some posible faqs

Subject: some posible faqs
From: hook (
Date: Tue Jul 20 1999 - 04:15:28 EEST

	ive been exploring your web site and mail lists and find the majik
project exiting
I have a few questions though.

Q1 i understand that the client for Majik is open source and thus free
for download but i was wondering will access to the server cost money. I
mean if after the game is running it will take some serious bandwidth to
serve up the game to possibly thousands of clients. that costs money.
will you just use ads to pay for it or will it be pay as you play?

Q2 I noticed that the map is very large. My concern for this is that is
it so large that a player will never run into another player. Especialy
if they are exploring more remote areas of the majic world.  I might be
a little premature in this assesment but i would hate to be the only
player in a remote area controlled by some diety and constantly pushed
into service by that deity.

Q3 this might also be a little pre mature but i was wondering what kind
of AI can a player expect from NPC's. If a player is in a remote area
where other PC's are rare interacting and getting information from NPC's
could get tediouse if not implemented in a novel way.

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