Re: majik 3d

Subject: Re: majik 3d
From: Atte Koivula (
Date: Tue Feb 20 2001 - 16:02:26 EET

> Are you trying to keep your community limited? If you know that people
> do not like losing all their work, I don't understand why you are
> doing it. Sometimes I think gameplay comes before being
> realistic. Life is for being realistic, I want to have fun playing
> games.

We are, in a sense, trying to keep the quality of our community at a high
level as opposed to the quantity, but this is not the primary reason why
we are supporting permanent death. It is simply the most effective way of
eliminating hack'n'slash and overall carelessness in Majik, and if you
read through all the other features in the list, you can see that we have
not compromised much when it comes to realism. A large part of the ambition 
of creating Majik comes from the specific desire of bringing role-play
authenticity into CRPGs, a goal that has been omitted and ignored so far
by most, if not all, CRPG titles. 
> btw, i think you have too many mailing lists---it kept me from
> subscribing to one. :)
Unless you are specifically interested in technical and ideological
aspects of the game, you might just want to subscribe to majik-announce
and majik-users, the rest are mostly reserved for discussion between the
developers of Majik and are usually of no interest for others. The traffic
of these lists is very light at the moment so you don't need to worry
about spam.

Atte "Yorkaturr" Koivula <>
Principal Software Specialist / Taika Technologies

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