Re: Client 0.4.0!!

Subject: Re: Client 0.4.0!!
From: Rob Pryor (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 23:14:17 EET

    The main problem with the linux client is most people's 3D cards are not
being hardware accelerated.  I'm hoping Xfree4.0 will cure some of that.  I
tried a commerical Xserver for my card (Diamond Stealth III S540 - Savage4
chipset) and I went from about .4fps (Yup, that's point-four fps)  to
35-55fps (I think I mentioned this before. Oh well).  I assume people with a
3dfx or a G400 would be lucky, since I *believe* those have hardware
accelerated Xservers.
    On a side note, the new client does look great.  Kudos to the devel
team.. =]

Rob Pryor
CrownNet SysAdmin
Charlie was a chemist, but Charlie is no more,
what Charlie thought was H2O, was H2SO4

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevan Benson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: Client 0.4.0!!

> In windoze, the client's framerate jumps sporadically from 140-160 fps
when in the default window.  It drops to 90-110
> fps when I choose fullscreen (1024x768).  They really must have optimized
the code or something, I used to only get
> about 30 fps in window and 20 in fullscreen.  Haven't tried it in linux
yet, just haven't had time.  Am hoping it's
> SOMEWHAT like the windows frames, but not holding my breath (GLX sucks
right now).
> -Kevan
> On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, David E. Villarroel wrote:
> > Alright!!!!!!!! This is so awesome how the development is coming
along!!! I
> > want to congrat the coders and all the dev team. It is really coming
> > Keep up the amazing work.
> >
> > I just had to ask some questions to the other users of  Majik. How fast
> > your frames per second?? I am getting 0.7 to 0.8 fps with textures on.
Also i
> > just wondering why my guy streches up and down while i walk? I noticed
it in
> > client 0.3.1 too.
> >
> > I stayed on the server for a little while and watched the sun set. It
> > awesome. The sky got all dark and it looked very very cool!!!!!! Job
well done.
> > You guys are the fuckin best!!!!!!
> >
> > Anyways enough of the sucking up!! Everyone have a great day!!
> >
> > Dave

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