Re: development help

Subject: Re: development help
From: Tommi Leino (
Date: Mon Jul 26 1999 - 11:52:09 EEST

Wade White wrote:

> I hope you haven't seen way too many letters of this nature, but I would 
> like to offer some of my time and effort to help get Majik up and running. I 
> do not have any coding experience, or any real graphics ability, but I can 
> be very helpful fixing spelling and grammar errors.

Yes, it would be helpful indeed. You can begin by going through all the .html
files in Majik's web site and other text files you find publically available
and fix all the typos :)

> I do have one nagging question. I was able to find your site easily, and I'm
> not a real avid surfer. I am assuming there are a lot of people who share my
> interest in what you are doing, and as an EverQuest player I see normal
> player traffic ranging from ten thousand to thirty thousand online. Would
> Majik be able to handle that kind of traffic?

We are quite sure that we are never going to attain such a large user base,
however our server will be able to handle 1024 simultaneous users online,
hopefully, but when exceeding the limit we have either to raise kernel's
file descriptor limit upwards or build a cluster. The 1024 users limit should
be enough for a loong time.

> If you accept my offer, great! Tell me what to download and what to do with
> it. ,>

Tommi Leino / Majik 3D project

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