Subject: Some monsters...
From: Samuel Porter (
Date: Mon Jul 19 1999 - 16:38:02 EEST
Im not sure weather to post this here, but im not subscribed to the design one so I will post it here for now. Here are some rat monsters that I did some short decriptions for, They are by no means perfect, and i'm a lousy speller, so someone else will probably need to go though and change some things. These were writen off the top of my head to ocupy some time so I dont mind if they don't get used. Maybe someone else could use some of my ideas though if these descriptions arn't needed. If you like them I will gladly expand on them :) Rats Short description: These rodents originated from Nemen (!* or where-ever *!) and got spread to the larger islands by traders. Rats have managed to find their way into the homes and shelters of many of the humanoid races. Rats are renound for spreading many kinds of harmful things quikley through the land. Many powerful mages have cast genocide spells to rid the land of rats but, somehow it doesn't seem to get rid of all of them and they soon breed up to their original size again ( many myths are about, that sinister (!*or any other suited god*!) has them protected so that they may cause damage and anoyance to every living thing). However one of these spells was cast by an amituar (!* or somthing similar*!) and caused a whole new race of mutated rats, These being Swamp Rats. Swamp Rats Short description: Swamp rats are about the size of large dogs, their teeth are much, much more sharp than dogs and they run alot faster than dogs do. They are covered in a dark brown/light black pelt, this makes them hard to spot in the darkness of a swamp at night. They get thier name because you rarely see them venture out of one. No genocide spells were ever cast on these beasts in fear of repeating the same mistake that caused these foul beasts in the first place. The only reason they are not feared as mush as they should be is the fact that their eyes are sensitive to light, so all one has to do when going into a swamp is carry a light of some type, but make sure you do or they are in for a treat. Samuel Porter -------------------------- email to: when I'm online when I'm offline or if your not sure, (also put "samuel" in the header, exactly as in the quotes, but not the quotes themselves, ie "subject: samuel from Bill Clinton")
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