontumispaikkaan tänään. Tämä päivä on merkittävä Shastarin historiassa. Heimot
yhdistyvät Ithian ja Kathasin liiton myötä. Myös kuningas Neor on ottanut vaimon Thyrakin
heimosta ja niinpä Pelnorissa vietetään suuria häitä. Vaikka heimojen yhteisiä maita
hallitsee nyt Shastarin kuningas Neor, valittiin heimojen viisaimmista miehistä neuvosto
ajamaan kummankin etuja tasapuolisesti.
Valthorn - 19. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 414 e.e.Sk
Kruunulla on jälleen perijä. Kuningas Neor ja hänen vaimonsa Thyrakin heimosta saivat
pojan, prinssi Talrekin.
Valthorn - 1. päivänä Kultalehvien kuuta, 407 e.e.Sk
Valtakunta kukoistaa ja heimojen välillä vallitsee rikkumaton rauha. Neor hallitsee
rautaisen vakaalla kädellä neuvosto apunaan. Rosvoja on nyt liikkunut entistä vähemmän
Valthornin liepeillä ja kansa on saanut liikkua rauhassa Lokhmarin järven seuduilla. Neor
on saanut myös toisen pojan, Ezarin, joka ei itkenyt edes syntyessään. Lapsen synnytti myös
Darissa, metsästäjä Brunekin tytär. Pojan nimeksi tuli Selem.
Brunek, suuri metsästäjä, hullun Kagmaerin poika ja Nemishin pelastaja löydettiin Lokhmarin
järven rannalta kuolleena. Hän oli lähtenyt navakan myrskyn aikaan kalalle ja hukkunut.
Niin kaatuvat suuret sankarit yksi toisensa jälkeen.
Valthorn - 3. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 404 e.e.Sk
Kuninkaalla on jälleen jälkikasvua, prinssi Searos. Muutama viime vuosi on ollut todella
Valthorn - 10. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 399 e.e.Sk
Sedek ja Semenjar ovat elossa, kuten arvelinkin. Kuningas Hilronin pojat, prinssejä ja
oikeutettuja kruunuun siinä missä Neorkin. He ratsastivat kaupunkiin rosvojoukkonsa
johdossa, ryöstivät ja tappoivat. Kaksosveljet ovat pelottomia ja pelottavia taistelijoita.
Sedek tappoi Tosarin ja katkaisi Darissan, edesmenneen Brunekin tyttären kaulan kirveellään
ja kaappasi tämän tyttären Ishan mukaansa. Veljekset olivat hetkessä poissa. Heidän
jälkeensä jäi vain palavia taloja ja ruumiita. Kuningas Neor vannoo kostoa rosvoille,
unohdetuille veljilleen.
Kuninkaan pojasta Talrekista tuli druidinoviisi. Darissan elossa oleva poika Selem annettiin
ottopojaksi kaupungin sepän, Tuanhalin perheeseen.
Valthorn - 14. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 398 e.e.Sk
Prinsessa Neela syntyi tänään. Kuningas Neorin perhe on suuri ja kiedottu kohtalon
lankoihin tiukasti. Puunvesa, joka lähti kasvamaan Kadanista on noussut uhmakkaasti
mullastaan ja kurkottanut kohti pilviä. Vaikka monet sen alimmista oksista ovatkin
kuihtuneet ja kuolleet, juuret ovat vahvoja ja niin kauan kuin ne pysyvät paikoillaan, niin
kauan on Kadanin suku pysyvä.
Valthorn - 28. päivänä Sateenlaulun kuuta, 395 e.e.Sk
Talrek on valittu kaupungin druidiksi samaan aikaan kun hän sai pojan, Jerimin. Talrek
otti molemmat uutiset vastaan hyvillä mielin, kuten koko kaupungin väki.
Taivaalla liikkuu synkkiä pilviä. Ezar, kuninkaan toiseksi vanhin poika löysi jo ammoin
kadonneen demonikypärän. Se on esine, jonka muutamat ystävistäni valmistivat Azakhin päästä
kun hänet oli kukistettu. Kypärä kuitenkin ajoi erään heistä hulluuteen ja hän surmasi
toverinsa säälimättömästi. Vasta Alidda sai riistettyä demonisen päähineen riivatulta ja
viskasi sen kauas tietämättömiin. Jumalat siunatkoon häntä. Ezar on niin nuori ettei
ymmärrä millaisella esineellä hän salaisessa piilossaan leikkii ja itse en pysty puuttumaan
asioiden kulkuun juuri nyt. Kirottua!
Valthorn - 30. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 391 e.e.Sk
Uudestisyntynyt Azakh raivoaa taas maan päällä, Ezar on asettanut kypärän päähänsä. Tunsin
yönmustan pahuuden aallon heti kun poika teki sen mikä oli ennustettu. Riivattu Ezar repi
veljensä Searosin silmät irti tämän päästä ja seivästi hänet heidän kotitalonsa
porttipuuhun. Searos oli vasta ensimmäinen Ezarin uhreista, eikä jäänyt viimeiseksi. Ezar
surmasi jokaisen miehen, naisen ja lapsen joka hänen tielleen osui. Druidi Talrekin pojan
Jerimin hän nylki tämän nukkuessa ja raiskasi Talrekin vaimon, Mirielin. Kun Ezar oli
lopettanut yhdeksänkymmenen ja yhdeksän ihmisen elämän, tuli Neela, Ezarin sisar hänen
luokseen ja riisui kypärän, kuten Alidda vuosituhansia ennen häntä. Ezar karkotettiin
pohjoiseen, mutta demonikypärää ei enää löydetty. Se oli kadonnut yhtä salaperäisesti kuin
se löytyikin. Kaupungissa vietetään suuren surun aikaa. Sadat kynttilät ja soihdut palavat
jokaisen talon ikkunassa ja portinpielessä.
Valthorn - 2. päivänä Hiljaisten varjojen kuuta, 391 e.e.Sk
Isha, Brunekin ainoa lapsenlapsi, hän joka karkasi yhdessä Sedekin ja Semenjarin kanssa
metsiin saapui tänään Valthornin porteille anomaan armoa ja anteeksiantoa. Hän halusi
päästä takaisin kansansa pariin, sillä kaksosveljet olivat kohdelleet häntä kuin huoraa.
Ishan anteeksipyyntö tuli liian myöhään, Ezarin surmatöiden takia sydänjuuriaan myöten
katkeroituneet kaupunkilaiset kivittivät Ishan kuoliaaksi kaupungin porteille ennen kuin
kuningas Neor ehti kuulla sukulaisensa sanat.
Pian Ishan kuoleman jälkeen Sedek ja Semenjar hyökkäsivät toistamiseen kaupunkiin. He
ryöstivät karjaa ja polttivat köyhien asumuksia. Kuningas Neor ehti kuitenkin väliin.
Hän ja Sedek kohtasivat toisensa Suurella aukiolla taistelevien miesten keskellä.
Rosvopäällikön kirves ja kuninkaan miekka kalskahtivat yhteen ensimmäisen ja viimeisen
kerran. Kummatkin saivat surmansa kunniakkaassa kaksintaistelussa. Sedekin kuolema sai
rosvojoukon pois tolaltaan ja Semenjarin oli pakko johtaa heidät pois taistelusta.
Kaupunki selvisi vain vähin tappioin, mutta suru oli suuri kuninkaan poismenon johdosta.
Valthorn - 1. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 390 e.e.Sk
Vuosi alkoi kruunajaisilla. Ainoa elävä Kadanin suvun perillinen, druidi Talrek antoi
pois viittansa ja sauvansa ja vaihtoi sen kuninkaan kruunuun ja miekkaan.
Talrekin vaimo Miriel synnytti pojan, Ramgirin, joka ei kuitenkaan ollut hallitsijan
vaan kirotun Ezarin, joka raiskasi Mirielin ollessaan Azakhin vallassa. Häpeän vallassa
kuninkaan vaimo hirttäytyi ja Ramgir kaapattiin kehdostaan keskellä yötä. Vartijat
kertoivat nähneensä useita mustakaapuisia ratsastajia karauttavan kohti Dhyrinin
ruohoaavikkoa ennen kuin he ehtivät pysäyttää heitä.
Valthorn - 5. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 389 e.e.Sk
En voi kuin ihailla sitä sinnikkyyttä, jolla kuningas Talrek jatkaa hallitsijana
vastoinkäymisistä huolimatta. Hän otti uuden vaimon Thyrakin heimosta ja ammentaa
voimakasta taistelutahtoa myös kansaan. Viimeiset kaksi vuotta on Valthornin kaupungin
muureja vahvistettu ja kuningas on määrännyt ylimääräisiä miehiä partioimaan läheisillä
seuduilla. Kauppiaat ovat alkaneet kulkea yhä enemmän vahvasti vartioituina karavaaneina
ja metsästäjätkin pitävät mukanaan kättä pidempää jousen lisäksi. Talrekin hallitsemasta
kansasta on tullut hyvin varovaista ja epäluuloista.
Valthorn - 12. päivänä Jääkyynelten kuuta, 388 e.e.Sk
Kuningas Talrek on jälleen isä. Hänen toinen vaimonsa Shalida synnytti hallitsijalle
kaksoset, Siran ja Valanin. He kumpikin ovat vaaleahiuksisia isänsä lailla.
Valthorn - 16. päivänä Kultalehvien kuuta, 384 e.e.Sk
Kadanin suvun kohtalo on kuin joki. Se voi lipua hiljaa kuin pilvet taivaalla tai olla
myrskyisä kuin koski. Koskaan se ei ole samanlainen, muuttaa suuntaa täysin odottamatta ja
on selvittämätön jopa minulle. Jälleen yksi viaton lapsi sai surmansa tietämättömyyden
ja ymmärtämättömyyden tähden. Sememjar, kuolleen Sedekin veli, rosvojoukkojen armoton
johtaja oli päättänyt kostaa Talrekille. Hän ratsasti kaupunkiin yksin, naamioituneena,
eivätkä vartijat voineet aavistaakaan mitkä aikeet olivat tuolla kadotetulla prinssillä.
Yön turvin Sedemjar saapui kuninkaan linnaan, kulki kuin varjo hämärillä käytävillä ja
löysi hallitsijan ja tämän perheen makuukammion. Kylmäverisesti hän viilsi prinsessa Siran
kaulan auki veitsellään, sillä Semenjar aikoi jättää nykyisen hallitsijan Kadanin suvun
viimeiseksi. Kun rosvopäällikkö laski veitsen prinssi Valanin kurkulle, heräsi kuningas
kuin ihmeen kaupalla. Minun oli pakko puuttua asiaan. Makuukammiossa käytiin kamppailu
kokeneen ja hampaisiin asti aseistetun Semenjarin sekä nuoren ja vaatteettoman Talrekin
välillä. Mutta kuningas ei ollut aseeton. Julmasti hän heilutti Tulenhohtoa, hallitsijalta
toiselle periytynyttä miekkaa ja upea miekka se olikin! Isku toisensa jälkeen Semenjar
perääntyi kunnes hänen ikääntyneet raajansa pettivät hänet uupumuksesta ja rosvo kaatui
Tulenhohdon läpäisemänä. Seuraavat vuodet kuningas ja hänen perheensä kuten koko kansa
saivat elää turvassa rosvoilta, varkailta ja salamurhaajilta.
Valthorn 29. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 383 e.e.Sk
Prinssi Bryne ei ehtinyt koskaan nähdään sisartaan. Hän syntyi hallitsijaparille eilen
ja on heidän ainoa lohtunsa Siran kuoleman jälkeen. Rauha hänen sielulleen.
Neela, karkotetun Ezarin ainoa elossa oleva perheenjäsen, hän, joka riisui Azakhin
sarvekkaasta päästä tehdyn kypärän veljeltään sai tänään aviomiehen Wyanista, etäisestä
sukulaisestaan, isoisoisosetänsä suvun nuorimmasta pojasta.
Valthorn - 3. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 0 j.u.Sk (jälkeen uuden Suurkuninkaan)
Asiat Thalamonissa ovat mutkistuneet. Uuden kuninkaan nousu valtaistuimelle ja
entisten sotapäälliköiden yhtäkkinen katoaminen tuovat mukanaan levottomuuksia,
se on väistämätöntä. Olen lähes varma että ystäväni Hopeapurossa järjestivät
kenraalien poistamisen näyttämöltä, mutta kenen toimesta? En tunne vallananastajaa,
mikä sinällään on sääli. Kaikki tämä sotku mitä hän sai aikaan vaatii työtä ja
taas lisää työtä. Toivottavasti tapaamme pian.
Valthorn - 12. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 0 j.u.Sk
Olen viettänyt jo kaksi viikkoa tässä rotankolossa, toiset kaksi lisää niin tulen
hulluksi. Liekehtivä Kruunu. Pah! Kuinka naurettavan lapsellisia nimiä he viitsivätkään
antaa loukoilleen. Sitten he rypevät oletetussa maineessaan ja nuolevat voutien
saappaita. Taidankin tarjota isännälle suolaa palanpainikkeeksi.
Kuulin uutisen: Sotaneuvosto on koottu uudelleen. Nimet jotka mainittiin, en tunne
yhtäkään heistä. Joku pelleilee kanssani. Lähetin Retarin tutkimaan asiaa.
Valthorn - 24. päivänä Kristallivirtojen kuuta, 0 j.u.Sk
Vihdoinkin sain tilaisuuden keskustella hallitsijan kanssa! Ereon on nuori, röyhkeä
ja ennakkoluuloton. Hänessä voi olla ainesta. Esittelin itseni kartanpiirtäjä Brethel
Quandoriliksi ja annoin kuninkaalle muutamia makupaloja, kuten kartan pohjoisista
seuduista aina Ghaanin merelle asti. Suurkuningas oli tyytyväinen töihin ja halusi
saman tien minut alaisekseen. Kaikki kävi loppujen lopuksi suhteellisen kivuttomasti.
Uusi huoneeni kuninkaanlinnassa on oikein viihtyisä ja täältä käsin minun on yhä
helpompi toimia.
Myös Miekkojen Salin jäsenet ovat vaihtuneet. Suurkuningas on nopea.
Thalamon ei enää ole entisellään.
Hopeapuro - 13. päivänä Viipyvän tulen kuuta, 147 j.u.Sk
Hah! Kuulin tänään kaupungin vartiokaartin kapteenin kuolemasta. Raukka oli pudonnut
muurilta ja murskannut umpiluisen päänsä katukiveykseen. Hänen olisi pitänyt uskoa
minua. Pikarillinen Pelnorin vahvaa viiniä kapteenin muistolle.
Ovelleni koputettiin vielä samana iltana. En yllättynyt nähdessäni paroni ... no,
nimet eivät ole tärkeitä, ties kuka voi surmata minut ja viedä päiväkirjani. Emmehän
halua saattaa kaupungin johtoa pulaan. Niin, paroni oli hyvin kiitollinen ja antoi
kukkarollisen Hopeapuron kultakruunuja palkkioksi vaivoistani. Hän sanoi tietojeni
olleen korvaamattomia. Tjaa-a, sanotaan vain että suhteista voi olla arvaamatonta
hyötyä. Nyt minulla on tarpeeksi rahaa jotta voin jättää tämän paikan pölyt
Minun on päästävä matkaan heti kun aurinko huomenna nousee. Hopeapuro ei tarjoa
minulle enää mitään. Jätin huoneeni pöydälle kultakruunun isännälle, voi olla että
palaan vielä. Milloin? Sillä ei enää ole väliä.
Admorac looks like this,
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Original text file: LandscapeEditor.txt
I'm (Yendor) is doing an landscape editor for Majik 3D.
I slept over the second deadline of 3.1.2001.
New deadline that I hope that I'll meet : THIS year.
The landscape editor is an D3D program (sorry Win32 only) that will allow editing the huge(1024x1024) Majik3D map. I did this program just because of the size of the map needs a specifically for it made program. The editor now has an texture on it so you don't have to guess the mountains and plains :-).
Screenshot of the 10.1.2001AD version.
Back to the roots.
10.01.2001 AD. The new code.
During this time I've been slowly doing this new code. The old one didn't support vertex coloring and had graphical too messed up. Well. Now after about two months I finally got the info on vertex coloring mode on DX7. Damn with the microsoft. Their SDK documentation had almost nothing info on how to set up the vertex coloring. Well now the program seems better than before but all the functionality (editing) is not implemented yet.
05.11.2000 AD. Advanced Editing.
There are two buggy trackbars that affect the area and the amplitude of editing. Check it out.
03.11.2000 AD. New version out.
Sorry for missing the 1.11.2000AD deadline. New deadline 3.1.2001AD. I took myself from the collar and threw my body to the landscape editor and WHAM! five minutes and fine-looking editing function was ready. Try it out.
20.10.2000 AD. No new version but...
Sorry. No new version this time. I decided that the next version will have the editing possibility so stay cool until I make it. In the meantime check the new [Screenshot] page.
20.10.2000 AD. All the major bugs fixed.
As said the major bugs are fixed. And the base for editing is ready now too.
18.10.2000 AD. An update that took too long.
Sorry for the 5 day delay. I was idling and downloading things. New things added. Maximize works now. The area shown follows the position of window 1 camera.
And please send some e-mail about this program (not you origon). It seems that I'm updating these pages for no-one.
13.10.2000 AD. Textures finally added
With the now implemented textures the program is actually not ugly anymore (yeah, right) and for faster/slower computers you can define how many portions of the map the program will show.
12.10.2000 AD. Today's third version :-)
Some more changes... better heightmap, flat rendering option.
12.10.2000 AD. The real map is here!
When I tought that the previous version was big compared to the earlier, then this is just BIG. This one now has a better lighting that can be rotated around the scene. It also has one MAJOR thing... The loading of an heightmap. You can download the new version from below as always.
12.10.2000 AD. New great-looking version
The new cool version has been released. Just check out the screenshot. 63*63*2*16 triangles and loads fully with 128megs with Win2K. Download it out from the download section.
11.10.2000 AD. Some progress made
The older version was too demanding on the computer so I divided the area even more... Now it has about 64 sections and the program displays 4 of them once. Its not much but will be enought when you will be able to select which 4 sections to show at time. If you look at the screenshot you may notice some height difference in the bottom-left pespective view. Soon I'll be using the real heightmap. I will upload a new version when loading is ready.
8.10.2000 AD. Another early test version downloadable
An early test version of the landscape editor is available for download from below. It has a still a LOT of bugs (more than before), and please DON'T send reports of them to me. At least not until I complete a fully working version. New features. Moving/rotating mode, wireframe/gouraud.
6.10.2000 AD. The early test version downloadable
A very early test version of the landscape editor is available for download from below. It has a LOT of bugs, and please DON'T send reports of them to me. At least not until I complete a fully working version.
Here is an (3.11.2000AD 13:13) version of the Landscape editor. This actually now has something. This is still VERY buggy. It would make Microsoft proud. Download
views can be moved, rotated and zoomed.
perspective/orthographic view
The land itself loaded from a heightmap.
Wireframe/flat/gouraud rendering.
Rotating the lighting.
The changing of visible parts of map.
Previous is dependant on the window 1 camera position.
Possibility to have view one shown.
More advanced Editing. Whee!
The rotating is not camera-dependant
The window does not update frequently enought (if something was over the window it stays white).
A LOT of other bugs I haven't fixed yet.
Email me to if you have questions.
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Original text file: Lariano.txt
~The Sage~
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Original text file: LearnByDoing.txt
LearnByDoing skill system.
*Realistic: no need for artificial teachers
*Realistic: you don't learn fishing by killing
*Not possible to have a skill that you could gain only if you have some other skill at certain percentage.
*Not possible to "group" people to belong to "classes".
LearnByDoing skill system needs a good SkillTree.
TheoryPractice allows and (almost) requires usage of PlayerTeachers.
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Original text file: Lock.txt
A spell form symbol that depicts everything guarding, leaving things out, in a certain sense protective.
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Original text file: MagicSystem.txt
= Theory on Magic =
Just like in quantum physics, also the Majik universe consists of very small parts. These are the parts that form reality. Also the basic idea and force behind magic. They can be called Vim, Vis, Magical Force, Prime Particles, or what ever you will. Lets you Prime Particles or PP in this description. Just like small quantum particles form quarks, protons, atoms etc. In the same way PP's form patterns and patterns from pattern groups. These patterns construct things like time, matter, energy, mind, spirit, space, soul, entropy, etc, etc.. all the spheres/symbols/domains or what ever you want to call them. Everything within the creation is based on PP's and patterns. They are building blocks of reality and existence.
When the elder gods created the universe they designed it to work on these basics, there was no magic before this event. Thus elder gods created magic. And they know exactly how the universe works. They see beyond the normal illusion of existence, they know what is beyond.
The whole concept of magic is mislead, since there is no such thing, magic is the same as reality. Same as our atoms and leptons, quarks and bosons. The only difference is that in the universe of Majik the gods made it possible to see the patterns forming everything and they also made it possible for those with skill to manipulate the patterns.
= Theory on Spells =
Also, the concept of spells is a bit mislead. Magic is the art and science of manipulating reality, or to be more precise, the art and science of manipulating the patterns that form reality. The same magical effects can be applied in several different ways, thus there isn't any one spell like "fireball"; the effects similar to "fireball" can be generated by many different reality-manipulative ways, like: changing the energy patterns to create fire, transmuting matter to energy, transporting fire from future/past to the present, transporting fire from another place to this place etc. Players have to able to create their own combinations and their own "spells". A player mage can invent a combination that changes reality and gives a fireball-like effect as a result, and then he can label that as 'fireball' and cast it as such on a later day. Also, as our magical component system implies, spells should never be defined by their targets. Instead, they should be defined by their effect.
= Availability and Study =
Ever since the Cataclysm, caused by many a power hungry wizard, the gods in association with the Sages have sought to fascistically control the frequency of magic. Magical lore is unavailable unless one is in direct contact with a Sage or a church, or a teacher who is able and willing to spend endless tedious hours with a willing pupil, but anyone can still potentially learn any magical skill. Luckily for us, as the world of Majik is so intricate that even if a willing teacher should emerge, it would take great dedication on his part to teach other players the ways of magic. Also, the people and the Sages of Majik can of course come up with their own regulations or establish groups that control the distribution of magic, as has been in certain parts of the world before the recent Cataclysm.
= Cultural Associations =
Magic, for most people, is an unknown issue. It is not known what spell casters are able to do, how they do it, and where they have learned their skills from; but everyone knows that spell casters exist, and everyone expects to encounter them at one point in their lives. Ever since the cultures were shattered by the Cataclysm, no collective opinions have been established about magic, as it is such a small and insignificant obscure detail for people whose primary concern is to rebuild their lives from scratch.
= Effectivity =
Magic is, at best, capable of extremely powerful effects on the mortal scale, and each act of magic permanently alters the state of reality. It is even possible to burn entire forests down, to level mountains, or call the avatar of a god to appear. However, such acts are so demanding that only the most powerful of all magi, namely the Sages, can perform such acts and survive. For most mere mortals, the limit of their potential power is somewhere along the line of disintegrating a stone building with a clap of their hands or to call forth a blizzard in Tulmarun. There is also a limit of how small an effect can be. Things such as moving a pencil on a table or turning the hand of a clock require so much accuracy and concentration that it is virtually impossible to achieve such things without excessive training. Forcing a door open would be a convenient limit.
= Spell Definition =
Spells are divided into descriptive components that imply the effects of an individual spells. The spell components are divided into 3 parts: techniques, powers and forms. Techniques define the overall type of the spell, powers define what type of energy the spell should use, and form defines how the spell unfolds itself. Each spell can only have one type of technique, but any number of powers and forms. Casting a spell is done by invoking spell components in the linear order of technique -> power(s) -> form(s). Components can be depicted in 3 different ways: somatic, verbal and symbolic, which means gestures, words and physical items respectively. More accurately:
*Alteration. The process of defining a certain amount of material and changing it's shape. An example use would be shapeshifting. Only the material initially defined can be used, so one cannot for example shapeshift to a larger size.
*Control. Defining a certain amount of material and changing it's location or scale. Unlike alteration, control cannot change the shape of the material itself. An example would be a strength spell or such.
*Creation. Draining material from all around and then forming a new type of instance from it. For example, creating a new physical being.
*Destruction. Defining a certain amount of material and disintegrating it.
The spell casting process can be divided into 2 distinct phases: Channeling (and or Draining) and Direction. Some spells may require skills in Spell Aiming, such as fireballs and lightning bolts, and in this case the applied skill is (insert name of spell control skill here). Each spell has its own energy requirements that are calculated from the desired intensity of the spell being cast and the type of the spell itself.
Channeling is a skill that pertains to feeding energy to a spell from the spellcaster. An external source can be used by the arts of Draining, a skill that is the exact opposite to Channeling. If the latter choice is taken, however, the casting process becomes much more difficult and slow, and as the amount of spell energy the source being Drained has, unreliable.
Direction is a skill that pertains to controlling the spell energy in the desired way.
In order to succesfully cast a spell, the spell must continously be fed energy from the spellcaster. However, the player must be cautious not to drain himself completely, because it will have undesirable effects on the character, from being confused to getting brain hemorrhage and dying. The quickness of this energy feeding process is defined by the spellcaster's Channeling skill. If the spell ceases to receive energy before it is Directed to unfold, it becomes unstable energy, and chaotic results will occur unless the spellcaster is skilled enough to control it. If the spellcaster succeeds in controlling the unstable, released spell energy, the preferable ways of disposing of it safely include Draining and distribution, a school of Direction where spell energy is equally dispersed to the surrounding physical universe. Both, however, are very difficult, as the spellcaster will be under a great deal of stress, because the chaotic spell energy is very hard to interact with (game mechanics -wise this means that the spellcaster will be drained of his Mental Endurance a great deal because he is periodically applying the spell control skill). The difficulty of controlling a spell, as well as unreleased spell energy, is in direct proportion to the amount of energy the spell or spell energy blob contains.
Should the spell charge phase succeed, it must then be Directed, and possibly (insert aiming), to achieve the proper results. Should the Direction fail, the spell, again, becomes an unstable glob of energy, and the same rules are applied here.
(describe the difference between instantaneous spells and continuous spells)
If the effect is instantaneous (such as in "fireball"), the spell energy expenditure process ends there. If the spell is continuous, however, such as a shielding spell, it continuously draws energy from a source, such as a node or an item, and the caster constantly needs to channel energy to the spell. In this situation the caster can abort the spell at any desirable time. If the caster fails to channel energy fast enough, it results in the spell effect stopping.
= Nodes =
(Overflowing pool of magic)
= Types Of Magic =
Different types of magic are defined specifically in the way the spell components are depicted in them. There are 3 main schools of magic, and two special ones. These magical schools are primal, academic, and sorcery, and the special cases are religious and divine magic. More accurately:
*Primal. Primal magic is the weakest form of all magic. Commoners making signs and muttering against the "evil eye" are often very close employing primal magic without knowing it, such signs and rituals are twisted, corrupt versions of those performed by the druids, shamans and moon casters. A lone primal caster can hope to invoke only the tiniest magical effects as the nature of primal magic is very loose and much energy is lost. The beauty, convenience, and real strength of primal magic is that it easily enables groups of casters working together, their wild dancing and chanting intertwine and unleash combined energies, the very air about them rippling with magic. Primal magic is perhaps the worst type of magic for item enchantments as it completely lacks material symbols. To counter-balance this, it is also the most easiest form of magic to learn. Primal magic also benefits most from the mystical sites, the Nodes.
*Academic. Academic magic deals with with words and symbols. A classic example of an academic mage is a robed, withered figure, studying obscure symbols from an old tattered book and muttering incomprehensible words through beard-shrouded lips. Academic magic is highly organized and logical, with well defined theoretical foundations; the ways of the academic magicians to unleash magical power not in gestures or wild dancing, but in scrolls and tomes written by and for those with the knowledge and passion to learn. Academic mages are more powerful than primal or sorcery magic users, but this is countered by the huge amount of work it takes to learn it.
*Sorcery. Sorcery is the school of magic that deals with gestures and material symbols. It consists of rune magic, voodoo and the like. Common for all sorcery spells is that they use some material component, this component can be the caster itself, pieces from some other creature, or some object. Of all three magical schools, Sorcery users are the best enchanters of items. Rune casters bind magical forces into items and alter them to transport creatures, to explode upon impact and the like. Voodoo witches prepare symbolic images of their enemies to harm and destroy as well as brew magical potions. It is wise to remember that when something is imbued, something is lost: many sorcery magic users use ritual sacrifices to draw energy from an external source, be it a plant, an animal, or a creature.
*Religious. Religious magic is channeled through the Gods. It is very powerful and very easy to cast, as the spellcaster draws the magical energy directly from his god and simply points the direction where the energys should flow, but this also means it is highly limited by the nature of the God, and usually, depending on the God yet again, is only available to people who have sacrificed a lot to their God. Religious magic in itself is quite unique in the sense that all religious spell effects are very specific, and the intensity of the spell is fixed in the spell, so one needs to learn different levels of spells as if though they were separate spells.
*Divine. When the Gods created the world, they encoded their own system on the mortal plane to make it easier to control internally, called Truenames. Everything has a Truename, and by using it, anything can be done. Truenames are very difficult to come by, they can only be learned from scrying the Truename Orbs, uniquely rare items, but they are just about the most powerful things a mortal can ever have access to. The only way to properly use Truenames is to chant them out loud. The same component system is used in truenames as in normal magical schools. The effects of Truename spells are always the maximum possible effect in both intensity and scale manifestable in the mortal world, and they drain the spellcaster just as much as casting a spell of an equal scale with regular magic would.
= Magical Enchantments =
The only way to enchant something external permanently is to transfer it, meaning that something permanent has to be lost as well. Transferring energy does not mean that the intended enchantment must be upon the source to drain energy from; rather it means that the spellcaster will drain an amount of non-repleneshing energy similar to the enchantment required from the source, which results in damaging the source in a random way. This usually means the spellcaster himself, but an unlucky ritual victim, for example, might be a suitable source as well. In general, everything that has magical energy can be deprived of it. However, there are limitations for utilizing external energy sources. It takes great skill in draining the energy correctly, so it won't leak out into the void, and the external source must be powerful enough to withstand the drain. A slain creature will not do, though a creature may sometimes be slain by the drain itself, because energy has already escaped it, and neither will the most primitive of creatures, as their energy is often chaotic and uncontrollable. An unsuccessful attempt of draining magical energy from a ritual victim to an external target might result in things like magical explosions if proper conditions are not met, so this scheme is usually only carried out by the most powerful and skillful of mages.
A much more popular way of enchantment compared to permanent enchantment is boosting external things with replenishing energy, but, as the nature of magic and the used energy implies, also the boosted item then will eventually lose it's magical properties.
= Scrying and spellcasting from a distance =
= Gameplay Issues =
The system described here is not so simplistic as you might have seen in Asheron's Call or any other system of the similar "Dungeon Master"-orientation. To point out some things, first of all magic is not that common-place in Majik3D, meaning that the information concerning the existing magical symbols is completely unknown to most players and very hard to gain. It is also intended that the players, in this context, prefer to keep magical information to themselves and it shouldn't be hard as the world of Majik is QUITE large and continuous player interaction is supposed to be something in the vein of "not so common" in this context (this is supported by the absence of long-distance telepathic "MUD-tells" and public discussion channels). Not to mention the communication between players of different races might be completely impossible in some cases due to linguistic differences etc.
Secondly, from the beginning of the game, it is intended that the distribution of magical knowledge is fascistically controlled by a certain group of special hand-picked individuals, who will BE FOUND by the most eager and anxious players who want to learn magic. Needless to say, this means that there will be no "ancient tomes" from which every bit of magical knowledge is picked up in a matter of hours or days.
Third, there has been a lot of discussion about magical symbols being "individually different" among different players at least to some extent, which of course means that players can't "leech" magical gestures and words from each other, they need to learn the idea behind them first, and it will take time.
Fourth, even though the players would gain extensive symbolic information, simply trying out chaotic combinations of magical symbols will usually lead to consequences other than making a fancy puff of green smoke, and as mortality is a Big Issue in Majik, this approach is not recommended. Certain preparations are always needed.
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Original text file: MaterialTemplate.txt
This template was formerly known as naturalresourcetemplate but I changed its name to Material template. Reason for this change lies in the fact that for example berries are natural resources as are plants in general, but they don't belong to here.
So while oak (wood) is a material it is also a plant, so do not add description of an oak tree to this template, but use the template for description of its material uses. Same is true with animal matter: if you want to descripe a certain leather or bone type, do not descripe the source animal but give description of the material instead. It is also wise to mention these uses in animal's or plant's description and add a link to the corresponding material. The template is not meant for ready objects.
It is for all kinds of materials both raw and refined. Materials can have all sort of strange uses which should be mentioned in properties section. Some example uses are: Alchemical uses, Medical uses and material uses. Physical appearance and shape are esepcially important with raw materials. Physical description includes details like color and form of the material. Liquid materials (such as oil) and gemstones also belong to this template.
If you find difficult to distinguish a material from a plant or an animal, remember that generally anything usable (with reason) for construction of objects, whether a spoon or a house, is a material. Sometimes it may be difficult to determine if alchemical or medical uses of some animal or plant based matter (for example medical use of a powdered animal bone) should be placed to this template or in description of the animal or the plant. If such situation arises, I'd recommend adding it into both.
(see example material ((Sunbranch)) )
= NAME =
*Generic info/desc
*Accurate description for modelling (especially with raw materials)
*Climate/Terrain where found (often only terrain)
*Visual aids
*Alchemical uses
*Material uses
*Other uses
||'''Climate/Terrain:'''||Self explanatory||
||'''Availability:'''||Common/Semi-Common/Rare/Very Rare||
||'''Density:'''||Not sure yet||
||'''Quality:'''||Self explanary||
||'''Processability:'''||Easy, Medium, Diffuclt, Very difficult etc||
||'''Properties:'''||Self explanary||
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Original text file: Mefoura.txt
The Mefoura, or Bayard Deer, is a slender and agile inhabitant
of temperate continental woodlands. It has spread throughout
the more moderate-climated parts of Eldiron, and is most numerous
in Lamarhen and Thasia.
The mefoura's shoulder height varies from 135 to 170 centimeters.
Its legs are relatively short; its sure and strong movement makes
it a swift mover in dense forests, but on open land it has little
hope of outrunning some of its faster predators. If confronted by
an inescapable foe, it attempts to scare the adversary by rising on
its hind legs and emitting a buglelike roar. If this does not
suffice, it tries to defend itself with its antlers - and is
usually killed.
The mefoura's fur is thin, short and soft. In regions where
the winter is cold, it may grow a thicker fur as the autumn
advances, and shed it in the spring. The skin is dense, and
moderately thick especially in the back and sides.
|| Environment || temperate-cool wooded areas, light to moderate rainfall ||
|| Commonness || Fairly common ||
|| Social habits || Naturally territorial and solitary, but sometimes lives in herds, esp. in sparsely wooded regions ||
|| Activity cycle || Irregular ||
|| Diet || Herbivore ||
|| Intelligence || Not in any particular abundance ||
|| One-liner || Mostly harmless ruminant. ||
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Original text file: Mentres.txt
A translucent crystal valued fo rits marvellous optical properties. Most of the highest precision optics of the world are fashioned with mentres lenses, and are highly expensive; only the richest seafarers are able to afford a mentres telescope. The crystal is considerably rare; there are minor known deposits scattered around the world, notably in the ((Puce Mountains)) in ((Meral)), in ((Gwelthor)) and in the northern parts of the ((Edhelomin Range)) of northwestern ((Thalamon)).
(Adapted from the ((Thalamon)) region desc by ((Darshan)))
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Original text file: Mesodthon.txt
An aquatic carnivorous reptile that lives in the Majik seas. It reaches a max
length of 15m and lives to an average age of 30 years, taking 3 years to reach
the age of reproduction. Its body is the shape of a salamander with a long tail
that has elongated dorsal and ventral skin flaps that serve as its primary form
of locomotion. It feeds on mostly fish but will eat a mammal (person) occasionally
if found. It stays in the deeper parts of the oceans and is completely aquatic only
needing to surface for air every 30 to 50 minutes depending on physical activity.
Its skin color is from dark green to an almost brown color.
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Original text file: Mind.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything logical, knowledge, passiveness, peace of mind, self-control, imbued internal powers or predictable.
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Original text file: Miranlen.txt
The Miran Vine contains a black pigment that is produced and stored inside the cell walls of the plant. It is found in virtually all cells of the plant except the roots. It is a fairly easy method to extract it and has been extracted since the earliest known time. It is primarily used in ink for writing and also is useful for a fabric dye.
The molecule is not soluble in water and thus is well suited for a dye and ink. It being not soluble in water makes it fairly easy to extract. The method is fairly straightforward and anyone can do it with the right equipment.
#collect the leaves of the vine, for they contain the highest concentration of the pigment.
#dry the leaves
#use a mortar and pestle to grind the leaves into a powder
#place the leaf powder into a copper pot half filled with water
#bring the water to a rolling boil
#the pigment being a small molecule and insoluble in water will float to the surface and begin to stick #together and to the rim of the water line
#let boil for about 20 minutes and then remove from the heat and let cool.
#the pigment will be floating on the top and crusted on the side of the pot above the waterline.
#skim the pigment off and collect in another vessel, once as much as the pigment is collected as possible #heat the collecting vessel to drive off the rest of the moisture
#let cool and use a clean mortar and pestle to grind the clumps into a fine powder.
#store in a tightly sealed container
#repeat until desired amount of pigment is collected
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Original text file: Mirror.txt
A spell form symbol that depicts everything that reveals itself as cloning, copying, constructing or reflective.
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Original text file: MoonElves.txt
= Mai'oi'aiu - Moon elves =
= Introduction =
The number of moon elves is very limited, only few thousands of citizens. Mai'oi'aiue don't live here, they have only one city, Sah aiuen enat, City of nighlight, which is also called the High Realm. It does not exist in reality at all, but once a month when the moons are in right position their city appears and a stairway leading to it is shown. This is the only way to move from the City of nightlight to world and back. Teleport spells and alike don't work thus anything less than divine power of gods is of no use. The city stands in a place where both moons cast light ever and boundlessly. The sun has not been seen there ever, it is like eternal twilight. The moons however are not always full and the cycle of their creates a kind of deliberate day rythm to elven city. This a-month-long period is called Ianaeil, light and shade.
In human point of view time seems to stand there, seldom they build anything, never get old nor die ever. The world they live in is bordered by the stars. When you walk away from the city of nightlight, sooner or later you will return to place you left.
= Appearance =
Mai'oi'aiue are the most beautiful beings ever created. Their movement is placid and peaceful, it looks like they float over the ground. They have bright green or blue eyes and long light bluish hair, which is usually braid. Their face glow soft light and gives them hypnotic impression. Mai'oi'aiue dress invariably in loose-fitting black gown which notwithstanding are decorated highly different ways. The gown has no hood nor there is a separate robe or other especial garment in their ensemble. Their dressing is not bound to any classification or hierarchy and the gown is very free in style and profile. Most have ornaments of stars and star charts or other formalized celestial bodies and different plants, espcially herbs. Ornaments are sewed on back or sleeves of the ensemble, not to chest - that is taken for only one enchanted mark, Eaulfiath, every moon elf carries and it can be seen only in light of both moons full. It is especially important during the time of the song of two moons when it has high and grand symbolic meaning. It means balance and moon elven supreme power over other created kinds.
The mark of moon elves
= History =
The history begins with famous words:
"Were created two kin elven folk, below, another over. Created they were in deepest night. Equal from another, as fair were their visage. Born of others was to be, in the light of full moon, others at the darkest hour of night. So was it to befall that the elves of nightlight loved and adored greatly the silvery moon, the elves of shadows learned to know only the darkness. So learned the elves of nightlight the art of life and thus shall their wisdom be mighty. There shall be none who will find a power that unsettles the elves of nightlight. It is cast that safe shall the city of nightlight stand. The way of elves in shadows is black for agony. Four shall lead them, to endless battle shall they be led. So was it to come that no war, no suffering will carry grief to their spirits.
And for power and balance the elves in their High realm serve. Great is their power for been pour out from greatest creator himself. Thus serve the elves in no awe but in high regard and obeisance the most great. So was it to be set that the most high ones of those who were created deify the most high one of those who cast."
These texts are read aloud for their god in services in temple of nightlight.
= Culture =
== Food & Trade ==
Mai'oi'aiue do not sell anything nor they buy things from any other race. They live in isolation. Food they eat they get from surroundings of their high realm.
== Manners ==
Mai'oi'aiue are polite and kind towards each other, but also formal. Other races however, they dislike. They need no advice or knowledge from anyone. Elves greet one another and salute each other with precise and calm hand marks and gestures, and there is dozens of them for differen situations. In the midst of mai'oi'aiue a closing of eyes signifies honour and means allegiance. When moon elves for example greet, the upper in hierarchy closes his fist and the lower puts his hand round it. This signifies, with straight look into eyes, strong friendship.
== Philosophy and Temperament ==
Mai'oi'aiue have dedicated themselves in research and exploration and keeping their world on balance. They know that when night falls will a day follow, when sun sets, there will be rain. In moon elven songs there can be seen pieces of their picture of the world. Quotation is from mai'oi'aiulen aneoilnath, moon elven saga of knowledge, its first, second and 33rd, the last verse.
I see grass grow, decay it may,
I feel moth flying, way of death.
Standing water, soon moving,
Arising air, far setting
Beginning road, follow round, I know,
you see the world, when songs fairest
will sleep to silent.
Never it returns, round the circle,
so matchless, so alike.
ripping fire, tree arise,
fading star, brilliance born.
Ending road, new to begin. I know,
you see the world when silence great
will fold to song.
Wave shall rouse, shall release the created
I sense strenght there, sense weakness.
Trembling mountain, all return,
crumpling earth, new meet.
Splintered sphere I see, I know,
you see the world, when strenghts greatest
into nothingness break.
Moon elven notion of time is not linear nor cyclical but a kind of endless spiral or set of waves. They believe everything to be repetitious but different and completely new. You can't upset, frighten or disturb mai'oi'aiu because this spirality gives them safety. They know the waves of the world as they say. Moon elves think practical and focus only on essential and they do not pay attention to unavailing issues. It will always happen as it will, is one of mai'oi'aiuen sayings, but however they do not let things happen by only themselves - although breakers rouse all they release may the crest of the wave break. Every now and then it is honorable to calm down the winds tearing the world. The sea doesn't have to rage all time.
This profound way of thinking means that mai'oi'aiuel guide and balance the drift of the world to prevent the worst fluctuation. They feel responsibility and sympathy towards life. On the other hand most tales and legends remember them as destroyers and killers for moon elves remember the other side as well. It is not always for the better if only life and joy carries greatest power.
Moon elves act like rulers of the universe, as acolytes of greatest god. They love to dominate and wield the sceptre over other races. They adore power.
== Military ==
Mai'oi'aiun are never taken ill nor they can be killed but only by the most powerful forces upon earth. They have no army nor soldiers. They know the way of battle but never they will need this knowledge for they possess great powers by nature. And the greatest of those is indeed the enchanted beautifulness they carry. One seeing a moon elf, visage or else, is not able to raise a sword nor an archer is able to take aim against him. Like the most dignified bird in the sky is a heart-stirring sight, is a moon elf more greater. Only those who are most powerful and stout can break the enchantment, but however hardly ever one of those has survived.
The moon elves carry another, more deadly power. They wield spear weapons made of strange and rarely known wood and it is called eo'altheiu. The spearhead is made of skilfully carved green glowing gemstone, enailui'uo. A strike does not kill in a moment but regardless of it the victim faces maybe the most cruel death. The mind of an enemy is filled with the greatest grief and trouble. It strikes even the most inhuman hearths and even dark elves and lesser demons break in sorrow. For them who have never been able to feel that emotion, it is the most dreadful suffering imaginable. An enemy of moon elf falls thahe'uianai, to light of madness and ends his sufferings by himself any old how. So one can say that no moon elf have ever besmeared his hand in blood.
== Law and Order ==
The community of mai'oi'aiul is exceptional, everyone has equal right for power and honour. They barely ever compete for riches but only for knowledge and argument. Practically moon elves have an invariable grouping and hierarchy and most of them accept it. Some are leaders, some grows food, some herbs, some trades them, some writes, some reproduces, some makes research and so on, and still every elf has almost as much time for study and church service. Rarely has another moon elf killed other of his kind or stealed from each other. They do fight and compete every now and then for status, but they all know the loss which meets their kind when even one leaves. That is why they scarcely ever raise weapons against each other.
== Religion ==
Mai'oi'aiu honour and deify only the greatest god, Namhas and the balance he represents. There can't be found a temple on earth that competes the most magnificent temple dedicated to him, the Temple of nightlight, enath oenia'naiues. Every elf visits the hour of prayer every time, and the temple has room for whole mai'oi'aiu people. The worship is precise and exactly planned. One service lasts for one and a half days in human time and through it the moon elves perform different hunouring rituals in exact order. Every elf takes part in every ritual, which explains the length of the worship.
The most important state is the Time of two fullmoon song, which is held in the beginning of every 33rd ienaeila, a human month, when next time of two fullmoon comes. Mai'oi'aiuen chronology is divided to 38 thanienaeile, which means about 38 months.
== Language ==
The language of moon elves, tinaehl, is incredibly complicated. No member of other race have ever learned it. Only some gods and sages master it along with them. It is an euphonious, has incredible beauty in sound. It contains much vowels and vowel-like syllables and hardly any sharp consonants. Word are complex, they have dozens of pronouncing dictionaries and there is over 60 000 letters and sounds in tinaehl, some of them even as long as some human words and still alone meaning but a syllable. Above and beyond mai'oin'aiuh speak quickly and it is hard to recognize different sounds.
There is other compound words than the noun words human know, which are much more complicated, like a kind of noun-verb or verb-verb structures. In addition words formed like this change their spelling radically. There is more pure tenses as well than the human languages possess. Tense changes according to when something is made and when it has been discovered. The one who understands tinaehl can only admire its incredibly precise way of expression and its most tiniest grammatical details and their effect to argument, not to mention to written word. Word is this text are conjugated in strange ways in human eyes. This is just because of tinaehl grammar.
== Magic ==
They have many powers which will be discovered soon.
= City of Nightlight and its vicinity =
City of mai'oi'aiu is build in blue, turquoise, white, gold and silver - in colours of moon. Often are the outer parts of buildings covered with crystal arcs and from their roofs flow fountain-like water streams trough thousands of small juts making the hundreds of gems shine and gleam in light of moons. It is said that when you enter the High realm, you are as near to heaven as you can. City if nightlight has remained changeless for centuries. Rarely there is build anything. The townscape is spacious and broad, streets have been surfaced with stone, houses are mostly two and a half storied and have many layers of roofs. Most distinctive part of elven city is the great high towers rising towards moons. It is full of statues decorated with gems, beautiful light green and argentine trees, small well-heads, gardens and small rivers. Thousands of black flags stand over the city honouring the safe darkness of night. There is no marks or decorations in moon elven flags.
There is woods, small fields and hills outside the City of nightlight, where elves gather their food. They grow strange plants, from which are prepared the nourishing food of elves. The most typical is Saeothean, elven bread. Its chief ingredient is minced leafs of a plant, which is poisonous for other than elves, called lathaoas. It is very nutritious and preserves well. Humans can eat it slightly but suffer occassionally stomach aches.
= Role-playing =
Moon elf is one of the hardest, maybe difficultiest playable races. As a moon elf the player should be very quick-witted and ready-minded. Moon elves are noble and proud, irritating one can say. It would be good if designers having no sage character could take some of these rare characters. A moon elf is interested in world happenings but as mentioned they can't be upset. They know that there will be sun after rain - metaphorically ever. One can describe a moon elf by word calm, and it may seem that they are almost unemotional.
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Original text file: Narbeleth.txt
Narbeleth is a tree-like bush that survived through the cataclysm.
Though rare, a few small patches can be found in the higher mountain
regions through the world. For a casual observer Narbeleth looks like
a close group of three to five slender trees growing in a circular
shape and bending slightly outwards from the center point. Like with
many things, the appearance is deceiving as individual "trees" connect
slightly above the ground into a main trunk which is tightly anchored
to the ground by a thin, but thickly grown rootage.
Each "tree" is about 3 meters long and only 5 to 10 cm thick. They
divide into four slender "branches" slightly above the half-way of
each individual stalk. The tree-stalk is rarely more than two meters
above ground as divided branches bend strongly outwards from the
center point and from each other. Separate branches end into a 2 to 5
cm long, oval shaped seed that sprouts a bright, orange-gold and bell
shaped flower when the seed is ripe. The bush has tiny green-brown
leaves which grow in a circular spiral starting from the main stalk,
continuing up each individual stalk, and ending just below the seeds.
The leaves give only color for otherwise completelly black plant.
Narbeleth is also called the sunset tree because its leaves glow
softly in the darkness after the sun sets. The glow is strong enough
to illuminate the stalk but nothing else, and slowly dims in a few
hours until the bush is black again. Narbeleth draws energy for growth
mostly from the sun and requires very little nutrients, or water, to
survive. Though the bush can be found from higher, mountaneous
regions where air is often colder, the tree-stalks draw so much warmth
during the day that they are warm to the touch even in midwinter.
The bush, however, rarely grows in regions where temperature is
permanently below 10 degrees as it requires at least two warmer months
for seeds to bloom. Narbeleth is mostly found in areas which are too
cold for the other, larger vegetation which might block the sun's
light, but still remains warm enough for it to gain enough light.
The whole plant: leaves, stalks and especially seeds, are able to
draw and store sun's energy. The plant is highly sensitive to warmth
which shows in a strange way: even if the plant remains otherwise
dormant, its stalks move and position themselves in such ways that
seeds are towards the strongest source of warmth, be it the sun or a
campfire. If followed with time, an observer can see the stalks
follow sun's movement in the sky. Narbeleth seeds require large
amounts of energy to ripen, though this will occur always when
possible. A few days before blooming the seeds open revealing a
yellow-gold onion which contains smaller seeds, a few days later the
flower bursts open and small seeds are scattered, carried away by the
wind. The odorless flowers remain from five days to two weeks,
replaced by a new seed growth. Narbeleth bush can live over 500
hundred years old though it never grows much larger.
Narbeleth is safe from most herbivores because of thick stalks and
bitter taste. Certain mountain herbivores find Narbeleth's small
leaves tasty, however, but this causes no harm to the plant as one
purpose for the small leaves is to lead herbivores away from small
seeds shielding the onion. While the bulb is poisonous, there are
periods when poison is too weak to cause any harm for animals.
Narbeleth's long, slender stalks can bend almost any position
without snapping. Though fresh stalks can be easily bent, the plant
quickly becomes stiff after cut making it a perfect material for all
sorts of bows. This made Narbeleth very desirable material among
bowyers and it was only a bonus that the stalk, if handled properly,
would still glow if kept in the sunlight and then moved into the
darkness. Among bowyer's Narbeleth was commonly known as the
((Sunbranch)) which gave name to famous Sunbranch bows.
Narbeleth had also other uses: its small leaves, when crushed and
mixed with water and honey produce paste which glows in the darkness
if exposed to the light of even a single candle. The paste is thin enough
to be used as a sort of ink for writing that is readable even in
minimal lighting conditions.
The onion developing inside a large seed is highly poisonous, to
discourage animals from eating it. Poisonous properties reach the peak
when a seed opens and before the flower onion has not yet opened.
Poison can be prepared by crushing the onion into a paste and mixing
it with food or drink. Downside is that strong, bitter taste easily
reveals presence of poison for those who know it. Poison also has to
remain in air-tight locker or it quickly loses potency. This, together
with remote growing location, lessened its use as a poison.
When used only a few ounces, mixed into mug of water with a drop of
mercury, the mixture was believed to protect from various minor
infections such as flu, but in truth it only caused a serious stomach
burn. Nervertheless, as a medicine it received far more popularity.
|| '''Climate/Terrain''': || From semi-cold to warm mountain regions (above 200 meters). Requires a lot sunlight. ||
|| '''Growth period:''' || Perennial ||
|| '''Reproduction age (Perennial only):''' || Third year of growth ||
|| '''Pollination method:''' || Self ||
|| '''Flowering season:''' || Any (usually summer) ||
|| '''Seed dispersal method:''' || Wind ||
|| '''Rate of growth:''' || Stalks reach length of 2 meters in 20 years and then grow 1 meter in 100 years ||
|| '''Maximum size:''' || Maximum length of stalks 4.5 m, maximum width 20 cm ||
|| '''Eaten by:''' || Leaves by mountain herbivores ||
|| '''Properties:''' || Stalks for bows, leaves for for ink, flower-onion for poison and medical purpose ||
|| '''Frequency''': || Rare ||
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Original text file: Naren.txt
A reddish metal, commonly used in Thalamon for spear and halberd blades for its hardness and resilience to wear and tear.
(extracted from ((Thalamon)) region desc by Darshan)
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Original text file: NaturalResources.txt
Elements (Metals)
*((Fool's Silver))
Chemical Compounds
*((White phosphorus))
Wood types
Namhas says, "Good work! More more minerals please!"
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Original text file: Necrolytes.txt
== Introduction ==
Necrolytes are conscious, non-zombielike non-living creatures. They cannot be defined as undead, because they are not merely re-animated corpses, but a real race of beings of undeath, with their unique physiology and history.
They are ancient, timeless race of powerful spellcasters and skillful artisans, obsessed with perfectionism, always thriving to overdo the former generations. Their society is rigorous and highly disciplined, and this is the main reason for their disgust of living creatures. Necrolytes cannot simply stand the chaotic nature of those soft, squishy sacks of flesh, or their emotion-distorted, reckless existence.
Even while Yorkaturr loves the Necrolytes, and holds them in high esteem, they owe no allegiance to anyone, for no god has created them.
== Appearance ==
A Necrolyte basically looks like a human skeleton, whose skull is stretched into a long, beak-like cone, which has no mouth or teeth, but has large, avian eyeholes. They are tall and gaunt, due their delicate bones which are more elongated than other races'. Their bones, however, are not fragile because their marrow is replaced with "focus": precious and rare minerals (gold, platinum, orichalcum...), which bind Necrolyte's spirit with his physical shell. Surprisingly, a Necrolyte's skeletal body is not hollow, but its chest cavity is filled with layers of gear-like bones of various size. There is one additional joint in their fingers, which offsets their natural clumsiness, and allows them to do precise work.
A Necrolyte lacks all natural senses. They use their magical awareness to perceive their surroundings. Thus darkness does not limit the things they can "see". Bright sunlight, however, disrupts their magical field and renders them half-blind (and deft and incapable of smelling anything). Necrolytes do have a language which they use to communicate with each other. It is formed of series of clicking sounds produced inside their chests.
It is intriguing to watch a Necrolyte move. Because they have no muscles their movements are naturally jerky, inaccurate, like ones of a macabre clockwork toy. Somehow, however, they manage to perform all their actions with a particular grace, like they were giant puppets whose strings are pulled by a very skilled master.
Besides armor, Necrolytes have no need to wear clothing. Occasionally they dress themselves in black, tattered robes and cloaks, partly because they are handy for carrying tools and equipment, partly because Necrolytes know that they look incredibly cool while standing in a raging storm and letting their vestments billow around themselves like black, leathery wings of a giant raven.
Necrolytes have no metabolism whatsoever. Thus, they do not need water or food to sustain themselves. Also, killing something that does not live is, by definition, quite impossible. A wounded Necrolyte neither bleeds nor falls in a state of shock, for it has no internal organs. Puncturing weapons are ineffective against them, and their metal-filled bones are firm and resilient .
However, Necrolytes are not impervious to damage. When their finely-crafted skeletal structure takes punishment a Necrolyte feels it directly in its soul. Blows that splinter their bones and cause their precious fillings to spill to the ground weaken Necrolyte's link with this world. When damaged heavily enough (i.e. someone has hacked it into several pieces and jumped up and down over them) a Necrolyte will be left without a physical shell: it has become a disembodied spirit, doomed to wander forever outside our world, for Yorkaturr refuses to take their souls in his kingdom.
(In reality, a destroyed Necrolyte's fate is not always that gloomy. While it is true that it has suffered an enormous humiliation when some pulpy flesh-being has ruined its body, a Necrolyte's spirit i.e. its personality and memories are still intact. This homeless spirit then begins its long, hard journey to the highest mountains, where Necrolytes' greatest city lies. There, before the highest council of ancestors, it can plead for a new body. If the spirit has been original and creative enough, and it has promoted the Evolution, a body will be smithed. Otherwise, if the spirit has been dull and unimaginative, or has committed the Sin of Repetition, it will be bound, as penance, in some useful tool (a sword, for instance) for few thousand years).
And being a non-living creature does have additional drawbacks. Firstly, lacking digestion and circulatory system, the majority of magical potions and herbs has no effect on a hapless Necrolyte. Secondly, their bodies do not heal naturally: if a Necrolyte gets damaged it has to get itself repaired at the nearest Bonesmith. Lastly, most of the normal healing spells cannot help a Necrolyte.
Most of things written above apply only to a newborn Necrolyte. Majority of older Necrolytes, who vary greatly in form and appearance, are constantly re-building themselves, adding new, improved bits and removing older, less functional parts. This is their custom, their obsession, which is followed with almost fanatical zeal: The Evolution.
-- malekith
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Original text file: NeededToDesign.txt
''From now on, this document describes only the things that are of key importance at the moment. ++Yorkaturr''
= Area design - Nemen =
*A sketch of the fauna system, who eats what and why, and comprehensive fauna descriptions
*Flora, like above
*Descriptions, maps and the whole enchelada of ruins intended for player inhabitation
*Special places: places to find resources
*Special places: possible settings of fantasy quest
= Technical design - Cities =
*Determining the area of a city's influence: algorithm
*What resources cities need to function properly
*What type of work cities can provide, apart from collecting resources, and what this means in practice
= Technical design - Organized religion =
*Listing the places of worship for each god
*Listing the possible, initial positions of power for each god. Sages and the gods themselves can play priests for a while
*Listing the Gods, and describing them in detail. This includes:
**The actions that give each god Divine Points
**What the gods are able to do with their divine points
**The symbolism for each God
**The relations between gods
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Original text file: Nemen.txt
= '''Nemen''' =
##Variation by Region
##Western Jungle
##Eastern Prairie and Lowlands
###Port of Qurat
##Northern Mountains and Highlands
###Gordhalen Cave
###Northern Lighthouse
== '''1. Overview''' ==
The island of Nemen has a central-western location on the world and lies between the Sea of Tears and the Quiet Sea. It is the largest island of a chain that stretches between the continents of Voran and Minartan from the Zumal peninsula in the southwest to the shores of Terennir in the northeast. The island is about 22.5 x 20 km in dimension - about 450 square kilometers. It lies at the northern edge of the tropical latitudes, and thus has high precipitation but is not entirely jungle. On the island, there are three main geographical regions: the jungles to the west, the prairie/plains region in the southeast, and the highlands/mountains to the northeast.
== '''2. Climate''' ==
The island of Nemen has only two seasons, the wet and dry seasons, known in the tongue as Harinatra (wet), from Siratodon to Hejii, and Macreador (dry), from Gwedd to Mireadien. These seasons are caused by the series of tropical storms that arise at the eastern end of the world every Mireadien and travel west for about two weeks months, reaching Nemen in the beginning of Siratodon.
=== 2.1 Harinatra ===
Harinatra begins as these monsoons reach Nemen. It can be roughly divided into two halves. In the first half, the flora of the island begins its recovery from the relatively dormant previous months. During this time, the deluge from the heavens comes in an almost constant stream (10-cm over one day) and becomes increasingly stronger. Thick fog covers much of the landscape until the afternoon. Deciduous trees begin forming the first buds and countless annual wildflowers and other plants send their first shoots up after half a year of dormancy. Temperatures begin to rise, reaching 30-40 degrees Celsius. As life begins anew, rivers overflow their banks, not only bringing rich silt from the highlands to the fertile valleys of eastern Nemen but also wreaking havoc upon any settlements within this rather broad floodplain (on average 10 km in either direction from the two rivers). The tropical storms also bring rather strong winds, ranging from 50 to 100 km/h (but usually staying under 70 km/h).
As the temperature and rains reach their pinnacle (up to 25 cm per day), the second half begins. During this part of the season, most plants begin to flower across prairie and rainforest alike. Rainfall gradually begins to decrease and floodwaters recede slightly, although they will remain in much of the flood plains until mid-Macreador. Farmers plant most crops during this time, adhering to the old adage, "Once heaven's tears yield, mend thy plow, and head to the field!" However, not only plants reproduce at this time; mating season for most animals begins with the first sign of the rain slackening. Winds also abate slightly, ranging usually between 25 and 75 km/h. As the season of Harinatra draws to a close, most deciduous trees are in full foliage and rain slows to a mere 5 cm per day, or levels at the beginning of the season. When the last monsoon has left its mark on the island, the fog lifts and the dry season, or Macreador begins.
=== 2.2 Macreador ===
In the month of Gwedd, Nemen's climate begins to become considerably drier and cooler. However, because it is a tropical island, the longest truly rainless periods are usually less than a week and air humidity remains near 90%. Likewise, "cooler" is a relative term, and temperatures, while considerably dropping from their peak of 40 degrees, never fall below the low 20s. During this time, known as Macreador, the proverbial annual cycle of life draws to a close. Like Harinatra, the most extreme weather occurs near the middle of this season, and the entire season has two parts, divided by that extreme. During the first half of Macreador, the seeds or fruits of most plants develop and many animals bear their young. Rain falls at a rate of approximately 15 cm/week. Winds are far milder than the stormy previous months, generally staying under 20-km/h. Temperatures drop along with rainfall, from 30 to 20-25 mid-season. As the first half ends, fruits ripen across the island.
In the second half of Macreador, from Adrush to Mireadien, seeds are finally dispersed and crops are ready for harvest. At first, rainfall falls to its annual low, an average of 5 cm/week. When the first hints of the monsoons begin to arrive, precipitation and temperatures rise. Wind speed also increases, with breezes of over 25 km/h becoming more frequent. Finally, the monsoons arrive, and where Macreador ends, Harinatra begins anew.
=== 2.3 Variation by Region ===
While these descriptions of the two seasons of Nemen are generally applicable to the entire island, there are naturally slight deviations between different physical regions. Most of the prairie and rainforest regions have similar climate, because of their proximity and because much of the plains was at one time jungle but has been deforested, which is described in more detail in the geography section. The peaks of Gordhalen and Durmien do not experience much flooding, and because of their dense, rocky soil, most of the water washes down onto the plains below. They also experience more wind, about 120% of the lower regions during Harinatra and up to 150% of the lower altitude land during Macreador.
== '''3. Geography''' ==
Nemen can be divided into three geographical regions: the western jungle, the eastern prairies and lowlands, and the northern mountains and highlands. While the climate of these areas is similar, the plant and animal life varies greatly.
[ Map]
=== 3.1 Western Jungle ===
Almost the entire western half of Nemen is covered in rainforest. Here, giant trees provide year-round shade and animals are abundant in number and variety. A few km south is Mt. Durmien, a tree covered highland that is little more than a hill. At the fork of the Kadmoin River, where the Ayos River breaks off and flows south, an enormous boulder, 100 (h) x 200 (l) x 100 (w) meters in size. This rock, a remainder from ancient, tumultuous times, causes this fork in the Kadmoin. It is spoken of as a magical place, completely devoid of vegetation, and is a common roost for the majestic Cymar raptor. This region is the wildest and least populous area of Nemen and is ideal for many an adventure for the brave of spirit. In the deepest part of the jungle, an ancient shrine to Namhas was built by Moon Elves who populated the Nemen island chain 6 millennia ago. This Shrine of Balance is still a location of powerful magic today.
=== 3.2 Eastern Prairie ===
The eastern prairie is a region of tall grasses and fertile soil, ideal for farming and other agricultural pursuits. At one time covered in dense forest like its neighboring jungle, over the centuries, deforestation and only recently the cataclysm has turned it into an almost treeless landscape that is prone to erosion. Nemen's two rivers, the Kadmoin and Ayos, roughly outline this region and two major ruins lie in its boundaries.
==== 3.2.1 Mareet ====
To the far east, the ancient city of Mareet, once the capital of the Elvish Neuínel colony. It now lies derelict with the crumbling outer walls and rubble giving barely a glimpse of its former grandeur. Tales of great treasure buried beneath the rubble abound, and this would be an excellent location for lower level quests.
==== 3.2.2 Port of Qurat ====
At the mouth of the Ayos River, in southern Nemen, lies the Port of Qurat, a once bustling trade center under the Elves, who named it Chirath. It was completely ruined after 6 millennia of neglect but the Pajonn settlers have in the years since the cataclysm managed to make it habitable again, building wooden huts in cleared areas of rubble. Description of modern-day city is located at ((Port of Qurat)).
=== 3.3 Northern Highlands ===
The third major geographical region of Nemen covers most of northern Nemen. These mountains are in stark contrast to the forests and plains below. Although the precipitation rate is similar, the weather is considerably colder (though still quite temperate compared to most northern regions of the world) and vegetation is much more sparse (predominantly low grasses and shrubs) than in the other regions. It has two main peaks: Mt. Gordhalen (400 m) and Mt. Tutollen (325 m).
==== 3.3.1 Gordhalen Cave ====
Gordhalen Cave is an ancient limestone cave that stretches for 7 km into the bowels of Mt. Gordhalen and is said to contain rare ores and minerals.
==== 3.3.2 Northern Lighthouse ====
At the northern tip of this region and the entire island, an ancient Elvish lighthouse towers above the landscape. It was used to guide ships around the hazardous rocks off the shore but has been standing derelict since the Elves left Nemen.
== '''4. Wildlife''' ==
These are the animals and plants of Nemen to date.
=== 4.1 Fauna ===
((Cymar)) - Nemen's largest bird
((Dodalo)) - Small, powerful reptilian predator
((Elitsch)) - herbivorous freshwater fish
((Fonaeta)) - deerlike grazer
((Timial Cat)) - woodland predator
((Wicirard)) - stealthy predator of the night
=== 4.2 Flora ===
((Arinia Vine)) - common jungle vine
((Estlin Tree)) - star shaped jungle tree
((Fitho Reed)) - freshwater reed
((Hazra Grass)) - weed-like, hardy grass
((Himisu Tree)) - Nemen's most common jungle tree
((Miran Vine)) - poisonous jungle vine
((Oled Fungi)) - rare poisonous mushroom
((Salma Weed)) - marsh/pond grass
((Tegaca Tree)) - tall rainforest tree
== '''5. History''' ==
=== Timeline: ===
*2294: First Moon Elf ships arrive on Neuínel (Nemen) shores; colonization by Elves begins
*2307: Moon Elves place a giant boulder on the Chanuin (Kadmoin) River, the Boulder of Harath (called Garaht in the vulgar (Hilosyph) tongue), diverting water towards their coastal settlement, Chirath (Qurat) and creating the Aioth (Ayos) River.
*2311: Moon Elves begin to build a new city, which eventually becomes the capital of the Neuínel colony, Marith (Mareet).
*2311-2393: The colony of Neuínel expands rapidly, soon encompassing the entire Nemen chain (Loribak, Nemen, Gugon, and Anutmi). In Tinaehl, the Moon Elvish tongue, these are Leuribach, Neuínel, Huohon, and Anuthena.
*2313-2317: Construction of a lighthouse in northern Nemen to guide trade ships from eastern Thalamon past the treacherous rocks off the northern coast. It stands over 90 meters tall and can be seen over 20 km away.
*2315: A shrine to the only Moon Elvish god, Namhas, is constructed in the densest part of the western Neuíel jungle. It is modeled after the Temple of Nightlight in the High Realm and is a place of the highest and strongest magic.
*2400-2900: Golden Age of Neuínel; Neuínel becomes one of the richest colonies in the Moon Elvish empire through trade and the rich mineral deposits in the Hod’halén (Gordhalen) mines.
*2913: Unrest in High Realm, soldiers of Neuínel colony are called back to Sol’Daran as a precaution in case of war. Neuínel colony begins its decline.
*2942: War between Moon and Dark Elves breaks out. Inhabitants of Neuínel colony flee to the City of Nightlight for safety, leaving behind magnificent cities and landmarks across the Nemen island chain.
*2942 – 5063: Nemen is devoid of sentient habitation. The elements take their toll on the cities and landmarks of the Moon Elves, turning the once magnificent cities into rubble and ruins.
*5363: First colony of Hilosyphs is established on the island of Huohon, which the Hilosyphs pronounce “Gugon*”.
*5379: Hilosyphs establish a settlement on Nemen Island, building upon the ruins of the Elves at Chirath.
*5456: Marith, now Mareet, the ancient Elvish capital of Nemen becomes an agricultural center of the Nemen colony.
*5494: Hod’halén Cave is rediscovered, Gordhalen in Hilosyph. The mines, although partially depleted by Elvish mining efforts, still bring high yields for the empire.
*5500-7000: Nemen, especially the Port of Qurat, as Chirath was termed in the Hilosyph tongue, becomes a center of trade in the rapidly expanding empire.
*8021: The wrath of Harum completely destroys the Nemen colony and most of the rest of the Hilosyph Empire. Only smoldering ruins remain of Qurat and Mareet.
*8021-9025: Islands deserted once again.
*9000: The cataclysm; ruins are damaged even further.
*9000: A group of Bronn, the slaves of the Hilosyphs, is able to escape and travel to Nemen.
*9025: When the game starts, 25 years after the cataclysm, the Pajonn, as they call themselves, have developed a simple society and occupy approximately 4 square kilometers surrounding Qurat.
Note (*): The Hilosyph Empire had vast knowledge of world history; they had thousands of volumes covering, in depth, the history of all of Voran and most of western Minartan. When Hilosyph settlers arrived in the Nemen chain, they had accurate knowledge of the former Elvish names and adopted them, often with slight changes to better suit the harsher, harder language the Hilosyphs were accustomed with. The Bronns later adopted these Hilosyph names.
== '''6. Race''' ==
The inhabitants of Nemen, the first player race, are named ((Pajonn)). They are descendants of the Bronn slaves under the Hilosyph Empire in the region of southern Voran known as Nalor Thaan. In the 25 years since their migrations, they have established a small settlement covering a region of about 4 square kilometers surrounding the Port of Qurat.
== '''7. Glossary of New Terms Introduced in this Document''' ==
*'''Aioth:''' Elvish name for the Ayos River.
*'''Anuthena:''' Elvish name for Anutmi
*'''Anutmi:''' Westernmost island of the Nemen Chain.
*'''Ayos River:''' The smaller river of Nemen flowing southeast from the northern highlands.
*'''Boulder of Harath:''' Elvish name for the Boulder of Garaht.
*'''Boulder of Garaht:''' A large boulder placed on the Kadmoin River to divert part of it’s flow *towards the (then Elvish) city of Qurat.
*'''Bronn:''' The slave race oppressed by the Hilosyphs for thousands of years.
*'''Chanuin:''' Elvish name for the Kadmoin River.
*'''Chirath:''' The Elvish name for Qurat.
*'''Dark Elves:''' The Elves who split from the Moon Elves and built an empire on the island of *Lanuin.
*'''Gordhalen Cave:''' An ancient, natural mine in the northern face of Mt. Gorhalen.
*'''Gugon:''' The island of the Nemen Chain between Nemen and Anutmi.
*'''Harinatra:''' The “wet season” of Nemen.
*'''Hilosyph:''' A once powerful empire based in Nalor Thaan in southern Voran.
*'''Hod’halén Cave:''' The Elvish name for Gordhalen Cave.
*'''Huohon:''' Elvish name for Gugon.
*'''Kadmoin River:''' The larger of Nemen’s two rivers, flowing from the Northern Highlands to *Nemen’s eastern coast.
*'''Leuribach:''' Elvish name for Loribak.
*'''Loribak:''' The smallest, easternmost island of the Nemen Chain.
*'''Macreador:''' The dry season of Nemen.
*'''Mareet:''' An ancient Elvish and later Hilosyph agricultural city in the midst of the Eastern *Prairie.
*'''Marith:''' Elvish name for Mareet.
*'''Moon Elves:''' The “purer” branch of the Elves which continues to live in the High Realm.
*'''Mt. Durmien:''' A hill in the midst of the Western Jungle. 250 m.
*'''Mt. Gordhalen:''' The Nemen’s largest mountain, situated in the northeastern part of the island, *at 400 m.
*'''Mt. Tutollen:''' A mountain just northeast of Mt. Gordhalen. 325 m.
*'''Namhas:''' The first of the Elder Gods; God of Balance and Justice.
*'''Nemen Chain:''' A string of islands between the Zumal Peninsula and Terennir. Consists of, *from west to east: Anutmi, Gugon, Nemen, Loribak.
*'''Nemen:''' The largest island in the Nemen Chain, between Gugon and Loribak.
*'''Neuínel:''' The Elvish name for Nemen.
*'''Pajonn:''' The descendants of the Bronn escapees who settled on Qurat.
*'''Port of Qurat:''' A port city in southern Nemen near the border between the Eastern Prairie and *Western Jungle.
*'''Quiet Sea:''' The sea south of the Nemen Chain.
*'''Sea of Tears:''' The sea north of the Nemen Chain.
updated on this 12th of December, 2002 by [ sweatshop]
A [ heightmap].
The [ rendered heightmap] with highest point 400m.
A sideview of same [ rendered hightmap].
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Original text file: NinCalaris.txt
The name Nin-Calaris is used of two places: firstly, it is the region left between the Calarian Mountains and the rivers Chlesidrin and Dianau; but the name has also come to mean the empire of the Chreith which constitutes of Nin-Calaris, the Danheir peninsula, the White Isles off its southern coast, the northern borderland of Arcerau, the narrow strip of land between the Calarian mts. and the Azure Lakes, and, depending on who you ask, the much-disputed Beraur (Brearon) area.
The central part of Nin-Calaris around Sannair is extensively farmed. Much forest has given way to farmland. Toward the eastern moors the soil gets less fertile; the eastern coastal lowlands are practically uninhabited due to the unpredictable spring floods. ''(Cataclysm note: the eastern shoreline moved inland in the cataclysm, sinking two major cities and effectively rendering the coastland uninhabited. One of these cities, Chirand, was located at the place now known as the Chirandian Shoal.)''
In the west the Calarian Mountains separate the mainland from the Azure Lakes. The range, whose highest peaks reach approx. 5500 feet, houses extensive mineral reserves (including iron, the rare sithar and possibly others), actively mined by the Chreith.
The narrow strip of land between the Azures and the western slopes of the mountains boasts a rather different, almost subtropical climate. The inhabitation in the swampy coast strip is concentrated in a number of harbours, which are central to the mining trade - the ores brought down from the mines are processed and shipped through the Lakes, mainly to Jarpin on the Althainon side of the border.
The northern Arcerau was annexed to the chrein empire in the year (something). The river Adu, flowing from the Azure Lakes to the Bay of Sustin, marks its northern border, as well as that of the chrein sphere of influence. The only year-round ford across the Adu is Nagat's Ford (Alei Nagatir in Chrein, named after the chrein warlord to whom the annexation of Arcerau is attributed). An important military outpost and trade center (or bottleneck, depending on whether you ask the officials or the traders heading south), it is one of the wealthier chrein cities due mostly to the taxes imposed on imported goods. The rest of the inhabitation in Argerau is concentrated along the southward highway. There's some agricultural activity, but the population is generally on the scant side. ''(Cataclysm note: the ford over Adu used to be well guarded, and travellers usually taxed. With most of the city in ruin and the people predominantly concerned with survival, the ford isn't watched closely anymore. Pretty much anyone can get through.)''
The southern Danheir is the historical center of the Chreith. Dian, the capital perched on top of the steep sea cliffs, is a very old city boasting exquisite stone architecture and a large harbour (Cataclysm note: a third of the city slid into the ocean when some of the cliffs collapsed underneath it.), but it is the city of Lyrenter which commands the most attention. The city is built almost entirely upon four stone bridges, suspended over the rivers Dianau and Miren. It was originally designed as a fortress against the threats from Althainon and the orcish kingdom beyond, but as the chrein relations to Althainon improved, the city started attracting merchants and traders with its excellent central location. ''(Cataclysm note: you'll never guess what happened to the bridges. Approximately 5% of the city's population survive.) (Gameplay note: Lyrenter, or what's left of it, is the #1 player start location for Nin-Calaris)''
There is another page for NinCalarisHistory
Author: Darshan
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Original text file: Onyx.txt
A black smooth stone mined from ((Mountains Of The Malediction)) in the ((Arctic)). This is a highly prized stone by the ((Trolls)) and is used for there idols to there many gods. The stone also can be used in magical spells, and is usualy for black magic or evil magic.
Physical Properties
*Dense black rock of volcanic nature.
*density of 10.38 g/mL
*Very durable rock, can be shaped with metal tools
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Original text file: OrcContainers.txt
Orc's make use of several materials for containers, traditionally they used stone (including crystals), clay and wood to create there equipment. With the modern advent of glass making technologies some Orc’s possibly might adapt to use it.
The physical shape of Orcish containers is from a practical standpoint. They do not spend much time with any single object, and finish it only to the point that it is useable. Some of the more intellectually advanced Orc’s might ordain there work with calligraphic writings and runes according to there house’s tradition.
Crystals are often used for long term storage of chemicals that are reactive enough to react with other bottle materials. But because crystals are very rare and expensive, they do not use many of them and only for the most expensive hard to make compounds. Crystals are also very strong so are not ideally suited for throwing at objects to release a compound when the bottle breaks on it, throwing potions.
Crystal vials are made by hollowing out the center of a crystal and then fashioning a crystal stopper to insert into the hole. The method for hollowing the center of a crystal is using strong metal tools to drill a hole down the center then continue to scrape the insides to widen them. It is a long process and larger vials can take weeks to months to complete. This makes the prices of these vials fairly expensive in the orc culture and if any orcish container gets decorative marks it would be these.
To combat that orc’s developed a very complex, for there culture, method of glazing clay bottles. The glazing technique is only known by a handful of very skilled alchemists and closely guarded. The glazed clay containers are able to store the most volatile of substances for up to a couple months before the substance can breach the vessel. Because of this they are ideally suited for throwing potions since they break on contact and release there contents.
Containers are developed for every possible purpose, from big wooden jars to hold dry materials to large glazed clay pots to hold wet materials. Small crystal viles for holding extracted compounds, to fist size glazed jars for throwing potions.
The alchemical practices of Orcs almost solely revolved around war applications, since the Orcish race is a warring brutal race. They deal with a lot of volatile compounds and have created some very interesting equipment to handle these compounds.
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Original text file: Orcs.txt
Orcs haven't been fully designed.
They do however look like this:
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Original text file: Orichalcum.txt
Extracted from the ((Necrolyte)) race description.
Their bones, however, are not fragile because their marrow is replaced with "focus": precious and rare minerals (gold, platinum, orichalcum...), which bind Necrolyte's spirit with his physical shell.
Someone should expand this into more detail and link it to the necrolyte page.
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Original text file: OsthelianPixies.txt
Osthelien Pixies are strange multi-dimensional creatures which live in the island of Osthel. These little creatures were created by some power ful ancient race to guard three magical obelisks. Their form generally resembles a small angelic figure surrounded with the flaming halo. How ever, they are rarely seen for they, and their halo, are both invisible.
Because pixies are ethereal creatures they have limited ability to chan ge their form - in this case either reduce or increase their size. When seen their height can vary from 20 cm to 60 cm. All pixies of Osthel ha ve small bird wings which color varies from pure white to ebony. Their body is slender and little blurred because of their halo, making it dif ficult to see any specific details. Color of the halo is strange mixtu re of both colors depending on pixies type, white pixies have halo that has white as dominant color but corners are black and black pixies have vice versa. They have hair but it is mixed with their halo. They have no normal eyes - only eye holes filled with blue energy.
Multi-dimensional nature gives pixies great advantages: They exist both in spirit world and normal world at same time, although they can phase out from normal world and then return to same or some other place allo wing them to "blink" from one place to another. Because they have ethe real body, they can't be harmed with non-magical attacks. Pixies attack with shooting powerful blast of energy. This energy contains all energy damagetypes plus causes mental damage. Pixies can also charm their ene mies and when not invisible, energy which whirls around them causes con fusion to all onlookers. Surrounding halo causes damage to all who come closer than one meter from pixie. Pixies don't speak but they can commu nicate with telepathy. They see invisible persons, sense magic and see in dark.
=== SOCIETY ===
Osthelian Pixies live only in a island of Osthel where they guard three magical obelisks called as the Pillars of Magic(). Pixies themselves live in a City of Dreams() which was made by powerful ancient race, the same race which created pixies and obelisks. Pixies do not have any organized society or leaders for those who study magic do it by themselves and tho se who guard the obelisks can act without leaders. Besides pixies do not need anything but energy which they get enough from the obelisks.
Although pixies were meant only for guardians of the obelisks they no longer do only that. Magic which created them was the same magic as in obelisks and while that magic still exists it slowly started to change pixies giving them own willpower. This lead to situation that pixies e ventually started to feel curiousity towards the city and the obelisks.
Because obelisks and the city itself posesses great magical knowledge it was only matter of time when these now wilfull pixies started the study of magic. Now pixies are separated to two groups, to those who still de vote their whole life in guarding of the obelisks and to those who live in the city and study magic, though these too still understand value of the obelisks. No matter how curious some pixies may be, none of them has ever left from the island of Osthel.
Pixies have only one meaning for they life - to guard obelisks, or so it was meant to be. However, when pixies then separated to two groups also their viewpoints changed a little. Those who guard the obelisk are more aggressive and will attack all who try to approach the obelisks and tho se who decided to study magical knowledge are more curious and may even show themselves to outsiders and give information to them or even teach spells in exchange of knowledge. Pixies do not usually allow anyone to enter in the City of Dreams for two reason; first is that guardians do not want anyone to come that close to the obelisks and second is that researcher pixies don't want to reveal knowledge inside the city, and also they still value obelisks.
*Pixies who guard the obelisks should always attack against all others, except those of their own race, who approach obelisks.
*Researchers may reveal themselves and even teach spells, spell symbols or give information in exhange of knowledge.
*Both pixies will attack against those who try to get inside their ci ty without permission.
*Black pixies are more unpredictable (chaotic neutral) than white pixies (lawful neutral)
*City of Dreams and Pillars of Magic should have link to their descs after I write them.
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Original text file: Pages.txt
= Orphaned pages =
= Deleted/empty pages =
[[! ~]]
= Wanted pages =
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Original text file: Pantheon.txt
= Gods =
The gods are common in Majik. They are real and that is a fact. Even lowly peasants may have seen a god (well, if they're lucky enough) and thus there are no people who decree that some individual god exists as opposed to other gods. Instead, people who worship a certain god are in faith that their god is the right one to worship. However, the new lesser gods might not be well-known and their worshippers might need to demostrate their powers to get more followers and make the god more widely known, or they might need to do the same if the god they are worshipping has a reputation of an idle god, a god who just sleeps and doesn't hear his mortal followers or grant any powers, no matter how fervent the worshipper is. Thus, everyone in Majik knows quite well all the gods and their individual personalities.
The gods are personalities. They do not have alignment nor do they have any exact spheres of influence. A god of forest could burn its own forest and eat the all children of nearby tribes if he wants to do so but as he loves the forest and wants to keep his followers, he will not do that. Gods might even get in trouble with other gods, particularly gods whose "spheres of influence" are in some sort of conflict. The gods are usually quite jealous about their territory. The mortal worshippers pick a god whose motives are similar in some way with their own motives, they do not pick a god by their alignment or anything else. Thus, there actually are no gods of forests, gods of death, or gods of fishermen, instead there are gods who like the forests, gods who like death, gods who like fishermen, but they are not bound only to those. They may change their mind if they want to. They can do whatever they want, at a cost of their followers and fellow gods' dislike. They however must have an initial personality and a bunch of stuff they like before they even try to start roleplaying their role. That is what the mortals expect the god to do and that is why they may worship the god.
By this way we don't need to have a god for every sphere of influence we can think of. There is no need. As said before, mortals do not pick a god by their sphere of influence, they pick a god by their motives and the way they see the world.
The lesser gods, gods and greater gods only differ in that they need
to pay a varying share of their divine points to the higher ranking ones and that is quite automatical and the initial amount of divine points and followers they have (no lesser god may have a whole race behind it). So if a lesser god gains divine points, a share of them are spread over all the gods and when a god gains divine points a share of them are spread over all the greater gods. This way the higher ones can always get divine points without actually having any followers. A lesser god can however get more divine points than the average amount the higher gods possess; and then it's time for the greater gods to think about the advancement of this lesser god to a higher rank, and also think about who to replace the thus former lesser god with, and that replacement is chosen among the mortals, most likely the former lesser god's best ranking worshipper. The gods who only idle can become forgotten ones, and in practice this means that players will really forgot them as well. They can however make a come back whenever they like.
= Gods Influence Over Mortals =
Each mortal is first pure and good, blessed with the wondrous gift of birth by Aluna and Dazzt, but the forces of darkness, those led by Lord Sinister, may he be shunned by those who walk in light, ominously seek to tip the scale. Mandor, the Shadow-Son, makes it so that each mortal is, to some extent, chronically famished with a hunger for power and respect. Some resist this, those that give in to the temptations of the dark side become selfish, arrogant, vague and subtle.
Those beastly things who carry out their goal for power, viewed as fornicators by the powers of light and healing, take advantage of others to improve their own positions. The reward is a crooked feeling of righteousness and superiority, and material gain; a dark little stinging fist to the already bruised face of Aluna, but a source of joy for Mandor.
But the light-filled gods understand. They, instead, reward mortals with pleasant connections to other mortals, and a peaceful life. Groups are strong. Those that are part of a group are strong, and this is the nature of the strength of good. Only those who help the innocent, only those who give of their own to others, only those who heal the injured have a place among the light-filled halls of Aluna, where eternal serenity, peace and warmth fill the beautiful hearts and bodies of the little angels who once were men. And may it be known to all, that while Aluna is great in her sense of compassion, she too is vain and subtle, and it takes effort and allegiance to appear on her good side.
Those, who do not consider this world to be worthy of their influence, and do not give of their own, and do not follow the paths set before them so clearly, and are desolate and will not bow their heads for no-one, become the lost ones. Those, who are deafened by the loud calls of the halls of the dead find their strength in Yorkaturr. Some, in their madness, come to this situation willingly, some come to this situation after they fall from grace or power, some live in shame, some in hate or blasphemy, many in vengeful indifference. All of these, it is true, are welcome to the unholy hordes; and all of these despise the living. What a convenient ending it is for the life of one, who so hates, to slay, and rend, and ravage in mindless hatred; and what little difference it makes to be but a pulsating heap of flesh...
Then there are those who fall between. Those, who are not given the gift of power, or those who do not think they are worthy. Those, who are so detached from the struggle between the gods, eventhough it is certainly visible to them, that only Namhas cares for them. It is so with scholars, who know but do not meddle, magicians, who meddle but do not know, warriors, who meddle but do not care, and all the meaningless little toilers, who do not meddle and do not know, but might care. Some might call these people ignorant, others call them wise and neutral. It is, in this case, from the point of view of the rivalling gods, a twisted competition where the gods seem to appeal to the mortals. The light-filled ones give them the choice of being helpful to their fellows, and the dark ones set out with much more concrete lures. But, in many cases where a mortal of this kind is involved, nothing is gained.
= Priesthood =
As Majik is free from character class-distinction, there are no "priests" or "clerics" by trade or ability like in other roleplaying games. One can fight and be a mage at same time without actual penalties and so one can be a fighter and at same time magically heal his wounds. The priests in Majik are not however only healers. They may be almost anything. Even the most lowly peasants can pray for their gods and most fervent ones of those can receive special powers and thus heal or kill people using the powers of their god.
The picture is simple: a mortal sacrifices stuff for the god, the god receives divine points and becomes stronger and when the god is stronger it can do more things. It can then grant more powers to his follower or choose to do things on his own. In this way, mortals are responsible for the ability of their god. Mortals can also make their god stronger by, for example, trying to attain more suitable followers or by doing quests for the god. The point here is to get the god more powerful and at the same time hoping to gain the god's favor. When the god actually notices that a certain mortal is actually doing something useful, he might then answer to the mortal's prayers if they are not too demanding of the god's powers. When the god sees a certain mortal as a very valuable mortal indeed, the god can grant special powers that are appropriate for the god's motives. A god who likes to see people dead can give the mortal a special power to unleash a powerful bolt to kill people as many times he wants to, except that every time the mortal uses the special ability it drains the god's power, and so if the mortal uses the power too much, or if the mortal uses the power for not appropriate reasons the god can get angry and even kill the mortal.
If a god has a religion, an organized structure behind him, then these levels of power are pre-defined, but however, the god usually is the who decides the mortal's advancement, or if the religion is just too large for the god to handle, he may have given authorities to his high-ranking members to be responsible for adjusting the ranks without even asking for divine permission. But again if the god comes to know that his powers are abused, you can only guess what will happen.
To distinguish the priest as a dedicated profession or character class, the god may not see it appropriate for the priest to do mundane things like being a powerful fighter (if the god doesn't care about fighting), or researching magic and similar things, the god may ask the mortal to end those if the mortal is to remain on the god's good side, and this is quite usual. So, it is not likely to see a high priest partying with other mortals and killing dragons. The high priest usually comes out of his deity's temple to convert people to his religion or to do some quest. This dedicating restriction is also true for those who worship more than one god. The gods are very jealous of their territory and if they see that their followers are worshipping some other god, they can become angry for those without second thought. There is, of course, an exception if those gods are friends to each other and shares similar motives.
= List of Gods =
*((Aluna)) (Sun, Light)
*((Namhas)) (World, Balance, Justice)
*((Sinister)) (Night, Darkness, Destruction, Mayhem)
*((Dalia)) (Shadows)
*((Mandor)) (Lies)
*((Dazzt)) (Healing)
*((Harum)) (War)
*((Shinael)) (Nature)
*((Yorkaturr)) (Undead, Death)
*((Darshan)) (Mind)
*((Warc)) (Dreams)
*((Protector)) (Oblivion, Visions)
*((Ghadar)) (The Dream Serpent, Guardian of Dreams)
Gods that have not been assigned to a player - pick freely!
*The Goddess of Fertility and Lust
*Shanta, The Sand Goddess
*Hadarah, The God of Murdered Souls
*The Goddess of Feminity and Beauty
*The God of Masculinity and Strength
*The God of Oceans
*The Goddess of Rivers
Ancients (a.k.a the Sages)
*((Maelvor)), The Shifter
*Eleril, The Indescribable
*((Brethel)), The Cartographer
There is a bit more of unassigned Gods, find them from the WorldBook!
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Original text file: Pegasai.txt
Pegasai are a legendary specie of winged-horses. They resembles otherwise
a slender horse but they have two long feathered wings. Pegasai are about
same size as normal (täysiveriset) horses. Color of the hide is always whi
te or little bluish. (Sakakorkeus) is about 160cm and weight 95kg. This is
because Body of Pegasai is magically enchanted so that it weights much mo
re less than it should. Pegasai have long slender neck which ends in a nob
le head. Chest is deep and wide and (harja) and tail are long. Pegasai are
not only strong and durable fliers but they are also good runners.
Wing is usually about 170 cm long and structure is quite same as in a bird
wing: Wings are attached to wingbones which resemble human hand. Flyinacre
age consist of numerous (limittaiset) arm- and forearm feathers, which are
connected to wingbones, and of shoulderfeathers which are attached to hume
rus. Wing is more convex above which allows forthcoming air stream raise
flyer upwards and makes gliding easier. In actual fly it is important that
when wing strikes downwards feathers bend to dense surface but when wing
strikes up they turn so that air flows interlocked through them.
Eventhough their wings may seem to be large enough, they are actually too
small to carry their weight. However, it is said that flying ability of pe
gasai is not solely based on wings but magic. Some mountain races use pega
sai as a mount but this is rare because they do not tame easily and they
tend to escape when they got a chance, besides they can't carry much weight
while flying - only 70kg or so.
Pegasai are ancient creatures whose origins lie in the time of the first
races. They are somewhat magical creatures and old writings claim that pe
gasai were orginally born when the divine magic of air was mixed with the
spells of an ancient race and their pet mounts.
Pegasai are very freedom loving creatures and they do not tame easily. Pe
gasai usually try to avoid all other races except rare mountain races and
elven races which may, in rare occassions, use them as a mounts.
Pegasai tend to shun other creatures and usually they can't be seen. They
don't go to narrow or otherwise closed places where they can't move freely
or escape. If a pegasai (ahdistettu) in a such place it will try to break
out through obstacles and even fight but when it gets change to escape, it
will do so.
Because they are creation of an ancient race and were also their pets, the
re are some ancient spells and items which posses power to call a pegasai.
If one posseses these spells pegasai might serve him/her as a mount. (Note
Sages might have these spells since it is suggested that they are remnants
of ancient races, however, not all of them should have these spells)
Pegasai live in a mountain areas and other high places where they use moun
tain plants as their foodsource. Pegasai are rare creatures but they usual
ly live in a small packs of 5 to 10, searching safety and power from the
Pegasai can mate with eachother when offspring will be pegasai. They can
also mate with normal horse animals but offsprings will be normal animals
though those offsprins tend to be (valioyksiloita). Even if pegasai mate
with eachother there is only small chance that offspring will born and
chance is even lower if they mate with other horse animals.
Pegasai are not immortal but they have very long live span: from about 300
to 400 hundred years. Their immunitu to diseases and poisons and their ex
ceptional regeneration ability usually grants them a long healthy life.
''Quick role-playing tips''
Pegasai are extremely difficult to find and even if found they usually es
cape. They do not go to narrow or tigth places but if cornered they will
fight but only as long as neccesary. Pegasai will respond to some ancient
calling spells which sages and mortals may posses but they can't be usual
ly tamed. Exceptions are few mountain races who live near pegasai and el
ves. They can carry only 70kg extra weight.
''Game statistics''
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Original text file: PlantTemplate.txt
Plant template deals with all sort of living matter that is not a creature. This includes, but is not limited to, flowers, fungi, moss, reeds, trees etc. It also includes herbal and nutritional uses and parts of a plant such as berries, use of berries for brewing, healing properties of a tree bark and the like. The plant template also deals with carnivorous plants, but not with plant monsters, such as living trees. It is easy to draw a line between a plant and a creature as eveything that has intelligence and daily activity cycle is a creature and the rest are plants.
When creating a plant, remember that it is indeed a plant that you are creating, not some part of it. So for example when creating a blueberry plant, you are actually creating the blueberry plant, not the blueberry, which is a berry. With most plants this is not a problem but for example fungi and certain root crops may cause problems. You should be creative while designing a plant, but remember that not all plants have specific uses and that not all plants need to be unique. It is completelly acceptable to descripe plants from the real world.
Though plant template includes material uses of a plant (ie oak is a good material for building), it does not include the material information (ie volume, material properties and such) which belong to the material template. If the plant has some specific (magical or metamagical) property, try to give a reason for the property and add it into origins part, an example might be a tree that was blessed by darshan and protects dreams of those who sleep next to it.
Finally you should also add all static information required by the coders. So far these include at least Altitude, Latitude and Rainfall as Hook's animal and plant distribution formulas require them.
Example plant: ((Narbeleth))
*Generic info/desc
*Accurate description for modelling (size, colors)
*Climate/Terrain where found (temperature, terrain)
*Feeds/Fed by (animals that use as a food source or that uses as a food source)
*Life cycle & Season info (reprod, lifespan)
*Visual aids
*If something notable
*Alchemical uses (ie crushed leaves for glowpowder, repels vermin)
*Material uses (ie stalk for paper)
*Medical uses (cures flu)
*Nutritional uses (ie berries edible)
*Other uses (ie poisonous, blessed by a god, repels undead)
|| '''Growth period:''' || Annual / Perennial / Bi-annual ||
|| '''Reproduction age (Perennial only):''' || Second year of growth ||
|| '''Pollination method:''' || Self ||
|| '''Flowering season:''' || Fall ||
|| '''Seed dispersal method:''' || Wind ||
|| '''Rate of growth:''' || plant mass doubles in ideal conditions every year. ||
|| '''Maximum size:''' || 5cm blades flower spike of 12cm ||
|| '''Eaten by:''' || All plant eaters ||
|| '''Eats:''' || N/A ||
|| '''Properties:''' || None. ||
|| '''Frequency:''' || Very common ||
|| '''Climate/Terrain:''' || dry to damp soil, damp soil grows better, bright sun to shady. ||
|| '''Altitude range:''' || Limits currently unknown ||
|| '''Latitude range:''' || Limits currently unknown ||
|| '''Rainfall range:''' || Limits currently unknown ||
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Original text file: Plantkind.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything that has to do with plantlife, growth, seeds of growth, but also the withering, organic and earth-bound.
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Original text file: PlayerActions.txt
We need to gather a list of everything that a player is able to do while playing majik. After the list seems somewhat complete, we can start thinking if the actions are interesting and fun (or not fun, but rewarding) enough to be implemented as-is or do they need to be rethought.
== List of actions ==
(please add any)
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Original text file: PlayerGroups.txt
First of all, the reason WHY we want players to organize into mobs and fight each other is because they will do it regardless of our efforts. People have an inherent quality of forming groups, and this is something we can absolutely rely upon. There's nothing that will make the individual feel more proud than a display of power justified by a supreme authority. Therefore it is only smart of us to provide them with a number of templates for this purpose. Of course, one could argue that communities only exist in our heads, and are formed through communication and such, but we can't rely on every player being able to role-play to such challenging extent. Besides, people form nations, churches, families, tribes, cities and whatnot all the time. They have names and definitions for their groups and organizations. We must be able to provide the players with the motivation that accomplishes this. And that's where the "how" comes in.
Player community systems should be hard-coded into the gaming system. Period. A gaming system where people would be a part of something upon verbal agreement would have a rather shallow identity, and the individual members would have very little to identify with (to be proud of). Just like in real life, each community must have a name and a purpose. Its own unique habits, values and such. The real challenge here lies in providing the players with the proper motivation that is needed in order for this to succeed. Some proposed initial ideas are:
*Religions. Religions form churches. Churches have a very strong identity, because it is directly dictated by a god. Therefore, it is always righteous, and everyone who disagrees with God's teachings is a heathen, and should be cast down from his arrogance! Of course, this route is not necessarily enforced by all Gods with the same intensity, but as all Gods rival each other and want power, this will always happen to some extent. Concrete motives for religious groups to target each other, apart from the fun part of killing infidels, would be that their God would reward them. Rewards can be such things as items, higher positions in the church that will yield more spells and better types of praying, permanent blessings of various types (these could affect stats, skills, or even give the players new abilities that mortals don't usually have, such as levitation or invisibility).
*Races. Concrete motives of races rivaling each other wouldn't only be about playing roles, it would also be about convenience. As players might not know each others' languages for example, the only way they would be able to benefit from each other would be killing each other and stealing each others' items, blueprints etc. Maybe, like in Dark Age of Camelot, we could contribute a number of relics for different races. These could be very powerful items that affect the owner race in some manner. A good enough reason to pursue all orcs would be that maybe, just maybe, that big orc over there has the magickal Supreme Orb of Orcish Rule +5 willpower. Cities of different races could also have war standards (flags) and such, and the standards in a town could improve it's features, like food production, level of npc guards etc, somehow in addition to being trophies etc.
*Schools. Because skills are taught by masters to disciples, we will have several masters or teachers who have a whole bunch of loyal apprentices. There are many skills in Majik that can/must be learned from other players. Such things would include unique combat styles, magic, artwork, craftsmanship etc. These would form groups that would jealously protect their trade secrets ... and prevent anyone from abusing them. This is contributed to by players of different cultural backgrounds having different initial skills and item creation blueprints. The motives for masters to rival with each other could be, in addition to glory and fame, that people would have to pay membership fees to join these groups, and all members, especially teachers, would profit from them. Also, the benefits of a large school would be high availability of training (more people would join) and high quality of training (people would stay once they have joined).
*Spheres of Power. The Truename spheres. These humongous orbs are a real treat, because they can change ownership rather quick, can easily be protected, and have a very concrete and well-defined use (learning a true name is only possible with these orbs). I can well imagine people looking after these.
*Houses. These could be formed by players who have "real life" connection with each other, or for some other not-so-well-defined reason. They would have little or no specific purpose, but they would have a very high sense of identity and a very high state of companionship. They would rival among each other just because the heck of it.
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Original text file: Politics.txt
= Where does all this stem from? =
Formal political entities are initially in the form of single cities. Cities can increase their areas of influence by expanding internally or by taking over other cities, thus forming larger areas of influence. New cities can be formed by building a city hall and attaching buildings to it. The attaching of buildings to a city is usually done voluntarily by the players who built the buildings (the game engine knows the owner of the city), but some authorities can do it as well. This always includes going to the city hall and filling out a writ of ownership with the ruler's seal on it. Buildings can only be registered from within a certain radius from the borders of the city, and this radius is proportionate to the influence factor of the city.
= Why does one want to create a city? =
The forming of a formal city enables the people in the city to enjoy many features provided by the game engine. These include automatic listings of a city's resources, the viewing of accurate areas of influence, proper, formal titles acknowledged by certain superior authorities, NPC guard assignments, taxation and automatic bookkeeping of the city's monetary situation, etc.
= Who controls it? =
Players are in charge of formal cities. The founders of a city first gain formal titles by being recognized at the Council of Namhas, and these initial founders can name more nobles based on their personal amount of respect and limited by the city's influence factor.
= The Council of Namhas =
The Council of Namhas is a globally recognized supreme political and religious authority, whose members are the highest ranking leaders of organized religions. Its responsibilities include the official recognition of the birth and destruction of new cities and in that context the naming of the highest, initial political leaders of cities, the recognition of transfers of political power due to invasions, the set borders of cities, and many other things political. The Council of Namhas has local branches, though sporting global influence, due to pragmatic, geographical reasons.
= How to invade other cities? =
Invading groups of buildings that are not formally recognized is simple: build a city hall in the middle of the area and assign every building under it yourself. The original owners of the territory might not like it though... Invading cities that are formally recognized by the Council of Namhas is more difficult, and it includes invading the city hall of the target city as well as the steps mentioned above. The peaceful exchange of buildings in cities is done so that the original owner of the building first releases it from under its power so that it becomes an unregistered building, and then the new owner registers the building from under his rule.
= Then, what happens if you have two separate cities both under the same authority? =
The biggest reason for having separate locations for cities instead of a huge network of buildings is limited resources. You can't have money without precious metals or minerals, you can't have buildings without wood or rock, nor can you have food without nature or farmlands. There always must be one city hall per each city, and the amount of city halls and the combined influence of the individual cities dictates the amount of extra ruling buildings that can be built. Note: CAN be built. There can be a state that is nothing but a bunch of separate cities under different rulers, but more city halls allows more rulers. For example (amount of city halls):
*1 Baron
*2 Barons, 1 Lord
*3 Barons, 1 Lord
*4 Barons, 2 Lords, 1 Count
*5 Barons, 2 Lords, 1 Count
*6 Barons, 3 Lords, 2 Counts
*7 Barons, 3 Lords, 2 Counts
*8 Barons, 4 Lords, 2 Counts, 1 Duke
*9 Barons, 4 Lords, 3 Counts, 1 Duke
*10 Barons, 4 Lords, 3 Counts, 2 Dukes, 1 Prince
These titles are dependant on race and culture, the above was only an example
= What about civil wars, coups and usurping? =
This is always done by violence, and requires overthrowing the throne of the current leader. This requires gaining control of the building of the biggest ruler in the land. However, the downside of usurping a high authority is that the inhabitants might not like it...
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Original text file: Polium.txt
An crystalline metallic mineral found in the high mountains of ((Mt. Gordhalen)).
It can be used for Earth class spells. Its found in a difficult to reach area so its not likely a newbie would come in contact with it unless it was given to him or someone dropped it somewhere else in the world.
Physical properties:
*Metalic, Dull Silver Color
*Heavy metal, density of 23.8 g/mL
*Not malleable, very brittle.
*Melting point is 3035 C
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Original text file: Races.txt
This section is for all intelligent beings that inhabit the post-cataclysmic world of Majik.
* ((Dwarves))
* ((Elves))
** DarkElves
** MoonElves
* ((Felmur))
* ((Felion))
* ((Humans))
** ((Althainions))
** ((Brahjians))
** ((Chreith))
** ((Dachoi))
** ((Hilosyph))
** ((Tore'e))
** ((Pajonn))
* ((Gwelthorians))
* ((Maluks))
* ((Necrolytes))
* ((Orcs))
* OsthelianPixies
* ((Sulkarii))
* ((Trolls))
* ((Umulin))
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Original text file: Ramgir.txt
A complex alloy of volcanic minerals found in the vicinity of certain areas of high volcanic activity - mainly ((Tragothar)) and some southern islands.
(Extracted from ((Thalamon)) region description by Darshan)
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Original text file: RawMaterials.txt
Examples of raw materials
*Cotton wool
*Iron ore
*Silver ore
*Gold ore
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Original text file: RegionTemplate.txt
Regions should include at least following things:
= Region Name =
= Description =
As Namhas wrote short desc should give overall description of the area. Please be true to map terrain when describing nature. (Though I suppose map can be changed too)
= Climate =
Climate in the area, you can use either the one in my climate desc (I don't recommend) or make own. We should make climates quite similar in close areas.
= Other Descriptions =
Other desc are for example following things:
*Extended area/climate desc
*History of the area
*Sentient races
*Landmarks, monuments, cities, etc.
I think these are quite self-explanatory. Landmarks will ease players to recognize areas; monuments might be some ruins of a client city etc. Cities should contain list of villages, cities town; everything which is build by somebody. I (or somebody el se) will later gather all flora, fauna, and resources to larger lists so they are required. History of area is quite important too, has anything significant happened in area? Like arrival/birth of race, cataclysm, magical event.
Use imagination when you make titles but remember that everyone should have same titles then. I'll require at least resource, flora, fauna lists (probably history too).
= Glossary =
This should contain any words or names that you have introduced within your desc such as the names of seasons names of races or monsters inhabiting the region etc or words used by the inhabitance. It is my hope and wish that a Majik dictionary will be created from all of these. Keep the definitions of the words and names within the glossary short and to the point. Long detailed descriptions should be contained within the other text of the region text. The purpose of the glossary is for quick reference and not for introducing new ideas that have not been described before in the preceding text of the region text.
= Area map =
This would be nice to have. It doesn't have to be very detailed or it could be a capture from our larger map.
= NOTE! =
If you make some magical enchantments in the area you really should give reasons for them. We don't want to see too much of these since magic in Majik should be quite rare and they should not be near common areas, only in places which are difficult to reach (those magical "fields" in elven lands and black waste are exceptions). This doesn't mean that area can't have any mysterious old temples or ruins of some ancient cities (which were built by ancestors of current races) because they make areas more interesting, but avoid exaggeration in this case too.
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Original text file: Regions.txt
= Regions of Majik =
The world map can be found here (((WorldMap)))
== Arctic ==
* IslesOfMalYei
* MalYargoth
** MalAidel
** MalIshua
* MalGatayi
* MalTikh
* MalYirith (((Necrolytes)))
* ((Myrrgor))
** MountainsOfTheMalediction (((Trolls)))
* ((Skalvind))
** BarrenIsles
** ((Odemynn))
* ((Erythia))
== ((Minartan)) ==
* ((Sol'daran))
** WesternIsles (((Vorack)))
** ThalAdim
** ThalEmen
** ((Zimr))
** ValeOfSadness
** ThalDiran
* ((Terennir))
* ((Meral))
** TheCraterLake (((Glarroks)))
* ((Gwaelmar)) (((Dwarves)))
* ((Thalamon))
** ((Delgrain))
*** GrayMoors
** ((Talaas))
*** TacitForest
** ((Parcithia))
** ((Tarac))
** PrairieOfDhyrin
** GroaningForest
* ((Dethzael))
** ((Skyghaim))
** SwampOfEnmity
* ((Dardalon))
** SwampOfPelnor
** TouchwoodMountains
== Eastern Isles ==
*((Lanuin)) (DarkElves)
*((Torell)) (((Tore'e)))
== Voran ==
* ((Djasim)) (((Djasimites)))
* NalorThaan (((Hilosyph)), ((Bronn)), ((FikBronn)))
**((Thjarr)) (((Goblins)))
*((Gean)) (((Dragons)))
== Eldiron ==
* ((Ghalimcar))
** DesertOfBrahjian (((Brahjians)))
** ((Zamurdi))
**LakeOfMemories (MoonElves)
*((Gwelthor)) (((Gwelthorians)))
*((Areon)) (((Areons)))
*NinCalaris (((Chreith)))
*((Althainon)) (((Althainions)))
== Hidden Isles ==
* CrescentIsles
* ((Osthel)) (OsthelianPixies)
* ((Borak))
== Central Waters ==
* QuietSea
* IslesOfVram (((Dachoi)))
* ((Estrean)) (((Dachoi)))
* ((Nemen))
* ((Vestian))
* ((Uzadri))
== Regions not listed in Beregar's region list ==
* BloodCoast
If you want to do one of these regions, click on the question mark after the name. If there is no question mark after the name, then there should be some text about the region. It doesn't mean that it is reserved and you can continue adding text there or just simply format it better or whatever you wish. After some of the regions there is a name of an race enclosed inside parenthesis, that only means that the region should be inhabited by the race specified, ie. a majority of people living in that region is of the race and in most cases it means that the region is also the homeland and starting location for the race.
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Original text file: Sages.txt
= The Ancients and the sages: History =
The basic idea after ancients and sages is as follows: Ancients were created by the greater gods, some for fun, some for servants and some because they helped gods to oversee things in the world while it was developing. Then there became a time when the gods no longer had need for ancients so ancients pretty much continued doing what they were doing, overseeing the world in spirit form, eventually gathering enough influence to become a lesser god.
Some ancients, now that they were free, decided to become "flesh". They assumed a form made of normal matter of the world while still remaining partly spiritual entities.
Aeons passed and new gods, former ancients, started to grow hungry for power. They started to fight with each other, devouring essence of those they conquered and thus gained more influence over elder god's creation, the world. These became God level gods, such as Shinael. So now there were ancients (those in flesh), lesser gods (former ancients), gods (former lesser gods) and greater gods, who had always been above others.
Fights between gods and lesser gods flared into full-scale war knon as the god wars. This was the time when many god level gods were blinded by their own power and thought they could topple the elder gods. The god wars lasted quite long, mostly because the elder gods really didn't have any interest in something that they saw as a petty squabble of their former servants. The God wars certainly wasn't a threat to them as no lesser level god could ever topple one who was not part of the creation itself, as was the case with these lesser beings who were former ancients.
While god wars continued, the remaining ancients (those in flesh) remained in physical form protecting the world from madness of the gods. It was in the end of the god wars when mortal beings were created and god wars pretty much ended then, partially because some of the elder gods took pretty harsh actions against lesser level gods but mostly because new gods had managed to destroy and consume essence of all but the most powerful (or secretive) of their brethren.
When mortals arrived to world (they were created by the new gods and some by the elder gods), the ancients took great interest in them educating and protecting these lesser beings. They appeared as members of the races, becoming their elders and sages of the race. This was before the cataclysm which was brought by the mortals who misused the knowledge and power taught them by the sages.
Cataclysm was possible only because most lesser gods and gods became too dependant on mortal worshippers. They were greatly weakened when heresy spread like a wildfire and mortals opened gateways summoning elder creature's created by the elder gods and new gods alike. These beings brought death and destruction, fire and brimstone to the world, and new gods, weakened by lack of faith either hid or were destroyed by mortals and their servants.
Ancients, those who lived among the mortals and brought the knowledge to them, were first to predict upcoming cataclysm. Some were destroyed by the mortals and their conjurations, some by gods and rest wisely hid in deep and hidden places, plotting revenge over those who had betrayed them, or perhaps hoping for a new beginning and new opportunity to teach mortals, this time for their own benefit.
= The Ancients and the sages: Lore =
Somewhere in the area and power class of demigods stand the Ancients. The Ancients are spirits, not necessarily members of any sentient race created (mostly) by the elder gods, who took a fleshly form before the war of the gods, which means they are very, very old as their name implies; some of them even older than some new gods and every one of them certainly older than any demigod or lesser god.
In the course of the world history, the Ancients have seen as others have waged war, they have lived during the creation and later interacted with the sentient races. Their powers, however, don't match that of the gods but their knowledge is vast, and their mastery over the art of magic near perfect. In their fleshly forms, the Ancients can be ancient beasts like dragons, great eagles, celestial spirits, moon elves, or some other unique, obscure and long lost creatures. They might even be the last surviving members of their own species. They are in no way limited by their mortal bodies, and they can have multiple forms.
The most powerful and the oldest of all Ancients are referred to as the Sages. Sages often serve greater powers. They might follow some god's agenda by leading mortals to goals set by the god, or they may serve no-one and seek to take over the world. They may even serve more than one god at same time, even if these gods have different philosophies and are rivals of each other, without the gods knowing of it. While the Sages often serve the gods they do not necessarily follow all the whims of the gods, other than namely, they do this fully knowing their value for the gods.
= The Ancients and the sages: Role =
In out-of-character terms, the Sages will be role-played by the designers and other people who would be out of tune should they be regular players. To understand the role of the Sages, it is first necessary to recognize the predominant situation of Majik's world. In short, it is very much unfinished. There is no great magic yet, there are only rumors and campfire tales. The Sages are the only group of people who possess any significant knowledge of magical lore. Whether they themselves want it or not, it is their responsibility to pass on their magical, and other, skills and knowledge to mortals. It is for them to choose how they will do it, but discreet ways of doing it are preferable. It has been conceived that the Sages will be specialized in certain magical styles and knowledge of their liking, otherwise there wouldn't be any point in having several sages, would there?
It is important that we have capable people role-playing the Sages as their role will be extremely influental in the development of Majik's world. Because of this same reason, the Sages must establish a council to supervise each other and to agree with their styles of teaching, as it is important that the Sages are not out of tune with each other. Also, the gods must supervise their actions constantly. In practice this means in-game communication as well as logging all actions of sages and their possible alternative characters.
Generally speaking, Sages must act solemnly and rationally in order to function as behavioral models for mortals and to ensure they enjoy the respect they deserve. For this, two immortal rules have been constructed:
*Thou shalt not carelessly give thy knowledge away.
*Thou shalt not speak lest thou art sure of thy words.
((Sages Book of Rules and Regulations))
Current List of Sages:
*((Lariano)) (sweatshop's sage)
Write a history for your sage character!
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Original text file: Sapphire.txt
A dark blue (large ones look almost black) aluminum oxide. The crystals in gem quality are exceedingly rare, but not as rare as diamonds. They have powerful magical powers dealing with earth and water. They usually cannot be bought and must be either found or traded. They come from the region of Gwaelmar where the local Dwarves regards them as sacred, and thus not many leave there control.
Physical Properties
*Gem quality sapphires usually don't exceed a 1 cm diameter. But its been heard of very large specimens being found and possibly used for powerful magical spells.
*Density is 7.92 g/mL
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Original text file: Shield.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything protective (though never everything reflective), as well as courage, firmness and confidence.
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Original text file: Sithar.txt
A goldlike metal found in ((Sol'Daran)) and in the ((Calarian Mountains)). It has a natural durability about it and is hard to break. It conducts very little heat and is thus of use as an insulating agent.
(Adapted from ((Thalamon)) region desc by Darshan)
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Original text file: SkillSystem.txt
= In A Nutshell =
Skills are arranged in a hierarchy called the skill tree. The root is a basic level of a skill class like "combat" or "magic". Each branch is more specialized part of the skill class. For example: melee and ranged are branches of a combat tree. The leaf nodes (ends) in the hierarchy are actual usable skills, but all the higher level nodes are abstract skills, ie. skills that don't actually exist in the game but serve to establish type relations between similar skills (eg. combat (abstract) -> melee (abstract) -> swords (abstract) -> 2-handed swords (actual skill)
From the server's point of view, skills are applied by performing a "skill check" whenever a specific task is given. The skill check is a mathematical calculation that involves taking the skill performer's skill chance, adding a random element, and taking into account the affecting circumstances, such as carried weight (penalty: ((Carried weight in KG / (Performer weight / 10)) * 10) - (Str / 2)). The result of the calculation is then applied to the situation.
The skill performer's capability in a given skill is determined by the amount of practical experience the person has in a skill and its parents, and is then finally affected by stats. This can is described as "skill chance".
Skills are roughly divided into mental and physical skills. A mental skill chance is affected by a character's current mental endurance level, and a physical skill chance is affected by a character's current physical endurance level.
The stat bonuses for a skill are specific to every individual skill, and are described for individual skills by associating bonus stats with affecting dividers that are scaled with each other. The calculation procedure involves taking a bonus stat, dividing it by the affecting divider, and then adding each result together. This result is then divided by the amount of affecting bonus stats. For example, the skill "dodge" has affecting stats "AGI:1" and "STR:3". This means that the affecting skill bonus calculation is "(Agility / 1 + Strength / 3) / 2". A stat bonus with Strength 10 and Agility 10 would yield 6 (6.666 rounded down), and if the stats were Strength 10 and Agility 18, the stat bonus would be 10.
The actual skill points applied for the skill check calculation here is the average of the skill points of the leaf, with stat bonus applied to each, and each of its parents. For example: Character's skill points with maces would be: (Maces + Bludgeons + Melee + Combat)/4.
Skill Points - (Max Endurance OR Mental Endurance - Amount Of Drain) - Carried Weight Penalty (If the skill is physical) + 1D100
= Skill Improvement =
Capability in a specific skill trickles down the skill tree: Improving your prowess in using "2-handed swords" increases your ability not only in using 2-handed swords, but also swords and to a lesser extent all melee and to an even lesser extent all combat. If you gain knowledge of an abstract skill, your knowledge of using all its child skills will also rise - provided that you already have >0 proficiency in using the child skills (the >0 is to prevent a player from learning to use skills without even the most basic of knowledge).
If a character at some point learns the basics of using a, say, flail, his knowledge of using it will immediately rise, thanks to his existing knowledge in melee and combat.
Simplified Combat Tree
\t\t/ \\
\t Melee Distance
\t / \\
Axes Bludgeons
/ / \\
1H-Axes Warhammers Maces
If the character uses a skill well (or fails it badly) he gains experience to that skill. The parent skills of the skill also gains some exp. The one directly above gains half of the experience of the child skill, the one 2 steps above gains exp/3 etc. After the skill has gained enough experience the skill raises by one point.
Whenever a skill used, the user gains a little practical experience to it, eventually improving in it. However, this process can be speeded up by studying the skill in theory, in which case the character gains potential experience. Thus the distinction between potential and practical points.
Every skill is of varying difficulty to improve. What this means is that the harder the skill, the more it needs to be used to improve it, and vice versa. (Insert the skill difficulty formula here)
Learning from books is a very distinct issue. Reading a book about any given subject increases the potential experience in a given skill, affected by the character's memory stat, intelligence stat, his skill in the written language, as well as the number of times the character has read the book, and the amount of time he has read it last. Memory, intelligence and skill in the written language form the base chance of learning, while each new read of the book decreases the chance of learning something new from it, eventually rendering it useless. The time when the book has last been read affects the chance of learning in such a way that the more time has passed since the last read, the better the chance of learning.
= Design Guidelines =
Skills should be as generic as possible and the less skills the better. Learning the skills should take a lot of time. Almost all skills should be available to players in the beginning to avoid need of teachers and guilds.
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Original text file: SkillTree.txt
= The Point =
Skills are arranged in a hierarchy called the skill tree. The root is a basic level of a skill class like "combat" or "magic". Each branch is more specialized part of the skill class. For example: melee and distance are branches of a combat tree. The leaf nodes (ends) in the hierarchy are actual usable skills, but all the higher level nodes are abstract skills, ie. skills that don't actually exist in the game but serve to establish type relations between similar skills (eg. combat (abstract) -> melee (abstract) -> swords (abstract) -> 2-handed swords (actual skill)
Capability in a specific skill trickles down the skill tree: Improving your prowess in using "2-handed swords" increases your ability not only in using 2-handed swords, but also swords and to a lesser extent all melee and to an even lesser extent all combat.
If you gain knowledge of an abstract skill, your knowledge of using all its child skills will also rise - provided that you already have >0 proficiency in using the child skills (the >0 is to prevent a player from learning to use skills without even the most basic of knowledge).
If a character at some point learns the basics of using a, say, flail, his knowledge of using it will immediately rise, thanks to his existing knowledge in melee and combat.
Simplified Combat Tree
\t\t/ \\
\t Melee Distance
\t / \\
Axes Bludgeons
/ / \\
1H-Axes Warhammers Maces
= Game Mechanics =
Actual skill chance is average of the skill chances of the leaf and each of its parents. For example: Character's skill chance with maces would be: (Maces + Bludgeons + Melee + Combat)/4.
If the character uses a skill well (or fails it badly) he gains experience to that skill. The parent skills of the skill also gains some exp. The one directly above gains half of the experience of the child skill, the one 2 steps above gains exp/3 etc. After the skill has gained enough experience the skill raises by one point.
= Design Guidelines =
Skills should be as generic as possible and the less skills the better. Learning the skills should take a lot of time. Almost all skills should be available to players in the beginning to avoid need of teachers and guilds.
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Original text file: Skills.txt
**((Lapidary)) Stone/Gem Cutting
**((Metallurgy)) The knowledge of making metal alloys
**((Blacksmithing)) Metalworking
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Original text file: Snly.txt
From: "Jonathan Koehn (Eleril)"
Heres the snly monster desc. Name probably should be changed though.
Also any more ideas appreciated :)
1. Introduction
A snake with wings is the easiest description of a snly. These creatures
where created during the cataclysm by young apprenticing magic learners. Two
of the snly escaped and bread many more. Now they are becoming a pest for
they are visiting many villages in search of eggs and rodents. There are
many frequent snly attacks among the desolate villages. Such as deep moutain
2. Appearance
A snly is usually found to be from 1-3 meters in length with a wing span of
2 meters.It has a scaly dragon like skin and 2 wings with a horn at the tip of each.
And 2 dark glowing red eyes. Colors of this creatures is usually from green
to dark brown.
3. Characteristics
It loves to eat eggs and rodents. It has sharp ugly fangs that, they can
spray poison from as well as two sharp horns projecting from the tip of its
wings. Their glowing red eyes have a myth about them that they can paralyze
a person looking into them.
Best weapon to use against these creatures are sharp cutting weapons. This
creature tends to attack from a distants preferring to spray poison upon its
unlucky target. Their hide protects them quite well from fire.
4. Habitat
Can be found on praires and moutains. It preferrs desolate areas.
Heres what i got so far :)
In the larmarhen region it can be found mostly in the praires and up the
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Original text file: SolveQuests.txt
Players solve quests.
So what?
Why they do that, what kind of quests there must be, what do players gain from quests, what keeps them doing more quests?
To gain something. What?
Wealth. Knowledge. (Friends?)
Where they could go? And what to do there?
Hmh. There is several gategories: Get, Protect, Carry, Tell, Kill, Destroy, Find, Help.. (etc) Use imagination to say it in more detail.
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Original text file: Spirit.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything that has to do with the spiritual, the immersive, the creative, inspirational, visionary or lively.
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Original text file: StatSystem.txt
= The stats of Majik are as follows =
*Strength (STR)% Potential to carry and lift things
*Constitution (CON)% Potential to work for long periods of time
*Agility (AGI)% Potential to move / bend your body
*Dexterity (DEX)% Potential to move your fingers, fins, tentacles to do little work
*Quickness (QCK)% Potential to move quickly
*Intelligence (INT)# Potential to think and learn
*Perception (PER)# Potential to detect things
*Memory (MEM)# Potential to remember things, should also affect learning rate
*Willpower (WIL)# Resistance to mental/social/physical stress, affects magic
*Empathy (EMP)# Potential to sense, what other people think / feel emotionally
% = physical stat
```# = mental stat```
= Overview =
The stat system of Majik is 2-dimensional; all living beings, including animals, monsters and humanoid races, share a common species value for each individual stat which ranges from 1 (field mouse) to 200 (celestial dragon) and individual race members have a comparison value which ranges from -50 to 50 (thus 0 being the racial average) which describes the quality of the stat compared with other representatives of the race.
= Species Value =
The scale of the species value is logarithmic instead of linear, so it should NOT be interpreted like: "Dragons are 200 times stronger than mice". Medium-sized humanoid races are vaguely around 10-20 on this scale. This scale is very easily tuned by looking at the individual stats of creatures in some Chaosium RPG manual.
= Comparison Value =
The nature of the comparison value scale is undetermined in the sense that it is neither logarithmic nor linear. A value of -50 of an individual stat means that the stat is at the absolute poorest end of the individual stats of the species and a value of 50 means that the stat is the best possible reachable value of the species.
= Relationship between values =
Final Value = Species Value + (Species Value * (Comparison Value / 100)). Final value is always rounded down.
*Orc (very strong): Species Strength 13, Comparison Strength +42, Final Stat: 13 + (13 * (42 / 100)) = 18.46 (18).
*Human (very weak): Species Strength 10, Comparison Strength -37, Final Stat: 10 + (10 * (-37 / 100)) = 6.3 (6).
*Rat (strongest possible): Species Strength 2, Comparison Strength +50, Final Stat: 2 + (2 * (50 / 100)) = 2.5 (2).
*Celestial Dragon (a little above average): Species Strength 200, Comparison Strength +2, Final Stat: 200 + (200 * (2 / 100)) = 204.
= Stat-derived attributes =
*Health: (Weight in kg / 2) + (CON * 2) + (STR * 2) + WIL
*Endurance: (CON * 5) + (STR * 2) + (WIL * 2) + AGI
*Mental endurance: (WIL * 5) + (INT * 2) + (MEM * 2) + CON
= Endurance =
Stuff that affects endurance drain amount temporarily:
*Weather conditions
*Carried weight
*Amount of rest and rest conditions
Stuff that drains endurance temporarily:
*Physical effort
= Mental Endurance =
Stuff that affects mental endurance drain amount temporarily:
*Endurance modifiers (reduced by willpower)
*Stuff that drains endurance temporarily (reduced by willpower)
Stuff that drains mental endurance temporarily:
*Demanding mental skillchecks
*Success/failure in all skillchecks (success in a poor skill increases, failure in a poor skill reduces very slightly, success in a good skill increases very slightly, failure in a good skill reduces)
= Hitlocations =
Every hit location in a character has the following properties:
*Condition: Crippled, Severed, OK
*Health: (Character's overall health / 100) * race specific hitloc health constant for specific hitloc
*Type: Vital, Nonvital. When a vital hitloc gets crippled, the character dies. When a nonvital hitloc gets crippled, it is unusable.
*Size: The larger the hitloc, the more likely it is to get hit.
*Protection: Some races have inherently strong armor in certain hitlocations, for example thicker skin or hair.
*Maximum bleed: How much this hitloc can bleed per round.
*Bleed: How much this hitloc is bleeding now.
Also, armor is applied to hitlocs, but it is yet unknown how they will be associated.
= Joe Average =
*All stats at 10
*Weighing 180lbs (80kg)
Results in:
*Health: 90
*Endurance: 100
*Mental Endurance: 100
= Herman the Athlete =
*All physical stats at 18
*All mental stats at 6
*Weighing at 250lbs (110kg)
Results in:
*Health: 133
*Endurance: 156
*Mental endurance: 72
= Cornelius the Nerd =
*All physical stats at 6
*All mental stats at 18
*Weighing at 130lbs (60kg)
Results in:
*Health: 72
*Endurance: 84
*Mental endurance: 168
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Original text file: Sulkarii.txt
=== 1. Appearance ===
The Sulkarii are thin tall humanoids of symmetrical almost perfect proportions. They have tan skin with brown randomly placed odd shaped spots. They are mostly hairless having only the amount found on humans minus that on top of the head. Their head case and face are unlike any other humanoid mortal. The most stiking feature is their single large grey eye. Their noses are more of a hump with gill like slits and they have lipless slits for mouths. The shape of their heads are more elongaded then other mortals and are destingt with a large uper skull that peaks at the crown. Their eyes are pure grey having no tint of color to them. The sulkarii wear few cloths consisting mostly of loin cloths that cover only their groin and wrapped legging that they bind around their upper legs and is made from black silklike material
=== 1. History ===
Demons of the goddess Dalia Forgotten long ago and developed into their own culture.
=== 1. Philosophies ===
=== 2. Society ===
-only males have been observed -use sword like weapon called a Hedifla -Speach is a series of clicks and humming -Exibit odd on again off again agresive behavior. Small groups have been known to attack large groups of well armed humans in suicide attacks. While huge groups of Sulkarii, over 30 or more, have left lone travalers and small groups of humans alone.
=== 3. Region/enviornment ===
-live within the Dravus Crags along the Ghalimcar desert. Smoke can be seen coming from these rugid mountains. Anyone who ventures up into the crags has never returned. They are also prevelent in the vast network beneath the world called Undermajik.
=== Quick role playing tips ===
=== Game Statistics ===
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Original text file: Sunbranch.txt
Sunbranch is a pre-cataclysmic name for wood logged from the ((Narbeleth)) bush. Outer layer (about 70% of the total width of a stalk) is completelly black where as the inner heartwood is run trough red and yellow lines. Depending on age of the bush only 1 to 3 meters, per stalk, is usable as the stalks separate into narrow branches slightly above half way. Only the eldest, over 200 years old, bushes are suitable for, for example, longbow making where as younger can be used as a material for shortbows and everyday goods.
It is good to remember that only very little of it can be used as a material. When in logged and pruned form, it looks like a 1 to 3 meters long and about 5-10 cm thick, black wooden club depending on the availability of material. One Narbeleth bush has three to five stalks which are about same length and width.
((Narbeleth)) is most commonly found in higher mountain regions where weather is cold but not too cold for the plant (see description of the plant). It was quite rare material even in pre-cataclysmic world and is now even rarer.
As a material Sunbranch is very durable and resists well both fire and cold. Sunbranch is especially good for bow making as it is very flexible when cut but becomes stiffer in a few days. It is possible to prevent this by immersing the stalk into fresh water and pre-cataclysmic bowyers often used this method when they fashioned bows from it.
If properly cut and polished, sunbranch reacts to light, glowing in darkness if first exposed to even tiniest of light sources (such as a candle). This made it very popular material for wooden jewelry. Wooden jewelry was often fashioned from the heartwood because of its beautiful colors, and because the golden lines of heartwood are especially keen to light.
Besides uses as a material for many (valuable) goods, the Sunbranch wood doesn't have any alchemical or medical uses, though many other parts of the plant have.
|| CLIMATE/TERRAIN: || Semi-cold to warm mountains (see plant) ||
|| AVAILABILITY: || Rare ||
|| DENSITY: || Not sure yet ||
|| QUALITY: || Good ||
|| PROCESSABILITY: || Average ||
|| PROPERTIES: || Glows in dark ||
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Original text file: TestPage.txt
Very nice.
Trying raw HTML:
= Multiline lists =
= Definitions =
;'''shit''':something horrible.
= This is a level one heading =
== This is a level two heading ==
=== This is a level three heading ===
mita kettua
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Original text file: Tonona.txt
= Tonona =
Tononas are medium sized herbivores and they live in family packs. An
average tonona stands 40cm high at the withers, is light brown with
greenish tone and has large round ears. Tononas are lightly built and
usually weight 20 kgs or less. They are very fast runners and good diggers
and prefer to live in flat lands. Pack lives in a small cave complex,
consisting of 4 -15 caves, depending of food availability and pack
size. Sometimes grown cubs break out of the original pack and head out to
build a new cave system for their new pack.
Lives in packs (4-15 animals)
|| '''Organization:''' || Flock ||
|| '''Activity cycle:''' || Day ||
|| '''Diet:''' || Herbivore ||
|| '''World View:''' || Aggressive predator/Pacifistic opportunist etc ||
|| '''Avg. Lifespan:'''|| Lifespan ~10 years, can give birth to 2 youngs and breeds first time at the age of 2 years. Can give birth to another brood in every year. ||
|| '''Frequency:'''|| Common ||
|| '''Climate/Terrain:'''|| Temperate forests or plains ||
|| '''Altitude range:'''|| Sea level to 100m ||
|| '''Latitude range:'''|| Currently unknown ||
|| '''Rainfall range:'''|| Currently unknown ||
|| '''Stats''' || Str: (), Con: (), Agi: (), Dex: (), Qck: (), Int: (), Per: (), Mem: (), Wil: (), Emp: () ||
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Original text file: Topaz.txt
A clear amber colored octahedral crystal. Used mainly for ornamental purposes and placed in armor/swords/jewelry. Found most commonly in the region of Voran where it is mined for export. It can be bought from NPCs? stores (the ones that trade over seas), since its not native to Nemen. It doesn't generally have any magical properties associated with it, but if any are it would be of the Flesh class of magic.
Physical properties
*Octahedral crystals usually of the size of 0.5-1cm diameter. Max size found is 2cm.
*Density is 8.57g/mL
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Original text file: Tore'e.txt
'''by Joshua Corning'''
= The Tore'e - Humans =
1. '''Introduction'''
:Tore'e are exceptional seamen perhaps the best on Majik. Their ships can be found moored at every port of the known world. Many are born far from their ancestral home often in the shadowy corners of ships or in the up stairs rooms of a wharf tavern. However all Tore'e are proud of their heritage and most return to their isle of Torell. Those who live on the Isle of Torell are commonly called Fisher people because fishing is a common occupation. Most Tore'e however prefer to transport cargo and passengers, mostly between Eastern Isles and Minartan. Their ships are small, durable, quick, can sail both in deep sea and up larger inland rivers and have, with the sure hands of a Tore'e crew, the almost magical ability to weather the harshest of storms.
:Their ancestral lineage originates with the peoples of Thalamon. They came to the eastern Islands with the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves. The small tribe of the then Thalamon people started out as laborers and servants helping the elves cross the wilds of Minartan but through constant swindling by the dark elves they slowly became slaves to them. They reached Lanuin and stayed there for about 600 years as slaves to the elves at which time they rebelled and left Lanuin to settle on Torell. Since that time no Tore'e has set foot on Lanuin.
:Sea life has made Tore'e strong and sturdy. They have weather beaten tanned skin usually blond, white or gray hair, bright green, blue or gray eyes and average a height of 176 cm for males and 165 cm for females. Tore'e don't need large cities because they spend most of their time at sea. They live in small wooden cities and villages on the coast of the Torell islands. They are peaceful people who see war either as a threat to business or an excellent opportunity for it. Though should the need arise their small fast ships are easily rigged for war. Tore'e aren't interested in magic but they are fanatic worshippers of the sea god Azoon and are shadowed in his favor.
2. '''Appearance'''
:Tore'e have strong, fit, muscular builds due to the hard work required of all mariners. Their weather beaten, dark tanned skin and blond, white or gray hair often makes them look older than they actually are. This is betrayed though by the Tore'e deep set bright blue, gray or green eyes which appear ever young and hold an adolescent arrogance. On land the sea faring people of Torell move clumsily and appear out of place, but on the open sea, standing on the prows of their ships, they are as sturdy as rocks and move about deck with a sure foot during even the most turbulent of weather. Tore'e are seldom fat, which is mostly due to the hard labor required for sailing ships but also due to scurvy, dysentery foreign strains of influenza and cholera that often run rampant aboard ships and leaves sailors bodies toothless bald and wreaked. Men often wear beards but keep their hair short and often shaved. Women also keep their hair short. Average height of Tore'e males is 176 cm and weight 80 kg. Average height of Tore'e females is 165 cm and weight 60 kg.
2.1 '''Clothing, Weapons & Armors'''
:On land and sailing in the waters near Torell the Tore'e wear drab brown spotty rain gear consisting of wide hooded long coats, boot covers and legging that is water sealed with rubber grown in the jungles of Zamurdi and human urine. Indoors and under the rain gear they wear wool sweaters and pants which are dyed with bright colors. Most common clothes are trousers, soft boots, sweater and cap which protects them from the sun. In warmer climate clothing is usually made of cotton and is warn loose. Also boots are not necessary in warmer climate and most prefer to go barefoot. Tore'e enjoy wearing gold and silver and both male and female adorn themselves with armbands, necklaces, bangles, rings and earrings made of these precious metals.
:Tore'e prefer trade over war and do not support a permanent navy. However, their ships are often filled with weapons & armor. For hand to hand combat they prefer small short bladed weapons such as cutlasses, scimitars or daggers which are light weight, easy to carry and quick to unsheathe. They rarely wear armors but some who offer mercenary services as cargo guards do wear leather armor, and arm themselves with bows, pikes and heavier bladed weapons. All of the arms employed by the Tore'e is of foreign craftsmanship being that the lands of Torell lack any skilled weapons smiths.
3. '''History'''
:Tore'e ancestral lineage originates with the peoples of Thalamon. There they resided in the western Delgrain forests near the Chain of Eldhelomin mountains as a small tribe of hunter gatherers. They came to the eastern islands with the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves, over a thousand years ago, during the Zrei'gu'aiuo's great hundred year migration to Lanuin. The small tribe of the then Delgrain forest people started out as laborers and servants helping the elves cross the wilds of Minartan but as generations of the human tribe came and went and through constant swindling by the Zrei'gu'aiuo they slowly became slaves to the elves. When they reached Lanuin the human tribe had grown in size but had lost all of their freedom.
:Six centuries passed on Lanuin as the Zrei'gu'aiuo's aversion to human contact slowly led them to become absent masters. The humans were given more quarter in their daily lives and allowed to worship their own gods, slave master their own people, everything so long as the dark elves did not have to look at the human scum. It was at this time that the Tore'e began to master their seamanship skills being given the responsibility of sailing trade ships to the main land and the elven kingdoms to the south. Slowly discontent festered in the ranks of the humans and when the elves, whos' perception of time is slightly askew, finally began to tighten their grip it was to late.
:The humans rose up and a bloody slave rebellion soaked the soil of Lanuin red. The war lasted for ten years and casualties where high, nearly half of the elf and human populations being killed. A peace was found about three hundred years ago when the humans sacked the Zrei'gu'aiuo's precious capital city of (NAME NOT DETERMINED YET). The humans were given the wild lands of Torell and three magical sea clocks that keep perfect time. Since the rebellion no Tore'e has set foot on Lanuin and no elf, Zrei'gu'aiuo or otherwise, has been allowed upon Torell soil. The location and possession of the seaclocks is unknown but believed to be still among the Tore'e people. The value of the clocks is immeasurable for with perfect time latitude can be fixed and the crossing of the Gray Ocean becomes possible.
4. '''Culture'''
:Almost all Tore'e are either sailors and traders or fishermen and most travel to far off seas for years at a time. Some Tore'e have never even seen the isle from which they originate. Those Tore'e who hold permanent residence on Torell spend most of their time at sea fishing or handling local trade with the continent and the eastern isles. It is common for the skilled Tore'e to higher out their services to other foreign ships and lands as captains, pilots, navigators and common crew
:Because of their sea life Tore'e have little need of large fortified cities and prefer to live in small open settlements of wooden construction. The homes in their towns of Hascron and Engarox are simple and well built. Simple, because of the little time they actually spend in their homes and well built because of the many skilled carpenters who also work in the shipyard. The Tore'e don't have many laws or taxes, they follow common trade laws.
:As a people Tore'e are not hostel but are seen by those who trade with them as usurers and greedy because they extract high prices for their exotic goods and impeccable services. They are also viewed as highly honorable; it has been said at nearly every port in Majik that "Any man who claims he's been cheated by a Tore'e is a liar". Tore'e are both proud and sensitive about their reputation and take great offense to any slander to their name as well as any pirating and theft of transported cargo by fellow Tore'e. They have been known to go to extreme lengths to hunt down any rouge Tore'e ships and sink them giving no quarter to pirate ship's drowning crews.
:Tore'e show little interested in magic, scholarship or literature but most of them can read and write. They are fanatic worshippers of Azoon god of the sea making large and valuable sacrifices in their temples which is believed to be the main reason why the sea gods tend to favor them.
4.1 '''City Life'''
:Tore'e have only two permanent cities on the islands of Torell for most of them prefer life as traders and sailors. Nearly all Tore'e who decide to live more stable lives as fishermen, tavern keepers and ship carpenters reside on the Torell Islands. All Tore'e, including those born far from the isle who have never seen Torell eventually return to Torell following a deep rooted mystical pull. Some say say it is a magical curse cast upon the Tore'e when they were enslaved by the Zrei'gu'aiuo as a means of preventing escape.
:Most Tore'e who hold permanent residence on the islands live within its two cities. Cities are mostly built from wood because there is very little stone on the islands or any skilled masons. People who live in the cities spend most of their time at the sea fishing and trading on the continent or south with the elves and generally only reside on land for winter when the heavy winter storms make sailing difficult and dangerous.
:Most skills such as trade, ship handling and fishing are learned at sea but there are also some craftsmen within the cities who often take apprentices. Both cities have large shipyards which built excellent ships that are sold to both Tore'e and Foreigners. Mercenary services can also be purchased in Engarox which offers cargo guards. There are numerous taverns filled with guides, navigators and other seamen. Cities have also many shops and markets which offer a wide range of goods and exotic foods.
:Temples, mostly through rich people, run the cities, they are responsible for maintenance, public sanitation and order. Tore'e cities do not have schools. temples are responsible for basic teachings such as writing and reading as well as converting pupils into worshippers of the sea god Azoon.
4.2 '''Law And Order'''
:Tore'e do not have much in the terms of written laws, instead they rely more upon their deep sense of honor and tradition. This honor extends to every part of Tore'e life, a person is nothing if not his word. If a Tore'e brakes a deal, steals, or lies he will be shunned by all of Tore'e society and cast out never allowed to return to the Islands of Torell or to deal with fellow Tore'e. This facet of Tore'e society is in direct opposition to the structure of the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves' society to the north on Lanuin and is considered by Tore'e as the last rebellion against their former masters.
:Each city is lead by a city council which consists of all it's inhabitants. The council decides punishments and votes upon legislation. The City councils sit once a month, however to have legal power council meeting must have at least 30% of all citizens present. If legislation gets majority votes behind it, it's accepted and even those who are not present must obey the decisions made there. Legislature at council rarely deals with taxes.
4.3 '''Sea life'''
:Though all Tore'e originate from the Isle of Torell, many of them are born at sea or in the upstairs of a marine tavern far away from their homeland. Cities are resting spots for most Tore'e, safe havens from winter storms or were they can empty bulges, reseal hulls, buy supplies and hire new crews for their ships. Many Tore'e are born at sea, live at sea and die at sea. Children learn the art of trade and sailing as well as reading and writing from parents, seamen and passengers.
:Tore'e sea farers are honorable people who respect trade pacts and common sea law. Of all Seafarers Tore'e are the least likely to practice piretism and view such behavior as abominable. This does not mean that they don't, from time to time, smuggle contraband. Tore'e abhor slavery and will not engage in their transport. Tore'e will attempt to liberate any slave ships they come in contact with if they have adequate forces. Tore'e sailors tend to be more fanatical in their worship of the sea gods than those who hold permanent settlements in the isles.
4.4 '''Food & Trade'''
:Tore'e are excellent sea traders and perhaps the best in the world. They travel to nearly all ports of the known lands of Majik. They produce little on their home land that is exported but instead buy cheap from foreign lands and sell it where it is in demand. The Grain fruit and spices produced in Althianon is sold throughout the world as well rubber grown in Zamurdi are but two examples. On the Islands fish is a common staple produced there some wool and lamb is grown as well. Most house hold do tend gardens of vegetables but all other foods are imported and usually sold at above average prices found elsewere in Majik. Few smiths live on the islands and the vast majority of the metal items owned by the Tore'e is produced elsewhere. Most trade in the Torell islands passes through Engarox where the main port of Torell is located. The city of Hascron is a larger city though and most fishermen reside here. Most ships are built here as well which are one of the Tore'e main exports. They sell their fine and expensive ships all through the the three known continents of Majik.
4.5 '''Military'''
:Tore'e are not warriors but this doesn't mean that they are incapable with weapons. Even if they don't have military training they use their weapons quite well and what they lack in melee combat, they win in ship battle. Their small ships are very fast, surprisingly durable and easy to arm with small catapults or ballista. In sea battle they often easily evade both shots from larger ships and the ships itself and at closer range fill those ships with burning quarrels from their ballista.
4.6 '''The Zrei'gu'aiuo Elves'''
:The Tore'e were once swindled into slavery by the Zrei'gu'aiuo but through a bloody rebellion regained their freedom some three hundred years ago. Tore'e have a vivid written and oral memory of this experience. Because of this the Tore'e are very protective of their lands and people. They act aloof to strangers and even more so to non Zrei'gu'aiuo elves. They have no contact with the Zrei'gu'aiuo despite their close proximity to the island Lanuin. They stay well away from their ships but do spy on them from time to time. Information of ship movements of the Zrei'gu'aiuo is spread quickly among the Tore'e. Each of their ships names is known as well as common shipping lanes they take. Small sea battles have occurred in the past but usually are just some fired arrows and few ships have sunk on either side because of it. No elves are allowed on Tore'e and the sea god priests use magic to test suspicious foreigners for any illusions or disguises.
4.7 '''Philosophy & Temperament'''
:To other races, both human and otherwise, the Tore'e are viewed as distant and sullen. They do not speak of their personal lives to strangers and generally only talk of trade. The reason for this is that Tore'e distrust outsiders and view them as lacking honor. Their society as a whole is still deeply scared from their ancestral experiences as slaves of the Zrei'gu'aiuo elves. They were tricked by the elves into slavery and see getting to entrenched with foreigners as a risk to their freedom. They do view the Zrei'gu'aiuo with much disdain and greatly distrust all elves. They do trade with the elves in the south but keep such transactions strictly business level and rarely spend more then a night at elven ports. They do not have any dealing with the Zrei'gu'aiuo and will refuse to transport anyone, regardless of the price, to the island of Lanuin.
:Among fellow brethren Tore'e are more relaxed. They drink, boast of their travels and engage in merriment. In general when in the company of their fellow Tore'e are like any human and engage in normal social relations. Although Tore'e are mistrusting of strangers they will give out information obtained from their travels freely but in such a way that it will not elude to their personal experiences. Instead they will give descriptions of lands and peoples as if reading from a text book.
5. '''Religion'''
:The Tore'e are fanatical worshipers of their sea god Azoon. In response to this worship Azoon is very giving to his followers bestowing them with good waether for sailing and magic for the priests. In day to day life a typical Tore'e will pray to Azoon about five times a day. Three of these daily times are designated by the church and are required by all good Tore'e if they want fair sailing and a place in Azoon's Paridise under the Ocean after their deaths.
:The church of the Tore'e is a very powerful entitity on the Torell islands and in the lives of sailing Tore'e. As stated eirlier the church has control of the local city governments and priests usualy head dicusions and debates at council meetings. At sea a priest is traditionaly designated to each Tore'e ship. Upon the ship the priest will tend to the spiritual needs of the crew and will help in the day to day tasks of sailing. The ship's priest is usaualy considered fourth in command under the captain, the pilot, and first mate and in fact shares in a small percentage of the ships earnings which goes dirrectly to the church.
:Athough Azoon is the excusive god of the Tore'e he is is not worshiped exclusivly by Tore'e. Many sailors pay homage to him and worship him as their exclusive god. Missions can be found at most major sea ports around the world of Majik. At missions priests of Azoon convert new worshipers but also play a key role in diplomatic trade relations with forign ports. Priests of Azoon are very educated and are tought to speak several languages. As such to often act as translators for Tore'e captians trying to sell thier goods. The missions also keep relations with forign ports. If the local port athority wishes to discuss trade relations with the Tore'e they will first go the local Azoon mission. Tore'e traders also use the misions to glean information about trading, customs, local laws, and good inns to stay at. Of course the Tore'e will also worship there and almost always contibute a small sum of money to the missions coffers.
:The head of the Azoon church is located at Griklen temple. At the temple sits the churches Hierarcy and where policyies regarding the administaration of the missions are decided. Most priests study here for a time in their early years to learn the ways of Azoon. Although there are non-tore'e priests few are allowed to advance to the upper tiers of power within the church. They do come to Greklin though to study and are common within the missions.
:Cerimonial worship of Azoon is conducted weekly by all worshipers on the last day of the week. It is a formal afair conducted by a priest and consists of reading, prayers, a sermin, and drinking of water that contains a drop of blessed sea water which represents the blood of Azoon.
:Both men and women can be priests and marrage is allowed among them.
6. '''Language'''
:The language of the Tore'e is a guttural form of Tiala which is the common tongue spoken by elves. They speak this language because of the heavy influence the Zrei'gu'aiuo had upon them during their enslavement. The Zrei'gu'aiuo, at the time of the Tore'e's slavery, would not let them speak in the Zrei'gu'aiuo's own language Zadicc viewing it as a desecration to their fine language. Instead forced their slaves to learn Tiala preferring it over the Tore'e's long forgotten ancestral human language. The only Zadicc word in the Tore'e's vocabulary is the word "Tore'e" which is what the Zrei'gu'aiuo called the humans, after the slave rebellion, as they left Lanuin for Torell as freemen. It translates roughly as "Shit of Torell"
'''"Tore" being the Zadicc word for Torell and "'e" being a common euphemism spoken by the elves to describe humans meaning in literal terms, "shit". The Tore'e know full well what the meaning of their name is but keep it as a badge of honor to remind them of the price of freedom.'''
:Tore'e hold vast influence over the sea trade of Majik and because of that the Tore'e guttural form of Tiala is commonly spoken at all trading ports, human or otherwise.
7. '''Torell'''
:Torell is small forest island located south-east from Lanuin. Unlike Lanuin, Torell is mostly covered with deciduous forest with some grassy plains in the north. Weather in Torell is mild for its northern location and wet all around the year. the Isle is surrounded with shallow rocky shores, as Lanuin is, making it very difficult to approach Torell from any direction. Only the Tore'e, who inhabit the isle, know how to tack the shallow waters surrounding the isle.
8. '''Role-playing'''
'''NAMES''': In the words of Beregar "I demand names that has preferably have nothing to do with any real life languages. Structure of name must be suitable for their language (check words). If I, or preferably players of this race find some person using unsuitable names there will be punishment of some sort, like creation of new character. Should same person continue violating these rules and I'll see personally that he or she won't play Majik anymore."(Although I probably don't have that kind of power:) )
'''BATTLE''': In general the Tore'e avoid violent situations and prefer diplomacy to war. If pressed though they can use a sword. The Tore'e prefer light weight weapons such as daggers scimitars cutlasses etc. They also employ bows when on ship and engaged in nabel battle and use balistia as well often lighting the tips of arrows or bolts with fire in the hopes of seting the enimies sails and ship aflame. Armor is generaly a liablity in navel warfar and mostly avoided.
'''RELIGION''': The Tore'e are fanatical devotees of their god Azoon. They pray often and at least 3 times a day but usaly 5 times. On the last day of every week the attend mass conducted by a Azoon priest if such a mass isn't possible they will conduct a simple mass alone or among other Tore'e. They are also expected to give 30% or more of their earnings to the Azoon church. This is often done at missions at forign ports. The first stop for any Tore'e at port is the local mission if one exists, there they can expect shelter a place to pray and magical help if the Tore'e need healing and such. They also can get help with deplomacy, translaitions and reach possibible trade contacts through the priests there. The missions expect to recive contibutions from any passing Tore'e with profits to be shared but will also help any Tore'e that is down on his luck. All of this holds true for any dovout worshiper of Azoon.
'''MAGIC''': The only magic that the tore'e use is religiuse in nature or purchased items. As of the writting of this text no known Tore'e majitians exist. Such a Tore'e would be considered an afront to the Azoon church and to his fellow Tore'e
'''PHILOSOPHY''': All Tore'e are entrepunuers at heart. As such they make almost the perfect adventures. They seek fame and fortune through travel. Although most travels are prefered to be by sea it is not inconceviable for a Tore'e to travel inland for adventure. Tore'e are exeptionaly honerable and view lying and cheating as the most lowest of sins. They are also very intorverted among foregners. They distrust stangers to a fault. It is impossible for a Tore'e to ever truely trust a non-Tore'e. They are even more distrusting of elves and would never show true freindship to one.
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Original text file: Trolls.txt
By Jormap
Edited by Hook
=== Appearance ===
Trolls are large hairy humanoid beasts. They have very long arms which they can use as fore-legs for running. Trolls are usually very big and muscular. Trolls are very hairy but the hair is short. Females hair is light brown and males a little darker brown. Troll's faces are much like humans except it is much more brutal with sharp teeth, big flat noses and small eyes. There is two differences between male and female Trolls, males have less hair on their body and females have larger, more muscular bodies. Trolls can live a very long time, at least females. It is not unheard of for troll to live up to 300 years, but usually Trolls are killed in battle before this.
=== History ===
Very little is know about Troll history. Trolls lack a written language, So all that is known about trolls history is through the oral tradition of clan shamen who pass on their history by word of mouth to their successor. It is rumored that when the FlyingRoom crashed somewhere in the north there were Trolls aboard. But these Trolls had thick white hair and most of them stayed in vast northern snow fields. Some of these early Trolls started to move south to more warmer atmosphere, nobody knows why. Main population of Trolls settled down all over mountains in northern part of world, but trolls have been seen as far south as Meral.
Trolls history is filled with bloody clan wars. The largest recorded war in which over 5000 trolls died occurred 400 years ago. This war was between the clan Draktai and the clan Verdiknah. It happened at the mountains of Malediction and eventually weakened the two clans enough to destroy them completely. There have always been clan wars and it seems they will continue so long as Trolls exist.
=== Philosophies ===
Troll gods are very brutal and most of them require blood to be satisfied, at least Troll shamen say so. There are as many Troll gods as Troll clans with each clan having it's own god. There are three main clans of Trolls. The largest of which is the Bruknahk which has over 500 trolls spread over 7 tribes. The Bruknahk worships Brah-taar the Troll god of war. The second largest clan is the Rekdiktaah which has about 300 trolls and worship Graah the god of death. The Third clan is Karaak and it has 200 trolls. They worship Barak the god of night. All trolls are very fanatic worshipers. They do whatever their god tells them to do. And because the shaman is the "Voice of the god" he possesses great power within his clan. Shaman is the only profession males can practice. Every 50 years old shaman chooses an apprentice which he trains for ten full years. After that the old shaman is sacrificed to his god and the apprentice takes his place as the successor. This ritual works so that the members of his own tribe eat the old shaman. Each god is very blood-thirsty and require lots of blood. So shaman often command the troll hunters to go down from mountains and hunt for members of other races.
=== Society ===
Trolls society is matronarcial in which the females dominate, because females are much more stronger than males. The only position of power which males can possess is shaman of his tribe. Trolls live in tribes in big mountains. They sleep in caves but at nights troll females leave to get food for her children, males only get children's leftovers. Usually many tribes which worship the same god live near each other and form a clan. Clans have their leader which is selected in big bloodbath every tenth year. Three female troll from each tribe can participate in this bloodbath and the new leader is the troll which is alive after this terrible fight. Leader and shaman decide all clan related questions together. Leader commands the warriors of the clan within battle and on hunts.
=== Quick role-playing tips ===
Trolls should be played as very aggressive and blood-thirsty race. They don't take insults from anyone. If someone insults their god they will attack immediately. Trolls don't have moral inhibitions which limit some so called "good" races. As such it's very hard to predict what trolls will do next. So the bottom line trolls should be played as very brutal, powerful and bad-tempered.
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Original text file: TrueNames.txt
When the Gods created the world, they encoded their own system on the mortal plane to make it easier to control internally, called Truenames. Everything has a Truename, and by using it, anything can be done. Truenames are very difficult to come by, they can only be learned from scrying the Truename Orbs or Spheres of Power, uniquely rare items, but they are just about the most powerful things a mortal can ever have access to. The only way to properly use Truenames is to chant them out loud. The same component casting system is used in Truenames as in normal magical schools. The effects of Truename spells are always the maximum possible effect in both intensity and scale manifestable in the mortal world, and they drain the spellcaster just as much as casting a spell of an equal scale with regular magic would.
There is one Sphere of Power per Truename in the world. These are inheritance from the gods. Nobody knows if they were left here on purpose or if the gods just forgot about them but they are here, and they can be used to learn Truenames. A Sphere of Power can only be scryed once per person, and the Truename learned from it is random. The Spheres of Power can be slowly moved by players and therefore fights may erupt over control of a Sphere of Power. Some players may try to monopolize the Spheres and prevent others from studying from them. This may lead into wars and alliances (and therefore increase the role-playing aspect of the game)
See MagicSystem.
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Original text file: Umulin.txt
by Kaid edited by Hook
=== General ===
"...Umulin is a mysterious humanoid beast that lives within the northern mountains that bare its name. Few accounts of this monster exist for, it is belived, most who witness this monstrosity first hand rarely survive the encounter. It is unknown if the Umulin of Lamarhen is a unique creature, born of twisted experiments of dark Gods, or if it is an entire species..."
--from "Guide To Lamarhen" by Ardal Jossaryan of Amarul
=== Appearance ===
Umulins are from 3 metres to 4.5 meters tall. Dense black and gray fur cover its body. The Umulins are exeptionaly strong, eye witness acounts describe Umulins as pulling up trees from their roots and using them as weapons. Umulins are semi bi-peddel; they can operate by standing on their hint legs, but use their bulky hands when walking and running (cf gorillas). Large cords of muscle around the arms and shoulders give the Umulins an appearance of being larger than they actually are.
Claws and eerie blue eyes.
=== Society ===
Umulins live in solitary and each umulin controls its own territory of approximately (xxx) square kilometres. An Umulin protects it's territory ferociously and will attack anything that wander into it.
Umulins seek social contact with other umulins only during mating season. At mating season umulins gather to the head waters of the Rith river which is the most western of the two rivers that run from the Umulin Mountains to the Lake of Memories. Mating season takes place once in approximately a hundred years.
=== Behaviour ===
Umulins are omnivorous, though their diet consists mostly of meat. Umulins hunt in the mountains, but during poor seasons umulins will descend from the mountains to feed on cattle and wild game in the valleys and plains. Though it is not unheard of for a desperate umulin to attack humanoids for food.
The dense fur of the umulins force these creatures to stay in their caves sleeping during the hot day time and have their waking time at night when it is cooler.
=== History ===
Umulins have inhabited the Umulin mountains since the dawn of time, or at least as long as there has been humanoid inhabitants in the area. Ancient texts that describe the Umulin hint of a supernatural being named simply Kaid who's spirit protects these creatures from harm and speculate that perhaps he is their creator.
'''FALSE''' myths conserning Umulins
-Fire is the only thing Umulins fear.
-Umulins have weak spot in their chest, this spot is diamond shape and has purple fur instead of gray.
-An old man named Harald living deep down in the Umulin mines has fought an umulin. He knows how to kill one. (i suppose there aren't acctually any mines in Umulin mountains -kaid)
-Umulins are actully very small rotent like creatures with special appetite for flowers and nuts.
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Original text file: Undead.txt
"Kneeling in allegiance, the wiry figure took forth an ornamental knife that he had carefully sharpened and ceremoniously placed it on the obsidian altar beside the poison vial. He uttered a soft prayer with a trembling voice, his arms crossed above his head, and a jolt of acceptance replied, waves of chill running up and down his bones, bending his spine to a curve. Rigid joints protesting, his fingers clutched around the vial, and he struggled to swallow the lethal brew, spilling drops on the altar cloth. He gasped from the bitterness and almost vomited, but held back and managed to grab the unblessed knife from the altar. Lifting the curved blade was easy, as if something was assisting him. He swallowed hard, staring at his mortal demise with glazed eyes. Bloody tears of perfect happiness were running down his pallid face as he prepared for the ultimate sacrifice with grave determination..."
-- Excerpt from a journal written by an unknown scribe in a lonely hut far away from settlements in the region known to most sentient creatures as Dethzael
= In A Nutshell =
An undead is a being that, after living as a member of a sentient race, dies, and returns into the world of the living and no longer abides to the same principal laws that its previous form did. This process is called undeath. An undead does not breath, nor does it have any functional organs. It does not suffer from bleeding, pain, poison, disease or any other physical affliction that does not fundamentally destroy its form. It is, generally speaking, detached from its physical form. Some are even so far detached that they do not have any other form than a wisp of smoke or a transparent glowing shadow of their mortal selves.
Whenever a new undead is born, it is completely devoid of its mortal skills, but they are gained back gradually as it evolves. A newborn undead creature may not even have the motoric skills required to wield a weapon. This is, however, compensated by the fact that all undead have inate, special abilities, some of which are gained upon their creation, the undeath, and some when the undead creature gains enough age and experience.
Practically speaking, undeath is carried out by two groups: those that wish to become undead themselves and are thus affiliated with the dark gods, namely Yorkaturr, and those that are created by servants of the dark gods. The difference between these scenarios is great; willingness of becoming undead is viewed as a compliment to what the dark gods stand for and the person who carries out such a process is thus, usually, rewarded with a sentient, thinking mind, while those that are made undead by others against their will become little more than mindless beasts who scavenge and ravage the living for no purpose other than pure malice. In any case, undead creatures are a rarity, and because of their very well-known and obvious affiliation with the dark gods, are shunned by all living beings.
When the undead become older and thus gain more experience, they often fundamentally change and gain new abilities on the way. Three basic types of undead have been reported, and each is connected to the condition of the corpse at the time it was resurrected as an undead creature. These types are as follows:
= The Corporeal =
The corporeal undead are possibly the most common, as a corporeal undead implies that the condition of the corpse resurrected as an undead has been either impeccable or only slightly damaged. The general rule of thumb is that an undead is corporeal if it still has more flesh covering its bones than visible bone. A corporeal undead goes through several shapes and stages until it can eventually become the true pride of its race, a vampire. This requires that the Corporeal undead consumes the bodies of the living, especially the vital organs. It is a very bright observation that the corporeal undead might be devoid of teeth, which would of course make it difficult for them to consume flesh, but they gain the magical ability of Flesh Devourment, which enables them to suck the magical energy out of dead flesh, leaving only lumps of a black coal-like substance and some ash behind.
When a new corporeal undead is born, it assumes the shape of a Gravecrawler, a stereotypically grave-scavenging pitiful creature that is of no real danger to anyone but those who cannot defend themselves. It is weak, foolish, slow and unable to manipulate items. Indeed, its only advantage over the living is that it cannot die until it is completely destroyed, and it can spread several types of disease. For this reason, Gravecrawlers are instinctively sneaky and fearful creatures that usually flee when they are attacked, but one can be sure that if a Gravecrawler is merely chased away, it will one day return to feed.
Once the Gravecrawler has gained enough insight on matters of the living and learned ways of keeping it healthy and unliving, it turns into a Zombie. Zombies no longer need to scavenge graves as they gain the inate skill of item manipulation and thus are able to actually wield weapons and attack mortals in melee combat, but often do so as they are still rather slow and rather weak. However, the fresher the corpse, the more it contributes to the growth of the Zombie, and this is often rather alluring to Zombies.
When the Zombie has fed enough, it becomes a Ghast. The difference between a Ghast and a Zombie is rather great compared to the difference between a Gravecrawler and a Zombie. Ghasts can see in the dark. Ghasts can hear everything. Ghasts can smell everything. Ghasts are stronger than they were as mortals without exception. The downsides are that Ghasts naturally need to feed more than they previously did, and they still are rather slow and clumsy. Also, the most delicate of manipulative procedures can hardly be carried out by a Ghast.
When Ghasts feed, they begin gaining the size, strength, speed and characteristic bulkiness of Ghouls, which is the next phase a corporeal undead goes through. Ghouls are as fast as an above average representative of their previous mortal race and twice as strong as one. Their height is a bit above the maximum height of their previous race and they are very large and heavyweight. They also grow massive, strong claws that are as long as daggers and carry the possibility of imposing disease upon their unlucky victims. Ghouls need to eat practically all the time and they are quite often brave and strong enough to raid entire villages alone and head-on. Truly, Ghouls are the most vicious and brutal of all undead, but they too are only a passing stage.
When the Ghoul has fed enough, it becomes more intelligent. It starts learning things, seeing things, sensing things that mortals can't even imagine, at which point its massive hulk of a body starts to shrink back to its original size. Quite far from the Ghoul is the Revenant, which is a culmination of this process. Revenants are intelligent enough to cast spells, speak and write languages, perform delicate manipulative processes, understand and create art, and yet still preserve the physical capabilities of the Ghoul in excess. They are far superior to any mortal of their previous race in any physical aspect. Revenants also gain back some of their lifelikeness, and they look like very morbid versions of their former selves. A Revenant's most useful inate ability is that it can sense the presence of life from afar and determine its source rather accurately.
While the Revenant is still forced to consume mortal flesh, this is no longer the case with a Vampire, which is the final stage of a corporeal undead. Vampires, it is true, only need to drink blood; and while some of them may be assisted in this task by their nearly mortal appearance, many still never turn into very lifelike beings. It seems that the probability of this happening is directly connected to how quick the former Gravecrawler has reached this final stage of its evolution. There are other abilities also. A Vampire is even stronger, even faster, even more intelligent than a Revenant, and the older the Vampire grows, the more abilities it gains. The oldest of the Vampires have gained, in excess to their already existing abilities from their former states of being, the ability to levitate, fly, turn into beasts and command them, drain mortals of their power with a mere touch, confuse and scare mortals with a simple mean gaze, and directly communicate with the dark gods. Many Vampires are known to return back to their mortal societies, often claiming priesthoods of the dark gods or meddling with the affairs of the dark shamans.
= The Skeletal =
An undead is skeletal if it has completely or mostly lost all its flesh and organs. Normally, this means that either something truly devastating has happened to the mortal body, or that the resurrected corpse has been dead for quite some time. The skeletal undead are weaker physically than the corporeal undead, but they are much closer to the dark forces, and have more ability in the arts of magic, even to such a degree that they are able to resist magical damage from birth, and are much more resistant to fire than corporeal undead. Like the corporeal undead, skeletal undead go through various forms; but unlike the corporeal undead, they gain their power by killing, draining others of their mortal lives, instead of feeding. This process, known as Life Feeding, is what the skeletal undead are after. It is not known why this is so, but some speculations suggest that by having different means of evolution for different types of undead, their freedom of action is greater, maximizing the possibility of coexistance. Unlike the corporeal undead, the skeletal undead rarely carry disease, as they are not infested by parasites who would feed on their rotting flesh.
A newborn skeletal undead is insipidly known as a Skeleton. Skeletons are extremely slow, weak, fragile and unable to handle objects, but they are somewhat above the animal level in their intelligence. This beastly cunning is their greatest advantage, and it also makes it possible for them to function in quite large and organized groups. Further, it makes it possible for an outside party to train them even, and quite often Skeletons are used as combat fodder in unholy armies. Lone Skeletons usually only attack injured or sleeping creatures, and try to arrange surprise attacks against those inexperienced or foolish enough to stumble upon their territory.
When the Skeleton kills, it gradually gains more strength and speed, and those deemed Harbinger Skeletons, the next stage of their evolution, also gain the ability of item manipulation, which means they can wield weapons. They still are extremely fragile compared to the corporeal undead, and still very weak, but a great deal faster. They are intelligent enough to lead the way for lower Skeletons, and some are even known to use crude forms of communication with more intelligent beings.
Death Pawns have human intelligence, a larger size than their previous forms with proportionally longer limbs, and moderate inate skills in using magical spells gained straight from the dark gods. They are about as strong as they were as mortals at best, but slightly faster and more agile, and they can also take quite a pounding. When a Skeletal Undead has reached the state of Death Pawns, it has also gained almost half of its mortal knowledge back.
After this comes the Death Knight, a true horror indeed. Death Knights have a shielding, transparent, smokelike cover over their bones, almost like some horrid perversion of skin streched over their frame. This cover is pure visible magic that shields them from physical as well as magical damage, as well as drains mortals from their energy should a Death Knight make physical contact. Inside, they are burning with an inner red light that escapes from their eye sockets, an energy form of hatred that they can unleash upon their foes with fearsome results. In addition, they gain quite a bunch of spells from the dark gods. Should a Death Knight be slain, a feat not easy to carry out even by the fiercest of warriors, this energy will suddenly erupt and a massive explosion will result. Death Knights also gain a magical capability of speech, their voices distant echoing wails from beyond, and remember nearly every skill from their mortal lives.
Once the Death Knight's blade has seen enough blood, the transformation to the form of a Lich occurs. Lichkind are extremely intelligent, powerful, magical creatures. They are not physically any stronger than they were as Death Knights, but they gain majestic inate abilities of spellcasting; and in addition to their Death Knight abilities, they gain the ability of extending their dire magical hide to touch beings from afar. Also, their abilities in draining power and unleashing their hatred improve. And they can do more things as well. A Lich can command any creature to do any feat of his bidding, but while they are doing this, they must concentrate, preventing them from doing anything else. Their bodies also fix themselves. Should the limb of a Lich be severed, it will seek its way back to its host and attach itself to it, while being a sentient, moving creature with the same inate abilities that its host in addition. This automatic healing process that blesses the Liches is why their bodyparts make for extremely powerful ingredients in witchcraft. It further enables them to enchant items permanently and re-gaining their strength, a truly powerful ability indeed. They also gain back their mortal abilities, but they also gain abilities beyond them in such a way that all the skills they knew as mortals now improve with half of what they were capable at best.
Even the Lichkind are bound to kill mortals to survive, but once they receive the final stage of a Reaver, this is no longer the case. Reavers are like the Lich, except they are so close to the dark gods that they gain as much as abilities, sometimes more, as their most loyal mortal servants. As if though this, in addition to their previous unholy abilities, were not enough, they are physically stronger, faster, intelligent to the point of inhuman genius, and gain the ability of direct communication with Yorkaturr, who often offers Reavers tasks, the kind that would be too diffult for any mortal, to fulfill. They can inately command creatures from afar where Liches need to have a visible range when doing so, and all of their previous abilities improve even further.
= The Incorporeal =
An undead becomes incorporeal by two means, of which the more common one happens so that the mortal body of the individual is in such a poor shape that it cannot be rebuilt as a physical being in the process of undeath. Usually this implies missing or severely shattered bodyparts or other kinds of fundamental demolition of the corpse. The less common way is by a specialized, morbid ritual called Soul Extraction, traditionally only known to Yorkaturr's high servants, which can only be performed on a living individual who is not fully holding on to his soul, which means that the individual is either dying or severely injured, or in a state of astral travel, which can be achieved at will by either certain controlled substances or extremely developed meditative skills. Should a Soul Extraction be performed, it literally pulls the soul out of a living individual, thus forming an incorporeal undead.
Unlike their physical counterparts, the incorporeal undead are not forced to consume the flesh, blood or any other physical product of the living in order to grow and sustain their form, nor do they need to slay or impose other kinds of physical harm upon them. In fact, the incorporeal undead are initially completely unable to interact with anything physical. These unnatural beings use a highly specialized inate ability called Soul Feeding, which resembles the Life Feeding carried out by the skeletal undead. By using it, the incorporeal undead attack living individuals in a duel of the mind. Should this duel end in the favor of the undead creature, the victim is killed, its soul devoured, and even if the undead should fail, severe mental damage might occur, weakening him for further assaults. Luckily, this also happens to the undead. Just like the other types of the undead, the incorporeal gain new abilities as they devour more souls, initially gaining the supreme form of Banshee.
The lowest, initial of form of these beings is known as Ghost. Ghosts are semi-transparent wisps, resembling the features of their former selves. In their creation, the abilities they gain in addition to Soul Feeding are flying, being able to go through walls and other physical things, and turning invisible at will for brief amounts of time. However, using the ability of invisibility sresses them greatly, rendering them incapable of soul feeding until they have rested for a sufficient amount of time, and should they attempt to soul feed, they will turn visible instantly. Their willpower, which is the fundamental factor that supports their soul feeding actions, is truly their most important asset, and they only gain a slight boost to it as they are created, making them trivial to avoid and relatively easy to resist. However, it is very difficult to actually harm a ghost in any other way than mind duelling, which is why most adventurers see it as their responsibility to dispose of ghosts whenever they come across them, before they turn into something more terrible...
After a ghost has drained enough souls, it changes into a Haunt.
Unlike ghosts, haunts look slightly blurred, like smears of their mortal silhouttes. Haunts gain more willpower, which makes their attacks more vicious. They are also able to stay invisible for unlimited amounts of time, but they still turn visible as they attack, which is something that no incorporeal undead can go around. Hinting of their abilities to come, haunts are also able to slightly interact with physical things, which usually occurs in the form of touching single items or moving them around, but this is extremely strenuous and difficult, and they are completely unable to perform complicated, delicate manipulation upon anything physical, which is something that their next phase is able to do. They can also attack physical things by concentrating their capability of physical interaction to a type of attack. However, these types of physical attack are extremely weak, though this is balanced with them being very difficult for their targets to deflect, as it is trivial for the haunt to penetrate any normal armor or shield. Yet another side of the issue is that as haunts attack in this way, or when they interact with anything physical for that matter, is that they make themselves vulnerable to physical harm themselves, though only for the brief instant that actual physical contact takes place. This, it is said, is because as the incorporeal undead touch something physical, the fabric of the world twists in such a way that they are interpreted as physical themselves.
Direct physical attacks, it is true, are of almost no immediate use to the incorporeal undead, because they gain nothing by killing creatures physically; and although the Spectre is capable of wielding weapons as well as performing other types of complicated item manipulation, it is likely to find interacting with its environment more useful than brute force. Spectres also learn to be more effective in soul feeding by gaining a boost to their willpower.
The next phase, the Wraith, is even more horrid. Wraiths are able to stretch and in other ways manipulate their visible forms; an ability that they make use of by twisting their appearance into such terrifying forms that they are able to scare anything save the most stout-hearted of beings. However, they can also interact with the physical from a distance by using this ability, and great care must be taken to avoid the black wispy claws of the wraith as it attacks, because it is able to combine a mental onslaught into it, which chaotically confuses their unlucky victims in such a way that there can be no telling of the immediate consequences. Tales are told of adventurers turning against their friends, fleeing in terror, passing out, or turning into mindless slaves of the wraith when this occurs.
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Original text file: Unicorn.txt
An Unicorn resembles otherwise a beautiful, small Arabian horse,
but it has hooves like that of a goat, and a single horn on its
forehead. Color of an unicorn varies from ebony black to silver-grey
and pure white. They are almost always single colored, but some have
white or black hooves and a mane. An average unicorn is about size of
a pony: 145 cm high and weighs 200 kg. Head is noble and body slender.
An unicorn's fur is silky and gleams with inner light, it has a long
flowing mane and tail but otherwise the fur is quite short, except
near hooves where it gets longer. Unicorns most unique feature is the
horn: it is about 20 cm long, thorn shaped and with a spiral form.
Legends tell that horn of a unicorn posseses magical powers and
killing one and taking the horn would grant those powers to the owner
of the horn. Same legends also warn those who would do such thing: all
such people have met a horrible end, though legends seldom tell reason
for this. It is true, however, that unicorn uses its horn to channel
primal energies of the world. These intelligent beings are one of the
best primal magic users as their horns act as natural nodes, focusing
otherwise loose primal energies into concentrated patterns. It is true
that even when removed, the horn retains this power, a feature which
makes it very useful for a primal caster. Unfortunatelly Unicorns are
embodiements of formerly deceased priestess, and symbolic animals, of
the goddess of beauty and to prevent unicorns being killed for their
horns this lesser deity cursed the horns: anyone who kills an unicorn
and removes its horn will be struck with a horrible disease that slowly
withers his or her skin and makes it fall off - the disease otherwise
known as lepra.
As a former priestesses and spirits, unicorns have almost
instinctive ability to form primal patterns and the older the unicorn,
the better understanding it has regarding these patterns. Their
connection to natural world is strong and they understand a great deal
about how natural events occur. The patterns which they learn are
always somehow connected to the nature and emotions of beings living
in their vicinity. Like Felmur, unicorns also possess ability to sense
presence of primal energies and gather in the places where such
energies are strong. Most powerful unicorns are even able to weave
complex patterns which allow the creature to move great distances in
a blink of its eyes. More common uses for magic is to entangle
opponents and control weather. They have also excellent nightvision
allowing them to see in all but the deepest darkness.
While not strong physically, their horn attack can be very dangerous
especially when imbued with their magic. Of all elements, Unicorns are
closest to water and they heal wounds fast if immersed in the pure,
fresh water. The healing goes as far that if a dead unicorn is moved
into water blessed by a priestess of beauty, there is a chance that
the strong willed creature revieves completelly, regardless of the
time it has been dead or condition of the body.
Regardless of all their mystical abilities and immortal age,
unicorns need still to eat. They are almost exclusively herbivores and
feed upon grass and other edible plants, including all kinds of fruits.
It is not rare, however, for them to eat small animals such as frogs,
a practice which is most common among unicorns living in a marshy
terrain. Unicorns are very resistant to poisons and diseases which
allows them to eat plants and animals which would prove lethal to
other creatures, it also allows them to dwell in places not suitable
for most other creatures.
While unicorns can not communicate verbally with other creatures,
their primal magic allows them sometimes to communicate with other
living beings. Should the goddess renew her powers in the world, it
is sure that unicorns will be able to discuss with her priestesses.
For now, unicorns wait for most promising individuals and attempt to
renew worship of the goddess and review her in the process.
Legends tell about a beautiful human priestess that was favorite of
the goddess of beauty. When a group of dark elven priests worshipping
the god of lies attacked small forest temple where the priestess
served with her eleven sisters, and killed her and all her unarmed
sisters, the goddess's rage flared. Woving that her forest temples
would never again fall helpless before attacks of savages, she took
souls of the fallen priestesses and formed new bodies from raw primal
energies. These bodies had to be enduring and fast so they would not
fall before attackers, yet she wanted them to be slender and beautiful
to honor her and her priestesses' grace, and this was how first
unicorns were born, one from each soul of the 12 priestess.
First twelve unicorns left to guard a temple of the goddess each
and it is true that from that on, the goddess took souls of her most
beautiful and faithful priestesses after their death and formed new
unicorns from their soul. When cataclysm finally occured, the twelve
first unicorns sacrificed their own souls to save their goddess from
destruction and to honor that sacrifice the goddess brought unicorns
back to the world before falling to divine sleep. The unicorns are
now waiting to renew her mortal worship and once again take place as
the guardians of her temples.
Unicorns don't have hierarchy or organization of their own; before
cataclysm they served as guardians of the temples and heard voice of
their goddess. Age is not a factor for unicorns for they don't die,
unless mortally wounded, so they don't have any hierarchy based on
that. Should the worship of goddess renew, they would surely watch
over her priestesses and follow orders of the high priestess but still,
they are individuals and as such they follow order only as long as it
is suitable for them, though all of them are fiercely loyal to their
Unicorns are not exactly living creatures: while all unicorns are
female, they don't give birth. Unicorns are pretty much unique and
no new unicorn is born unless the goddess renews her mortal worship
and uses her powers to create new unicorns. Currently there are 100
unicorns of which only 15 are elder unicorns: ones which were born
long before the cataclysm, when the mortal races were young. Most
unicorns are less than 200 years old, being last priestesses that
still worshipped the goddess and fell in the cataclysm.
Unicorns are solitary creatures prefering secluded places of
natural beauty and rarely accepting company of purely mortal creatures.
This hasn't changed after the cataclysm though some unicorns have
chosen to move closer to the mortals as they are planning to renew
worship of their goddess. Defination for a natural beauty can be
quite broad in the mind of a unicorn as they are as likely to live in
the forest glade as in the marshy swamp, perhaps finding beauty
not comprehendable to normal mortal.
Unicorns hate ugliness and senseless destruction. Before cataclysm
they hated most followers of the dark gods and this hasn't changed.
When the game opens they will hunt all followers of the dark gods.
They harbor a great hatred towards undead but luckily they are
equipped with strong weapons against them: both physical and magical.
Unicorns are so unique creatures that they should placed by hand
instead of just randomly generating them.
|| '''SUMMARY:''' ||
|| CLIMATE/TERRAIN: || Any (should be hand picked) ||
|| FREQUENCY: || Very rare ||
|| ORGANIZATION: || Solitary ||
|| ACTIVITY CYCLE: || Any (usually night) ||
|| DIET: || Herbivore (but see text) ||
|| INTELLIGENCE: || High (Willpower primary) ||
|| WORLD VIEW: || Solitary observer ||
|| AVG. LIFESPAN: || N/A ||
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Original text file: Vorack.txt
##Spirit trees
##Weapons & Armors
##Spirit groves
##Food & Trade
== Introduction ==
Vorack are race of intelligent tree spirits. They were created in ancient time to protect woods from magical madness of the ancients. Vorack themselves are not member of these ra ces nor servants of them. They are also not completelly spirits or physical beings for Shi nael the god of nature, created them by shaping individual spirits from massconciousness of all trees and then gave them physical body to dwell in. Vorack have one speciality over all other races - they have two spirits, which are both separated from, and connected with eacother in a mysterious way.
Vorack has also two physical shells which both hold different portion of their soul. Anot her is the stable one, spirit tree, where spirit that is parted from great conciousness of trees keeps it home, and another is the moving one, humanoid body, which carries Voracks' physical spirit. These two spirits are connected together with ties that only few people can understand. They are both dependant on eachother and when another suffers it affects also the other one. Vorack is complete being only when these two spirits are together and therefor he, he for there are no female Vorack, rarely leaves the forest where his spirit tree stands.
Spirit trees differ both much and very little from other trees. Most of them are like any other tree, only that they are much more larger. However, sometimes their shape and color can be very different than of any other tree. Vorack is always tied to the tree from which he was born and this shows in his appearance. Those which other races understand as Vorack and which is actually only another of their physical shells are large furry humanoids with strange mixture of human and bear like features. They are seen in legends both ferocious, demonlike beings with dangerous horns and still somehow handsome looking creatures.
Vorack are rare creatures and they have became hardly more than a myth from ancients times a legend about large protectors of forests in minds of common people but there are also so me other legends which young unmarried women like to tell...Rare people know about existan ce of these creatures and even rarer know where they live. Vorack tend to be suspicious to wards all other races except wood elves and some rare people who really care about woods. All rest who dare to enter in their kingdom are considered as possible enemies, except few female creatures who may find their destiny to be either very disgusting or very satifying depending on their own nature. However, usually, as long as travellers do not harm the fo rest Vorack see no reason to bother them. There are only few places where Vorack live and most important of them is located in the Western Isles of Minartan.
== Appearance ==
Vorack are large and strong furry humanoids. There are only male Vorack which is main rea son why there are so few of them. Vorack are born from trees and they share the same color of their tree. When Vorack borns he has all knowledge that others have memorized, he is al so born adult. Young Vorack is from 200 cm to 250 cm tall and weights about 100 to 150 kg. All Vorack are very muscular and strong and their body resembles much the one of the human especially when they are young, though few exceptions can be easily seen. Vorack have very hairy body, almost like covered with coat, sharp claws, snout which resembles the one bear has and two horns. These horns curve like ram horns but they have sharp edges and they are longer reaching about 10cm from face. Color of the fur is a dependant from spirit tree and it can be completelly black, reddish, brown or white but rarely anything else. Their eyes are always deep green and without iris.
When Vorack grows older his fur cover grows more thicker and he becames even more sturdier. He grows also larger and older males can be over 300 cm tall and weight over 200 kg. Color of fur changes deeper, skin more thicker and horns grow larger and more sharper. He also grows short, wavy and sharp external bone structure in his arms and longer spikes in his back. Thicker skin, sharp bones and long horns make them even more ferocious fighters but fur, which has always been their weak point, is now even more flamable and fire is probab ly the only thing which Vorack fear.
Vorack have very strong emotions when they show them. Usually they make their best to hide emotions like lust, sorrow and anger for they do not usually want to hurt any other creatu res. However, from time to time, emotions grow so strong that Vorack are unable to control themselves and while results are seldom lethal they can be very uncomfortable for other creatures. Because Vorack are most often seen in this emotionally unstable state and becau se one of their physical appearance, Vorack have been referred to "essence of manliness given a physical form" in legends through the history.
Because of strong mind and its separated nature, Vorack are resistant to all spells which affect mind such as charms and illusions. Their strong and muscular body makes them unti ring fighters and trackers. Both their eyes and snout have very sharp senses making them excellent trackers, especially in night for Vorack are night livers. Their large eyes are very sensitive to light granting them excellent night vision but also makee them vulnerab le to bright light. Vorack have very strong essence which makes them resistant also those spells that affect directly soul.
=== Spirit Trees ===
Vorack have two spirits, and another of them is located in the spirit tree. Normally physi cal trees have only small portion of their whole consciousnes in their physical form, most of the tree consciousnes is part of the one of all trees. To explain briefly one could say that this consciousnes is "above" the forest and in spirit world. Only small tentacles con nect it to it physical shell of tree.
Spirit trees as well as talking trees however have larger portion of this consciousnes and are more aware of their surroundings. Even while trees can't really see or talk by themsel ves, they have different ways to collect information from surrounding enviroment and commu nicate with others. Tree spirit is connected to its "physical" counterpart which allows it to see everything with physical spirit sees, hears and/or feels with its own physical body This works also reversible, tree spirit can feel its surroundings and because of that phy sical spirit always knows what happens around its spirit tree. Tree spirits can also commu nicate directly with spirits of other persons which means that when Vorack decides to say something through his spirit tree, he uses ability which is similar to telepathy. Ability to sense other spirits are not only limited to those which are tied to corporeral body but tree spirits can also detect any spirit which is near them.
Tree spirit is the passive one which storages information and processes it. Physical spi rit is the one with emotions and instincts. Combination of these two make Vorack resistant to spells that affect mind and feelings. However should one be able to cut connection bet ween these two spirits and results would be devastating. Tree spirit would lost connection to its physical senses and physical spirit would go insane when rational spirit is no lon ger controlling it. This is what happens when Vorack stop concentrating on their tasks and go insane - tree spirit has no longer anything to do and physical spirit overpowers it.
Vorack is complete being only when his two spirits are together. When they are hungry they can merge inside any tree and gain nutrition, however they suffer from another form of hun ger too, a mental hunger, which can be satisfied only when two spirits are merged together inside the spirit tree. Both this mental hunger and distance weaken link between the spi rits. In early stage Vorack suffer from quick emotional changes which range from rage to melancholy, next stage makes him even more emotionally unstable and effects of hunger can be seen in his body as "withering" which means his fur starts dropping off and he becames weaker. In previous stages Vorack can still usually find his way to spirit tree by himself but shortly after second stage mental link has grown very weak and Vorack goes completelly insane, fortunatelly for other people he is also already very weak and can't do much harm. He can be still saved while in this last stage by dragging him to his spirit tree but soon after this final stage follow death.
It's very difficult to descripe relationship of Vorack two spirits. Their physical shells and both spirits are usually separated from eachother and both spirits have born from dif ferent source, tree spirit from massconcsiousnes of trees and physical spirit is from the god. This would make one believe they are different beings but they are actually same soul and controlled by mind which both spirits form. When Vorack makes something his spirits do not have own "mind" which means that for example another would say "yes" and another "no" As a spirits, they are both concsious but they are also mindless, only when they work to gether they form a mind that can act with its own will. In this file there will be no men tions about separated nature of these spirits unless it is somehow necessary, there is on ly one word which means sum of these two spirits - Vorack.
Physical appearance of spirit tree reminds the one of any other tree. They have long thick trunk, branches and leaves but never needles. Some of them have bark but most have either smooth or rough surface. Common for all them is length, sturdiness and thickness. a Spirit tree can grow over 400 meters long and over 50 meters thick though most of them are less than 100 meters long and 12 meters thick. a Spirit tree must be large enough for Vorack to enter it. Usually it takes from 20 to 30 years for them to reach necessary 20 meter height and 2 meter width. After that their growth slows and it takes many thousand years to reach 400 m height. Color of the tree is also color of the Vorack, it varies from black and whi te to brown and reddish but rarely anything else, though there has been few exceptions whe re trees have been gray or even bluish. Tree has also a mental appearance because it is ho me of strong spirit - Vorack and other spirit creatures see a spirit tree glowing brightly with same color as its physical appearance has.
=== Clothing ===
Vorack do not use clothes, they have no need for them and are actually more nuisance than help. They are resistant to cold which is partially because of fur and partially because of their nature. However most important reason for not using the clothes is a process cal led merging. Vorack live inside their spirit trees and only while merged their spirit is complete and they can rest. However, they can merge only their own physical substance, not hing else, and if they had to wear clothes they would have to undress each time when they merge.
Members of Vorack race rarely leave their forests but it's not unheard that they sometimes visit in other places of Majik. Unfortunately most often when they are seen outside their groves they are in this earlier mentioned emotionally unstable state and could not care less whether they are wearing anything or not. Though even when they are sane they don't wear any clothes, should it bother the elves and other people or not. Besides it would be very uncom fortable to wear anything because of their furry bodies.
=== Weapons & Armors ===
Vorack don't use weapons or armors. They have excellent natural weapons so why would they make artificial? They have also thick skin, especially older members of race, which can ea sily withstand blows from blunt weapons though it is a weaker against heavier slashing wea pons. Arrows and sling bullets make them only angry but crossbow bolt is fast and strong enough to penetrate their skin.
There are also another reason for not to use armor which is same as with clothes, it would be very hard to wear them and they prevent merging proces as will weapons and other items do. However, nothing prevents a vorack from trying to wear armor or wield a weapon but it just makes them clumsier and more inefective fighters. There is still one reason why they do not use weapons or armors - forging a weapon or armor that could help them at least as much as their natural weapons and hide would require fire and as mentioned above, fire is probably the only thing which they fear.
== Culture ==
Vorack have both quite complicated and very simple culture and they are actually quite in telligent race. Even forests do not require constant caring and there must be some way to fill empty hours. Vorack spent most of their time caring trees, especially spirit trees, but usually no-one orders them to do anything. Their society is Geritocracy which means that age is a sign of authority. Vorack societies are always lead by oldest of the each tribe. However when person that is more older than leader of the tribe enters in the area, he has the same authoritive power as leader of that tribe. There are rare situation when any Vorack orders another to do something but sometimes older members of tribe find it necessary to chastise some younger ones.
There are only few rules in the society and most important them is not to fight with each others and second is not to use fire in any case. First rule is not actually rule for all Vorack shun thought that they could kill one of their own race. However, it is said that there has been exceptions from this rule, though should one be able to ask this from a Vo rack he wouldn't get answer for they do not even admit the existance of this rule and the refor that someone could break it. However as said above, young voracks may sometimes get aggressive and olders must calm them down, sometimes with force, and this can cause quite serious damage to either or both of them. Violence isn't the only way to punish for there are few other ways to punish those who break rules. Worst of them is performed if Vorack breaks continuously rules. In such case elders of the tribe may decide to cut his spirit link off from the spirit tree. This means that poor Vorack won't be able to rest and suf fers melancholy which can be seen also in his body as slow "withering". While this punish ment is uncommon it is not that rare and it will eventually lead to death if target of pu nishment doesn't repent which he will surely do.
=== Spirit Groves ===
Spirit Groves are places where spirit trees arise and Vorack live. They are centres of Vo rack life and places where they gather together and share their knowledge and decide whet her there are some greater tasks in forest which require their attention or should everyt hing continue as it is. Spirit groves are always in the heart of some forest both in physi cal and spiritual. Spirit grove can concist of from dozen to five hundred spirit trees and it is often surrounded by impenetrable wall of living trees and thorns or some other natu ral element.
There aren't any real buildings in spirit grove however there are many living trees which have been shaped in many forms, many of them reminding buildings or arches. These are made by woodshapers who shape the spirit grove both by needs of society as well as to make it delight an eye.
Heart of spirit grove is elder tree, the one that has tree spirit of oldest living member of tribe. Around it are placed spirit trees of lesser Vorack which too are usually surroun ded by normal trees and their branches form together with the branches of spirit trees lea fy ceiling. Often their trunks are shaped in many wondorous shapes with great care for not to hurt living rees.
=== Tasks ===
Vorack do not have any real professions, they have tasks which some of them are better and more interrested to do than others. All members of the race are druidic healers and forest guards for all of them require skills to care and protect their own spirit tree as well as other trees. Hwoever there are also other tasks besides tree caring - there are Vorack who se task is act as spokemen of Shinael and other nature gods, priests, that besides perform ceremonies are powerful nature spellcasters. In addition to these there are also one impor tant tasks which is called woodshaping.
Task of tree caring is most common and all Vorack have at least basic knowledge of it. Spi rit and normal trees, other plants and animals require constant overseeing and protecting to keep forest balanced. There are many plant diseases and creature which could cause harm to forest and because of that, also Vorack. All Vorack possess innate abilities to heal mi nor wounds and diseases and they are powerful enough to remove all creatures that could ma ke harm for forest. This doesn't mean that they walk around forests and heal every single diseased plant or animal and that they prevent animals from killing eachother. Vorack were orginally created to protect forests from magical influence of first races who were not de pendant on normal magical rules that bind nature together. Their task is not to hunt magic users or avoid magic but to prevent use of such magic that does not come directly from the nature and follow natural rules, like necromantic magic and magic that alters reality. Be cause such altering always happens in the fabric of nature, either because of some gods or because of some magic users, Vorack task is to heal effects of it and protect forests from creatures born from such magic or from beings that use such magic.
Some Vorack have been blessed ability to act as spokesmen of gods. These Vorack are called priests and their task is to maintain religious rituals and ceremonies between gods and ot her Vorack, as well as to upkeep knowledge. In their hands is given responsibility to sto re knowledge about plants, animals, threats and everything that Vorack learn. Priests pos ses deeper knowledge about will of nature gods and command more powerful forces of nature than rest of Vorack, mainly those dealing with plants and weather. Also, their powers are not only based on gods but innate natural abilities which they have learned from the natu re itself. Their most important task, besides performing of rituals, is to create knowled ge trees which are usually remnants of those Vorack whose another physical shell has died or trees that are for some other reason unordinary conscious. Through these trees priests store all knowledge to great consciousness of trees from where all Vorack can obtain it.
Besides priests, druidic healers and rangers there are still one task - woodshaping which is done by woodshapers. While all Vorack can animate and cause small, usually temporar, changes in plants, woodshapers have specialized in this task. They can shape and animate both living and unliving plants and they are mostly responsible of creation of tools, con tainers and for example living walls of wood.
Every Vorack has quite much free time for as mentioned above, forests do not need constant watching. Vorack spent most of their free-time perfoming personal religious rituals which are no more difficult than wandering around the forest and marveling each aspect of great nature or learning. Vorack consider almost everything they do as a religious ritual for re ligion has a bit different meaning for them as for other races. Besides wandering Vorack spend their time practicing their skills, usually those which do not have anything to do with his own tasks. For some reason when Vorack leaves his tasks behind he becames endles ly curious and starts yearning knowledge about everything. Many Vorack concentrate on deep intellectual discussion with eachother that would certainly look strange for outsider - Hu ge furry bearlike creatures that look invincible killing machines discuss with growling to nes about creation of Majik or reason for everything.
However, as much as Vorack yearn understanding, it's very difficult for them to understand other lesser races and learn from them partially because it is very difficult for them to leave from their spirit groves. However there is plenty of time for them to try for even "the moving one", humanoid body of Vorack, lives as long as their spirit trees which means many hundreds, even thousands years. Vorack need always something to do for if one of them remains too long with his own thoughts it will be very difficult for him to prevent insani ty caused by his strong emotions.
=== Food & Trade ===
Vorack do not eat in the normal terms though they still need great amount of nutrition be cause of their large size. When Vorack merges inside any tree he also gets part of the nut rition which tree sucks from the ground. This is also the case of water. If Vorack is unab le to get nutrition "the moving one", humanoid body, eventually dies. However, Vorack can eat also normal food, if they must, but they will not benefit from it as much as any nor mal race would. Eating flesh of other beings would probably cause them a bad stomach disea se. When one considers this it's sure that their predator appearance claws and sharp teeth are not meant for hunting and eating.
Vorack do not normally barter with goods, neither with members of their own race nor with other races for they simply have no need for most things. However they may sometimes offer to share knowledge or some interresting items with those who know them and even in some un likely situation with strangers. Because Vorack don't have any real trade they don't need money or use it.
== Religion ==
Word religion does not mean same for Vorack as it means to most other races. Of course Vo rack have priests and they perform religious rituals. However they consider themselves as servants of the gods and everything they do are based on need of the nature or more precis ly, of their forest. Gods are only creatures who gave them ability to defend rest of their concsiousness, trees, and who will guide them. Priests are are just spokesmen of gods who give advices to priests who can share it with rest of Vorack. Meaning of rituals is to show respect and gratefulness for gods, not to please or to ask anything from them. If member of other race would oversee religion of Vorack it would look for him (or more li kely her) very simple. Vorack has only one "holy mission" which is to protect forests and they feel that when they care forests and try to learn as much as possible from everything they are true to this missions. Even those situations when Vorack is consumed by lust, ra ge or other similar feeling are considered to be necessary same way as some other races would consider religious ecstasy.
All Vorack respect Shinael, the god of nature, for he is creator of them. They don't build temples for Shinael for they consider forests as large temples which they are created to protect and care. However, there are certain places in the forests which are more sacred than others, these are places where magic and forces of nature gather together and have so mehow shaped the surroundings. These areas have quite same meaning for Vorack as altars hav e for other creatures for these are places where Vorack express their respect with most im portant rituals. These areas aren't always located in the same places as spirit groves, ac tually some of them are very far from any areas where Vorack has influence. Vorack protect these areas by growing thick circles of trees around them which are then altered by nature magic in various ways. Nearly all important religious rituals are performed in these sac red places like rituals of life, death and rebirth.
There are also other gods besides Shinael which Vorack praise. One of them is xxxxxx the " earth mother" who is goddess of fertility and lust. Partially because of her Vorack needs female to have a child. When a vorack wants a child he forgets politenes, good manners and all that crap and searches a mate and then drags her to the altar of earth mother where he will have sex with her wheter she wishes it or not. When Vorack has satisfied his needs he releases woman which he no longer needs. If earth mother decides to bless the woman and if woman doesn't have abortion she will eventually give birth to female child which will even tually grow charming and beautiful creature called dryad. If earth mother and Shinael both decide to bless Vorack his spirit tree will produce a seed which he plants in the ground. When tree is large enough a new body of full grown Vorack will appear inside from tree. Af ter that both child and his father return to altar for ceremony of life. Should it happen so, and almost all it happens, that Vorack is unable to find a mate he must find other ways to ease his lust.
When Vorack dies, either because of old age or by accident, physical body is carried to al tar for ceremony of death. If Vorack has served Shinael and society well he may be reincar nated to new Vorack body but if Vorack has neglected his duties or Shinael decides that he has fullfilled his destiny in which case the body will merge in the nature and only tree spirit will remain. When Vorack dies, his spirit tree is moved as part of the ceremony of death. Preparation takes many days for finding and preparing a new place for tree is made by great care. Moving itself is made by means of magic and does not take much time. Later these trees have often higher level of consciousnes than other trees and they are often used as knowledge trees. If tree dies, it is restored to nature with own ceremony and be cause Vorack will soon follow tree, also he needs eventually ceremony of death.
== Language ==
Language of Vorack is emphatic which means it concists from expressions in addition to nor mal words. It's very difficult for other races to learn their language even if they are em phatic themselves. Most races can't produce correct growling tones and expressions. Those with emphaty ability can understand language better for they can sense feelings which are important part of language. When person who lacks emphaty ability listens two Vorack chat ting with eachother he, or she, would soon realise that Vorack use same growling patterns continously and often keep long pauses and still seem to have some sort of conversaion. If this person has also emphaty ability he/she would find that while continuous tones follow same pattern emotional expressions behind them are different. So, emphatic person would mo re easily understand Vorack even without knowledge of their language, but still could not speak it because of lack of ability to produce growling sounds.
Vorack don't speak much any other languages except their own and reason is clear. It is ve ry hard for them to produce any other sounds except those growling tones. They understand better languages wich are strongly based on expressions and emotions and can rarely under stand those which express only raw, cold data...
== Mar'Nageth ==
This is their kingdom, its name will change and I don't have yet short or long desc for it
== Roleplaying ==
A quick list of roleplaying tips,
'''Names: '''
:Only thing that I require is a good roleplaying name. This race isn't anyway a player race.
'''Battle: '''
:I have made these a race which have no use for other weapons or armors than their own. Their battle tactics is usually to wait inside some tree until their targer comes clo ser and then surprise him/her. They make simple fast kills and usually attack the spellcas ters first then those with melee weapons and lastly those with missile weapons. If someone escapes from battle they track him/her and kill unless target is already far outside from their forest. Should they go berserk because of insanity and they will attack against any one without any plan. They usually work in small groups.
'''Religion: '''
:Vorack consider everything they do religious for religion doesn't mean same for them as to other races. They praise nature gods and perform rituals to show their grateful ness. Vorack also feel that wandering around the forest marveling it, guarding the forest and gaining knowledge are part of religion. They spend their time caring trees and forest plants and animals or by discussing or studying. When one plays Vorack he should always be interested about everything and seek knowledge and these religious experiences.
'''Magic: '''
:Source of Vorack magic is always nature and its elements. They use quite much magic in their everyday life and it is part of them so they feel no suspiciosity towards magic. They don't use much symbols as other mages do for they gain their power directly from natu re and use it through their innate abilities. When one plays Vorack mage he possess large amount of innate spellike abilities and has only a few elements of symbolic magic. Vorack mages are especially keen to learn everything.
'''Philosophy: '''
:Vorack are usually aggressive only towards those who harm forest. However they may sometimes suffer from insanity that either makes them very easy target or very offensi ve and dangerous. Vorack are suspicious towards all other races except elves but because they rarely show themselves no-one knows much of them. They rarely leave work unfinished so if they decide to hunt someone they will do so unless he/she leaves the forest and even in such case they may follow target at least few days. There is a chance that Vorack will not attack when it, for some reason or another, seen and those who see it are not harming forest though if they are consumed by lust they may do something else. They rarely leave forests where their spirit tree arises because they will suffer from insanity because of weakening spirit link. They are most active while night.
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Original text file: Wangnau.txt
The wangnau, or ghost mole, is a large burrowing carnivorous
lizard of the flatlands and moors of Nin-Calaris and Althainon.
Pale bone white with reddish-black eyes, these creatures
measuring up to ten feet long can be a very startling sight in
the black of night. They live in communities of ten to
twenty-five (or possibly more) in burrowed underground tunnels,
which they only leave in search of food. It is believed that
their preference for underground life stems from a highly
temperature-sensitive metabolism (earth, being a good insulator,
tones down seasonal temperature changes); but nothing positive
is known about their day-to-day life, for they protect their
tunnels with extreme ferocity. Nobody quite knows how extensive
these tunnels are or how deep they go.
Wangnaus hunt in packs of five to ten individuals. This makes
them dangerous even for humans (/elves/brahjians/whatevers),
even though solitary wangnaus, being relatively unaggressive,
seldom pose a threat.
|| Environment || Temperate to hot open plains ||
|| Commonness || Relatively uncommo ||
|| Social habits || Communal tunneler ||
|| Activity cycle || Exclusively nocturnal ||
|| Diet || Omophage||
|| Intelligence || Relatively good for a reptile ||
Author: Darshan
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Original text file: Water.txt
A spell symbol that depicts everything that has to do with liquids, wetness, the transforming and adaptive.
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Original text file: Weapons.txt
= In A Nutshell =
Each weapon has the following properties:
*Damage per type (between 1 and 100)
*Offense bonus (affects hit chance)
*Defense bonus (determines block chance)
Ranged weapons have the following additional properties:
*Range bonus
Examples of weapons:
||Short Sword||Cut:45||Stab:40||Offense:0||Defense:30||Speed:55||
||Bastard Sword||Cut:60||Stab:40||Offense:0||Defense:50||Speed:40||
||Great Sword||Cut:75||Stab:30||Offense:0||Defense:60||Speed:40||
||Dwarvish Raugmaro||Cut:80||Offense:0||Defense:30||Speed:45||
||Throwing Spear||Stab:45||Offense:0||Defense:25||Speed:40(In Melee)||Speed:50(Ranged)||Range bonus:???||
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Original text file: Whitefire.txt
A beautiful white stone reputed to have enchanted properties. Whitefire stone is mined from the ((Sledgehammer Mountains)) near the border of ((Gwaelmar)). Mages around the world have desired it; according to magicians it has an effect of enhancing spell power.
(extracted from ((Thalamon)) region desc by Darshan)
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Original text file: Wicirard.txt
With its ears perked up in alertness, the small rodent nibbled on a grass seed, swiftly snapping the stalk with its sharp incisors, and furtively glancing around all the time. Without warning, a giant paw clamps down on it, snuffing out its life instantly. The Wicirard had come. Lifting its paw to above its mouth, the jaws clamped shut on the lifeless carcass, and slid off into the darkness, the "Stalker of the Night", the unrivaled hunter.
Wicirard, meaning "Stalker of the Night" in the ancient tongue, is one of the swiftest and stealthiest predators in all of Majik. Purely nocturnal and solitary except for mating time, this mammalian hunter stands about 50 cm tall, and almost 2 m long, fully grown. It has shaggy, grey to black fur over its body, which is on average 4 cm long. Besides its huge teeth, one of the most noticable features is its paws, which are almost 20 cm across, the size of a dinner plate. Its snout is rather short and "U" shaped, with a large black nose at the end and long, thick whiskers. When this wicirard walks, its 'elbows' (or knees) are constantly bent, much like a Komodo Dragon's. Otherwise, it has many features of a Cougar or Panther, with muscular hind legs and swift frontpaws. This predator's senses are truly fine-tuned. It has large, disc-shaped ears, which can detect the smallest grass-seed nibbling rodent from up to 40 m away, and its vision is so accustomed to the night that some believe it can even make its own light, due to the fact that it has very light yellow-green eyes with constantly shine with star and moonlight, although this has been disproven.
Mostly, it feeds on other nocturnal animals, but has been known to take down a sleeping Wynx from its pen, making it a bane to farmers. In addition, as it is rather allusive, there are many myths surrounding this noble creature, and some believe the species to be half-daemon. Parents tell their children horror stories in some forest areas, and use the animal's name for disciplinary practices, saying, "Eat your peas, or the Wicirard's gonna get you!" Most people living in areas where wicirards are prowling have an extreme fear of bing outside alone in the dark.
The Wicirard's origins are, at best, unclear. It was long assumed that at one time the Wicirard was a deamon, but that, as it fell out of favor with the gods, and as it spread itself out through out the world, its powers grew less, until it only had its acute senses left.
With these powerful hunting skills, the Wicirard could easily overpower all the prey in the land, save for one fact: a Wicirard needs to eat many times its own wait per day, so that its territory may cover up to 100 square km.
ACTIVITY CYCLE: 100% Nocturnal
DIET: Carnivore
INTELLIGENCE: High level for an animal, but certainly far sub-human.
WORLD VIEW: King of the Forest once night falls.
Additional note: If two male wicicarns see each other, they will definitely fight, and the victor will take over the loser's territory.
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Original text file: Wight.txt
Even when compared to ((Orcs)), wights are the greatest threat to civilization's precarious hold on the world. A wight is a person that has succumbed to yorkyght infection. The initial infection usually occurs when the victim is near death either from sickness, severe wounds or even if the victim has just died. The ((Yorkyght Fungi)) infects someone via spores produced by its mushrooms or by the wights themselves. The spores must enter the body for infection to occur, eating the mushroom, inhaling spores, spores that land on open wounds and wounds caused by wight's claws and teeth are the main paths to infection. After initial infection the person or corpse quickly "recovers" from their afflictions and in all ways appears and acts the way they did before the infection.The victim then slowly decends into the control of the fungis as it spreads throughout the body. On average the process takes a month. Durring this time the victim's complection will turn a ghastly bone white with vains becoming clearly visable beneath the skin, appearing as a deep purple. The behavior of the infected will also begin to change. If the victim diurnal, such as humans and elves, they will begin to change their sleeping cycle to a nocturnal one; feeling more and more tiered durring the day. Also victims will crave rotting meat or vegitation over other foods. Towards the end they will become violent. Often killing those close to them such as family, and neibors. Who in turn become wights themselves. After the month, and the victim has completely surcomed to the fungus and become a wight they will flee to the edges of civilizaion somtimes along roads or under the city in basements, sewers, and catacombs often bringing there newly infected or dead family and friends with them if they will follow.
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Original text file: WildLife.txt
= Fauna =
*((Beecog)) - a giant, whalelike ray
*((Bugglago Worm))
*((Cymar)) - Nemen's largest bird
*((Dodalo)) - Small, powerful reptilian predator
*((Elitsch)) - herbivorous freshwater fish
*((Eru)) - reptilian farm animal
*((Etta)) - short humanoid urban scavanger
*((Fonaeta)) - deerlike grazer
*((Gamela)) - dwarf horse
*((Goblins)) - short humanoid lurker of the wilds
*((Mefoura)) - forest grazer
*((Muuc Orelt)) - messenger bird
*((Timial Cat)) - woodland predator
*((Wangnau)) - nocturnal burrowing lizard
*((Wicirard)) - stealthy predator of the night
*((Wynx)) - common farm animal
= Flora =
*((Arinia Vine))
*((Artina Grass))
*((Blue Oak))
*((Dwarf Yew))
*((Ergot Fungus))
*((Estlin Tree)) - star shaped jungle tree
*((Ewlpo Tree)) - fruit tree
*((Fitho Reed)) - freshwater reed
*((Hazra Grass))
*((Himisu Tree)) - Nemen's most common jungle tree
*((Iron Linden))
*((Maiden Juniper))
*((Miran Vine)) - poisonous jungle vine
*((Narbeleth)) - a tree-like bush
*((Oled Fungi))
*((Rafet tree))
*((Refarre Tree)) - mangrove like saltwater tree
*((Salma weed))
*((Santhra Pine))
*((Sigea Tree))
*((Tegaca Tree)) - tall rainforest tree
*((Thresher Tree))
*((Varnh Plant))
*((Vrunahk Fungi))
*((Yorkyght Fungi)) - mushroom fruiting fungus
= ((Herbs)) =
*((Varnh root))
= Magical creatures =
*((Glarroks)) - an amorphous creature
*((Golems)) - big humanoid, magically animated behemoth
*((Unicorn)) - a slender horse-like herbivore
*((Wight)) - fungi possesed humanoid
= The ((Undead)) =
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Original text file: World.txt
Majik's world is a dimension which is infinite in all the directions. If you go all the way up, you will never reach the end, you will see only the sky which doesn't come any closer no matter how far you travel. The same applies for all the other directions. At the center of this dimension is the world where the living people usually live in. Practically it is a "flat world" accompanied by a half-spherical sky and half-spherical ground that are both endless but their form can be seen, at least the sky's (for the normal folk). As the ground is endless too, it would be possible to have a hole in the ground with no bottom, magically created of course. If one walks off the landscape, there would be no edge, only endless sea. If in the future we would need more landscape, it could be added there without making the sphere larger.
Around the dimension of Majik there are other dimensions. One doesn't need to go to any edge and "break the wall", instead one can just create a gate wherever applicable and step through it. So, in reality, the Majik's dimension doesn't have any physical edges, even when the dimensional shape can be distinguished as a sphere. The world is spherical just because a water drop is spherical too, a force keeping it all together. It couldn't be any other shape. If a giant hand would touch the "bubble", it would wobble and quickly restore the form, unless it would be more powerful than Namhas (who keeps the shape together), the bubble would break - the end of the world, and thus, not too wise to challenge the greater gods.
The things we see in the sky are just images and reflections, not any real physical objects floating in the space. We just write a myth for them. For example, Aluna being the sun etc. Practically the world would look much like the same as the real world in all aspects, in reality it just would be similar with the medieval ideology. As we are a medieval fantasy-theme world and have the gods real and other things, then we need to have things like a flat world and dimensions reality too. This is a fantasy world, not a science fiction one. Using real world's scientific ideology wouldn't just fit the theme. There shouldn't really be any drastical problems when changing the world to adopt this world model, unless the described people doesn't use any too modern ways of for example, navigation. All things that worked in the medieval times, should work in Majik too. If one doesn't, we create a myth for it describing why it wouldn't work or how it would work.
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Original text file: WorldBook.txt
= World of Majik =
= Gaming System =
= Gameplay =
= Important =
= Tools =
*[ Forums (in development)]
= Technical =
= Music =
= WorldBook =
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= Note =
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Original text file: WorldHistory.txt
= Historical lore =
This section of the Worldbook is for all historical information. Most of the history concists of different time-lines but it is also a place for historical races and their legends. Common for all this information is the fact that it deals with pre-cataclysmic times. This place is the best source for legends and stories that appear in the game. Every designer should use it as a reference when descriping historical times.
= History in a large scale =
* Namhas in the void.
* Aluna, Dalia and Sinister.
* Birth of Dazzt, Mandor, Harum and Yorkaturr.
* Destruction of Dalia.
* Abandoning of the voidal life.
* '''The creation.'''
* Creation of servant spirits (ancients).
* Plantlife and the world is created.
* Birth of animals and elder creatures.
* The ways separate to new gods and ancients.
* Sinister freezez the world in his fate of the sun.
* Aluna defrosts the world, mostly.
* Sinister takes the great mirror.
* The new gods start to gather power and might.
* '''Beginning of the Godwars.'''
* Sinister breaks his great mirror, demons enter the world.
* New gods create humanity.
* Elder gods find out but don?t care.
* Elder gods create few species of their own.
* The war escalates into a point where the new gods are powerless.
* '''The war ends and world takes a new order.'''
* Prosperous times follow, humanity grows and life is beautiful.
* The power-hungry cabals start to get formed.
* Their struggle escalates into a war.
* The chaos begins.
* Gods decide to do nothing.
* '''The cataclysm.'''
* Now.
= History of the World =
*((The Legend of Godwars))
= History of the Ancients =
= Time-lines =
*((Human and Demi-human History))
= Pre-cataclysmic races =
* The ((Vorack)) and ((Dryads))
* ((Dwarves))
* ((Elves))
** DarkElves
** MoonElves
* ((Humans))
** ((Althainions))
** ((Brahjians))
** ((Chreith))
** ((Dachoi))
** ((Hilosyph))
** ((Tore'e))
* ((Gwelthorians))
* ((Maluks))
* ((Necrolytes))
* ((Orcs))
* OsthelianPixies
* ((Sulkarii))
* ((Tilan))
* ((Trolls))
* ((Umulin))
* WoodGnomes
= Ancient creatures =
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Original text file: WorldMap.txt
This is the official Majik worldmap.
There is also an ''unofficial'' blow-up map, sporadically updated by Darshan, with almost (but possibly not quite) up-to-date place names.
[ newunofficialmap]
And [ here] is a color key for the world's geographic features and regions on the two maps.
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Original text file: WorshipGods.txt
Players can worship gods.
Why they do it, what will they gain? What do gods gain? What keeps players interested in worshipping?
players worship for protection, and power, . Example the tore'e worship the god of the sea. On each ship there is a priest. Durring voyages the priest will push the salors to worship the sea god. When storms come the salors expect the priest to protect them with powers granted to him by the sea god. The priest will be able to cast a spell that protects the ship from rough seas. - hook
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Original text file: Wynx.txt
Standing just over a meter tall (when fully grown), and up to 1.5 long (tip of the nose to the tip of the tail), the wynx ranges in color, from a rust brown to almost pure white. With a flat, stubby face, they almost have the appearance as if their snouts are squashed against their faces, (rather like a bulldog's),and have two eyes sitting above this snout, which are generally brown or black in color. Above the face sit two pointed ears, which can be swiveled almost 300 degrees and are excellent at hearing. From its sturdy, muscular neck, which is at about a 45 degree angle from the abdomen, and about 30 cm long. It abdomen is large for such a squat animal and oval shaped if looking from above, and is where the best meat can be found. Walking on black-grey hooves and four legs, they move very little, generally, and simply stand around and graze whatever they can find, although they are bred little in marshlands, as the fitho reed is a deadly poison to them. Most are found fenced-in in pastures where farmers tend to them for a variety of reasons. Predominantly, this is the meat they give, which is considered delicious, although rather common. In addition, their hides can be tanned with a mixture of Wynx urine and Dinaluc bark. This strong yet soft material is used for a veriety of uses, from clothes and armor, to roofs and sword hilts.
Usually docile and harmless, if severely irritated, they can kick with their hooves, which are rather sharp, and have been the cause of many a schoolboy's concussions and bruises.
Wynxes have long been part of human culture, and even some elves and dwarves keep them for food. In addition, they are a favorite feast of any orc or ogre lucky enough to get near enough to one to catch it. They originated in Nemen, and, since their first domestication have spread all over the world. Generally, they are not found wild, as the wild ones were long ago captured or eaten.
'''Role Playing Note:'''
Wynxes could still be wild when game first begins.
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Grasslands, rural areas on farms
FREQUENCY: Common around people/ VERY rare wild
DIET: Grass, shrubs
INTELLIGENCE: Rather low, but won't stand annoyances like rock throwing, etc.
WORLD VIEW: Docile Farm Animal
PREDATORS/COMPETITORS: All larger predators love them. Compete with most grazers, but humans have generally given them priority because of their good tasting meat.
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Original text file: Yorkaturr.txt
May the heavens weep in sorrow
And the ground tremble in fear
For Darkness has been summoned
And the End shall soon be here
= Description =
To his followers and others, Yorkaturr is the sundering urge of lone deadly beasts and the brief sensation of stoic understanding gained from a vicious, bloody kill. Even more, he is the pale, faceless and mindless force of fate, the summary of life's inevitable cruel things to come; a paragon of evil in his existential presentation of things marginal, sinister and unseen, yet ever-present and profound. He is sensed, cloaked in morbid darkness, respected out of fear, far beyond royal in his solemn silence, presenting his indiscriminating works in subtlety. He also stands pointing a cursing finger at the living in heartless judgment, beating back the light in unyielding determination, not a hint of emotion, in his hollow, glowing pits for eyes. He turns his back on vitality and relentlessly crushes hope between his bony fingers. He is the sour god of death, the undead and of self-sacrifice; and the one to blame for sorrow and desperation.
Historically, Yorkaturr has existed as a spiritual entity throughout all of Creation, but he was given divine Form and Ability when Sinister, the Greater Serpent-God of Malice, merged the essence of loss with the first born of the Ancients, creating mortality, and further: Death. He is considered as the younger of the two sons of Sinister, the older one being Mandor, the God of Murder. Yorkaturr still remains Sinister's closer son, and he is often known to co-operate with his father in their divine task of ridding the world of Life.
In the physical world, Yorkaturr still prefers to appear to mortals as a large humanoid skeleton in which shape he was first summoned. He is rarely worshipped directly by others than completely insane, desperate, truly fanatic or already dead individuals brought back to the mortal world by perverse undeath rituals, his trademark, but he shares the Unholy Church with his father and brother. Unlike most Gods, he does not believe in luring mortals to his service, and instead prefers the willing attention of a select few extremely talented and powerful servants. Due to the destructive nature of his art, the highest ranking members of the Unholy Church are rarely subdued by things other than the hands of their colleagues. The highest of the high of his devotees may have a chance of joining his Unholy Council, a scheming cabal of individuals, often undead, who weave their infamous plans of mortals' demise in secrecy at his ancient temple and central site of worship located in the dire Swamp of Enmity in Dethzael.
The physical greatness of his powers lies in his undead army in which he claims all the dead souls that have been abandoned by the Heavens. He also shares complete command with his brother and father over the nine greater demons of evil, ofttimes called the "Unholy Hands", known by the knowing as the most powerful entities in the mortal world.
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Original text file: Zhiat.txt
= Zhiat =
Zhiats are small omnivores which dig large tunnel networks
underground. They live in packs and are common almost everywhere if
something edible can be found. Zhiats can easily adapt to different
environments and large variety of subspiecies can be found. Basically
zhiats are c. 10 cm long (20 cm if tail is included) and dark brown. Face, paws and tail are black. Fur is usually quite short but zhiats living in
low temperatures can have fleecelike fur. Diet includes plants, seeds,
roots insects and dead animals. Front teeth are sharp and back teeth can
be used even in grounding small bones.
Most common subspecie is found from environments that get snowcover during winter. This subspecie is slighty smaller than zhiats usually (15 cm tail included) and its fur changes colour from usual dark browm (summer) to white (winter). Packs are also smaller because of scarcity of food during winter.
Made by Rakel 2002 (edited last time 26.2.2002)
|| '''Organization:''' || Packs of 4-30 animals ||
|| '''Activity cycle:''' || Night ||
|| '''Diet:''' || Omnivore ||
|| '''World View:''' || Pascifistic opportunist ||
|| '''Avg. Lifespan:''' || Lifespan ~3 years, can give birth to 4-6 youngs and breeds first time at the age of 6 months. Can give birth to another brood in every 5 months. ||
|| '''Frequency:''' || Common to very common ||
|| '''Climate/Terrain:''' || All ||
|| '''Altitude range:''' || All ||
|| '''Latitude range:''' || All ||
|| '''Rainfall range:''' || All ||
|| '''Stats (Species value (comparison value)):''' || Str: (), Con: (), Agi: (), Dex: (), Qck: (), Int: (), Per: (), Mem: (), Wil: (), Emp: () ||
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Original text file: items.txt
= Items =
Examples of items available in game.
Simple blueprints - SBPs
SBP means that there is no other BPs in them.
*Short dagger
*Long dagger
*Bastard sword
*Two-handed Longsword
*Hatchet blade
*Battle axe blade
*Hatchet haft
*Battle axe haft
*Wooden club
*Iron mace head
*Iron mace haft
*Short staff
*Long staff
*Halberd blade
*Halberd haft
*Sledgehammer head
*Sledgegammer chain
*Sledgehammer haft
*Shortspear haft
*Longspear haft
*Small crossbow arc
*Large crossbow arc
*Shortbow arc
*Longbow arc
*Crossbow body
*Kite shield
*Tower shield
*Chainmail coif
*Chainmail shirt
*Chainmail trousers
*Chainmail sleeves
*Chainmail socks
*Chainmail gloves
*Plate helmet
*Plate forearmor
*Plate trousers
*Plate arms
*Plate gloves
*Plate shin pads
*Plate shoes
*Horse plate forearmour
*Horse plate sidearmour
*Horse plate backarmour
*Horse barding
*Ringmail forearmor
*Ringmail trousers
*Ringmail arms
*Ringmail gloves
*Leather cap
*Leather forearmor
*Leather trousers
*Leather arms
*Leather gloves
*Leather apron
*Wooden helmet
*Tool haft
*Pikeaxe blade
*Hammer head
*Mallet head
*Scythe blade
*Shovel head
*Cutting pliers
*Glass bottle
*Spinning wheel
*Fishing net
*Fishing rod
*Brimmed hat
*Wool hat
*Destination sign
*Wooden wall
*Stone base
*Church bell
Multi blueprints - MBPs
These BPs include other BPs as well
*Hatchet (Hatchet blade + Hatchet haft)
*Iron mace
*Hafted sledgehammer
*Chain sledgehammer
*Small crossbow
*Large crossbow
*Chainmail set
*Platemail set
*Ringmail set
*Leather armour set
*Horse platemail
*Key and lock
*Rod and line
*Sailing ship
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Original text file: supplies.txt
Examples of supplies
*Plank, timber, Firewood
*Woolen cloth
*Silk fabric
*Iron ingot
*Silver ingot
*Gold ingot
*Steel ingot
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