Re: Race designing request

Subject: Re: Race designing request
From: Beregar (
Date: Sat Aug 14 1999 - 19:37:07 EEST

Brant Clabaugh wrote:

> Any possibility of having a design team that works on concepts brought
> in from outside their team as well as their own ideas?

I fear we don't have people for that. As I wrote in my previous mail,
problem is that we don't have enough designers who are willing to do
something, current designers hardly make their own design. Though
you can still mail your ideas and we will see if we get later some
people to do them.

Creating a race or a tribe is very much area dependant. You should
have at least some basic interest in region designing. Region design
doesn't differ much from the race designing since you must just
descripe the area, what resources it has, races etc...though it will
take at least as much time to make as a race desc. It is ok if you
find some other person to descripe region where your race/tribe
lives. (I'll probably write later more about region designing but
I'm now in a hurry)

- Beregar (

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