Some questions!!

Subject: Some questions!!
From: David Elias Villarroel (
Date: Thu Dec 02 1999 - 04:20:25 EET

We have some questions to ask the dev team and those involved in the creation
of this amazing dynamic world of Majik3D.  We are very curious, and very
excited for this game. There are many, so please take your time, there is no
deadline, ok.  Thanks a lot!!

Q1.  Is there only going to be one server that clients log in too, or multiple
ones, for example one in Finland, and one in Germany, and one in US and one in
Canada (please), etc.  to handle the amount of users?

Q2.  With a world as dynamic as the one you plan on having, servers will need
to run all the time non-stop and handle a lot of info.  How expensive will such
a setup be?  Do you think this could be covered by donations, or will
you need users to pay a monthly fee?  I see this as an ongoing expense which,
eventually, donation money'll run-out for.  Do you think this could be covered
by donations, or will you need users to pay a monthly fee?  

More later
Dave and Tarek!!

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