development help

Subject: development help
From: Wade White (
Date: Sat Jul 24 1999 - 04:34:57 EEST

I hope you haven't seen way too many letters of this nature, but I would 
like to offer some of my time and effort to help get Majik up and running. I 
do not have any coding experience, or any real graphics ability, but I can 
be very helpful fixing spelling and grammar errors.
Having played diku based muds for a few years, I know how those little 
things can be annoying, and how often they can occur. Having played 
EverQuest, I know how GREAT graphics in a mud can be! It may be selfish of 
me to try to get in on this, and I admit my real motivation  is toward 
getting Majik (can I still call it a mud?) into my hands so I can play.
If I can learn to do more technical things that would help, I would be 
willing to put time into that as well.
I do have one nagging question. I was able to find your site easily, and I'm 
not a real avid surfer. I am assuming there are a lot of people who share my 
interest in what you are doing, and as an EverQuest player I see normal 
player traffic ranging from ten thousand to thirty thousand online. Would 
Majik be able to handle that kind of traffic?
If you accept my offer, great! Tell me what to download and what to do with 
it. If not, then thanks for putting me on your email list, and I'll keep my 
eyes open for the public opening of Majik.

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